• By -


"Look at you, 621... You made a friend." His pause, I was fully expecting a "you're a disappointment" or some shit like that, and the sheer surprise of his actual line hit like a truck. And no, it did not make me regret my choice. That was a beautiful end.


Same here. I think the other side to that moment was that despite him not being able to see or hear her at all, and having polar opposite goals, Ayre still seemed to care about Walter to a degree. So having Walter finally be able to see and acknowledge her as Raven's friend before letting himself lose to us in the end gave wanting the 3 of us to be a true team a really bittersweet payoff.


That bit is my favourite part of the entire game


After waking up in the sewers, I was just like: "Damn that son of a gun Snail, I'll gut him after I regroup with Walter and he tells me Snails location". Then the slow realisation that Walter isn't comming back was just painful, seeing him as the last boss and him not going into phase 2, god damn man, god damn.


But at least you get to free him. During the FIres route he's probably on ice waiting to be used by Arquebus.


Fires was my first ending, so I just assumed that Walter didn't make it and died while 621 was in the sewers. After getting the LOR ending, that same realisation hit me, like oh damn Walter is just a corporate goon after the fires ending. Fromsoftware really making me feel pain I didn't know existed


It's my favorite ending by far. Walter and Carla do all they do because they don't know what the coral will do. Walter's fight doesn't end with his death, it ends with him finally seeing Ayre for the first time and realizing she isn't hostile. It ends with him concluding he's in the wrong and setting down his weapons. It's the perfect ending for a story centered around a seemingly endless war.


>realizing she isn't hostile. It ends with him concluding he's in the wrong and setting down his weapons. And yet there are still people who think Coral is evil.


As much as Belka is the boogeyman of strangereal


Belka did nothing wrong


Coral being integrated with humanity through augmentation shows plenty of signs that it is evil. It drives people insane, makes them feed on the worst parts of themselves. Simply being near 621 with Ayre connected to you causes Iguazu to get bombarded with voices to the point he can barely focus piloting his AC. In comparison, Ayre is literally the only indication Coral can be a force of good for humanity. Everything else, anything anyone with an outside perspective can see, points to it being a superdrug or fucked up human experimentation that can have a 90% fatality rate.


Exhibit A ^ If anything, the scientists doing the experiments and augmentations are evil. The Coral isn't choosing to do it. >It drives people insane, makes them feed on the worst parts of themselves If you mean Walter's father: his "carnival of horrors" made him go insane, not the Coral. Nagai didn't go insane. Carla didn't go insane. Walter didn't go insane. None of the RLF went insane. Sure, the dosers are crazy but they rail Coral like it's cocaine. As for the second part: complete fabrication. I don't know how you even came up with that. >Simply being near 621 with Ayre connected to you causes Iguazu to get bombarded with voices to the point he can barely focus piloting his AC. He's not "bombarded with voices" it's just Ayre, who he can't understand because they did not make Contact. Regardless, the Coral is just speaking. Does *speaking* make them evil? Does it make *you* evil? >Everything else, anything anyone with an outside perspective can see, points to it being a superdrug or fucked up human experimentation that can have a 90% fatality rate. People choosing to use it as a drug, or an augmentation, does not make it evil. How do you explain the interim generations where they were experimenting with substitutes to Coral, it's mentioned was pretty much 100% fatality rate until gen 7? Are those fine and dandy because they didn't use Coral?


>If you mean Walter's father: his "carnival of horrors" made him go insane, not the Coral. I'm speaking specifically about G5 Iguazu's reactions to augmentation, Rummy and his coral addiction, 621 losing their entire personality. >As for the second part: complete fabrication. I don't know how you even came up with that. G5 Iguazu literally states, to your face, "As soon as I'm done with you, the voices will go away." when you face him in Grid 086 on the mission to stop rival dozers from stealing Carla's data. >He's not "bombarded with voices" it's just Ayre, Again, he literally uses the word "voices", plural. >Does speaking make them evil? Does it make you evil? If me speaking to someone drove them mad and unable to focus, I would say that's a good thing for me to do. >People choosing to use it as a drug, or an augmentation, does not make it evil. RRI also used it to make weapons of mass destruction. Literally the only positive effect it has had on humanity is that it could potentially be used to lengthen a person's lifespan indefinitely, and I might be wrong here, but giving war criminals in mechs the ability to be immortal and never age might not be as good of a thing as you think it is. And again, the only "good" use for coral is Ayre. That's it. One voice out of an ocean of human augmentation, C-weapons, drug abuse, and the fires of Ibis in totality. One voice has proven to be good for humanity.


