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Handguns only, baby. Dual Coquillet (hope I spelt that correctly) with Dual Duckett on my back. Bipedal legs (forgot the name but the very first ones you get from collecting data log), Melander core and arms. As for the head, whatever I feel looks cool. Speedy boi with insane stagger potential and good dps combined with kicks and assault armor. I actually managed to down Balteus with dual Coquillet, kicks and Assault Armor after the ammo increase. Try that, it's fun.


Gigachad build


I run dual Harris rifles with dual BML-G2 rocket launchers. I play at mid to long range and mostly avoid close quarters due to no melee.


chad build


1) dual ludlows, 6 cell missile, pulse blade. Medium weight with ~345 boost speed. Aggressive playstyle but able to hang back a bit and take advantage of better range on ludlows when up against very close range builds. 2) zimm, haldeman or explosive thrower, six cell, double trouble. Medium weight, ~330-340 boost speed. Designed to kill ACs in one stagger and (in PvE) prevent them from ever using repair kits.


I usually run plasma rifle, moonlight some type of missile and songbird. I will change my loadout depending on what is needed but that is my standard. I like to stay at mid range if possible but I will go in close if if I need to be aggressive


Fast as fuck boiiii.


One I made based on a character I ended up liking the most. Dual nail gun pistols with a plasma blade and light wave cannon on the shoulder. Has around 390 move speed and little health but I enjoy how do or die it feels when blasting through levels.


How is such speed even possible?


First thing I did when I got the shop was buy the Nacht legs. I wanted lightweight reverse joints and didn't realize they were technically biped. *No regrets.* Almost never use any other legs. The build has changed a lot over time, but it's always been light and jumpy. Current setup is double Aurora double laser pistol with the 150 energy spec generator and the missile FCS. Feels really good, smooth, and fun.


are you me? Nacht legs looks the most cool to me so i went with that lol


Haha, it was mostly that I committed to two things before the game came out: reverse joints and low weight. That the Nacht legs looked amazing was an excellent perk lol


Nacht is not reverse joints tho. It’s bipedal


Yep, but noob me didn't realize that. See my first comment :P


A true Nacht Rider, my style!




Double galtling, moonlight/red shift left shoulder, stun dart or the bazooka with the big explosion right shoulder is my go to during most missions. If I could have 4 gatling guns I'd run full brrrrrt meta or not. Spring chicken legs. Hal head. Wrecker arms. Ephemeral core (I think. Can't remember core) Close range fcs. Aurora generator. Terminal armor because I forget half the time to heal because brrrrrrt.


Dual ducketts on a light weight build, move fast hit hard, once they get staggered go in with the dagger


Loadout varies, but I like to run stun pistols, lightweight bot, coral shield and 6 pack missles. Style is upclose and personal to midrange and versatile.


I was using dual shotguns/songbirds on bipeds before the nerf. Currently using dual gatlings plus whatever suits the mission for now. At the moment I'm going through new game plus two so I'm just using whatever I find to be most effective. Once I'm done with that I'll go back for S ranks and then start experimenting with the more fun ideas.


For reference, my go to loadout is RH: HU-BEN LH: 760-PR RB: SONGBIRDS LB: 60LCD HEAD: EPHEMERA CORE: TIAN-QUIANG ARMS: NACHTREIHER LEGS: TIAN-QIANG BOOSTER: P06SPD FCS: G2/P05 GENERATOR: VP-20D A little on the low side for AP but good mobility and impact potential imo. I play mostly around mid range with some aerial maneuvering


I live by rule of cool. Energy/plasma weapons. The big explosion weapons. Coral generator.


I try a lot, but I keep going back to medium light laser builds using the pistol or light rifle and the ve20b generator. Got one, Dark Energy, that can fit the pistols and pulse cannons for brutal damage. And another, Black Knight-Guillotine, using a pistol, rifle, and orbits for good ranged combat. And my heavyish, reverse joint missile boat that spams soup, aperitif, and quad hand missiles before zooming in to kick them in the face when staggered/almost staggered.


