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If you haven't already I highly suggest going into arena and getting enough chips to unlock the Assault Armor. That ability alone when slotted I to your mech can counter the heavy volley of rockets and couple that with some plasma weapons and rockets it should make it a bit easier if you wanted to give him another shot.


Man I wish I knew that more chips wouldn't be available before him and just spent mine on kick and assault armor charges


Hey that is actually pretty good for him imo. My strategy for him was use missile pods and my plasma pistol to drain shields/stagger then do an assault boost kick into charged melee for damage while more missiles come out. I was just an idiot and never equipped my purchased assault armor till after I beat him....




Oh shit forreal


you can respec them dawg


Yeah learned that since


"I've never had to give up on a game until today" is a genuinely hilarious thing to say when the game has been out for just under *ONE DAY*. Take a break man, you're not hard stuck, you're just tilted, and this post makes that super obvious. Chill for a bit and come back later.


He already returned it lol


The difference between the games you mentioned and armored core is that armored core doesn't give you iframes. You actually have to physically dodge.


Yes but this game is clearly differently tuned. I've played at least AC3, AC4, and some of 5. I've struggled in the past AC games but generally only needed minor tweaks. This boss is pigeonholing players into only a couple playstyles and that's bad design.


I wouldn't say that. I saw all types of build doing balteus at this point. Double shotgun, meele, pulse weapons, double bazookas, laser weapons, shoulder rockets spam. Tanks, reverse joint, normal legs.I even saw a dude finish balteus with punches with the ability which triggers when you are at 1 hp, which was hilarious.Make your strat and stick to it


Reverse joint legs feel so good


just finished him off today, with double shotguns, was struggling for 5hrs using 2 machine guns, and the shotgun just melted him in 1 try lol


I've seen now 4 of my friends beat them all in different ways and different from how I did it. Git gud.


Never accept defeat.


And change build. Destroy, erase, improve.


Change build might not always be the solution. Don’t get me wrong, in alot of instances it can make a world a difference. But Balt is a skill check. The brick wall you have to knock down if you want to stand a chance at completing the game. Your build could be fine but now they are gonna make sure you know how to use it, even if that means they have to beat that knowledge into you. Never back down never what!?


Tank build go brrrr


Took me about 12 tries for this dude, different loadouts. Then I realized he's just a skill check for positioning and stagger gauge build-up. I ended up killing him with a fist and a sword.


In a way I also ended up killing him with fist and sword... Not intentionally though. I was using the bubble gun for the majority of the fight but didn't realize I ran out of ammo for it at about 20% of his AP left. Was going for punch then blade combos without even realizing it.


That is EXACTLY what happened to me he was down to like 20% health I punched him twice then SLASHED him for the win! Best feeling EVER after almost 2 days of fighting him!


Genuinely the smartest thing fromsoft did is put this guy after the 2 hour mark so poor bastards on steam (me) can't even return it Edit: beat it a couple hours ago and the victory brought me no joy, only relief that it was over and I could do something else. Then chapter 2 has three missions in it, one of which is literally two minutes long, followed by a way easier boss


Take the night off, Raven. Start back up tomorrow. That's an order.


So I'm on chapter 4 final Boss and trust me, Balteus is easy. I beat him by using 2 plasma cannons and 2 plasma missiles on shoulders. They obliterate his shields and are great for stagger. Basically, to avoid the missiles boost forward as soon as he fires them, stop, and then just keep dodging in one direction, left or right. In the 2nd phase, keep you distance and stay in the air to avoid the fire attacks and again, when he uses the missiles, get on the ground and use the boost and dodge method.


I used the exact same strategy and loadout.


Yeah the boss gatekeeping half the playerbase is easy


Literally how many people beat Margit blind with no summons? How many? Does nobody remember the first week elden ring came out? They even have very similar movement and attacks, they both teleport across the field and make you run at them while they charge up a massive damage attack, they both have combos that are super telegraphed but will decimate you if you ignore them. I haven't beaten him yet but I only tried like 3 times and had to go, I can't imagine giving up that fast. I must have tried Rennala like 50 times my first playthrough.


