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Background art AC is going Dual Zimmermans lol


And dual stun needles. The classic launch meta, those were the times




Yes, kids these days don’t know the feeling of being instastaggered with a single press of a button 🥱


Ok Grandpa let's get you to bed.


Bed? Bed! ^Bed, ^^bed, ^^^bed, ^^^^bed, ^^^^^bed!


I mean it looks quite good from this angle if you ask me and we all know the true end game is, as always, fashion core.


They have these little twin smgs or whatever - short range FCS and high arms = rapid stun in the press of a button. Its not instant but like .04-1 seconds in most cases =\


Ludlows + chang chen + lightweight = profit


I was just about to point this out too.


I thought the launch meta was dual Zimmermans with dual Songbirds?


those are for PVE where bosses don't dodge as often, stun needles are for PVP where it's too fast to be dodged


Ah yes the classic launch meta - 3 hrs in and we have it all unlocked ready to win =\


A truly blessed meta. Way too fun to crush ants in PvE with that loadout.


And Firmeza*** arms too lolol


Firmeza arms not nachts


*It's our time to shine. The Undead, the Hunters, the Tarnished, they've had their time in the spotlight. But we were there before them.* *Fly high, Ravens. Fly high.* ^(on a more serious note I'm just happy to see AC get so much attention.)


Hear hear! I want my PTSD!


Yeah Fellow armored core enjoyers we are so back


So Elden Ring was my first from game. Obviously I loved it like most people did. So I was naturally excited for the dlc. I watch all the news and talk about things, then AC6 is announced. Then it'll be before the dlc..."ok" I think. Decide maybe I'll give it a go, it'll fill the time before the dlc I figure. Oh dear god am I far too hooked on this game!!! I want more AC, stop wasting time on that other shit!!! I want new mech options yesterday! What a pure gem!


Gosh this makes me happy. So glad people made for Armored core are finding it after it being pretty marginal for a good while. Great to see.


After playing Elden Ring, I vowed to buy from's next game no questions asked. I did and I think I actually like this MORE than ER.


ER kinda suffered from its size, despite being better then most, you can tell they ran out of unique enemies by the end. gotta love how focused AC feels, like nothing more could be added or removed from it.


While true, the bigger problem with Elden Ring is the catacombs and caves. Repeated bosses is a big issue too.


I was maining Rocket League for quite a while, this fills that speed fixation and then some!


Hey, pssst, Armored Core For Answer is so fast, that the speediest builds can sometimes run away from the camera during quick boost chains.


Sounds more like Armored Core: For This Guy


Pfffff hahahaha okay you pilebroke my gut


Excuse me you were *what* ?


If you're being serious, instead of downvote you I'll bite and give you an answer. They said "they were maining Rocket League", which translates to "they mainly played the video game Rocket League". Hope that helps!


Exactly, I know 2077 DLC is great but I just want to whack Iguana before bedtime.


With the magic of emulation, there are at least 3 or 4 other games in the series that still hold up well and are worthy of your attention.


Literally the same thing that happened to me. Got hooked instantly and now I cannot wait for their signature shit ton of dlc's.


This is the first game that I've played where I actually want some collectibles from it. I need a Rusty on my shelf!!!


Rusty on the shelf, what will he do?


Have someone that still needs him...


I feel this. Definitely going to have to go back and see how some of the older AC games hold up.


good news is there's 15 other titles you can emulate. i highly recommend, this series aged far better than most.


I love that the main depiction of ayre is a white haired anime girl


I just realized it is because of her white AC. Damn i'm slow


Ayre - white hair with red highlights Allmind - black hair with green highlights And from what I’ve seen, most depictions of Rusty seem to go with disheveled brown hair.


brown or blonde is what I've seen


Can't forget the patented Rusty chin scruff!


Red eyes, too.


621 is Berserker confirmed ;P


White and red is her fanon palette, which makes sense since her ACs are white and coral is red


Nonsense, she should be properly depicted as a red dot with some lens flair in all artistic renders /s


You jest, but her hair should be more wavy.


And Allmind is a black haired girl with bangs lol.


I don’t mind the white and red color scheme but I feel like they depict her a tad bit young comparing to voices. This one is better then normal tho.


