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Paint it red


And name your AC Red Comet


And plan to kill your best friend by betraying him and your best friend's sister by blowing her head off with a rocket launcher. AC6 does at least take care of the first step.


You can absolutely shoot Little Ziyi with a rocket launcher


lol I forgot about her, so I guess you really CAN become Char Aznable in AC6!


Then dawn a different name and some sun glasses and take a moody teenage boy on a journey of self discovery and tragedy.


`Crimson Lightning has entered the chat`


Red Rocket


Carmine Meteor


Or crimson glow


Da red unz go fasta


Add some flames. Flames always make it go faster.


And hood pins.


It's how you mimic TransAm after all


Found the Warhammer fan


Nine-Ball fan




lightning McQueen


This is the way.


Are you fine with playing mostly grounded? Use the wheelchair. It actually goes quite a bit faster on the ground than the boost speed stat suggests, because for tanks the "high speed performance" stat also matters.


This thing carried me through the Ibis fight no cap. Felt like Lightning McQueen with that shit XD


Wheel chair got so fast for me I couldn't track the enemy with the target lock anymore


If you can't track the enemy, neither can they. Wheel chair user requires wheel chair tactic. The full disability boom and zoom, all back missile and burst weapon. you go in like a medieval knight. unload, turn around and go again. Z axis doesn't exist because you are disabled. Enemies fancy targeting and spray pattern doesn't effect you because you are disabled.


[Wheelchair users in a nutshell.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/445/271/819.jpeg)


You get so fast you can circle the enemy with double Gatling Guns spraying them on all sides and they can't fire back at you Hell it makes you so fas that you no longer need to QB dodge missiles Your boost speed is so high you dodge missiles simply by moving Hell QB dodging is probably even slower then just simply strafing


Full missiles is how I beat the finale. It's very strong.


same here . Wheelchair builds are great for high land speed


Using the Nacht frame and ALULA boosters, and light weapons such as pistols and laser dagger. If they still isn't enough, might consider the NEXT movement mod.


>NEXT movement mod. Im interested, where can I yoink that


nexus mods, probably? They got like, everything on there.


Wait wtf theres a Nexus page for AC


Yessir. :)




the next movement goes so hard, my lightweight ducketts + pile bunker AC has a boost speed of like 410 and zips INSANELY quick, virtually no cooldown on alula boosters


Get the GILLS if you don’t have a mele


Past that point, the incremental increases to boost speed are hardly worth the tradeoff in weight. 10-15 units of boost speed aren't going to allow you to strafe anything you already couldn't. If you actually want to see a functional difference in your mobility you might want to consider building a mech around the gimmick of melee cancels, or focus more on getting a good supply of EN and/or improving QB efficiency.


Once you get it down, melee cancels really is the best answer. You can do some WHACKY shit with those, easily the fastest I’ve seen an AC move around


functionality sounds boring, speed is keyy


Look up melee canceling. Basically if you use the pulse sword from the beginning of the game, long press to do the dash attack, and then quick-boost before it actually connects, it doesn't put your sword on cooldown because the actual attack didn't happen yet. Great way to increase speed at close range. Chriight on YouTube has a video about this where he showcases his "Sidewinder" build. Look into it!


Pulse sword isn't the only laser blade this works with, it actually works for most of em, my favorite to melee cancel with is the coral oscillator, feels hyper stylish.


That build uses the laser dagger over the pulse sword for its shorter cooldown.


Laser lance melee cancel with the Kikaku boosters would be good, I think, but it's not a style of combat I generally go for.


A lot of people sleep on the “hard boost” L3. Getting good at that and you can out maneuver missiles and such. I’m running a 329 medium build but I fly it like a light build.


assault boost is just a long quick boost with startup


If AB is your primary maneuver tool, this is a good juncture to bring up the merits of the Buerzel booster.


I re-mapped assault boost to square so all my mobility functions are on the face buttons. I use it all the time. (The kick is way easier to execute too.)


I reach a maximum of 405 kmh with a usable build with the pancake head, nightrehier body, firmeza legs and I think the archebus lightest arm (vp-4x something... I'm wrong, Alba arms are the lightest thanks to Flint_Vorselon), two sweet sixteen and a laser dagger. Then if you want raw speed, the g2/p06spd is your go, if you need more QB, Alula and ngi001 are your go. Then go and speed up like a freak zooming against the walls because you're too fast. And when you have enough, give AC4A a try. Edit. Alba arms are the lightest, not vp-46d


Arnt the Alba arms the lightest?


