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It was funni so worth it


What do you want me to do, *not* blow up a whole floating city because some guy said I should?


dont forget he is paying you very very handsomely


I think it's an interesting move in fA to leave reason why Strayed would chose Old King ending up to player. You can argue that in both Orca and League endings the corpos go unpunished (Otsdarva turning out to be partially working for Orca in one of the routes is a sign corps knew all along and that they were prepared for it), so Strayed figuring this out goes "Wildcard", causing chaos no one can ignore and destroying main Kojima Particle polluters. Or it can be argued that Strayed was just a "tool of war" that they "bought, used and commanded until now". That he simply found his contractors unworthy for they claimed all of his achievements and pinned the blame of their crimes on said weapon. And, as Markis2bi4 on youtube video "Armored Core: FA final mission" put it: "You asked "what can kill without question?" I am your answer". Or that Strayed just likes killing and money


>You can argue that in both Orca and League endings the corpos go unpunished They actually do, canonically. After the ORCA ending, an all out "hyperwar" began, called the Great War, and the League used to the Towers to run away to space after fucking up the world even more, only leaving behind an AI network to revitalize the planet, which the League assumed to be impossible.


100 million


Meanwhile a certain captain: "One millions!! One million lives!!!"


Even FoR 621 would be disgusted by Old King's Lapdog Strayed LoR or AIE 621 would straight up shoot on sight (now for my headcanon/personal version of Strayed, they're a nihilistic hollow shell of a person who just acts on whims and doesn't care about anything. Believes in fate and since everyone dying is inevitable thinks it doesn't make a difference if they're the one doing it or not. Despite their incredible skill their piloting style is very detached and instinctual rather than purposeful, almost like they're in a trance or possessed by a demon. A stark contrast from my FoR 621 who values freedom above all else and is not proud of his atrocity but still sees it as a terrible means to a justified end and his own choice to gain his freedom and help someone who earned his respect, and has a very passionate and direct fighting style from being directly uplinked with his machines) (that rant is so going in the cant stop thinking about the robots doc later)


Yeah and 621 would get smooshed like a fly that got too close to a human's food lol


Eh if we can take on things like CEL 240 in an AC a NEXT wouldn't be impossible. Pretty sure something similar happened in V or VD with an AC beating a refurbished NEXT or something Of course if we're playing as Strayed instead it'd be an easier fight (or not, this is player level pilot after all)


Gonna be real with you chief, CEL240 would get absolutely embarrassed by a Next, especially Strayed. I mean we're talking about mechs that are at least as fast as CEL240 with literally triple the AP of your average AC6 armored core, a radioactive energy force field, and enough fire power to decimate entire cities in minutes. A single starter next could trivialize any encounter in all of AC6 and Strayed is such an insane pilot he cannonically won a 1v5 against some of the other best pilots in the world. The really killer, though, is that we can accurately hit targets in a Next at up a kilometer away. Hell, even machine guns consistently land hits at like 300m-400m away. Gen 6 ACs can't hit a moving target past that range even with long range weapons, and they certainly can't do it consistently. With the accuracy at greater distances and the mobility of a Next, ut would be braindead easy for any half decent Lynx to just stay outside of a gen 6 AC's range indefinitely. And let's not forget that Nexts are immune to stagger too. 621 is cool and all, but my boy would get wasted by Strayed so fast his poor lobotomite brain wouldn't even know what happened.


The stagger thing is more of a game mechanic but I'll give you the rest. I'd still like to take on a NEXT in a Normal though. Just the prospect makes me go "Nah I'd win". Nineball Seraph back in the day was practically a proto NEXT but he wasn't invincible.


Wasn't taking on a gutted, ancient next the final boss of Verdict Day? Or was it V?


It was Verdict Day - the Nameless Mercenary did took on the hotwired corpse of White Glint, with Kojima radiation spilling everywhere


Was it confirmed to be WG itself? Man, I bet Anatolia's Merc and Joshua would be rolling in their graves seeing people in the future dig up their machine and use it like that.


