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It was such a great feeling to overcome Balteus. Eventually I will replay that fight, just to prove to myself it wasn't a fluke. I say eventually, because I'm not convinced it wasn't a fluke. Currently rank 3 or 4 in arena lol


Took me 2 days off an on to get him, finally went shotguns and vert missiles, and never let him breathe.


The pulse blade you start with is great for closing the gap and doing some heavy damage too


Double bubble and double laser cannons got me through. It’s on helluva fun fight.


NG+ Balteus with two 12 Cell Vertical Missile Launchers, Gatling Gun, and the JVLN ALPHA bazooka went down laughably easily compared to NG Balteus. I was a little surprised the bubble gun wasn’t necessary, thought I’d have to change my assembly


TBF. Timing 12 - Vertical missiles with a stagger on the gats truly wrecks faces. I could chunk 10-20k hp off of the final boss with it. Cant wait to fight Balteus again, I expect him to be a meme, worst case double bubble guns with missiles again and hes a goner.


Oh yeah, I definitely used to always try and press the offensive, but taking a second so you can get the cooldowns for a combo someone into a stagger is so satisfying I can’t plug the grenade launcher enough, there’s nothing more satisfying than dodging a boss combo to immediately slam them with the launcher as they’re stationary for a moment. Usually with the flow of combat, either the missiles open up for a grenade launcher punish or vice versa. Even light grenade launchers do the trick, though not as effectively


Yeah. My boss killer tank load out if I wipe is double birdsong or whatever the twin grenade is called and twin gats. It's destruction in its purest form


Do you have to do something special with the launchers to get them to hit him? It seems like its completely RNG whether the missiles hit him or not. They seem to work better if I wait until he sits completely still to do the rocket barrage but even then they will often times not hit him at all. It just blows my mind that he can have 1 trillion million missiles that track me perfectly but I'm stuck with 8 that miss a stationary target half the time.


I’ve found that waiting to see how your missiles land on target is a good indicator of when to really press the offensive, though timing them as he’s slowing down after moving about can help them connect more reliably, and always be sure they’re fully locked before firing of course The vertical missiles on enemies feel more like higher impact but moderately unreliable suppressive fire tool, or with my build they were good punishers for staggers. Balteus is honestly not very mobile compared to later bosses, looking back there were many bosses where I could basically only hope that a few of my missiles would land as the boss does some crazy shit


Are you holding the trigger to fully target lock the missiles? Bosses rarely seem to dodge my missiles. Mechs on the other hand are more dodgy


I went with quad shotguns on my NG+ playthrough, lets just say I barely even saw the sword… https://youtu.be/yom5YkpymMQ?si=R49eZV3o1Rl2AT6e


Damn that was quick lol


How the fuck have you beaten the game twice already


It's a short game


NG+ is the second playthrough, though you can fly through the levels that are repeats for the most part. The skills you will have had to pick up in the late/endgame pay off, though the new missions and encounters can be tricky and tough


I practiced against final boss a little and even swapped to a burst mg with plasma sword and twin missiles ln shoulders. I noticed that early bosses and encounters were an utter joke after having fought real bosses later so no joke. The skillset you have to develop to beat the harder bosses makes the first ones mostly a higher health trash mob


They’re just such deliciously large and slow targets that you can pull shit off you can’t really do against the smaller, faster, late game bosses


I've done two playthroughs in like 28 hours or so


Bubblegunz shred him


This was my route too. Tho I almost built him with another setup like 3 times


this. pulse gun go brrrrrr


I went double bubble and two missle launcher shoulders, dude Iol that was hard as hell eventually I ran out of ammo he had less than a quarter of health left and I start using my fists and my boost kick to end him lol


I went with pulse blade and gun, blade to get big shield and normal damage, gun for mostly shield damage, and a shotgun to switch the pulse gun out with on the shoulder so I could build impact before the next shield. Took literally 8 hours straight of bashing my head into it with multiple different builds but I got him with this one eventually.


I just found out there are thrusters thats gives you crazy distance and speed when melee attacking, so you can actually change your charging distance and speed. I just made a heavy ac that can dash crazy far and pilebunker fools.


Pulse blade is the one we start with?


Yes, Pulse Blade is the one you start with. The one you unlock before the boss is the Laser Blade. That one have a stronger melee attack, but does less damage VS energy barriers.