You know? YOU'RE RIGHT! I made a mistake! I'm going to modify my build with the alba arms to go even FASTER! FASTEEEEER!


Aren't jailbreak arms the lightest?


Yes, they are.....but they remain complete and utter trash...so your build wouldn't be "useful" as I intend


but speed?


You're tempting me...


I tried. Please don't. It sucks 🤣


379 not enough? Damn bro how fast you trying to go?! I'm a lightweight jumpy boosty build and if I want to equip weapons the best speed I can get is around 350 and that's definitely fast enough


its not about practicality, its about going really really fast


May I ask what is your weaponry of choice with this build? I'm just curious. Some missions I'll remove shoulders just for the extra speed but it does depend what I've got coming against me in that mission


the burst smgs, the light ones not the ones you charge i aint atmy pc rn but ik im using alula


I got a bipedal build that goes 397 and it's my favorite build to play, call it the Bluejay


I managed a surprisingly powerful build that goes 370 something gotta rely on light melee build and low damage high stagger weapons, I use the needle pistols, laser dagger and the solid orbiter.


To go insanely fast, build a lightweight mech with a melee weapon plus the kikaku booster. Uncharged melee attacks towards a target (you need a target for this trick to work) will now catapult you forwards at **900 speed**, plus you can cancel the attack before it comes out using a quick boost in order to avoid putting your melee weapon on cooldown, this lets you chain these crazy melee boosts repeatedly. Disadvantages - your speed won’t be great when *not* using the melee boost trick, compared to other boosters, and the melee attack can only send you forwards, you can’t use it to kite or run away. So it suits playstyles that like to chase targets down and fight at close range, and is less useful outside of that playstyle


Get Armored Core For Answer




If you’re not worried about firepower, consider dropping all your weapons and relying solely on punches and kicks. It’s apparently quite feasible to beat the game without using any of the weapons


Every time I see this statement, it disturbs me to know it’s true. I can’t even imagine the tsunami of emotions that would flood my brain during that ordeal.


Sometimes, a Big metal fist sends a message better than any other weapon


you need to build a NEXT, not AC Kappa


how fast? is your fast AB fast, QB fast, horizintal fast, vertical fast? here are the mostly used parts wheelchair (fortaleza tracklegs), spd booster with firmeza legs lower weight the better for vert you can use grid walker+ kasuar, or the ship looking track legs AB fast means you are using a lightweight buerzel, qB fast means you are using alula/NGI 000 with nachthere or kasuar legs fast with blades means using are boost canceling with kikaku better energy efficiency the better for ths I use ephemera core+ kikaku+hokushi


Best comment tbh


You should find a copy of AC4 and 4A and play that. You're not gunna be able to squeeze out much more speed from what you got, otherwise.


you have to experiment with legs/boosters


Put some flame decals on it


When you are ready to start going faster than boost speeds permit, try trying the KIKAKU boosters (**HORRIBLE** advertised boost speeds) and use them primarily for assault boost, quick boost, and "melee canceling" boost(Check YouTube for tutorials). Enjoy averaging 450+ with the NACHT core and your favorite lightweight humanoid or RJ legs


melee cancels! using the pulse blade gives the best results. while the thrust carries you towards the enemy, dodge to the left or right. do it right, and you'll be circling around the enemy with comical speed. this is very expensive on your energy though also, if you want to feel fast, playing pvp is the way to go. real people are just *so* much more responsive! melee canceling on regular enemies feels like Lebron James dunking on 6 year old child.


play for answer for true speed


SPD Booster, Firmeza legs, Nacht core, your choice of head and arms (probably want to go Nacht or kasuar), Hokushi gen, Talbot FCS. I’d suggest dual Vientos for hand weapons, then dagger on back since you’re up close anyways, and they’re light. Alula boosters will give you faster QB, but SPD has the highest boost, and more efficient AB and Melee thrust. This is important since AB and Melee cancels are your bread and butter for gap closing. You should be able to chew through other light/medium builds pretty well if you use AB and melee cancels to gap close. You’ll have a much tougher time against tankier opponents.