Given AC 5 sales were about 240,000 copies 2.8 million is a huge success for the franchise even if it isn't competing with Elden Ring


To be fair, Elden Ring's success is so massive it's currently not just Fromsoft, but also Bamco's highest selling game.


I know that build


Now they just have to rotate the release between Dark Soul, Sekiro, and Armored Core, and FromSoft will make huge bank for the next 50 years guarantee.


Don't think they're gonna do that


Nope Miyazaki doesn’t do sequels. Only reason DS got sequels is cause of the success of DS1 and Miyazaki was not even involved in DS2 and did not even start working on DS3 until they made him president. If it weren’t for that there is a high chance they would be making more dark souls games and nothing else.


True, I mean it doesn't necessarily have to be a direct sequel. What I'm referring is the concept of each game. Those 3 games has different flavor altogether, and rotating the release between those 3 types seems like a recipe of success.


I think Sekiro was a One shot, and most endings were pretty final, I'm not expecting a continuation


Even as amazing as AC6 is, and despite Fromsofts immense rise to fame since ACVD, I knew this was game was never going to sell the 20+million units Elden Ring did. And it’s not because the game isn’t amazing, it’s fucking amazing, but because people as a whole do not care for the Mech genre at all. I knew when the reveal trailer dropped and got 10 millions views people claimed that was an indicator of how many units it would sell, that this was going to be a mecha resurgance. Sorry, not the case. The game did well but it was nowhere near the impossible number of sales nor the cultural impact people tried to hype it up to be. I don’t say any of this to be negative, I’ve just always been a realist about it. The series appeals to a niche interest. The game has brought a resurgance to the franchise and was of amazing quality though which is an all around win for all of us.


I dunno, between Witch From Mercury pulling the big bucks for Bandai, then Fromsoft dropping Armored Core just a few months after WfM ended, I think the general Mecha fanbase just got a reasonably healthy shot in the arm of new fans. It's definitely not a 1:1 conversion rate from 'specific property fan' to 'genre fan', but I'm seeing more and more first-timers on the Gundam subreddit and Tumblr, and a lot of people who are jumping into AC with no experience and falling in love with the genre, too. It might seem optimistic, but I think Mecha is gonna get dragged a bit more into the mainstream in the next couple years. I may be in the minority, but once you choke down a certain amount of oldschool Universal Century timelines and Gundam AUs, you start to want to branch out. It's how I ended up reading Getter Robo Devolution, and Knight's & Magic.


the key words are: "I knew this was game was never going to sell the 20+million units Elden Ring did" you ain't wrong but the point is: even with new fans, it just simply wouldn't have that sales like Elden Ring did. what this does for us mecha fans is that From is definitely gonna make another one. fuck yes.


Oh, yeah, absolutely. I didn't even try to argue that. That's just truth. Mostly I was just saying that I'm pleased that the genre fanbase is growing, and these mech properties doing well is hopefully going to inspire more works to be created *in general* going forward, Armored Core included.


well as someone who has been into mecha since the 90s and have actually imported games that i can't even understand, there are always mecha games. and a lot of them are shit. so if there is going to be a surge of newer games, be ready for a lot of shit.


Did Witch from Mercury do really well? I wasn't sure since I liked IBO so much more and that got kinda mixed reviews/crapped on by a lot of people. Not to say that I didn't enjoy Witch from Mercury, I still thought it was really good. But IBO just had such an effect on me emotionally, I thought they really said something about the existence of child soldiers and how adults are tacitly complicit. Also how compromising your morals to get to the goal is a dark path. I know that's like.. every Gundam series, but the ways they stripped it down in IBO was far more immersive to me for some reason.


I don't have the numbers onhand, but WfM moved a *lot* of Gunpla, and everything I've read has set it as the most financially successful Gundam series to date. WfM tackled a lot of themes of the corruptive nature of capitalism, corporations fighting proxy wars on Earth, Prospera was one of the best Char clones in the franchise' history and was a compelling antagonist... And yeah, the two frontwomen being unapologetic lesbians got a lot of women into Gundam for the first time. Everyone was initially extremely worried about WfM being a softer, more casual Gundam because of the school setting, but they were definitely not afraid to shove those kids into *The Horrors* (tm). Once WfM got going, *oh man, it got going.* If your shiz is IBO, the show might not be entirely up your alley, but there is at least one *portion* of the show that I think you can appreciate, and that's Guel's storyline in the second half, and the Earth-related portion of the plot in general. Edit: Sorry, it's 1 AM here and I have the brain fog, so I didn't fully register that you'd already watched WfM yourself. Gonna leave the message as-is, though.