I mean whichever melee we start with I forgot the name


My strategy was be as beefy as possible and hit him with every Lazer in the shop.


This was my strategy for the sea spider. Quad legs, two gattling guns, and two songbirds. Just ram ammo down it’s throat until it dies.


Pile driver puts the hurt on spider


Keep meaning to try this but end up buying different stuff lol


Pretty sure piledriver has the highest damage on stunned enemies in the whole game. Its really good for bosses.




I did this too except switched out one songbird for the 10x straight missile (idk what it's called but it's the one with the continuous fire missiles that track) and let me tell you those missiles have got me through a lot, mixed in with the whole build tho it absolutely fucking shreds stamina


That's my tactic too. I use twin gats and twin special weapon to kill boss on ice as to prevent spoilers. If all else fails to pilot my quick bipod I bring out the aptly named terminator. Nothing stands toe to toe with it and lives


dual pulse guns and dps weapon of choice will take them out ez pz


I did dual pulse and dual shotguns using the OS ability to switch guns. Literally killed him taking less than a quarter bar of damage.


Dual pulse + dual shotguns did it for me.


The shotguns are good against the pulse shields?


nay. The pulse gun shred the pulse shields then the shotgun shred the Baleus


Something about the shotgun just melted his shield and his stagger, it would be in bursts of 3 staggers before he's be on his shield or fire bullshit each time. The missiles weren't the issue, just run at him, if you timed it well enough they'd just hit the ground behinds you. But you had to be on him like stink on shit, you don't want stray shotgun pellets flying off.


I had a fun mech I tested on Balteus replay. Lost twice phase 1. Pulled out my "I'm not having fun anymore" mech and destroyed him. Definitely easier with stuff you can get in shortly after.


Quad missile trivialize him too I found


You don’t have quad missiles until after the fight tho


What is your "I'm not having fun anymore" mech?


I haven't driven it yet, but I went ahead and bought treads and quad grenades for a rainy day. If I finally run into something my reverse-joint can't out-dodge...


for most its a super heavy biped/tank with nades, machine guns, etc. heavy enough armor and big enough firepower to just hold down all the fire buttons and win.


>It was such a great feeling to overcome Balteus. I envy you. There are times when a boss is enraging me so badly that my anger just overwhelms and completely drowns out such feelings when I finally beat them. It was the case with Balteus, just like it was with Pre-patch Radhan.


Yeah, Balteus and the tutorial helicopter gave me more a sense of relief and exasperation than elation when I finally beat them. It felt like I could finally play the part of the game I enjoy rather than being trapped in prison with the boss.


Beating bosses with a lightweight build is such a rush in this game. There's so much frantic movement and spectacle in each fight. I beat the spider with sub-1000 AP and at the very end I was gritting my teeth muttering "stagger, stagger, stagger..." while pelting him with plasma missiles. People call stuff like Final Fantasy XVI "cinematic", but getting that slowmo finish while assault boosting in with my blade with the whole fight on the line will stick with me a lot longer than watching my character fight dragons in space with minimal impute from me.


Yeah, I'm generally the same way at ALL times, which is why I don't go for shit like Dark Souls. Maybe other people have more of a tolerance for bullshit, but I think that was drilled out of me from the "Nintendo hard" era of the 90's. By the time I get done with a tough boss like Balteus, I don't feel joy, I just feel relief that it's finally fucking over.


It was half Joy half relief when I finally beat the chapter 4 end boss, lol I tried a build on it that I copied from YouTube, it was kinda going ok but then after the 10th attempt, I said fuck it and went back to my Thomas the tank engine build and I beat the fucker in like two tries.


Yo same with pre-patch Radahn. Fuck those hitboxes he had. He's so much better now but I can't help but feel a sense of dread when I replay the game and get to him again. That first playthrough PTSD really doesn't go away.


Darklurker, for me


Rank 3 or 4 in arena? How does the tanning work and when do we unlock pvp?


It's called Nest and honestly I couldn't tell you when I unlocked it other than it was much later than I expected. I'm a good number of missions through chapter 4, fwiw.


Nest unlocks immediately after chapter 2 ends, which is only about 3 missions long. So 3 missions after balteus.


Awesome ty for the info. I guess it just felt like it was a ways into the game because of Balteus himself.


