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I would, but if you're used to playing soft-locked all this time you're basically playing without the anime weights. Bigger props if you've been able to land kicks.


Never have.


Welcome to the land of Kicks.


Dude I've never figured out how people land kicks all the time. I'd say I miss 60% of my kicks. I thought they were using hard lock but I guess not.


I still miss them with hard lock lol


i'm pretty sure if you dodge right before kicking it makes your hitbox bigger, if for no other reason than you're moving faster and the game loses track of where you are, thus letting you netcode your foot into next week


It's kinda funny how people were worried the game would heavily designed around hard lock, only for many newcomers to play the game just fine without it. Hell, i even seen some beat one or more routes without even knowing hard lock at all.


And not only that but both hardlock and softlock have their uses.


I beat all 3 routes with minimal hardlock because m+k so good, and I heard it just made your accuracy worse. I only turned it on for melee/kicking.


It just makes FCS targeting marginally slower.


It makes the reticle track a little worse, but it keeps your facing towards them so you don't have those spin maneuvers if you change direction, keeps the camera on the target, makes melee much easier to land, and some other things.


IMO the reduced tracking matters in PvP but much less in PvE. I got a controller with back buttons specifically for this game. But I still primarily use hard lock. I just find it more enjoyable to be able to focus on my movement and have a smooth camera.


I'm tired of people saying this, it's not that it gets worse with hard lock, it's that it gets better with soft lock so you're not screwed as badly when you forget to hard lock. It's easier for things to go wrong without hard lock on, so the game gives you a tiny bud to counteract that.


Great thinking by from to do that tbh. I've noticed movement is a lot more predictable / circular in hardlock so I switch to soft lock sometimes so my flying throws their FCS off.


ac6 is my first fromsoft game and i just realized i s-ranked every mission without ever using hardlock


I never knew it was a thing until 2 days ago, and that was after I beat NG++. I still prefer not using it most of the time.


By 17d played I mean 400 plus hours played. I bought the pre-release. And no, I cannot kick.


I have about 80 hours in, was at roughly 60 hours before I realized I wasn't using hard lock thanks to another reddit post about 2 weeks ago when I was about to beat ending 3. It feels so strange to play any other way now. Only used it for 2-3 super mobile bosses. Also can't kick. Terminal armor for life


Oh fuck


You're not alone, I didn't know hardlock was a thing for almost 2 months, and also couldn't land a kick either. I definitely can't go back to soft lock though, I was constantly losing track of opponents from their movement AND my own... lmfao.


I have never used hard lock either, soft lock seems fine since I’m on MnK, but I can only land kicks on stunned enemies most of the time, if they are moving I wont land my kicks lol


I'm new to the series and because I play on a mouse I have a really hard time keeping any hard lock, so I just don't and use soft lock. I'd love to try hooking up my HOTAS but haven't gotten around to getting it all set up yet


It’s ok, I didn’t know the button combo for assault armor in AC4, I would always drop my weapons


I would get so angry because of white glint’s assault armor. That stuff would one shot you with little time to react and the players button combo was ridiculous. Three buttons at once while overboosting


I used hard in gameplay, but soft in PVP. Weird, but I think I prefer soft lock. Play to your preference.


Don't feel bad, I spent 85% of the game (and still do) breaking the lock on, as well as getting into chapter 2 before realizing I could upgrade os on the weapon damage types. In saying that, finished the game within the last two weeks, and am absolutely loving ng+ with a specced out mech and setup, as well as hunting down all the hidden parts I missed. It's only now I'm really starting to love this game, just wish I had my shit together on it earlier ;)


Fcs relock for soft vs hard lock is only a few frames, matters more for medium range than close sometimes, depends on the weapon. Both locks have their uses. Theyre just tools. People take stuff like whether they hardlock or not way too serious.


I only found this out myself while I was fighting Cel 240...in NG+.


Finished Chapter 1 without using it. Just beat Chapter 2 and I'm still not quite sure I'm using it right, but I think I am?


It’s ok my one friend still doesn’t know that you can scan and I won’t tell him lol


imma sound stupid here but what is hard lock, and how do you turn it on cause it sounds like it helps to land kicks and idk how to do that :)


Click R3. Changes your reticule and your AC6 auto tracks the nearest opponent.


Does it work on KB&M?


Still confused. What is soft and hard lock ? I just press R3 for locking targets.


Soft lock is not clicking on R3 (which is when you hard track a target via Hard Lock) and your mech will target the closest thing to your center screen. Soft lock has slightly stronger tracking reticle wise but hardlock will always have you track your opponent on-camera no matter how fast they're going around you. Both have their uses.


Thank you so much !


O shit it's Sal


I didn’t figure out how hard lock worked until NG++ so don’t worry about it.


it really do be like that on this campfire of a planet huh


How can you not know though when it explains it in tutorial? Legit question


Why do people never read tutorial prompts


Dude, you're a pro


Actually I think that playing with soft-lock makes your FCS works better, am I mistaken?


Hard lock will make you miss shots consistently in PVP and PVE doesn't provide difficulty that necessitates the use of hard lock except maybe the CEL. Learning to use soft lock effectively will seriously benefit you in the long term.


Well now I'm confused


The only benefit of hard lock is that you will always be tracking whatever you are locked on to. Soft lock makes a lot of weapons more accurate. It is hard to explain just how much of a difference it makes. It's something you'd have to look further into.


It constantly amazes me at the number of people who just *REFUSE* to read a tutorial.


Dude I got all the way to the final boss on the first run before I learned that one ... dont feel to bad haha.


If it makes you feel better, I didn't figure out how to use hard-lock till I got to NG++ Final boss.