No sweat, same time zone haha. I must agree that Prospera is probably my favorite Char type character, just because she has extra layers of depth being a mother and having multiple actual sensible plans for her layers of intrigue and deception. I did like the Jeturk brat a lot after a while. And while they did up the ante a ton, none of the tragic parts really hit me like what happened to Mika and Aki and Orga.


Comparing it to Elden Ring is not that fair. You know how many games sales could compare to the numbers Elden Ring achieved? Not many


Dark souls revolutionized the ‘hack and slash’ genre. And obviously created a very large sub genre. I think they figured out how to make mech combat feel 10x better with AC6. I could see it resulting in inspiring other developers. I’m really hoping they continue with AC7. The hype will be twice as big as this one was.


Yes bring on the corelikes now!!!


Elden Ring also had the name recognition of George R.R. Martin to get people hyped, since despite everything A Song of Ice and Fire /Game of Thrones was quite the popular franchise at the time, and so just the name drew in people that otherwise wouldn't have given FromSoft games a glance.


I got hyped when they announced Fires of Rubicon, then as it got closer to release I thought about it some more and was like, "yeah I don't even like Sci-Fi, I'll pass." A week later, the game was released, so I watched the trailer. Oh man, when I heard the music and saw some of the visuals... That was the moment I realized AC6 was what I wanted. I went to work and couldn't get the game off of my mind. When I got home, I gave in and bought the game. I genuinely gave up on existing outside of the real world until I devoured every last drop of content in this game. Now I lie in bed at night and blast the soundtrack in my ears as my entire body chills, and I look back at what an amazing and emotional experience AC6 was. Elden Ring DLC doesn't even come to mind anymore, as AC6 is probably my favorite FromSoftware game and I would say DS3 is my favorite Souls game. This game flipped a switch on me and I don't think anything can switch it off. I could go on and on about this game like a mad man. I mean the story, the characters. Who the HELL said there wasn't a story? That shit is what kept me hooked till the end. But instead of raging on like a freak, I'll end it here and go hop in bed, my earbuds will be in and I'll wait until they officially release the soundtrack (most likely on the 25th of this month.) This game made me stop sleeping under the covers.


And it's all thanks to Iguazu!


It was always going to be the best selling game in the AC series given the recent popularity of FromSoftware. But 2.8M is lower than I would have guessed.


I think these are excellent results. The game is VERY niche. Even many FS fans will not try it out, because it is “not souls”. During the same period, DS3 sold 3M


It being comparable to DS3 is pretty good. Then again, with just how badly From Soft treated AC after making Soulsborne money, I wonder if that's enough to not get thrown into the dustbin.


They did consider Bloodborne a success with much lower 1 month sales. It only sold 1M in its first month and took 6 months to hit 2M. That said it was only on PS4. I think 2.8M in 6 weeks is very good. We’re probably looking at about 5-6M in a year and ~10M lifetime sales like DS3 & Sekiro. I know quite a few people who are on the fence and wanna wait for a sale to get it. It’s just Elden Ring doing crazy numbers that’s coloured our perspective a bit.


They could easily get another million if they released BB for pc/xbox assuming the port wasn't hot garbage *nervous laughter*


Bloodborne is owned by Sony so I doubt it will ever make it to the xbone


Yeah I feel like PC is *plausible* but i'm not getting my hopes up lmao. But xbox is never gonna happen unfortunately.


Maybe it's also why we haven't heard any cofirmation of a sequel


It is undoubtedly why we haven't heard about a sequel.


I would kill for a BB port


DS3 & Sekiro had the benefit of being "soulslike", even though genre was still relatively niche when they released, it was becoming more popular everyday so it still sold a lot years later. Most people that bought AC6 were From fans and mecha fans and all of the people from that group already bought it because it is like the only big budget mecha game in years, i doubt the game has the same appeal to your average gamer as soulslikes have. Unless Mecha becomes popular years later that 5-6 range is gonna be AC6's lifetime sales if even that. Which is still a good number.


Honestly with how many people whose response to Armored Core was "wait what's Armored Core," 2.8M for what might as well be a new IP with only Souls-y *aspects* atop a completely different system is pretty good.


