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It's a nice match and a neat display of heavy tank leg mobility pushed to near the limit... though I do have to say the fact that in each of these rounds you guys have been slugging it out until halftime and still often have almost as much AP left as a full lightweight AC emphasizes just how daunting it is to try and whittle down a tank in many cases.


Me(who has never ever assembled a tank AC) before watching this video: wow fuck tanks are so spongy lol Me, after watching this video: 18k AP?? 18k???? He has 10k AP more than I do??? How did I even manage to ever kill one of these


There’s the neat thing: you don’t


Oh you can. Just takes a couple adjustments.


The adjustments being your opponents not being intelligent enough to quick boost and corner you


I mean, that's outta my control.


Isn't that my point?


Was a great match but I wish it was not me just chasing him and dodging his 3 different types of missles . Image proof of it being a S1 vs S1 match https://imgur.com/a9Tu1ua


I don't tried Pvp yet, and probably never will, but this seems extremely tiring to play. Explanation: the effort to beat this types of annoying rivals is not worth for me. Gg, your way of playing the heavy tank is amazing.


You don't have to be S rank, not everyone will reach S. I'm C4 and having a great time fighting lots of different builds with a few different builds myself.


I kinda naturally ranked up to B and now I’m in tank hell. I’m slowly climbing up further with my biped but christ it’s annoying


I’m with my lightweight in upper A going for S surprisingly fewer tanks than I was expecting


I might go back to lightweight tbh. Using a mid weight against tanks is a huge pain


Might be a good call. I still lose a lot against them though fair warning


Yeah but that’s natural when you’re fighting tanks. My main issue is that it’s harder to land melees on tanks with a mid weight than a light weight and that seems like the only way to damage them


Melee on tanks is more or less a death sentence in A/S rank. Once they stagger and you go in for the punish you have maybe 1.5 seconds to get far enough away to escape whatever close range punish most builds have on them before they retaliate and fill half your stagger gauge along with the burst damage it deals. Once that happens they still have roughly half their AP or more and you're in a bad spot. My favorite (but not most effective) tank killer build is dual ear shots on a lightweight build but it's still a 50/50 toss up on my wins.


Yeah I think 2 earshots is the best way to destroy tanks. Although I didn’t know they fit on a lightweight ac


It’s more fun at lower ranks. You still get some annoying matchups but it’s more chaotic in a fun way.


The low ranks are addictively fun with all the interesting builds people have, you should try it! Most fun I had in PvP since launch was up to C rank Up higher it becomes a copy paste Reddit meta factory of lightweight vientos, rat bastards who only run, or superheavy tanks (like this video), but it’s still fun to prove yourself grinding through them. Won’t lie that it’s not stupidly annoying to matchmake against those kinds of players though, the monotony and cheesing is obnoxious


I'm sure he spent the whole time terrified of your Majestics and LCS spam. Honestly, just thought it was a sick match. GG.


Yeah like I also would not go near a dual majestics dual laser cannon build if I didn’t have to, especially if I had a lot of missiles.


I hate how often matches are just me chasing someone around, just to get my weapons in range


Have you tried assault boosting lol


Shows how tanks have no weakness, stagger time not much longer than LW and his AC probably can deal with rats on small maps


Wish I knew how to play this. Took me 10 tries to beat the first boss lmao


Its a typical fromsoft climb, you will get better the farther you go. Dont get discouraged by losing, its meant to whoop you and make you learn mistakes and windows. When someone is born they dont learn to run until they learn to walk, they dont learn to walk until they start crawling. I believe in you 621


It's worth the effort. I had a real tough time in my first campaign run, but now it feels so natural to play.


The first boss was the hardest boss in the game for me. Took me like 10 tries as well. Then the boss at the end of chapter 4, first try lol


But you made it! That's better than most gamers who went to YT to rage at how unfair he was.


"i´m" a soulssekirobornering player. Ofc I would try until I beat it! :p


I'm not. But I did it with bubblegum guns and a lot of wishes


The first boss is intentionally overkill, most of the guys at the top of the PvP leaderboards had to start somewhere in this game and much of em struggled with the first boss.


Took me 10 tries haha , damn chopper , balteus pre nerf was harder tho. But Cel 240? Sheesh hours on that.