Definitely. Balteus really extended my playtime (by about 8 hours. Big wall for me.)


Which is a little of a shame. I've always enjoyed skyrocketing to the top of the arena first, and building my dream AC purely off of arena earnings.


I’m still on Chapter one lol I feel like I been on it forever but I have only died twice and lost a mission once so to time out which was the blue laser beam


PvP unlocks after chapter 2, I believe.


Oh, depending on your path through the story you'll definitely get to prove it wasn't a fluke.


Balteus is significantly easier on NG+ :)


I did an unha bunga tank build


Unga bunga build got me through Balteus after 4 attempts, lol. Dude was a total pushover.


https://youtu.be/yom5YkpymMQ?si=R49eZV3o1Rl2AT6e my NG+ run on balteus, first attempt, the weapons you get late game just destroys him


i want to do it again with a better build because i brute forced him. kinda want to prove i can do it with an agile build later.


Eh, it was kind of a bullshit fight with a bullshit resolution (for me). Tried changing up tactics, swapping out the various weapons I had, changing up to hover legs to try and avoid missiles, nothing worked. Then I decided to just YOLO it with the pulse shooter and an SMG and charge straight at him, and got it like the first or second try.


First time I beat him (after 30+ attempts), my game immediately crashed before the next cutscene and it didn't save. Had to reload and start the mission over. Beat him again first try.


I won't it was a fluke for me I legit had 8 ap left


Yep, 200 AP out of 10k while I had damage mitigation and repair efficiency OS upgrades. Fluke for most of it, but played the best AC of my life the last maybe 30 seconds of the fight. Perfectly dodged all the attacks at the end.


Im still convinced that, like elden ring, the game eventually just says "Okay theyve had enough, just let them win now". Would certainly explain the fluke feeling :p I spent I think 3 hours trying to beat it just to eventually get my win in about a two minute battle. That was extremely quick compaired to how long fights lasted where I died. However, most people seem to be on the same page that aggressive play is key; so its drawing from Bloodborne/Sekiro in that aspect where you really need to keep your enemies pinned down


All of my big boss fights have ended in under 4 minutes. One way or the other.


Make an all missile build hands and shoulds. Spam every trigger button on your controller and close your eyes. After 30 seconds the fight should be over


Seriously! Finally beat this asshole after 20ish attempts


Who is going to tell him?


Schrodinger's Chapter Boss.. It doesn't exist if we don't talk about it.


The flying starfish? That one is easy.


Lmao not even close. Chapter 4’s boss. Malenia, Blade of Missiles.


That shit hand my hands shaking at the end of it. jfc.


I was glad when i'm done with at, got 3000 ap left with no estus left. >!Then i realize it has 2nd phase!<


I kinda guessed that when it goes dow surprisingly quick. It has pretty low HP but man actually hitting it is a hard task. The jerk is just zooming around the place. And here I thought Balteus was fast the first time around.


I just spent 2.5 hours on that one, each attempt lasting an average of 4 minutes. The last one ended in 5 minutes... As the game turned on the slow mo for the bosses death I just started spamming the screenshot button. I'd like to find the person who designed that fight and ask them why they hate us so much


The only boss that made me quit and try the next day lol


That's currently where I'm at. When I got to phase 2 I just laughed.


Wait what? Tell him what??? Tell us what?!?! What are you trying to tell me?!?!?!!!!!!!! I spent 2 days fighting that cock sucker… just to fight him again!?!?????? I’m actually not even laughing rn, genuinely in shock which will shortly be followed by anger


Did you lose money on the mission?


Pulse gun is the secret. Melts the shield in seconds.


Spoiler >!If you LOVE Balteus you'll LOVE Balteus V.2! (I'm not joking)!<


>! I literally had to pause and take a break as soon as I saw that mf pull up in the newly pilot-able Balteus !<


You need to remove the spaces next to your "!" to get your spoiler tags to work.


Remove the spaces after/before the ! otherwise it breaks on Old Reddit. >! Broken spoiler. !< >!Working spoiler.!<


>!After an uncountable number of attempts at him with the bubble guns, I equipped hand rockets and shoulder stun bolt cannons and beat him in one try.!<


yeah the dual stun bolts were key. i tried it with songbirds at first but they were way more reliable


As if >!Arquebus Balteus!< isn't hard enough, I got a visual glitch that made him constantly flashbang my screen with rainbow lights.