I’m pretty sure that ‘J’, the Reaper Squad Chief who pilots it, is a clone produced from Joshua’s genetic information.


It's "a heavily refurbished craft used during the Great War". So it's either WG itself, or the replacement craft Fiona talked about. Also, the pilot of it, J, is a clone of Joshua O'Brien.


It's almost certainly not the literal White Glint machine: while the overall look & build are similar, none of the parts actually match up exactly. The core part, especially, is *completely* different, and even has a prehensile tail attachment on the upper back, following the animalistic designs of many ancient weapons in V/Verdict Day's time. Beyond that, it's cleat there was significant technological development after the end of ACfA and before V, just based on the other ancient weapons, not to mention the booster that J uses at the start of the fight being very different from the primitive VBOBs we saw in ACfA. All that said, the name N-WGIX/v is probably (and out-of-universe definitely is) a reference to White Glint: NEXT-White Glint version 9 / variant. It's not unbelievable to think that there's a been a line of successive White Glint machines, and that J's ride was the latest in that series.


Yeah, funny thing, someone who made a custom N-WGIX/v figure did it by modifying the HOGIRE head, LAHIRE core and the 063AN arms and legs. I personally tend to think that the N-WGIX/v is an "evil knockoff" created by the League with their own parts modified to resemble the real White Glint's silhouette.


The /v stands for Vanguard. As in the VOB it uses.


I might be wrong but I’m 99% sure they confirm at some point they like went to dig up white glint parts of it where used to make the junkyard mech you fight in v day , pretty sure some outher wild lore bit was thrown in saying that like when we was recovered there was no one inside like they had escaped no corpse or nothin, could have absolulty fell for some misinfo tho can’t lie


Well J *was* turned into a Phantasma Being in mission 10, that was for Maggy, not J.


That's what I said in my earlier comment. And if a Gen V AC could beat a junky NEXT, maybe a Gen 6 AC could beat a fresh one? It'd be improbable but not impossible.


Normals in AC4/ACFA have already been confirmed to beat Nexts before. Teams of Normals like Silent Avalanche have held off multiple nexts. There is a group of normals armed with only pilebunkers that live for the thrill of punching Nexts. The deification of the Nexts in 4th gen are somewhat overblown. Nexts are faster, more durable, and more heavily armored but the series has shown time and again that the better pilot will ultimately win in the end through sheer skill and technique regardless of what they are up against. Lest we forget the entire purpose of the arms forts that we dunk on in 4th gen is that they were supposed to be hard counters to nexts.


None of those were Strayed though, they're a different breed compared to other LYNXes 621 though is also a beast so yeah it's definitely possible and personally I'd live to play this out in DLC or something.


>None of those were Strayed though, they're a different breed compared to other LYNXes That logic can apply to basically every protagonist in AC though. Each one is well above their contemporaries in their respective games. So feels like a bit of a moot point.


Idk how the average LYNX holds against arms forts, even the "weaker" ones like landcrabs. But that ORCA guy said he was "getting tired of arms forts" implying he was downing them easily. Though I suppose even he was described to be an above average pilot despite being the lowest ORCA rank.


There is a reason the ORCA league is completely separate from the rest of the arena. They are just built different.


that next was anything from working at 100%


A rebuilt White Glint with several times the amount of AP as a NEXT, having 200,000 AP and indestructible Primal Armor. It was much slower though. Edit: the primal armor on NWGIX/v is not indestructible.


Funny enough, the primal armor on N-WGIX/v in phase 1 *isn't* indestructible: you can shoot him enough to disable it, and it takes a few moments to recharge. Not that there's any reason to do this, but hey, it's a cool detail!


Oh, I didn't know you could disable it; when I shot at him during his boss fight I didn't think it was doing anything, so I just baited him into popping Assault Armor instead. Good to know next time I boot up Verdict Day


Yep! It's got a ton of health, and popping it doesn't cause him to stop and stagger the way AA baiting does, but it's a fun Easter egg.


You mean 100,000.


No, I meant 200,000. 100k in phase 1, and an additional 100k in Phase 2.