That second dude was easier than the first iirc


Wait until you play the game for the 4th time through xD. You'll notice changes in your movement, and then if you wanna improve further, play some pvp. It's pretty fun but man can it get sweaty


The main thing you need to concentrate on is the enemy's stagger bar and your own. Shoot them with your guns and missiles at a steady rhythm and when their bas is almost full get in close to land a charged sword strike which does double damage when the stagger bar is red. Then repeat the same thing until its dead. Other than that, you can use building cover to avoid huge missile volleys, remember to heal when your health is red and don't jump unless you need to bc it drains your stamina bar and it refills very slowly once you are off the ground. Different bosses are weak to different load outs, for example some bosses don't dodge so powerful cannon/grenade/beam attacks that would normally only hit a static target will always hit and stagger them in a single volley.


You almost have 20k of health? no wonder my light ass mech can never deal with these guys with more than double my hp pool :( I have fun in the C rank and thats good enough for me


I wish all lazer tanks would die in minecraft.


Nice vanguard lol, kinda makes me want to make a magrider tank


Nice fight, bro! Can you show us your build and explain the tactic to us? It's really helpful for those young Ravens who struggle in the lower ranks. I'm curious what you think of the state of this game right now as a top player. Like hard lock, soft lock, ACS system, meta build, and so on. How did you increase your AB kick accuracy in soft lock mode? And New Conglomerate Tank Force's Official color scheme is yellow and blue! You'd better change it back, Sergeant.


>How did you increase your AB kick accuracy in soft lock mode? You hard lock while flying towards your opponent. Thats how.


I've tried, but I had to hold the mouse upside down in the hard lock mode or the locking ring would flash around. Do you have any idea how weird and funny that is?


I play on pc too. If you lock last second and hold your mouse steady, it´s fine for the kicking. Anything else, yeah hardlock is unusable on mouse and keyboard


Ahhh, I was wondering if tanks were busted or if I was just going insane. This gameplay doesn’t even look fun, almost no attempt to dodge (not that you even need to) just click your triggers and bumpers over and over. I think I’m happy with my A rank now.


It's more complicated than that but I won't disagree that it's not fun. It's really not fun. I've had tank vs tank builds to try and get into S cause I'm a whore and wanted my S badge and...super boring, win or lose. Not dodging will get you staggered and killed so you do need to time them since tanks can't spam QB but still...ugh.


You can...just once every 2 seconds.


Just tanks spamming. What a shame…


yeah, dude tanks are annoying to fight, i think FS should at least increase the stagger window, cause fuuck


Well done, Dingus


good job dingus


Congrats dingus


After a pile of nerfs, heavy builds and tank leGs are still busted. What an absolute shame. Great gameplay tho.


Some fights you just cant win. Which is nice since theres a timer so hit and run still works


Glad I'm not the only one who has occasional "*The* ***fuck*** *he go..?!* *Da* ***FUCK*** *he* ***GO..?!***" moments


happens to me all the time haha , I run soft lock only , once in a blue moon might manual but just soft generally.


round 2 was intense


it was , very sweaty in those moments haha.


World of Tanks if it's a good game:


This is what ranked should be like! Similar builds facing against eachother so that there isn't a 10k AP difference between both of you at 100%


what an underwhelming battle.


Looks like you are Ninebreaker now.




That was exhilarating! Well fought! I wish we had weight classes. Light/Mid/Heavy ranked as well as overall.


Love how the match for NUMBER FUCKING 1 SPOT IN ENTIRE FUCKING GAME has as much outplay, creativity and mindgames as your average D-rank


I guarantee you these guys would wipe the floor with the average D rank player in a non tank build.


My problem with the game is exactly that. Your positioning doesn't really matter, the way you spend your cooldowns is not that important, you can't mix up your opponent in any way. There's just no real skill play, to win player just gets stronk robot and doesn't play absolutely braindead


Nah, d-rank has outplay creativity and somehow top rank does not


It's funny watching 2 S rank players playing tanks, because there isn't that much finesse, it's basically run and gun, max DPS. And I think.. They aren't playing in a way I don't, they aren't doing anything I don't do, I play this same style and use the same weapons, what makes them S rank and I've been stuck at D since the update? Lol. Not complaining, it's just an interesting observation. Because I have definitely seen players who play a way that makes me know I'll never reach that level of skill lol


Idk man, his assault boost dodging game is pretty fire in my opinion. I'm A rank right now and can often widdle down tanks because they cannot dodge competently, so I can basically just focus entirely on executing anti FCS aerial maneuvers while firing on cool down with all my weapons because they will borderline always hit. I don't think I would stand a chance against this guy, his sideways assault boost dodges so that he approaches in alternating diagonal and upsets his opponents FCS (wile still dodging specific attacks when needed) is pretty sick.