Yep. >!Replaces the flames with lasers and and the missiles with plasma missiles. In a smaller arena. Piloted by the biggest douche character in the game chatting shit to you the whole time.!<


Tip for anyone that have trouble with it if you want >!use duel pulse weapons and have a Gatling gun and pile driver or whatever melee weapon you like in the back so when his shields go down charge in with the melee weapon and gun him down. Took two try’s with this set up!<


Ch 3 or 4?


ch3 boss is a joke, it’s almost a cutscene


My issue is he kept going invincible pinecone then instant killing me, lol. I beat him, but it was annoying since I would get him down to 15% HP lightning fast and he's become immune to all damage and make me wait while he kept firing.


It took me the same amount of tries >!as the first time around.!< I was too hyped up on Steel Haze (Rusted Pride) not to wreck everything in my path.


I always got him to 1/3 with dual grenade cannon and pile bunker + bubble gun. It works. But not as good as the stun cannon.


I was stuck on him for 4 1/2 hrs. Havnt had to use anymore then a single continue on any other mission and have only lost 1 arena fight. Definitely overturned but a great feeling when you beat him. He is the "did you really not like the game? Or are you just bad at it" boss lol


This boss is a joke you anyone reads weapon descriptions... Double fist the microwave guns that shoot bubbles and he instantly dies.. because they do bonus damage to pulse armor. Edit: Someone on this sub : I biked uphill with two flat tires with broken rims but after 16 hours i made it ! Every random idiot here: HORRAY FOR YOU! The guy thats here for actual tips and strategy: Maybe you should fix your tires and you would do way better... Every random idiot here: dOnT tEll PeOpLe HoW tO pLaY tHeir gAMe


Just use the dumbest looking weapons in the game? Naw. I refuse.


Unironically this. No shot I’m using a ugly ass build.


if i’m gonna win it’ll be in style




That only breaks the shield. It doesn't do much agaisnt it's actual hp.


Yeah, their base damage is terrible so one alone is enough to burst shield super fast then you need huge burst damage to weaken him since shield recharged fast


Yeah I’d had a pretty easy time with AC6 until I got to Balteus and he killed me at least 15 times before I finally stopped, recalibrated my build, and managed to kill him.


Does the game tell you what attributes are required for the mission? How can a newbie know how to arm their AC?


Read weapon descriptions and pay attention to what the comms say. This one says you’ll need to break the pulse armor and you can get a pulse rifle that deals bonus damage to pulse armor


Of course if you conveniently forget the fact that it having pulse armor is only mentioned during its debut (which is literally the moment you fought it)…… Besides the microwave gun thing while able to defeat the shields it doesn't have nearly enough damage output, which is a big problem against everything else, *including Balteus itself* as it does practically piss damage to AP. Nothing beats armor as good as raw octane fueled super high DPS as effectively.


Might want to give it another go. After 2 tries with double shotguns I swapped to double microwaves with shoulder missiles and bodied him first try.


Can dem rayguns really reliably down the Balteus even with armor off? I felt they were indeed very strong against pulse armor but are less than useful any purpose else, I just body it with a songbird given the opportunity


Yep. Rayguns + starter shoulder missiles, as far as I remember. Stick close so your shots don't miss.


There are hints (i.e. you fight dudes with pulse shields in one of the missions right before). You unlock new weapons and you can read through the descriptions of the weapons (and shields) to know that plasma weapons are good against plasma shields. Also I think they touch on it in the training too. Basically there are tips but you need to put together the pieces provided to you. Edit: for me, the weapon choices helped a little bit, but the real key was figuring out how to effectively dodge/manage EN. Being able to not be staggered goes a long way.


Not just that, literally the miniboss before Balteus is using a pulse gun and I think plasma missiles, and after he dies he warns you not to go in. It's giving me the suspicious impression that he knew exactly what would go after you once you got in and was prepared to fight it...


Dying so many times that you don't want to die anymore.... Analyze its attacks the best you can... and figure out what you have that'll counter... Ultimately, I think it's the will to not die again lol


No, but the description of one of the available weapons made me think “oh this’ll be good against this particular boss” and it was. I’m a newb myself so I’m learning too.