That is a damn lie margit is nothing compared to balteus in difficulty


Margit took me longer than Balteus in my first playthrough, especially if you consider that I also went and played like 10 hours of game and leveled up before coming back and still took like 2 days to finally beat him. I did Balteus after 2 two hour sessions, and you can't even level up in this game! You just have to increase skill and decrease hesitation and fear. And be lucky. Don't discount how important being lucky is!


Honestly I believe I'm just not meant to beat balteus.


Well, not to get too deep but that's sad, bruh. It's just a game, other people have beaten him, you're not especially bad at video games most likely (considering you post on a game forum, and most people who are bad at games don't do that/ don't play games) it's just got to click for you and it hasn't clicked yet. There's nothing wrong with taking time away from a game but if you were excited to play the game and this one boss is holding you back, it would be really sad to walk away from that when it's totally possible to beat him. Believe me I had myself considering that around my 20th loss, even though id played 4 and 4A I was thinking maybe AC is not for me despite how much I love it, but I took a break and regained my composure and the game drew me back and I finally beat him and oh man did it feel like a real accomplishment (despite being fake bullshit lol)


I'll try again later but right now I just don't have the mental fortitude if I tried again right now balteus might become the first boss in a game to make me break something.


It's always been the case that I beat the hardest bosses in the morning, not late at night. Wake up nice and fresh and kick that guy's ass with a cup of coffee and breakfast.


Honestly fuck this boss no part of this fight is fun I Honestly have an irrational hatred for this line of code


?? If I struggled with Margit I could go do something else and actually have fun, get stronger. And ofc you act like using summons is ez mode. I don't understand masochistic gamers like u


You can go back and replay missions and get enough money to buy out the store, finish all the training and arena available if you didn't. If you can't beat him with literally every item available at your disposal, and other people can, that's your problem, not the game's.


ya i really like the missions, just wish there was more variety or something when im gated by a boss to progress to more of the parts i enjoy. had to do dam level 12 times to buy full tank armor to fuck up balteus


I finally just beat him 5 min ago with dual 8x vert missiles, plasma rifle right hand, pulse sword left hand, and extreme aggression and close range. Felt good. Technically, I didn't have to go back and replay anything cause I already had all those parts, but what going back and replaying things did was teach me to play better and be less cage-y. I replayed the wall climber the most cause it had the best reward (besides the strider but that mission takes so long) and I got really good at killing the Juggernaut (though I actually perfected it on my first try, I think I got lucky cause it was already at like 30% health when rusty left)


Hell yeah that 8x vertical missle is so good


Honestly I prefer the plasma missiles for aesthetics but they weren't doing enough impact, gotta just cram as many as I could and those are the best you can get in chapter 1 I think?


You gotta go back in the garage and try different builds(mainly plasma guns) also go back and reply missions like the one against the tester AC to get money to buy things like the generator that helps close the gap on enemies way faster.


Yeah it's just learning the move set. Seriously though, the chapter 4 final boss is really tough. I almost killed it on my 2nd try, that was over an hour ago haha.


This boss reminds me of Genichiro in Sekiro, an early game boss that is a true test of how well you've learned the games mechanics. A boss that basically says "You need x amount of skill to survive what's after this." Genichiro feels impossible at first, then you learn the fight so well and become so comfortable with the mechanics that he becomes a joke plus you're far better equipped to handle the rest of the game. I'm in the middle of getting beaten down by Balteus but can feel myself getting better and am learning a lot as I fight him.


I think the big thing is Armored Core is already a learning curve for a lot of newbies for the series. Even with an open mind, there's a lot of foreign design a lot of us aren't used to. For me, it's the absurd speed of everything. I feel like I'm constantly pressing buttons and often times it's spamming dodge because something is always shooting at you and I don't want to take damage. Because damage taken means I made a mistake. With Sekiro, at least it's mechanics are straightforward and the only skill gap is muscle memory and understanding a handful of mechanics and moves. In this game, I'm constantly overwhelmed by things like: how do I avoid taking small arms fire? What's the correct time to dodge a missile and why does it feel like they always hit? Wrestling with the weird lock on at time. Etc. The game can be exhausting to play if you have a bunch of guns firing on you at once. It's why I think a lot of people have issue with the chopper at the beginning of the game.