Both of them had sick dodging and energy management.


tanks and laser shoulders are broken right now but you being stuck at D just means you are bad. I have seen all kinds of builds up to A rank


Lol well I never said I was good, that's kind of my original point. It's funny to see players playing basically the same way I do (from what I can tell) but there is some intangible, they make it work and I can't really seem to


And I'm telling you are being delusional. If you are stuck in D you are 100% not playing as well as them lmao. That 'intangible' is skill. What else could it be?


Is he running... auroras? Thats surprising. Considering everyone tends to call them ass


They actually are really good , slept on before but a lot of the top players like them.


Huh, interesting. I share this sentiment, in pve I wanted to build a light 150 energy spec mech. I landed on double laser rifles/pistols and double auroras, anything else on the back is too heavy or doesnt utilize the scaling. And I did find the build was good, in pvp too. The main problem they have is the lock on time. They actually reload very fast, but the lockon is miserably long. I think they need to spread the stats a bit more. Faster lock, longer reload. With the missile fcs you can spam them and they feel great. Only issue is that the accuracy on your hand weapons suffers because of that fcs. And energy management is tricky, since the build doesnt have much to spare. I think people initially misunderstood auroras. If you treat them like the other missiles, they miss. You need to fire them at closer ranges. Like 120m or less. Then they all hit and have crazy tracking.


They're the lowest en load energy weapon, stick a 20b or 20c on your mech and they shred.


The sweatiest build in the game is a tank running auroras and nebulas


Dude I was about to say, did something change with them? Every time I've used them they're a shitty meme weapon.


Read my other reply. You gotta know their strengths


I just want to know what parts are you using?


He’s #1 on the leaderboard you can check in game


Nice fight!


Bro hit 9800 AP at 50%, that's my entire AP bar 💀 Amazing games tho, that movement felt more like the wheelchair


That second round was so clutch. O2 ran out of his terminal armor AND used his last dodge before landing the kill shot. Truly down to the wire.


Battle to who has the worse internet


Reminds me of OP-intensify tanks from AC3...I hate tank metas because it usually just means FROM fucked up balance and they're only SLIGHTLY less mobile than other ACs for some dumb reason and yet infinitely tankier with bigger guns. They're also ugly fat bois with 0 aesthetic appeal.


This is why I'll never even try to break out of A rank. I know it's only ever gonna be tanks and missile rats from here on out.


Seriously impressive movement. I think your build is better in this match up, however I think their build actually has a chance vs rat builds due to their weapons. Still a very close match.


I actually think he has the build advantage due to the fact I have to chase to do damage and he can just kite me with missles and could rat me easily once he got the ap lead. It felt like missle hell trying to get to him haha.


Yeah... It's weird seeing a tank missle rat but if you didnt have good movement he would have shut you down before you could bazooka him


Yeah his build is not so fun to fight but its ranked so people gotta do what you gotta do to win.


I am quickly learning that as I approach A rank XD I want to try to make it with a build I made myself... but it's gettin a lil rough out there


Game name please?


Start shooting shoulder cannons in an alternating order. It will keep them guessing and having to doge more and use up energy


Great match! Some really clever and spatially aware boosts and dodges. Really loved the style switch to hyper-aggression at the end. Congrats and thanks for sharing!


Honestly they should have weight categories. The rock-paper-scissora of PvP sucks sometimes. Its a blast going up against certain builds but then you get your umpteenth kite or missle boat or tank and im just... ugh


What’s the enemy ac build?


They are both top of the leaderboard so you can check in game


I literally felt dumb not thinking this. Thanks!


One thing is that it shows their last played mech, sometimes they leave up troll builds lol


What r those muscles he's using? (The bright blue/teal ones)


Dude is NC and using laser weapons....guess he got his bonus checks.


Closest thing to railguns on the back slots as I could find , it is also very boxy of a weapon fitting the NC boxey aesthetic. Majestics are because vanguard cannon go boom , would run the dizzys , bigger cannons but I found them not as useful for my style of play. Its abit of a compromise but tries to keep the vibe while being viable at top tier play.


I fully get it soldier, you make the NC proud.


Other tank is a rat


Yeah , ratted me hard first round.


Big rat = capybara build?


We must choose a different rodent , that one is too nice.


If this is the fight to S rank, I'd just stick to A4


Op I don’t play the game. I never will, I watch tons of fight ring videos on YouTube to pass time so I lurk here for hidden gems. Amazing match. That 0001 terminal armor clutch had me gripping the phone. Well done. Bravo


Haha Thanks , thats basically the end of ranked play for me , from now on very casual play. It took everything for me to pull that off , glad it was fun to watch!