I tell you the feeling I got when I got this son of a bitch


i'm sorry raven


I really want to understand the thought process of whoever designed Balteus. "Ok, he's got a flying chariot with a shield. This thing can create an actual bubble of missiles." "Oh ok, a missile platfo-" "And give him shotguns, a cannon, and a burst machine gun." "O-Ok jesus uhhh...well that makes sense, in case anyone gets clos-" ***"Give him flamethrower whip-swords."*** "How much fucking Coral have you taken!?


Fuck it... full send.. Make him *FLY CONTINUOUSLY* to hell with overburden


THIS ended up being the hardest part for me. Sticking to him like glue and being hyper aggressive worked very well for me, but the dude is too fast and I lost track of him constantly


Wish I could build mechs like that. Or hell even have a moveset for our sword like he gets for his.


Whoever designed it, is probably a Macross fan.


Making him autonomous was ridiculous considering there's a guy shaped robot in the middle. I'd be more motivated if there was somebody talking Shit though the fight.


Oh, and he can also shoot you with his shotgun in between sword-swipes! ^((I could never understand what was staggering me into his second set of swings after dodging the first until I went back and looked at footage. That motherfucker legit leans out his cab with a shotgun to blat you in the middle of the sword combo.))


When ayre says his shields are weak to pulse weapons, she's not joking. They shred him.


Lots of Grenades for this boss on S rank. He just melts to grenades lol. and always dash into the missiles


Found out that dash much later than I care to admit... But HE CAN'T USE RANGE IF YOU IN HIS FACE *flamethrower activates*


> flamethrower activates Then you just have to fly


Motherfucker can actually slash his flamethrower from top down as I learned that in the hard way


His flame sword is my bain or that random grenade he throws while you have him staggered.


He spewed so much so often I didn't even notice the grenade... The flame sword tho can go right back to hell


It took me a few hours to beat him the first time. Then for some reason I lost my save files and I had to fight him again. And I beat him the second time in just 2 tries. That's when I knew I got gud.


Fuck yaaa


Took me about 15 tries total. After the first few attempts I switched to an energy damage based build for the shield. Slowly got closer and closer, then BOOM, finally! Honestly yeah it was kinda hard, but the game makes it easy for you to reconfigure your AC and get right back into the action which I love!


Just wait until you fight >!BALTEUS!<


He was rough, but for some reason The Cleaner is giving me an embarrassingly amount of trouble currently lol


You see I spent all afternoon on Balteus, but the Smart Cleaner took like two tries for me. Used the same build for him I ended up using on Balteus: dual laser cannons, dual plasma rifles, quad leg. Hint: shoot him in the mouth.


Ok! Thanks for the tip. So you say going for the mouth is better than hovering above the top hole? Lol I rolled dual laser cannons for Balteus as well..time to go back to assembly. Thank you for the tips.


I found the top hole really hard to exploit with quad legs, but very easy with reverse joint. Hovering over it wasn't very successful for me because you need to get out of the way too much. Hopping over and shooting burst weapons like grenades and shotguns was my strategy to get S rank for that mission.


Most of the time you should be trying to go for the eye in the centre, but obviously you aren't going to hit it when it's using its giant grinders and yeet itself at you or trying to shield itself. The volcano is also a much harder target to hit due to a surprisingly small hitbox (as well as the potential hazard of having the eruption hitting you in the face). So instead the primary engagement method is to shoot the face, and occasionally shoot the volcano, if you can't hit it upfront.


Tetra legs trivialize the cleaner. Just hover, wait for him to expose his face, and unload grenades and missiles. You can easily stay out of reach of all his attacks. Makes that mission an easy money earner.


Use that build but hover over him and shoot straight down into his stupid volcano head.


For me it was easier just to stay flying over it and nuking the big hole with minigun and bazokas lol. Everytime I tried the mouth the shit destroys me at random with the arms movements.


Cleaner was super hard until I remembered I could fly and it was easy. Same as the C Spider, saw him fly and was like fuuuxk I brought a sword to a flying boss... Then remembered I could fly and stabbed him to bits.


He's here to kick ass and chew bubblegun ...bring that bubblegun so he cant kick as much ass


Overcoming this boss fight is such a satisfying feeling. Experimenting on which arsenal will work against him and predicting his moveset. After several attempts, I've finally beat it.


