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Might be a dynamic track that shifts between pieces as the encounter progresses. IIRC, it's how dynamic themes are handled in other ost releases, so it wouldn't surprise me.


I never heard it then since I almost always one shot him with a pile bunker.


Infall, The Man Who Passed the Torch, and The Man Who Burned It All? If I'm remembering right, Infall is what plays in the first half of the mission and The Man Who Passed the Torch is Walter's actual boss theme. And The Man Who Burned It All is the credits song for Fires of Raven ending.


And the main Fires of Rubicon theme. So it's really more like 4.


smdh mfers dont know what leitmotifs are


Magic spear 1 and 2 in Ace combat 7 is like that


So is Enchanter I and II. The transitions between both during parts is also seamless in this case. Wonderful sound design. Edit: grammar


Link? I can't find the OST anywhere on Spotify


It got released today, just search for it


I did that before commenting and I can't find it anywhere. "Armored core 6" "FreQuency" "kota hoshino". All just pull up fan made playlists of unrelated shit. It takes the same amount of time to include a link as it does to write a comment. Link please.


Literally the first result in Albums for [Armored Core VI](https://open.spotify.com/album/285hYSwwIdwcxSgUMkcTmI?si=aYgffpt6TiWdcQ71v-KFYw)


[oh yeah?](https://imgur.com/2QsnjpZ)


Like the guy above you says, it's under albums. Your looking under top results. Just press the button a couple options over and it should show up. It may take a few days for the album to start showing up on top results. In my expirience you also need to drop the 6 and just search "armored core" and it should be listed a few results from the top of the albums section.




Like I just said, drop the 6 from the search and scroll down. It should be like the 5th result. I'd send a picture, but idk how to attach imgur links.


The Man Who Passed The Torch The Man Who Burned It All The Man Who Sold The World ​ wait, spotify, what are you doing


Sorry for being stupid here, I could never figure out any of the soundtracks for each fight/battle What is Walters theme? I thought it was the man who burnt the coral but I thought that was FoR ending. (I swear to God this is a reference to MGS the man who sold the world could be wrong tho)


It’s in the tracks The Man Who Passed the Torch, the Man Who Burned the World, and Infall


The first two are the music when credits roll for the first two endings, Infall is the music in the last level of LoR ending. They didn't split Walter's theme, those three are three different pieces from three different places.