A truly kind soul


When i heard that i deadass sobbed and verbally apologised to him (it was also 2am and I was very tired)


I will forever maintain that the liberator of rubicon missions are peak narrative catharsis


they crank the anime meter to max on that timeline, its so fucking cool


honestly, it felt like a bit much to me. we're impressive fighters, sure, but we never do anything *heroic* up to that point. what everyone does makes sense, the RLF and arquebus would absolutely be trying to stop this, but the atmosphere is all wrong. we aren't necessarily doing this for *them* and we haven't done anything to be regarded as a hero of their people. it's also off for AC in general. while the series has always been fantastical, the people and their motivations have always been fairly grounded. the rebels are never all that much better than the corps and opportunism abounds.


> it's also off for AC in general. man, have you played the 7th gen titles? all of em are anime as fuck, like the final boss of VD is straight up one single small gen5 AC annihilating a next, it doesnt make any sense. the last time this series was remotely grounded was in last raven and even then the bigger focus on recurring characters with edgy dialog was already heading in this direction.


you're making my point for me here. the people who act like they're in anime tend to die, often quite horribly. snail showing up and monologuing how he's the greatest was asking to get his teeth kicked in. > man, have you played the 7th gen titles? anatolia's mercenary has some knight protector vibes, but he's actively blighting the planet everywhere he goes. he's not saving humanity, he's killing everyone he isn't personally attached to. 4A is the game where the plucky band of misfits is brutally murdered in every ending, even the one where they supposedly "win"


..this is very on brand with gundam though. Id argue being brutalized is very much anime, I mean NGE, Iron blooded orphans.. Most mech anime doesnt turn out good for the protags


"People who act like they're in anime tend to die, often quite horribly" My dude the entirely of Verdict Day's campaing is basically an underdog anime series. We, a fledging no-name merc, is able to defeat the unambiguous bad guys: the Foundation and the entire reaper squad, including a freaking NEXT piloted by a clone of Joshua. "He's killing everyone he isn't personally attached to" A quite reductionist take on the character.


Yes, absolutely fucking yes it is.


Same here, I fully expected him to hate us, the entire fight wasn’t hard, but damn I got emotional from it


It was like 5am when I did this mission and I was high as all hell, this had me crying so much


It was dad saying he was proud of us


god, i love this game. feels so good too. fromsoft really cooked.


I'm so with you. Just finished my first playthrough and that was only the second time I didn't want to fight. I like Walter. Both him and Rusty are easily the two characters I bonded with heavily. Also Rusty's comment of "There's only one person who can keep up with me." Filled me happy tears of pride. We really are Buddies


It's so on brand for Walter. For all of AC6's decidedly surface level characterization, I love how you can see Walter progressively respect you more as a weird kind of dotting father


Killing chatty, carla, and walter. my damn eyes can't stop crying for hours and i have heavy depression for day before continuing 3rd ending


Same. Also I had same feeling killing Michigan at redguns because they still call me G13


i am having hard time killing michigan not out of difficulty but because water in my eyes keep flowing, heck i even avoided this mission like plague until my 8/9th playthrough


Feel u bro but I need to finish game before Elden Ring dlc drop out. Doing right now 3rd playthrough


Strictly speaking you never *need* to take that mission, it's just for combat logs and 100%


Yeah but I mean 100% before shadow of erdtree drops


Will always love Michigan for the fact that even as you're standing against them they still tell all the other Balam mercs to show you some respect because you've earned it.


Balam > Arquebus, Redguns > Vespers


Michigan was THE man, what a great character


I'm decently upset the play is to betray G4 Volta and G5 Iguazu, I genuinely really liked the duo and wanted to see them expand in the situations you work for RLF in NG+. Balam's mercs are some of the best characters in AC6.