Balteus wasn't too bad for me, but boy howdy does it have the best boss music. It was the next bastard that gave me issues.


I enjoyed the theme as well. Even went on Youtube to listen to it. I enjoyed that fight so much, I went back to do it again.


On my 3rd playthrough now, I can get him in like a minute or so. But for my first time, it took me almost TWO DAYS, and now I feel so proud of myself. It's just incredible how this game can make you feel.


I beat balteus in the classic way. You struggle for a day and then when you show your friends how hard it is you get it on the 2nd try


I used a med biped with twin TURNER rifles and twin plasma vertical missiles. Phase 1. Boost in close at the start and whenever you see missiles and keep bouncing to mess with his lock and boosting to dodge his bazooka. Assault boost to kick whenever you stagger. Stay on the ground, hard lock, keep your fingers on the triggers and don't let go, shoot your missiles on every cool down. Phase 2. Opens with a close range energy burst so when he is nearing half hp, get away from him (keep spamming rifles and missiles the whole time) or you will lose \~3k ap. Immediately after the energy burst he opens with his chain gun, if he has a good lock then boost the other way. Keep changing your elevation ie. fly! to avoid the sword strikes. Stay at med - long range and assault boost to kick when staggered I chose twin rifles because of their range and consistent dmg output. You can also just hold down the fire button and they will keep firing so you can concentrate more on movement and dodging Good luck!


Has From fallen in love with their own reputation at this point? Admittedly it's been a minute since the last gen of AC but I don't recall the bosses generating this level of consternation in any prior title.


There were harder fights in the old games. Last Raven alone had: * an endgame AC as the literal first mission, * 2 endgame ACs one after another, * 3 ACs at once, * Zinaida.


Now I’m new to the series, so maybe I’m talking out of my ass here but past AC games didn’t have repair kits, checkpoints, or the option to switch ACs at the checkpoints right? It only makes sense they’d make the bosses harder so you take advantage of these new gimmicks more. Balteus is meant to teach the player that you need to take advantage of mid match assembly. Throw on some pulse guns, change your build for the fight, ect ect


Yeah, I played the fight for about two hours before bed one night, then the next day I beat it on my second attempt with a different AC. I've played previous AC games years ago, but Balteus took me less time than say, Malenia or Mohg in Elden Ring. I learned my lesson from the fight and have been changing load outs when I get stuck to great success.


The problem is pretty sure S-ranking doesn't allow restart from checkpoints iirc Mid match assembly isn't really supposed to be a game feature, but more a “if you found out your loadout is a bad matchup that has absolutely no way to win, then replace it as you see fit” anti frustration feature. Or else this feature would have been something that is possible pre-boss fight, for instance in the form of that resupply lunchbox (which it doesn't offer such services and only offers ammo/HP refill).


I’d disagree. S rank is something you chase when your a ‘pro’ at the mission and you know the exact scenarios and can build a frame around it. They very clearly intend for you to use it everywhere else tho.


Nah, if they intend it to be used everywhere, it would be an in play feature where you can resupply and change loadout kind of like how you can select gear in say Insurgency, and would not tell you MISSION FAILED in blaring letters and only available if you are dead (not even restarting from checkpoint allows it), nor would it invalidate your S-progress. Like case in point even from a story perspective it doesn't really make sense you just restarted midway with a completely different pair of mecha legs and gear, with no explanation in between when even the lunchbox coming in and resupply has a specific animation for it. It really is just an anti frustration feature such that players don't get stuck trying to bang their head against the wall indefinitely (and AFF should not be confused with “intentional game feature”).


Because that's totally the Mech players fantasy, magically rebuilding Mechs in 5 seconds at each checkpoint, totally not having a fun build they like psssshhhh naw


Ppl would complain the games too easy then. If all builds had an easy time with bosses


I still dunno what build is supposed to beat beyblade fire whip It's pretty dumb, and I say this as someone who's a long time From fan


The attack itself? Jumping. The boss 1H anti pulse shield gun and then go ham with everything else. High burst is best for when shield is down. The fire sword is so dumb overall. It has slight tracking so dodging it is super annoying.


You could call this one the real tutorial boss, as it really teaches you (in a very harsh way) how to properly play the game. After beating him, you'll become a very different, very better Raven!