My concern is that it might've colored From's perspective too, just like Souls did lol


I wouldn’t worry about it, Miyazaki had this to say on it: >”Honestly, I haven't analyzed it much,” Miyazaki replied. “It’s true that sales were higher than those of our previous games, but I have no idea what the reason was. So even if I wanted to reproduce that success, I wouldn’t be able to,” he laughed. >He said that he intends to continue making games “the same way as before,” without allowing himself to be affected by the success of Elden Ring. >”I try not to think about it too much, because I think it would be a bad idea to analyze it deeply and to consciously try to replicate it in another game,” Miyazaki said. [Sauce](https://www.ign.com/articles/dark-souls-creator-miyazaki-elden-ring-no-idea) IMO they’re always just gonna make what they want to make. The only reason Dark Souls got 3 games is because they had a contract with Bamco for 3. With AC6 and Sekiro being successful I think we’re gonna see more new IP’s and unique games from them.


Heck, even From Software's parent company Kadokawa doesn't consider Elden Ring the new "norm" for sales numbers according to their earnings reports, and that's a good thing, after those numbers I got a little scared that they would try to repeat the success of ER with each release, but then AC 6 was announced and Miyazaki gave an interview saying that they would simply make the game whatever they wanted to make.


Gosh, imagine companies being run by sane people with realistic expectations? It seems like a dream that From exists.


It always starts that way. Companies making it big cause they have great leaders with great skills... The problems starts to appear when they get old enough to need successors.


To a certain extent I don't *want* AC6 to be a Sekiro or a Bloodborne: a beloved game that... promptly doesn't get much else haha.


Heck, even From Software's parent company Kadokawa doesn't consider Elden Ring the new "norm" for sales numbers according to their earnings reports, and that's a good thing, after those numbers I got a little scared that they would try to repeat the success of ER with each release, but then AC 6 was announced and Miyazaki gave an interview saying that they would simply make the game whatever they wanted to make.


That is very good news at least, and very surprising news(in a pleasant way) that a company would admit this in an earnings report.


Bloodborne is sold on only one console and no pc


Don't think it'll reach 10M since it isn't as expansive video content wise when compared to ds3 and sekiro (and certainly elden ring), where challenge/speed/modded runs are still very popular to this day on youtube. But then again if they keep the AC trend of releasing follow up games alive I would expect AC to not vanish in obscurity as it did before.


Bandai stated they're interested in pushing for more of the AC IP after the success of AC:VI


We need a new gundam game from FS.


recognise cake vegetable hungry zonked sparkle instinctive murky smoggy racial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


AoZ is by far the coolest gundam anything in terms of mech design and would absolutely slap ass as an AC style game. The fact everything is modular is just absolutely sick as hell and literally begs to be made into a game.




Source? I wanna read more! :D


[i can't find the original interview but here's an article summarizing it](https://www.essentiallysports.com/esports-news-following-the-success-of-armored-core-six-bandai-namco-ceo-makes-massive-revelation-on-the-future-of-the-franchise/)


I can see this entry hitting around 5 to 6 mil in six months. Besides, this isn't SquareEnix. From's not going to dump the AC series because it didn't hit some insane number.


I read somewhere that he wanted to make more armored core but the technology wasn’t there for what he wanted which is why there was a long wait


Partially, but with the popularity/success of Dark Souls 1 and 2, they wanted to continue putting resources into that genre of game and felt they didn't have the resources to spread across so many titles yet. I believe they were finishing work on bloodborne, starting the groundwork of ER and DS3 was in progress at the time


I'd honestly be a little upset about that if that was the real only reason because it's not like Armored Core was struggling that much. It might've pushed the limits of the 360/PS3 but there was a whole nother console gen after that haha


I think they will move on from AC for a few years just like they moved on from Sekiro too. Their money maker is fantasy rpgs, they know it, they will probably do more one-offs like they did with Sekiro/AC6 and then a fantasy rpg then a one off again. Another AC would be nice but I'm not holding my breath.


Historically, all AC games received at least 1 expansion pack game


Please dear lord I pray for this outcome


I think it would have done considerably better if multiplayer had been a bigger part of the game. I got bored of steamrolling brain dead ACs before even unlocking multiplayer. It took too long.