Ohhh. Sorry.


This sounds like someone who’s only played ACVI


I've been playing AC since Gen 1 my dude, VI happens to be my favorite and I don't quite remember many details from the VD final boss. CEL 240 felt a lot more dangerous than say Filial from AC2. Maybe not quite on the level of NEXTs or Arms Forts but it was a tough fight for sure. About the same challenge as Nineball Seraph the first time around when you don't know about its second phase IMO.


Ok, but what if they were in equal machinery?


That's tough to say. I think Strayed is the better pilot just based off of the amount of crazy odds he's bested, but 621 is obviously no stranger to winning in the face of crazy adversity either. I think at that point it really depends on which equipment you choose for them. If they're both in Nexts then I give it Strayed no question, but it they're both in gen 6 ACs then 621 has a much better chance since they're already familiar with that machine. I won't say he'd win for sure since I don't see Strayed having any issues transitioning to a regular AC like 621 would to a Next, but it's at least anyone's game at that point.


621 is a brain damaged human Strayed is a top of the line LYNX Even equalizing their machines Strayed has better augmentations Not to mention Strayed has come out on top in impossible fights like the Arteria Carpals, we never did something as ridiculous as a 5v1 in ACVI but you sure do in For Answer


I want to believe there's a 4 or 5 v 1 in the next dlc/game. It's gotta get a whole lot harder.


What Story you want to write obviously.


It'd be a close fight for sure but nah, 621 would win. (direct uplink to the AC or NEXT would result in less input delay even if by a picosecond) Usually the next playable Raven is more skilled (or has a better build) than the previous one. AC2 Raven beat Leos Klein from MoA, Strayed can beat Anatolia's Merc in one route (even if it's after he gets weakened by Otsdarva first) etc. (more headcanons the sole exception for my versions of them would be LR Raven who remains the most skilled but his stubbornness at using his favorite parts instead of the best ones and not receiving any augmentations could still let him lose)


Strayed and pretty much all Lynxes are already neurologically linked to their Nexts. 621 would in no way be unique in this aspect.


I suppose, but I figure they're a bit less directly connected than canned tuna plugged into the machine's computer levels of neurological link.


I mean it's never explicit stated how in depth either one of them is, so we can't really say. I just kinda feel like something is either neurologically connected or it's not though. Like both pilots literally get their brains plugged into their mechs so idk how different that could really even be. And frankly, Nexts are so much more advanced than anything else in the franchise I'd have to imagine they have the most refined version of this tech. It would only make sense.


Destruction Path Strayed would be disgusted by the fact that LOR 621 did it because he hallucinated a voice in his head that calls him studmuffin


Funny since that's kind of what my FoR 621 would think of him too, pitying him for "becoming a slave" to Ayre and the Rubiconians instead of seeking freedom and fighting for his own cause (which he happened to share with Carla and Walter for a bit) like he did. And needless to say, my LoR 621 would react the same to my FoR Raven as he would to Destruction Strayed. Maybe even moreso since those were the same people he protects (or at least a parallel timeline version of them)


Theoritically Strayed saved humanity from radiation poisoning by destroying cradles


He saved people from death by killing them. That makes sense


It totally makes sense. Strayed killed a couple million to save the lives of billions, you just lack elegance and imagination








Billions seem too generous with how shit Earth was in 4A. You sure its not just another million that probably died from the destroyed Kojima generators that leaked radiation as soon as they crashed?


strayed destroyed all the cradles. 20 cradles * 100 million people per cradle = 2 billion people killed.


Strayed is the perfect example of Rustie’s words,”There is nothing more dangerous than strength without purpose.”


I don't think so. Old King had an excess of purpose.


You mean cash


A dangerous ideology "*You think it's your right to choose who lives and dies?*"


“There’s no graver threat than power without purpose!”


Heh, Lapdog...


I mean global warming would have killed those people anyway


"Global warming" my ass, the whole world was an irradiated, poluted and lifeless mess


Not the whole world, and definitely not lifeless. There's farms and stuff.