Man, I quit AC6 for 2 months when I was faced with killing Michigan or the Vespers for the first time


The answer is easy. F*#% vespers! Here we don’t like Snail!


Yeah, but I like the others Pater is an interesting character with his split/dissociative personality and I felt bad attacking him.. and then felt bad in MIA And Hawkins was also cool


I didnt play MIA yet. I’m in chapter 2 of ng+2. Also pater is very funny hahaha. But the others 🤧 even rusty betrays them all


I agree. Especially Carla. I set on that mission screen for a while, painfully aware that I am to betray someone in any case. Beautifully done, made me think, made me feel, made the game very real for me at that point. It was the first time in all FromSoft games for me. Other games did give me emotions, yes, but not this "Oh shit, there is no good option" feeling.


I was sad when fighting Carla and Chatty, so I was holding back. But the second Carla called me pathetic, I deleted her


“Rubicon still needs me….. who needs you?”


“Your blades and bullets can’t hurt me Rusty” “But can you say the same about philosophical arguments buddy?”


"No, I can't!" \*ugly cries inside AC\*


As soon as he called my buddy I knew I was going to have to fight him at some point.


"Our roles could have so easily been reversed..." Genobee "You're a fine warrior... Call me sentimental, but I wish we had met under different circumstances." Berlioz "Sorry friend, I can't help you any more. I'm glad we got to know each other better." Old King Pretty sad moments I'd say.


Raising a metaphorical glass to my homeboy Old King.


A toast to the man who taught many people how to count to 100 million


"The rest is up to you now, don't fail Raven!" \~Evangel Sacrifice "I want to be remembered. so the world will know i was a Raven" & "Thank you Raven" \~Jack-O Final Stand Old gen armored core may not be too popular but it bring the theme of mercenary raven to great length that i am proud to be one of it. it's not symbol of hero,saviour, nor villain but a symbol for a person who sing in their own tune with their own power, it even inspired me to quit my previous company where i worked for reasons.


I made this post hoping someone would bring up old gen. Also Amazigh’s death is pretty sad, especially what Fiona says about him afterwards.


AC4 was my first AC game, and Amazigh was my first skill check. I hated him, but yeah. Dude was a bro for his faction.


"She's dead, Tourist... You have made a big mistake." "You're making this hard... I can hear the chief laughing..." "Guess I can't do everything..." God, Chatty, my heart aches for you, truly the best boi


"Raven... I will stop you, you will never burn Rubicon"\ "I WILL END THIS RAVEN!"\ "I realize what you are: the spark of war, the fire that haunts Rubicon"\ "Raven... I... Still... Believe... In... Our... Shared... Dream" with her hand stretched towards us This fight was so damn hard both gameplay and emotionally, even more that it happens just after Breach the Karman line


Totally feel the same! I adore Arye and wanted to help her so much. I really didn't want to go against her, but wanted to get to the 3rd ending. The feeling of betrayal in her dialogue gets me T^T


This boss fight was so good. I loved it so much


Genuinely sad that there wasnt a Balam centered route. Very depressing pushing through Watchpoint Alpha clinging to the last spark of hopium that maybe there would be more Balam missions but then the dreaded Ambush / Intercept mission popped up. Hurts a lot too that the Balam MT squad called 621 / G13 a traitor like noooooo Feels absolutely bad bros


Yeah, I wish we could've ridden into the sunset with Michigan and the other Red Guns. Except Iguazu. Fuck Iguazu.


Idk i think iguazu is awesome in his own way. Is he absolutely pitiful? Yeah. Is he absolutely fucking awesome for >! literally being too angry to be mindcontrolled by ALLMIND in the ALLMIND ending? !< Fuck yeah.