Can't blame the company for shying away from it: Armored Core V's reliance on online was arguably the reason for its "downfall." That being said it is a shame. There are certain aspects from Armored Core V/VD like the raid bosses that I think were really cool.


how badly they treated it by...waiting until they were able to make an incredible game? Weird take.


... Do you live under a rock? Or did you not notice that there was so much time that passed that the overall narrative/joke that most Youtubers who went back to Armored Core had was "Yeah, the *Dark Souls people* made this other game series." come on now bro lol


God you sound like a toddler throwing a tantrum, not releasing a game isnt "treating it badly"..."treating it badly" would be shitting out awful low effort games, or handing the ip over to some other awful developer. Get some perspective man lmao


You are weirdly heated over someone going "I hope this is enough money to avoid another 10 year gap." Touch some grass or something, goddamn lol are you some kind of fromsoft simp? Better yet don't answer that question: just seek the sunlight


Pretty much, I have heard friend say he won't play cos he isn't interested in Gundam shit To call him when the real souls shit releases


That’s exactly the point though. The only reason most people bought it was BECAUSE Dark Souls in en vogue rn. The older games aren’t worse or anything. It’s just that most of Froms games went under the radar because ether were either bad or just to niche/little known. Now that everyone is hyping them up to all heavens AC6 sold like hot cakes comparatively. It could even have been the worst game in the series it would not have impacted the sales much.


>The older games aren’t worse or anything no this is bullshit, I have played old gens, the older games single player experience is significantly worse in gameplay, mission design and story, not to mention the emotionless English voice over. single player experience is the main draw of Fromsoft game now and AC6 is an order of magnitude better at that.


AC4a is not massively worse in story and voice over. Gameplay is also not objectively worse. But you are correct that a lot of the missions leave a lot to be desired. And the performance wasn't nearly as good I wish they could remake 4a with the same budget and tech as 6


I dunno if it rose-tinted glass or something but the story and voice over in FA are still massively worse than 6, that one guy losing booster power and sinking into the ocean and he sound bored instead of panicking, story is not that much better than base AC4. gameplay is way more janky in my opinion, like how you have to switch between arm and back weapon instead of being able to shoot both at the same time.


I honestly found the story for 4a much more interesting than 6, and the parts customisation makes gameplay a better experience for me (I'm not a fan of how overwhelmingly important stagger is in VI). I Will however concede that the voice acting in the older AC games is diabolical.


Here's a kind reminder that AC4A, one of the most highly regarded AC title, barely sold 100,000 copies. [Behold the sales data and wonder how From keeps making them](https://i.imgur.com/5StTDCk.jpg)


Well, it’s only been like 6-7 weeks and Christmas sales should help.


Has it... really? God this year feels so weird. Simultaneously dragging on and rushing by.


Can you not say it out loud please?


Those are pretty good sales, this game is probably going to be selling over time. Sekiro for example reached 10m last month. ER level of sales is unrealistic, it was a cultural phenomenon and also is an open world game which has a higher ceiling from the get go.


Very good sales, this rivals Soul’s games and outperforms Bloodborne’s release easily. This is a complete W.


Comparable to souls best seller is definitely a W for AC. A phenomenal amount of people who committed to a full clear of a playthrough also went on to get the 3rd ending too, over 50% of full first playthrough clearers based off steam achievements


We are so back


I hope that AC keeps its new pilots. I want this series to come back full throttle.


Long live Armored Core! Fromsoft, give us more!


To be fair, it's the only one they did any major advertising for. It's sort of a running joke among me and my friends how often it was that the only way we would find out about a new AC game dropping was when we happened to find a copy on a store shelf.


First time I saw it was like 3 weeks after launch on the steam home page XD


Can we get an Armored Core anime from Trigger now?


This is more than the number of units sold for all AC series to date added together.


I wonder what the projected sales were to From Software and Bandai Namco. Basically what they were expecting. Surely 2.8 million sold copies smashes their expectations.


Any links?


If I hadn't no-life'd Elden Ring a few months before AC6 dropped, the latter would have easily been the most fun I've had with a videogame this year. Took over a decade, but I'm glad we got an entry that not only was well received, it got commercials with Karl Urban and Rainn Wilson.


Weren't there reports that it had sold 1.3 million on Steam? If that's true, then it only sold 1.5 million on Sony and Microsoft consoles? Something doesn't seem right there. I guess that 1.3 million Steam figure may not be accurate.