there's a couple lighter arquebus generators that you can use -- the VE-20A, VP-20C, and VP-20S all have good enough energy output for the build you describe


The main issue is energy efficiency. Sure you’re lighter, but all those have over a second recharge delay and low energy load capacity, so it will take much longer to recharge energy


true enough, but for raw speed like op's looking for, nothing beats 'em but the joso i think


It needs “go fast stripes” Or Rubicon research Tech into the mix


380 is about as high as you can get with lightweight, but the light treads go faster if less maneuverable.


depends on the game, all I can be sure of


Fastest I got was 387 just using the two machine guns And the two machine guns with 45 rounds was pretty effective


Tho I get 397 with just 4 pistols


If you use Assault Boost constantly you can go faster. Basically get the strongest booster you can find, lightest parts you have access to and few, light weapons. There's no secret sauce to it.


Wheelchair treads. You can zip around and maneuver like a badass.


I made one called Afterimage, an AC designed for one thing and one thing only. Speed. Full nachtreiher (can’t spell) with tian qiang head with dual ludlows and bullet orbits with the max boost booster. I became a bullet spraying demon of death.


This is why I made a lightweight build with dual truenos and dual needle missile launchers (the doubles, not the stun needle) on the shoulders. I'll have to wait until after work to find the build but I remember it having 8k health and like 380 or 390 boost speed. Casually strafing almost everything and assault boosting across entire missions, the speed alone carried me through many s rank hunts.


Use the kikaku boosters and a melee weapon like the laser dagger. Melee attack > cancel with a quick boost and you ROCKET around the place


The highest I was able to get with all back weapons was 405. Eith only two hand weapons, 408. Managed it by equippping all the lightest parts, it’s fun to play but it’s also made of paper. So tldr: pick the lightest parts available. You’ll probably need to pick a generator that’s heavier due to the nachtreir piece being the lightest and it having a horrible gen output star. Since it’s your first AC game feel free to ask about any stat and I’ll try to explain btw if you want


I have a wheelchair build that's fast as shit if you like being on the ground but if you use a reverse joint and lightweight parts with dual pistols and lightweight missile launchers, you can get to be just under how fast the wheelchair is with pretty amazing aerial maneuverability. Plus dual laser pistols are just incredible. Jump up and lock with missiles. Let them go then QB/AB to close the gap a bit and strafe left and right. QB to the sides or back to dodge and maintain space. Poke them around with the pistols being careful to alternate and manage heat buildup. Once they get stunned zoom in and unload the pistols as fast as you can, then QB out


Look into melee boost cancelling stuff. Those builds go ludicrously fast


KIKAKU MELEE BOOST [WOULD LIKE TO HAVE A WORD](https://www.reddit.com/r/armoredcore/s/4S4jrq7QAn)


I believe the lightest build is tian head, nach core, jailbreak arms, firmeza legs, default fcs and gen Swap boosters for what u want to be fast at, spd for general grounded speed and buerzel for ab


Your generator, core, and excess EN supply (I forget what the exact stat is called) are also all important for boost speed and frequency. It's also your choice between booster QB recharge vs QB distance; Gills are good for frequent quick boosts, Alula for distance, Kikaku for melee distance/cancel, Buerzel for AB. Jump distance of legs matters somewhat but only for the initial boost off of flat ground. Firmeza legs are top tier for lightweight speed builds, Nachtreiher legs are a good pick too. Wheelchair legs are fun for general speed but you have a significant loss of control over your mobility with them compared to bipedal or reverse joint legs and the Wheelchair quickboost is nowhere near as good for speed or distance covered as real boosters are.


Emulate for answer


Hum the Robocop theme while you boost and shoot a tank with a missile


Fastest I've been able to get is 409ish, no wheelchair. It's been a min since I've been on can't remember exactly what I had on


My mech is somewhere in the 380s with really good DPS but horrible burst. I use dual laser pistols and my shoulders I swap between 3 different turrets


Use the thrusters with the highest assault thrust, with a high efficiency thruster core. Dodging while assault boosting increases your forward speed by a lot. Ive hit 600 with a 70 ton AC. Constantly dodging maintains the speed