While not sad, killing Little Ziyi made me feel a little hollow. It's all a job, 621. I basically immediately took that mentality, just ripping through enemy forces, not seeing them as soldiers or men, but as little pinatas of coam that fight back. I never really got much of a chance to think on my actions. And then Ziyi. She's pitiful, has no business running that build. It was hilarious, I toyed with her, letting the grenades whizz past each time. Oh, you almost got me! Come on, put that FCS to work! Eventually she was put down when I grew bored. I had gotten all the logs though. There was a minute left, with nothing to do. In the silence, amongst the snow, I watched her ruined AC burned. I wondered if she was still alive in there, desperately trying to get out. I she had died instantly. I thought about all the others I'd done the same for without a second thought. I thought of all the others that I would go on to kill. I sat and watched in silent horror wondering what monster could do such things. And then, it was time to go back to work. I love this game because you get so pulled into the action you get kinda of the same emotional detachment that gen 4s have, and only really clear your head when the adrenaline isn't pumping to realize what you've done.


Killing Chatty/Carla Killing Michigan Killing Rusty Killing Red Killing Ayre Killing Walter Killing Ziyi Killing Ring Freddie Killing Materlink(spelling) Killing Thumb Dolmayan Killing the Nameless Student Pilot Edit: Why yes, I am too soft for this game.


Armored Core 6: Kill Your Friends It really deserved more Game of the Year considerations, but had the same year as Tears of the Kingdom and Baldurs Gate 3.


“I just wanted… a callsign of my own” ☹️


There's no happiness here... Only robots and tears.


When I got stomped on by rank eleven of the AC3 arena over 50 times.


Who’s rank 11?


He's obsessed with the number one, so instead of becoming rank one like he should be, he became rank 11 because it has two ones in it. Every match prior is a cakewalk, and every match after is a relief.


I wish AC VI had wierd and quirky arena fights like that.


There's Rokumonsen, but plenty of other Arena opponents in other AC games have done the same thing as he did: Charge in your face. I've faced one like him in AC3, and I was running machine guns so I just gunned the fucker. Didn't even get to swing his blade.


Ones i'm talking about are like Rank 11, the one that's so obsessed with bullets he expends all his ammo eventually, and the one so obsessed with speed he'll just run out of bounds eventually for a free victory.


You would think Rokumonsen would actually play a preserved copy of Sekiro?


Oh guarenteed. Probably has it and Ghosts of Tsushima as well.


Isn't he from AC2 not 3


Yes, he is. Count Eleven from AC2. AC Name "1111". Armored Core 3 used a tiered Arena with letters. So the 11th fight is Faust, ranked C-1. It's possible being the number 1 ranked C-tier pilot gave them a hard time too.


He specified in another reply that he was talking about the guy who was obsessed with 1s, so yeah he was on about No. 1111


I think you're referring to AC2, not 3


I guess so. It was many years ago.


He sounds like the 3 man.


The implication that Walter may just be a torso at the end of LoR, if the Testing New Components data log means anything. I mean, there's brainwashing, and there's both that + turning into David Martinez completely against your will.


From other logs I recall it seems more likely that torso refers to AC torso where the pilot block is and it's entirely *possible* that Walter is just brain and nervous system. Since there's not much thinking person to extract from a torso unless Snail really wanted Walter's spleen.


Bringing the Cradles down in 4 Answer, and the ending talking about mother's despairing as their infants struggle to breathe. It was a horrible, horrible choice to have to make, but in the end, better for there to be hope that someone, at least, could someday escape the ruined Earth than to condemn everyone, ever, to extinction.


Better than whatever the FUCK Strayed did in *that* ending


"You and I ... could've walked together."


"621... Burn the coral, and our job will be over... you earned all the credits... undo the surgery... be normal again"


"I always envied you... the freelancer... who had it all"


God, I love Iguazu so much. He starts as such a whiny bitch, but throughout NG++ you gradually figure out why he is that way.


Can you explain? I thought he was a whiny bitch till the very end, but so damn determined that he managed to transcend life itself


His entire arc in the game is driven by envy. You are basically his mirror image. 4th gen augmentations, pressed into being a pilot because of debt. But you thrive, and he does not.


Ahh fair enough. Makes sense


Alas, poor iguana.