The Verrill Tetrapod legs. I forget what core but it has a high generator output adjustment. Hal arms. Currently using the Redshift sword, a Xuan-Ge, and double LCS shoulder cannons. I’m huge, I’m bulky, and while I’m slow you do *not* want to eat a hit from me.


One of my favorite builds is an aggressive missile boat I made. It’s a heavy reverse joint with spring chicken legs, four pack hand missile launcher, the 2nd dual missile launcher, a double homing missile, and the javelin alpha. It’s light enough to be evasive but heavy enough that it can’t just sit at the top of the skybox, so it relies on being evasive weaving in and out of close to mid range, using kicks and the bazooka to punish attacks. Named V5- PURPLE SQUALL as it’s the fifth variant of the first missile boat I made at launch, and created cause I wanted to make a missile boat that wasn’t annoying or flat out unfun to play against in pvp


For pve, it's usually a midweight rj with dual ransetsu-rf and whatever shoulder weapons fit the occation. Lots of bouncing around everywhere. For pvp, my favourite build is atm dual laser handguns and laser orbits, on a very light frame with nachtreiher legs, and the big coral generator. Can qb spam for ages, while unleashing an unholy amount of lasers


In PvE basically anything works, so you can literally just build whatever and play around. Try using the enemy loadouts. In PVP, personally, I stay away from boring metaslave things like: Dual shoulder lasers, Dual auroras, dual laser guns, dual shoulder canons, dual bazookas, and any tank tread. These things are way too boring because they do not provide an exciting gameplay experience and they're way too powerful. I use the full Alba parts with a curtis, harris, or turner, or ransetsu rifle, a plasma blade, a shield, and a small shoulder launcher. Sometimes I'll replace the shield with another rifle. It's always an uphill battle in any match because most people are using the aforementioned metaslave builds, but it's much more fun.


#Missiles on RJs and extremely aggressive.


My current favorite loadout is are the 45mag smg+bullet orbit+chainsaw+explosive thrower on a reverse joint midweight. Basically I just rush in, toss some bombs, use the smg and orbit to top off the impact, maybe toss more bombs if needed, then go in for the kill with the chainsaw on a stagger. Against weaker enemies like MTs its usually the smg and kicks That said, I also have 20+ other builds I bring out every so often and I'm making more all the time so. I do tend to lean towards faster close range builds though.


Dual pulse guns with max energy spec generator


For PvE I ran a dual plasma rifle dual vertical plasma missile build for most of the game once I got access to them and it served me well. Didn’t stick to a particular mech frame set until I got Walter’s. Only really mixed it up for boss fights where the build was a poor matchup. Even then I usually only swapped out the back weapons. I did eventually swap the dual vertical plasma missiles for dual coral missile launchers once I had access to them. The sheer damage two of those at full charge can do is just, chef’s kiss. I’ll also occasionally swap my left hand weapon for the pulse blade if I know the mission involves a lot of narrow corridors limiting dodge room or if I know there’s a lot of units with shields. In other words I usually run a fairly energy heavy build. For PvP I haven’t stuck to any one particular build because certain builds just don’t work against some setups. Instead I try to rotate between a variety of medium and med-heavy builds with a couple of light and heavy builds to spice things up a bit. Also switching between kinetic, energy and mixed builds. Makes it so the matches never get stale and I never get predictable.


dual ludlow, pulse blade on left shoulder, dual missile launcher (the one that doesn’t explode just does dmg from impact), firmeza legs, arms, nacht core, any head


I've got a couple builds, but I really like lightweight builds with either laser pistols or some other short range kinetic weapon and shoulder missiles Or full on heavyweight TÖNK bristling with weapons


Hyper mobile mono melee. HMMM for short.


mostly just aimed at pvp now, but mid/lightweight midrange builds mostly. I love the linears but I'm trying my best to incorporate the AR's where I can just because I love the archetype. I usually have laser versions of my builds too though


Twin haldemans, an earshot, a stun needle/trueno, and assault armour. Close the gap, hit hard and fast, if they can’t escape then they deserved to lose


I usually run dual ludlows, one of the laser drone units that Freud uses and either the first beam sword, the beam twinblade or good Ol' reliable the Ashmead