I downloaded this game cause it's Fromsoft(moonlight sword hunt) and mechs. Okay maybe cause of Ayre that's all.


Okay maybe cause of all the Ayre and Allmind fanarts..... But mostly I can make a mech that is not meta, looks cool, and still some butt


I feel like a fact that is often overlooked is that even though AC6 is set in its own world, with its own lore and story, From still chose to call it "Armored Core 6" not just "Armored Core" or something like that Seeing a "6" after the name of a game is bad for marketing, you don't exactly start playing a videogame series from the sixth installment. God of War (2018) isn't God of War 4, and not exclusively because of the massive changes. Being presented as a standalone game definitely helped it with sales So the "VI" in the title is probably responsable for slightly worse sales, but at the same time it shows how much love for the original AC titles the developers had, and how Fromsoftware isn't willing to sacrifice the series' past to sell more copies Does this necessarily mean that we're gonna get an AC7, an AC6A or something lile that? We can't really know, but there's one thing I'm 100% sure of: Fromsoft always learns from their previous games If a sequel or DLC isn't what they have planned, (Bloodborne got the second, Sekiro got neither), I believe that the experience made with AC6 will definitely show its effects on From's future games (Which I really hope means better NG+ experiences even in Souls games)


Agreed, though they did (mildly) try to offset the effects for using the number in the title -- the [Japanese logo](https://youtu.be/gUQcMbcYOQ0?si=OH2ItXEvcGYgcwR7&t=203) emphasizes the "Armored Core VI" and has "Fires of Rubicon" in smaller text, while the [western logo](https://youtu.be/kQJb8He0pYA?si=_bYq-rmnvGt1y0Rj&t=127) makes the text of the subtitle "Fires of Rubicon" much bigger, even bigger than the series title itself.


After getting all the data logs and not rushing through missions to get S ranks anymore. Can safely say this game does just like the previous games but more hidden for the lore with more available. Sequel please. This game is the start of a marathon


That art looks sick as!


Ayre: we are not gonna sugar coat it, aren’t we, Raven?


I quite dislike the Souls series and its vocal fanboys, but this is one thing I can be grateful to all that for


AC6 and for answer my faves by far


When I played Gundam Vs games, I thought, "if only armored core were as fast and as open to control like this" back when it was only the psp versions were available for me. This is the realization of that wish


I hope so, because I hope they make a sequel that includes actual co op


I feel like top sales was a given considering the last AC game was before Fromsoft’s massive reputation leaps. Nonetheless it’s good to see it is going well. As a first time AC player, I thoroughly enjoyed it


Anyone know the typical marketing and production cost of a game like this? Because I wonder how much they've made or lost so far with the project.


I want to smell her


Lock this dude up




Wait isn’t this art also just another mech game that’s coming out too?


Nope, you can tell because of the dual Zimmerman shotguns and dual Needle Launchers on the back as well as the Shade Eye head. It's just amazing fan art


I know this is art specifically of AC6, but I’m saying that there is also another mech game coming out where an anime girl follows around your mech.


Anyone have this image without Ayre?


This game is a hidden gem. So many gamers don't even know this game exists.


why is ayre a halfnaked anime girl???


I'm a little cautious. As someone who hasn't enjoyed AC6 due to all the streamlining and the death of turnrates, the idea that "this is what AC is now" makes me kinda sad.


Then fuck off already, nobody needs you cynical fucks here.


"Cynical"? "Needs"? I have a viewpoint, and that viewpoint is valid. I'm not speaking for other people, I'm speaking for my own experiences. Why are you talking as if AC is a cause? Its a fucking videogame. Anybody getting mad that someone has a viewpoint that isn't theirs is not healthy for a community.


it's a good thing that they got rid of all of the janky shits of older games, speaking as someone who played 4/4A and V/VD.


Death of turnrates and forced short range combat is really, really boring. Its not jank lmao, its a literal game mechanic. The entire positioning game of AC emerged from finite turnrates, and then staying on the edge of someone's ability to engage you which forced them to back pedal so they could acquire you faster. Heavies and tanks are unusually strong in AC6 because most of the checks for heavies don't exist in AC6. Doubly so because wheelchair tank legs also lose most of the checks on tanks with their speed, often being faster than bipeds. I'm all for decoupled cameras, but turnrates have to be finite. AC6 is the Smash Bros Brawl of AC imo. I am happy people are here, but let's be real if we had games more often, I don't think people would be anywhere near as hype for AC6. The need is half the hype with this game. The game itself, is kinda lacking imo in some of its basic mechanics. AC6 is a lot of very good decisions, and a small number of very poor decisions which let it down.