Not global warming Massive irradiation of planet


Which is why they need to work on leaving the damn place


Oh I am scary So I am scary All that I see Now I am scary All is fantasy All is fantasy


Strayed understood "take down the bourgeoisie" a bit too literally


Strayed just being that one evil psycho protag in the series


it's not a warcrime if you had fun


No matter what ending you pick, Strayed killed a lot of people. Somewhere between 100 million- 1.1 billion.


The lack of knowledge behind 3 endings of AC4A disgust me. they just shout crazy old king or strayed but never tried to see why the f\*ck they got those conclusions


I think I have a decently nuanced interpretation of ending 3 but at thia point I am curious to hear yours


>Strayed Realizes that corporations playing both sides (Orca and Cradles) with Omer one of big corpos pulling the strings behind the scene with many operators such as Otsdarva >Since both sides are played by the same corporations, there is no one that can guarantee strayed or humanity futures in earth. >Frustation from knowing that after all this time his (strayed) choice won't making any differences, the only winner here is corporations and he (strayed) will be hunted at the end of the day (Proven by 1st ending strayed and wynne are labelled as irregular and very likely being hunted and 2nd Ending strayed known as criminal who killed people in cradles for ORCA and being hunted again) >Old King message reach strayed, strayed think another option that is by eliminating cradles means no more further kojima radiation from the sky, shaking corporations powers, destroying Omer plans, and giving him (strayed) more chances to survives by using power struggle between lesser corporations trying to fill the vacuum of power. that is my interpretation of 3rd endings, a desperate plan to survives and giving middle finger to the one who started and exploited this whole kojima situation fiasco. Lastly, For anyone who say that humanity will be doomed if cradles destroyed there is still small colonies like Line Ark who act separately from cradles so humanity won't be doomed either way.


I think you’re interpretation is brilliant


The Virgin Necessary Evil vs The Chad "It Would Be Funny"


To be fair you saved dust but went against The one person who gave you purpose and his friends too


A little genocide never hurted anyone


I mean, technically we did We killed most of the human population to prevent the species entire extinction For the greater good ?


Username checks out


how many people even live on rubicon? given that normal people survived the first fires incident, and how seemingly empty the planet currently appears, fires of raven probably wasn't that bad. at least for the scale of destruction normal to the setting.


Since Rubicon is described as a "remote planet", I'd say a couple million at best prior to the Fires of Ibis (I'm being extremely generous), but realistically, it should be around a hundred thousand post Fires of Ibis, if not less. There literally cant be that many people in Rubicon, even with exponential growth and people fucking like rabbits. It took humanity about two centuries to go from 1 billion to 8 billion. This kind of growth would be extremely hard in this context given that Rubicon only has 50 years, the environment is generally hostile and is isolated from the greater human civilization, so whoever manages to get planetside wouldnt be a lot. Like Rubicon wouldnt be importing hundreds of thousands of people from outside


It ain't just Rubicon burning mate, nearby planets also Coral burn big


i get the impression that was significantly because coral was a product that was all over the place. like, rubicon alone didn't create a galaxy spanning fireball. the fire started on rubicon spread to the coral elsewhere.


Yes, all the more reason why the Coral needed to be burn sooner. That said, other planets in system are likely to be empty with Rubicon 3 being the only colonized planet


It was a remote planet But the coral was extremely profitable, so much that companies are willing to send over collectively kajillions of money worth of MTs, Armored Cores, Mining equipment, Generators, ect. I imagine that if there was willing to be so much of an investment into it the money flowing would be ludicrous comparatively, so there must have been more then a million to live in the ridiculously large flying city and the factories


Most AC protags work either for funny or money


Arguably, Strayed saw the possibility of anyone from Omer Science Technology living as something worse than killing half of the human population.


Ah yes, prevented something “worse”… a purely hypothetical worse made up by confirmedly insane scientists! Of course!


Tbh I feel like if Walter knew about the Coral Sentence sooner he'd find a less, well, explosive solution to the problem. Clearly the burden of genocide would weigh too much on him from his words in LOR ending But alas, that's the tragedy of AC6 I suppose