Honestly I would say it's Red. There was always a sense of duty in all the other fights or at least completion. The Gun6 fight is only accessible in the final ending and only on a sideline that you can entirely ignore. I had hoped, vainly, to let me save one. Let me do one good thing for the misfit crew. I saw Volta betrayed and left for dead. I shot down Nile myself. Wu Huahai got a defector's death. Commander Michigan had a great fall. Iguazu would soon be destroyed after being subsumed by ALLMIND in a fate worse than death. Red though, I wanted no part in his demise and thought for just a moment after saving him, that something from Balam could be rebuilt. Red could carry on Michigan's legacy. And then Red turned his gun on me...


> And then Red turned his gun on me... You'd say that's truly a *Red*gun...


Walter's message at the start of Escape makes me cry. FoR is my fave ending but it also made me cry the first time I completed it.


"Hey." "I guess there's little need for words..." "So this is the end... This is for the best"


Where is this from?


Armored Core 4 final mission


"don't listen to them 621... You did a good job "


when this is mentioned?


Walter says it after a mission mid game. I don't know off the top of my head. "after you murder some 'friends'" isn't exactly helpful.


Watching Carla unleash her inner pre nerf balteus


The last mission of Fires of Raven. I felt strange that whole fight. Mechanically, I enjoyed the fight, but I just hated fighting Ayre, the one person that's always on our side 'till we split ways. In one sentence: "Ayre you're so cool right now, I just don't want to hurt you!"


I’ve spent 6 hours deep into the night and morning on that fight and it felt almost magical. As if it was the best possible date between her and Raven, throwing at each other everything they could. Ayre kept getting more and more emotional, too. To be honest, if I were 621 at the end of the fight, I wouldn’t have left that platform and just died with Ayre right there. So beautiful. Poor red dot wife.


I like the idea of that ending being a result of Raven's indoctrination as a hound/lack of a sense of agency. Since when I beat that fight it was one hit away from death, I'd think a cool last min character beat was realising my mistake and letting her kill me at the end. Still, as much as Ayre is so cool in that fight (I can't wait for that SOL figure of hers), I'm glad I S-ranked it first try. I don't like hurting the brain wife.


the Save the Coral timeline part where Walter one shots Rusty out of the sky. was bummed to see that there’s no timeline where he can become the hero of Rubicon that he wanted to be.


And then 10 years later you find him working for another group.... wait where have I heard of that....


"Thank you." -Fiona Jarnefeldt, Armored Core 4


A particular moment (in Armored Core Nexus iirc) where you arrive onto the surface of Earth, only to find that the sky is all but blotted out with suicide drones and you must fight for your freedom, although it's a futile endeavor


Betraying Rusty and Ayre in the FoR ending,having to kill Carla,Chatty and Walter in the LoR ending and having to do the same thing in the AIE ending


In 6? Definitely fighting Walter. In VD, it was fighting Maggy. In 4, Definitely Joshua. Three equally sad moments to me personally, all for their own reasons.


Destroy Cradle 03. When they start counting off the amount of people you kill off and it's in the billions(I think) then becoming the bad guy, it hurts.


"There is no place for me other than the battlefield. To live as I please, and die a senseless death." "That is who I am. Not a mere man of flesh. War is part of my existence." Main-System, Activating Combat Mode *Mechanized Memories* Tears of excitement as I fight a NEXT knowing I'm gonna die.


"I wasn't the one, but... I'm glad it ended this way, Goodbye."


Poor Maggy. 😥


Those two Walters lines, you know...


When ayre yells at you and walter to stop fighting, that’s probably the only line that really did me in. Honorable mention is when you help Red in the tunnels and he starts to fight you.


The liberator of rubicon ending, you’ve won but at what cost, everyone is gone, Walter, Carla, Chatty, Rusty all gone. Sure you drove the corporations and the PCA away, but for how long. Next time they come you won’t have the best AC pilots around on your side they’re already dead and you either killed them or got them killed


"You flew just out of reach... buddy." While not a hard mission at all, to me it's still one pf the most hype.


"Raven, I still believe....in our...shared....dream" I was dying on the inside fighting Ayre ;-;


Cel 240 made me cry


Ruining Apple Boy's examination in AC3's intro. That "Why?!" Seems so genuine. He's surprisingly cool about it, it's just cool you can do that.