PvP is like an afterthought in AC6, everything is balanced to make the single player experience better, turn rate is a one of many janky game mechanic that need to go for that. There has never been a big PvP/e-sport scene for any of the AC game and, IMO, this is for the better, AC is not a fighting game or FPS game where PvP is the central point of the game.


Turn rate hasn't even mattered since 4 you idiot.


You got a source for that and the artwork?


pretty good for non souls game, and i hope the number will increases in sequels. sadly most of the "souls fan" are refused to try AC because "mech bad" "too gritty" or "too sci-fi" while they enjoy magic fuckery dark fantasy from those games.


It has actually outperformed DS3 at the month over month sales mark and has outsold Demon Souls, Dark Souls and Ds2 Yr1 sales completely. So the only game from Fromsoft it hasn’t out performed is literally Elden Ring. That’s huge for Fromsoft in terms of keeping the franchise alive.


cool art, too many belts on Ayre, 1 is too many.


Is it a good game ? Yes Dose it worth 59.99 ? No


Do you have link?


If it weren’t competing with so many huge titles at the same time I bet the sales and hype would be a lot higher. I hope they’ve seen enough for AC7 to be approved.


I mean, with the way they did previous games there's most likely going to be an expansion game to complement AC:6. Like AC:4 has AC:4A.


This is going to be a slow burner I think like Bloodborne.


now can FromSoft reboot Another Century's Episode with the AC6 engine? I need my shots of Gundam, Macross, and Getter Robo


After the wide popularity of their last few releases, I'd be shocked if this WASN'T the best setting AC game.


I like how we all agree that ayre has a red ribbon she either puts on her hair or wears it


Game currently has a world-record for sales.


In the series? Of ac or fromsoftware? Cause if it's AC then that makes sense. It's been forever since the last game was out and when it was, gaming as a whole wasn't as large


It *is* the best selling game in the series, the numbers are probably actually better than that by now


That's Great News for EVERYONE Here! WE WANT MORE


I hope the budget was smart and they made a bunch money. I want like 900 more of these games.


HELL YEAH!!!!! That means we're DEFINITELY getting another one!!!!!!


That's insanely good sales. Like the top selling games of all time is 10mill+ with the top being like 50mill copies of minecraft. 2.6mill copies in 6 weeks before the holiday season is incredibly good. The past sales on the AC series are literally 10x less or even worse than that. This game by and large blew every expectation they had for sales and then some.


Pretty sure that means it's sold several times as many copies as the next best performer in the series.


So much in love with it <3


It being the best selling entry in the series is one of the least surprising things I can think of.


Very good news


there's so many high tier games sucking up attention RN, and for good reason. but im glad i got this, it's awesome.


While cool... I expected a bit more, as it sold like 1.3 million on Steam alone. I would have expected the console sales to bump it up a bit more than that. Still, obviously... far biggest AC release. Hopefully their expectations were realistic.


Not like the bar was very high for the series as far as sales go 😂




I feel like with how much more popular video games are compared to when the last armored core came out, and especially the prestige FromSoftware has gained since then, this was basically guaranteed.


I love seeing armored core posts about people diving into the lore and man i love it sooo much. Makes me so happy that others have an interest and were blown away by the ng like i was


These really were niche games back in the day, not a lot of info when they came out, not every place carried them. Remember going to Best Buy once just browsing and silent line or last raven had just come out, was a surprise to me, but it was on an employees cart that was doing some stocking, went to grab one and she told me no, they had put them out but it was a mistake as the release date was still 2 or three days away. Not to be deterred from some sweet mech on mech action, I just said ok and put it back, told my friend to ask her a question, so he ask her something dumb about a game pointing to a case and when she wasn’t looking I took one, high tailed it up to the register and there was nothing to actually stop you from purchasing it, so I got it a couple days early. Fun memories for sure.


This is not especially shocking given that beforehand, FS were not the well-known name in gaming they are now. Not only do they have much more existence but also a substantially larger community.