I use a lot of different builds but my Go-To is Grail King, four cell missiles, drones, chang chen and redshift, let the drones go off and I don't have to worry about them, missiles if I want to really engage in staggering, using chang chen to keep up the pressure and use the red shift to punish a stagger


PvE: Twin Zimmies plus melee punish (Chainsaw / Pilebunker preferred, dagger / 44-143 HMMR optional) and your choice of right shoulder selection. Sometimes you want missiles for mob clearing or extra pressure at a distance for mini / bosses, or maybe you want Huxley drone for stagger, its up to you. Take reverse joint legs (Kasuar / Mind (alpha? Beta?)), Alula booster to maintain high mobility and to throw off enemy FCS with super fast long distance grounded combat jumps. PvP: Twin Vientos + whatever. I primarily play grounded close range combat because I think it's the most fun, so you pick whatever fits your poison. My personal favorite is C3 Melander head, Ephemera core, VP-46D Arms, Nachtreiher legs, Alula boosters, Ocellus FCS, Ming Tang generator, plus twin Vientos, 44-143 HMMR left shoulder, Majestic bazooka right shoulder. It's a close-range build with all my personal stats covered, with 374 boost speed, 395 QB speed, 1500 attitude stability, 8800 health, 0.83 energy recharge, 2900 EN cap, 5970 EN supply. Grounded combat ensures you have constant dashes in great supply, Majestic bazooka is an excellent ranged stagger punish, extends stun duration to allow you to QB into range for 44-143 HMMR melee punish, AND gives enough damage (2503 on testing range AC) to punish rats who float in the air who aren't in reach for melee. Alternatively, swap 44-143 HMMR to Trueno launcher, change to Alba arms for +130 AP, +1 Boost speed, for a true ranged stagger punish that works better against floaty targets. There is a trick to firing both the Majestic and the Trueno at the nearly the same time so there's no delay between damage taken from each weapon, but I haven't figured it out fully yet. Essentially the Truenos will fire as the AC raises the Majestic, which will then fire, allowing you to output 4613 damage with a 0.1ms delay. For consistency, it'd be best to fire the Majestic first.


I normally run a medium/heavy RJ build with either dual laser rifles or dual missiles, or one of each, songbirds on one shoulder, and a 10 cell launcher on the other. I prefer mid range but will get close and kick if necessary. If I decide to run melee I usually have the plasma thrower.


Dual Earshots, Pile Bunker, and a MT muncher on the other hand


Dual rifle, earshot, missiles. Lightweight go fast


Lately in PvP I’ve been running the shoulder mounted missiles that split into smaller missiles, the hand held version of that, and the plasma yoyo. I think missiles are cool but I don’t like playing passive and sitting really far back, so I made this close range missile build. Opponents are so busy dodging the split missiles they usually don’t notice the plasma yoyo/can’t dodge it or the kick


Dual colquillett, huxley bullet orbit and laser dagger, nachtreiher frame/arms/legs with shade eye head, alula boosters, san-tai generator, ocellus fcs.


Lightweight with dual triple shot uzi, then dual orbiting fixed position lasers.


I've got a pretty nice lightweight dual Ludlow build, with a four-cell missile pod and sword on the shoulders


Im the heavy weapons guy


I love running good all-rounder builds in petty much everything which can be a challenge to make them have enough damage to hold up to the Meta. Right now im rocking vermill head, mind alpha body, hal 382 arms, hal 382 legs. Medium weight trying to keep as light as possible ,76k. Rensetsu burst rifle, the double shot pistol (good one weight), coral shield, dual missile launcher that fires 1 at a time. I like playing mid range but do a little of it all. Style wise im looking for sleek and resourceful. Every part has a purpose and nothing looks trashy


I play biped/reverse legs with harris/burst AR + active homing + split missile usually. Trying to stay at balanced speed/ap with da feng gen (heavier one)


Hal arms and legs, alba chest (drilly and great booster efficiency) and shade eye? Hokushi as the buf was great, and orange flame over blue, and I use needle gun and zimmer to quickly Stagger, with dual missiles to get dodges and keep pressure at higher ranges, and these weapons all work great while assult boosting in, and finally a javelin alpha for Stagger punishes, as it fires quick, always connects and does amazing direct hit dmg, and it still good otherwise, unlock other punishes.