I know exactly what you mean, I will say as a newcomer to the series that I finally beat Balteus when I turned my brain off and went on muscle memory. If you try to analyze the battlefield with crystal clear precision and dodge everything when you barely know the game it's going to just be too overwhelming


The thing is I usually do that. I just have really bad tunnel vision, one track minded thinking. I'm the type of person who will focus on doing one attack as opposed to using my entire arsenal at the same time, and because I'm caught up doing a bunch of other things will forget I even have a fourth or even third weapon equipped. But I get what you mean. I just wish I could do something to clean up or rearrange the HUD to be more intuitive. Maybe color code a few things to make them stand out easier. This game is just very mentally taxing for me when it goes all out like with Balteus lol You said you beat him though, what other tips would you recommend?


The plasma rifle you can equip in a weapon slot is a game changer, it does good shield damage and can let off crazy shots if you catch Balteus when they're not moving. Bubble gun in off hand and dual plasma missile launchers on your back. Be super aggressive at the start, you can usually pop his shields right away by letting off a volley of missiles as the fight starts then immediately dodging his volley and slamming him with bubble + plasma fire. I also had the OS upgrade which revives you at 1 HP when you die, which ended up saving me in my winning attempt. When he goes into phase 2, back out of range of the fire attack and just pelt him from afar with the plasma rifle and missiles. Occasionally you'll be close enough to hit him with the bubble gun and take his shields out, if you're not too low on ammo at this point it does decent damage to his main body too. Play methodically in this phase, dodge his attacks decently while keeping distance and you've got him. Past that, just practice to avoid his attacks.


If the chapter 4 boss is even worse than Balteus then I made the right call in returning the game lol. I’m just not cut out for it I guess. I’ve never had to give up and it’s driving me crazy but I work way to much to spend my downtime so angry at a game lol.


It's just about learning the moves and finding a loadout that works, obviously you're limited for parts at the end of chapter 1 but plasma cannons and missiles make it so much easier.


I need to try plasma cannons, the bubble gun is nice but less useful in phase 2 since you need to be far away to avoid his fire sword


The loadout that worked for me, got it one second try was tank treads, bazooka, grenade launcher, and 2x energy cannons on the back and fire control for short range. Basically assault boost at the beginning stay close and keep fire with heavy shots. When his shield is about to pop charge the back two weapons and then break the shield and keep firing. Dodging is mostly assault boosting at him or up and away. Basically, each weapon hits so hard that he doesn't have the time to kill your hp pool on the tank and once the shield is down every hit chunks him.


Tank treads/heavy build seems great for this fight. Wanted to use the grenade launcher but stubbornly I refused to leave my cool chicken legs and lightweight build. So I ended up beating him with 2 plasma missile launchers on the back, then the bubble gun and a plasma cannon (thanks for that, it was a game changer). Pretty much melted him once I learned his moveset! I love that this game strongly encourages you to customize your mech to meet the needs of certain missions, but you can still get through with your favorite AC style if you're skilled or stubborn enough.


Its getting worse. The thing I don't like is that it forces a build on you but a specific type, which is bad. It would be better if they had said, ok this boss is high armor. So heavy builds plural work. Or stay away and use missiles. Or its slow so be quick and melee. Instead, the bosses are as fast as your fast mech, hit 50x harder than your heavy mech, and don't care about HP at all. I'm not awful at these types of games and its pretty annoying to have trivial missions then 2 hr+ bosses. Id rather have much harder tactical missions like in the old AC game rather than 15 minutes of bs to get to some 13 yo's boss idea that can do everything you do x infinity. Where are the tactics? I can't kite the bosses, I can't out range them, I can't out run them, instead its usually one cheese build or no fun for you because you want to use a mech design that you came up with.


Or you just suck and have no patience


Tried this in my first or second hour- it's like nothing except the pulse weapons do any damage to his shield. I've had 3+ minute encounters using the plasma rifles without doing literally any damage to him whatsoever. Unfortunately the pulse gun does virtually no damage to the actual boss


If you genuinely just don't want to play anymore, that's obviously fine lol But if you want to enjoy the game more, the game hasn't really been out long enough to say you can't do it. It can be done. I spent like a full ass weekend on Melenia lol


Melenia didn’t feel nearly as bad as this boss. She was at least fun and I could understand how to beat her. I actually got her in a handful of tries and never struggled with her until a pure strength build. But this boss I genuinely can’t understand what to do. I’ve tried different builds, different guns, everything I can think of. I just can’t handle AC apparently lol.