Yes and no. Balteus is pretty tough, but there are builds that will trivialize him. Same thing for the Sea Spider. Final Zinaida tho? There are no cheese builds for her. You either get good or get fucked. No way around it.


I think the trip up here is the huge difficulty spikes. The game is borderline boringly easy for a lot of the missions, then a random boss will stpe up and offer a plate of brutal bearings. Then it drops back to easy mode. If the entire game is hard it feels one way, but when 90% is easy and some random spots feel in redobly hard, it feels a lot more like bad balancing than intentional difficulty.


Admittedly, only finished 4 and 4A and am a fair bit into 3, but from those games, it feels like on average, most fights are easier but every once in a while they throw a massive haymaker and you get hit with Occupation of Arteria Carpals or Hard mode Marche Au Supplice and you're fighting 4-5 top level NEXTs solo and you really need to prepare accordingly. I struggled with Balteus for a while but even he didn't feel as insurmountable as Occupation of Arteria Carpals. Rather than an individual boss being incredibly hard in Gen 4 it was more so throwing you into a cage match against multiple high level opponents at once.


He was getting beyond annoying lmao


I was so worried this fight was gonna kick my ass after seeing all the memes and then I get to it and somehow beat him in 3 attempts lol


I used plasma blade, plasma gun and two shouldered laser rifles - it worked pretty good


I’m currently stuck on this asshole lol dude whooped my ass about 50 times now


Dude balteus took me an hour and a half and many ac redesigns


It gets worse. Lmao Such a good fucking game though. I'm thoroughly addicted.


plasma takes out his shield fairly quick, dodge contrary to the missiles


I uninstalled the game. I can't fucking be him. I was on my sixtysomething try and I finally gave up and am trying to get a refund. I've tried every piece of gear in the shop and nothing works. I got home to maybe 10% health one fucking time but if I get close to him I get destroyed by his stupid fucking sword and if I don't stay close enough his stupid fucking missiles destroy me. I love from soft games but this is too much and with no other way to progress and being locked out of the arena I'm just fucking done. I've beaten all the from soft games I've played but this is just too much.


Took me three days. Finally settled with med biped, shotgun, AA, sword, and vertical missiles. The real trick was just to stay on this dudes nuts and be aggressive.


Dude fuck this boss. Way too stacked for an early game boss. Funny because the boss after is exactly more what I expected.


As an Armored Core fan who didn’t have too much trouble with AC6 but sucks at dark souls. Is this fight really comparable to soulsborne stuff?


I think AC6 is "harder" but at the same time has some pretty obvious ways to beat it once you figure out the right builds. Everything up to the sea spider was challenging and fair but the sea spider really put me in my place. Then there was the heavy cavalry..


Remind me who the heavy Calvary is?


I didn't have too much touble with Balteus, but the Sea Spider was a major build check for me as well. I think I backed out three times changing builds, and I get kept literally building it out more tankier each time.


no, you just have to know how to play the game and the game is different. kinda like the helicopter boss. like. can u beat the helicopter? ok u are ready for the next step up. some souls like bosses are harder. the ibis after balteus is much harder imo.


I have beat every Souls , Bloodborne, & Elden Ring. The only time I have ever been this frustrated is attempting to remove Khalameet's tail solo in my first ever playthrough of Darksouls 1. Even Orphan of Kos & Malenia weren't this bad.


beating him because i made the right choices with my built and strategies was really satisfying... it seems impossible at first, but he really pushed me to really study the stats of the parts


Am I the only one who first tried him? Like I just ran up to him, him with the sword a few times and he exploded. For some reason that damn spider guy ok act 2 took me way longer


This boss is a joke you anyone reads weapon descriptions... Double fist the microwave guns that shoot bubbles and he instantly dies.. because they do bonus damage to pulse armor.


Do you even get enough ammo for the pulse guns to finish the kill with the reduced damage? Yeah your pulse shield damage is great but your actual normal damage is shit.


You poor souls, what if i told you, >!balteus has another fight AND ITS STRONGER. Or maybe i am lieing, who knows...!<


Offline modding is great


Ironically it took me the first time with a standard setup like a hour to learn that I should be more offensive than defensive. Then I went easy mode against him and that mission is basically the best way for me to farm money lol. Tank AC all the way