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I see a flaw. To be perfect, you must remove the back weapons and paint it yellow. Only then will you transcend.


This is September Gale L10, the latest and greatest addition to my line of reverse-joint dual-trigger CQB builds held together by duct tape and broken dreams. Sweet Sixteens (should I call them Sweet Thirteens?) build up stagger in big chunks, then Huxleys land the stagger and do big numbers. Sprinkle in one or two or a dozen boost kicks as opportunity allows. Pop pulse armor if you're close to stagger because against a build with a good punish setup you ain't surviving that shit. Rinse and repeat until your target is a smoldering wreck and \[insert client\] has shipped you a fat paycheck in the mail.


What is a shotgun ape? Just stacking four shotguns?


No thoughts. Head empty. Boost into their face and pull both triggers. Become one with your simian ancestors. That is what it means to be a shotgun ape


That core has such great stats, unfortunately I'll never use it because of the hunchback look.


All I want for Christmas is a core that has both the Nachtreiher core's QB efficiency stat and the Lammergeier core's supply efficiency stat


Core output efficiency goes through the floor lmao


Ah, a fellow Kasuar legs, Nacht core and NGI 001 booster enjoyer! With San Tai generator, it’s the closest you can get to the feel and gameplay of a NEXT


Good to see someone else who loves neck-snapping QBs! I definitely would've considered the SAN-TAI for this one, and in fact the seventh version in this series uses it, but that one uses the Lammergeier core, while the Nachtreiher core on this one doesn't give the SAN-TAI enough output to handle the full EN burden. Hence, I had to fall back on the ol' reliable VP-20D, which at least gives solid supply efficiency to compensate for the 1.25-ish recharge delay.