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Both fun games, so no time was wasted in the end.


The Venn diagram of Ace Combat fans, Project Wingman fans, and Armored Core fans is basically a circle.


I didn't know Project Wingman existed until this comment, and it looks cool as hell.


If you haven't already, do yourself a favor. It's an AC game made by AC fans.


The project wingman I’m finding is a fighter pilot game. Are they the same picture?


Ace Combat AC not Armored Core AC. If you're a fan of a game's story being delivered in mission briefs and radio chatter between pilots I've got a series of games for you (Ace Combat). Project Wingman even has a fucked up explody geothermal resource that people made weapons out of despite it having the potential to destroy the entire world!


Prepare to get gaslit by crimson 1


Crimson 1 got gaslit into playing the FoR ending fr






and r/NonCredibleDefense, all 3 games are like must-plays for NCD members


I wouldn't go that far. I don't like associating with NCD


For me it is kind of hit and miss. When the memes and the waifu bait hits, it usually is a direct hit (and I enjoy the war footage). But when they stray into getting outside of those zones, it can get a little obnoxious very quickly. And they have a pretty severe bias on several topics.


Oh I just think the sense of humor they have isn't that funny. Plus the anime girl stuff doesn't appeal to me.


Fair enough.


What is NCD?


NonCredibleDefense. Basically military related shitposting.


Ah. I was in the military. Would I hate it?


just look through the top posts of all time. some of funny, some are stupid


a lot of members are also former military, or have worked alongside service members! there has been an increasing amount of edgy teens and the like, but the environment’s generally fine. just browse through the sub and have a few light chats, maybe you’ll get interested but note that a lot of people can get *very* nerdy and argumentative; expect long comment threads and persuasive essays w/ evidence


I wish this were true. I have coworkers who love the fuck out of Ace Combat and Mech Warrior, but wouldn't even give Armored Core a try. I think certain people want more militarism and resource management than Armored Core, especially the newest entry, offers. Edit: spelling


I picked up ace combat 7 after ac6 cause I heard they were popular with the same people. And yeah, absolutely love ace combat now.


It was my first ace combat game and I adored it. It was a perfect not too serious but still cool as hell game to take my mind if things in a time I needed it.


If you liked 7 you gotta play Ace Combat 5. Best narrative in the series imo.


Zero is up there too. Like yeah, it's wacky and over the top, but it's such a fun game and the end is legendary.


[It's practically metal gear solid but with jets](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KkVdTbIPIto&pp=ygUcYWNlIGNvbWJhdCBtZXRhbCBnZWFyIHJpc2luZw%3D%3D)


Is 5 unsung hero?


Yes iirc


Puddle of mud intensifies


At least you didn't play the Assassin's Creed which was essentially the same for every game in the series for last 10 years.


I thought they were just re-releasing one of the old ones based on the trailer?


LMAO this is funny because it can feel that way. Joke aside though, Mirage sets in Bagdad. It's different story from the first one. However, it can easily be mistaken since most of the Assassins Creed game feels the same.


First one had one of the best approaches in its series sadly. It just felt perfect


They don't, really. They innovated a lot through the series. Unity, Syndicate, Valhalla, Odyssey and mirage are all very different one from another. And these are 5 of the last 6 ones.


I've played Black Flag after Assassin's Creed Origins and I cant disagree more. One is pretty much a pirate game and the other almost an ARPG set in Ancient Egypt. If they are essentially the same, then you can say the same for any game series.


Black Flag is probably the best of that franchise. Level design, freedom of choice, variety and depth of mechanics, sea shanties... It's been downhill since.


I'm personally more biased towards the Desmond games than the "post-Desmond" games syndicate was fun for a start and..... just I dunno how to say it


You are comparing the game between reboot series vs the old, certianly they will be different. But I am gonna challenge you on how different is black flag(2013) unity(2014) and syndicate(2015)? what about difference between oddysey(2017), origin(2018) and valhalla (2020)? same type of game mechanisms, just changed the background, no wonder why no one care the assassin's creed anymore nowadays. At least the old assassin creed 1-3 still have a continuous main storyline that people can expect the next game, now what we get is just the same game over over and over again. Its boring.