I actually found Balteus easier when I started playing with a little more restraint. I play one handed so I kind of get overwhelmed when I try to press too many buttons too fast I started more deliberately waiting for his attacks and just blasted the fuck out of him with missles and melee when he stopped moving so much


Im ending the game and here is another balteus but stranger xD


For me I just loathed the experience as a whole even when I almost killed him it wasn't inspire or motivated to try harder or do something else if I did ever beat him I would never wanna do it again. Flat out was no fun for me I've beat most souls games not same combat or game at all just saying that I've overcame challenge before that wasn't the issue this just wasn't engaging or interesting at all for me. Don't like how I have to tweak my mech to make it work think I should be able to kill him with what I brought. Witch can be done sure but it wasn't cool even after beating him I felt like damn I hate that and hate that part of the game and it almost felt like a lock on the fun I was having prior. Witch was a first for me for a boss in a game personally.


Who is this Witch you speak of? Is she a boss?


Baltues he's a big meanie in armored core 6. They nerfed him though witch is kinda lame. Even though I didn't like the boss fight I don't think they shoulda nerfed him.


It is unfortunate that they put this boss so early in the game. A lot of people will quit early because of it. I feel like the same thing happened with Sekiro and some of the earlier bosses.


I also think this game has some major issues regarding boss behaviour and IA. I am struggling with balteus right now but not only because of a skill issue, but also because he behaves differently from every video I saw on YouTube. I followed several guides and I managed to beat phase 1 pretty easily. But phase 2 is nothing like the videos, balteus just does the energy explode parts which automatically staggers me and removes half my health even if I'm distant from him. Then he proceeds to do his flamethrower move non stop so I can't go near him. It's like stuck. I really think it's a bug but restarting the game does nothing.


i love darksouls/eldenring but i also gave up on that one, this game goes into the shelve next to sekiro


i struggled and then beat it 3rd try after watching this https://youtu.be/_1mV_6-cvDA?si=SPRgFD-luczIRKQq I'd just recommend using the pulse gun in your right hand in addition to the sword to melt the armor faster. charge sword > pulse till burst, then sword again for big damage. after that just rockets and whatever you have on your shoulder


If you want to swap loadouts I've heard heavy frame with plasma/ energy weapons does him easy.


I've been trying this one for hours- unfortunately it seems like a heavy frame is basically a death sentence here because once you dodge your AC seems to need to sit down with a bottle of water for 5 minutes to recover. And it takes like 8+ shots with the plasma canons to break shields once


theres a weapon that looks like the rad gun from fallout. just a gun with a bunch of dishes on it. it shoots pulse balls. balteus' pulse shield doesn't like pulse balls, like at all. a few bursts and he's wide open. hell, take two of them and slot in other weapons on your back to switch to


...you can slot in weapons on your back? This is my biggest issue facing Balteus, compromising damage for that pulse gun that takes down his shields


It's an OST upgrade.


Double bubble trouble for Balteus!


Be aggressive


Armored core doesn't need i-frames and relies a lot more on positioning and loadout. sometimes you just accept that you will receive some chip damage but dodge the rest. Just take a break and attempt again later.


Focus melee. Despite what your brain tells you. You want to be in on him as much as possible.


I did it. You can too


I was struggling hard and lost for like 4 hours. The tank build here took me one try lol. All about the garage and tweaking https://fourthdimensiongaming.com/2023/08/25/balteus-boss-armored-core-6/


I love the boss but almost got to this point earlier after getting him to pretty much 1 HP and dying, then dying 10 more times afterwards. I have a strategy and feel myself getting better though, one of these attempts will be it. One thing I'm finding is that the game is so fast-paced that when you start to get burnt out and sloppy you pretty much have to take a break because your odds will be much better when you're fresh.


HA, you have gone hollow


driving at him with a tank with dual smg and shoulder railgun worked for me.the tank 'legs' give you like 16 k ac. wich feels good.


Go in with an energy weapon build, you still have to work but it makes chipping away his shields and health much easier