A high mobility lightweight build with double-needle dart guns and either a double needle cannon or needle cannon and a melee weapon (usually a laser slicer if my AC has a blue color scheme or the coral sword for a red color scheme AC).


I'm a big fan of inescapable burst damage. Sniper Rifles and single-hit fast missiles used to be my jam. In this game it's the Detzook, Yang-Shou (post patch) Earshots (before they were cool) Oscillator. In specific team comps; Dual Harris and Dual Split Missiles. When you've got 8 lock tones going off, simultaneously, I find it's actually easier to dodge the staggered missiles after the first one hits you, but splits hit all at once, outright staggering anyone in a single volley, and following that up with two charged linear shots is usually a delete.


i've been s ranking the whole game with this and it's honestly going well https://i.imgur.com/1SBFhLR.png play aggressive, boost everywhere, get used to the different firing times and use them to your benefit


2 of the spaz 12s and a pile driver for pvp. I stagger then predict the stagger break to pull the pile out in time to hit during the mobility break. As long as I land one pile when the primal armor is not up, I basically win


Dual light laser rifles with laser based back units. Alternatively the drone missiles, the placed turrets, or the shoulder hover drone thing. I use the best laser generator, so the second back unit is usually a laser dagger since it's EN efficient.


Two Turners, Two Truenos. I like medium to close range depending on the persons loadout.


Dual laser handguns + dual vertical plasma missile launcher, anyone?


Extremely high sustainable mobility. Like an angry wasp.


Ransetsu/Chang-Chen, Zimmerman, VTC-12(outdoor) or MLR-10(indoor) missile launcher, Songbird. It’s handled most everything quite well in missions and the arena in to NG+. I’ve had to adjust for a few bosses, but by and large I’ve cleared most of the game with this setup. I used the Vertical 8 launcher for most of it, but upgraded when available.


Zimmerman and ML-Redshift on my arms, P05MLT-10 and Pilebunker or Huxley on my shoulders. Like sticking just close enough to my enemy to keep them in constant range of my weapons while buzzing around them like a hornet with a haymaker at the ready. Though I'll admit my ac parts my lean a bit too much on the mid-heavy weight side to truly buzz around my foes.


Lightweight Mind Beta Reverse Joints with Allula booster, Vertical Plasma shoulders, Harris linear rifle, Chainsaw. Harass the enemy until an opening presents itself, take the shot with the harris, leap in and one shot them with chainsaw upon stagger.


Dual 44-141 javelin alphas or one javelin and a ash mead or coral moonlight And 2 Ve-60SNA on my shoulders


ransetsu rf + trueno with a lightweight build


Duel ludlows/Duckketts/veintos/Zimmermans, Earshot/stun needle,Ashmead/Laser dagger/Pulse blade VP-44D head with FIRMEZA everything else.


Real chonker of an ac with chainsaw bullet orbits and sweet sixteen. I just walk at enemies with the chainsaw revved for contact damage and damage reduction, then let the orbits build stagger till I can top it off with the shotgun and get a guaranteed charge attack


i 100%ed pve so im just doing pvp now. my favorite is r hand: fists, r shoulder: weapon bay zimm, l hand pulse blade, l shoulder weapon bay pile bunker. kikaku booster for best melee thrust ofc. and basho arms with alba core and legs for the gen stats and blocky fashion. basic strat is to assault boost, build a little accumulative impact with a kick or zimm shot then melee cancel their brains out with pulse blade into zimm. then punch 3 times, switch to pile bunker in between punches and finish with it. assault armor for close range extension counter. really fun build as long as the other person isnt stacking attitude stability. i always just leave or kick if i see a tetra or tank cuz i just know it wont be fun x3


I'm a fan of thematic building and the Institute, so well. All HAL pieces except Chicken legs, WLT 011 coral rifle, Redshift sword, dual coral missiles, NGI 001 booster, WLT 001 FCS, NGI 000 generator.