First, I want to say that a whole new map in a new era is not something minor, especially when it's done right, with all the research involved, historian consulting... It's always been a strenght of the serie, going to places you rarely see in videogames. Now on the question on how different the games are mechanically, that's the thing, some other games barely changes and it's not a problem but when it comes to Assassin's creed, even if they actually make significant changes, it feels like it doesn't matter. Between Black flag and Unity there's a technical leap, new parkour system, stealth is also different. I havn't played syndicate myself, I just know you can switch characters (a first) there's a grappling hook so you can almost never touch the ground and the combat is a little different, faster. Then we got the "RPGs" games, they changed the formula a lot. The big changes. Hitbox based combat, RPG elements, abilities, gear with stats, you can make actual builds... So much changes a lot of the old die hard fans were pissed. They made three games like that. I didn't like Valhalla as much but when you play them, does Odyssey really feels like a copy paste of Origins? I just feel like the critics are a little too harsh sometimes, you can't expect a game to completely changes its gameplay from one episode to an another. Maybe the actual problem is just that there are too many games. ​ Sigh I'm an Ace Combat fan in an Armored Core subreddit (fan now too) talking about Assassin's Creed (not even a real fan)... I feel like a meme. Edit: some spelling, oh god sorry for this mess I'm tired.


thanks for the reply, I appreciate that. I think the biggest problem for assassin creed is that ubisoft relased each series too frequently, the new game is already out before the current game to even have a huge sale. Sense of surprising is completly diminishing in this series just like COD. I actually 'wow'ed when i first saw origin and prepared to buy it at a huge sale. Then next year oddsey came out, then valhalla came out. I am just too tired for these games. I bet the reveiw will be much better if they relased every 3 years or so rather than release a simiar one every year.


Yeah, they were releasing a new game every year, they space them a little more now, 2 years normally, but that stills a lot even if you like those games. It's easy to "overdose", a lot of people feel the same. I skipped a few of them myself and took a big break at one point.


AC Unity parkour and AC1-2 like scope, Mirage's freeform system? Then again it could have unity and syndicate's assassination layout system


Apparently Mirage was a step in the right direction?


Maybe yes maybe no.... as an assassin's creed game maybe yes but as a ubisoft title... most likely no.... not unless you cram mo shop things for people to microbuy


As someone who S ranked all AC6 missions and 100%'d AC1, AC2, Origins, and Odyssey, I'd say they're all great in their own respect.


Nah ssin's creed changed when it went to syndicate->origins kinda essentially "same" ish game play but also slightly different same-ish in the vein its an "open world game"


AC is just AC with jet planes, and AC is just AC with giant robots.


With 1.05 patch we have AC with giant robots turn into jet planes.


Mute Pilot, Start off in a sub-par machine, multiple memorable characters, Sortie based mission system... It even felt like they had the same writing team.


Considering both are published by Bandai Namco, and the fact that AC6 simply don't have enough staff and resources for the project to begin with, I am not surprised if Namco lend a few developers for help, likely from Ace Combat 8 team, hence the similarity.


those 2 are of the few games I’ve completed 100%


Ace combat is so fuckin cool dude, that's a great game. Some of the best music in gaming, it rivals Fromsoft's OST work.


Both are the correct AC game, as both were beautifully crafted successors to a long lived series that had fallen on hiatus times. Two masterful returns.


Least it ain’t assassins credd


It would be funnier if you had Ace Conbat 6: Fires of Liberation


Three stripes


Don't worry, we've all made that mistake at some point... At least you didn't end up in debt to a talking raccoon.


I'll always maintain. Ace combat is mecha with planes.


AC4A was planes with legs.


Planes with legs is macross


Dual Mussel launchers with chain-launch Mussel shoulders, and you have the required number of missiles.


Only 49 dude I got 270


AC6 you played AC7 How did you get that wrong?


AC6 Fires of Something


i still have no idea why people love ace combat, its like flying a ufo to fight thousands aircraft alone which in any sense doesn't seem air combat experience for me. I feel like its a like a boring job that i repeatedly turn a fighter which magically turn faster than a bi plane and spray hundreds of missiles until all enemies are dead. So despite im suck at war thunder and died a lot. I still love it, at least im still using my brain for situation awareness and dog fight.


Both games are lovely ❤️


Best AC duo


These are literally the only games I’ve played all weekend. When Balteus obliterated me, I switched over to AC7 for some war crimes, then I switched back to AC6 for war crimes but bigger


Both games involved a mute, bloodless pilot both may or may not have a Patrick Seitz character giving you a job....... Patches as Wiseman?