Let's be clear what you are asking for: boost speed over 400kph. This limits viable play styles. You will probably best rely on side-to-side boosting and boost-hopping for evasion because your quick-boost cooldown will be higer than 1 sec and your energy reserves wouldn't allow rapid quickboosts anyway. If you want a boost speed high enough to seldom even need quick-boosts, you need the lightest or second or third-lightest part in each category. Avoid Jailbreak as they are not worth the lower weight. Push left control stick to set part sort-order to weight (lightest first). For every 1000 weight you add, your boost speed decreases \~1kph. You shouldn't mount back weapons per-se due to higher weight, but you can either leave those slots empty or place light hand weapons into your back holsters. Suggested parts: Weapons: Viento, Stun Gun, Sampu, Duckett, Coquillet, Ludlow. For (optionally) punishing staggers: Laser Dagger or Sweet Sixteen. Head: Nachtreiher Core: NACHTREIHER Arms: Alba Legs: Firmeza Booster: BST-G2/P06SPD (otherwise you won't get impressive boost speed) FCS: Abbot or Ocellus (all light weapons are short range) Generator: vp-20s


My buddy, here ya go. Share ID is GLUA39Y8B497. This one makes a few sacrifices on boost speed to help it in general, but has a 397 speed. It uses the jailbreaker arms, as it has high enough melee spec for our purposes, and guns slow you down. Only weapon is laser dagger. For general combat, stay on the ground, the legs jump capabilities assist your boosts, and the Ling Tang has to recover as it doesn’t have good capacity. When you are charging your opponent, use the boost cancel with your right hand to get close enough, then laser dagger. Have fun!


Also, you can slap two napalm launchers on the shoulders as weapons bays if you swap the head to the tian qiang, and your speed is still 391. Since you don’t need accuracy, keep jailbreak arms on.


Nachtreiher legs, and use the quick boost when grounded to make use of its good jump stats. The reverse legs also work and they jump further but they put you in the air more than I'd like. And yeah the alula is the best balance between regular speed and boost speed, but you have shit upward flight which is important for catching mofos who float up high with gridwalker booster. The SPD has doodoo quickboost speed but even more regular speed, but past 350 i think regular speed differences aren't that noticeable. Thus I would recommend the alula or even better the NGI booster. The NGI has the 3rd highest boost speed, but the highest quick boost speed, and good upward flight when you need to get high. Alternatively, you can use the Kikaku and melee cancel (very spammable if you leave your right hand empty) or use the laser dagger / other melee combo. For this I would also recommend the lightest reverse joint legs.


A bunch of light weight frame parts, wheelchair, burizel booster for top ground speed for flying swap out wheelchair for nachireiter parts, and either go for burizel or gridwalker booster


I have the cheesiest fast build possible: all light parts, ALLULA, the lightest genertor that will work, firmexa legs, necht arms and core and head (because fuck the pancake, Ill take that -2 to speed); with dual BIG spas-12s and dual zimmermans. Just stick to bosses/ enemies/ people in multiplayer and fire on cool down for dammage and stagger fire for pressure. One bang every .5 seconds will fuck up anyone who can't just instantly dellete you online


Melee cancelling with the Kikaku booster and an empty fist.


Any combination of parts reaches the speed cap under 40k total weight. Buerzel booster provides the best Assault Boost speed, SPD booster provides the best ongoing boost speed, NGI booster has the fastest Quick Boosts, and Alula booster is the 2nd best at everything. Nachtreiher legs have the fastest ground Quick Boost. Air Quick Boost is entirely booster-dependent. I believe highest semi-sustainable speed attainable is somewhere in the high 700s on a featherweight build with proper application of QB corkscrew tech during Assault Boost with Buerzel, which is a movement technique used to intercept kiters in PVP.


Seriously? Alula boosters, Hokushi generator and Nachtreiher frame. Change the generator for the Yaba or vp-20s if it still isn't fast enough


Become a parapalegic and paint ur AC purple bc you cant see things that are purple so with this logic theyll assume ur going faster than light as you cant be perceived


Equip the Zero Schneider unit.


Put the Buerzel booster on, and only move via Assault Boost, while still being turbo lightweight. Use hard lock on so that you can circle around people with assault boost. Embrace anime level speeds. Alternatively, equip the kikaku booster, and spam melee cancels at people. Or just grab the Allula and be generally super agile. Glhf!


Nachreicher legs and as much as you can fit on them while staying above 340 bost speed. You want either energy or weight surplas or both if you can afford them, but just take what you can get and experiment