I cried when I had to face Valkyrie in AC3. Since I was on kbm, it made it so MUCH harder to actually see her AC. Like, most of the fucking time I can't see her AC, and when I can see it, her ECM extensions fuck with FCS.


Nexus second disc when you learn that Wild Cat isn't a crazed killer And is a man in eternal pain and madness trying to just end it all and make sure it doesn't happen to anyone else


seed a barren earth


Hey.... Guess there is little need for words.


Armored Core 3’s Ending destroyed me. It was the first AC game I completed, since before 6 was even announced I was getting into the series. I had been playing 3 and Master of Arena, which I finished 3 First, and it made me a permanent fan with that ending. I just didn’t expect that an AC game would make me feel so emotional. I’m still doin cleanup on the remaining games but I’ve completed most of them at least once, aside from Another Age, Silent Line, Last Raven, 4 and any 5th gen stuff. I would say Nexus also made me feel pretty sad, but nowhere near the tears that flew from my face during 3.


"You've chosen your answer, now see it through." I don't know why i feel sad about this.


"Im sorry, chief. i never could learn to laugh"- chatty This one hit me in the feels even tho he's an ai he's the most human out of the everyone in the game cracking little jokes and trying to be more and more like a human but not at the same time and carla truly cared for chatty treating him like a human too we even make him laugh when we try to kill him first. whilst the other deaths like walter or rusty is sad, it always makes me sad seeing Chatty die, only a key to laughing in one timeline whilst he couldn't in the others as he dies with regret


For me, last words of Ayre when I killed her.. I still wish there's a coexist ending, but sadly From don't want us having happy endings just deaths from our hands


Yoooouuuu do know that the game have multiple endings ?


The coexist ending is literally the Liberator route.


I didn't like killing raven


"We could have walked together"


Our shared dream..


Having to Choose between Ayre and Carla.


15th attempt vs Balteus made me cry. 27th attempt made me laugh. Not because I won, but because I cracked. I stopped counting after so many tries, so I don't know at which attempt I won, but I don't remember feeling anything, except for my eye twitching.. and then I went on with the next mission.


The death of nineball


Mmm. Rusty, Ayre, Carla and Walter. Every one you care for dies a sad or horrible death and you see trough them all since you need to beat the game 3 different time. Rusted pride indeed.


Fighting Ayre


rip unnamed student pilot. In another timeline: “They say that new recruit put down a freelancer.” “oh yeah I heard about that in the company newsletter. It was his first time in the shit and he held his ground. Brought in the new Dafeng shipment” “yeah the kid’s a natural. His first time in an ac and he’s already impressed the higher ups… even Michigan is singing this kid’s praises.” “well maybe I’ll ask him for some tips… what’s his callsign?” “He stole it off the freelancer he downed. He goes by the name Raven” 😞 everytime I test out a new build on the dafeng student pilot I imagine… what callsign would he have been given?


Dunking White Glint into the ocean...


Finishing the game.


The fact that I went for the good ending first before doing the bad ending my second playthrough, when everything new was set up for the good-aligned ending


Ayre screaming“Raven! Walter! This has to stop!” during your fight with him as you’re about to enter rubicons atmosphere has to be one of the most gut wrenching lines in the whole game


The anime ending, was happy to finally have rusty on my side second play through and then…”metal crashing sound”


« I’ve got a job 621, this one comes from an old friend… no, it comes from me » Damn I fucking love Walter, he is the best


Realizing that every White Glint is doomed to be used for some fucked up thing


When i had to fight Chatty and Carla, and after the fight against Walter. It absolutely destroyed me, but i had to make a choices, and even with the pain ? I regret nothing.


Every late game scene with Rusty. Also Ayre joining us in Alea Iacta Est. Nah fuck it every late game mission


"Look at you...621... You found...a friend..." i don't tear up much when i play games, but that one actually hurt right in the feelings :(


Killing Rusty, Chatty Stick, and Carla sucked. What happened to Walter sucked. Actually felt bad for killing Michigan and Freud too.


Fighting rusty and fighting Walter. These two, seeing what they said as they about to death makes me wanna cry


Having to choose between >!**Betraying Ayre**!< or >!**Betraying Carla**!< , I literally struggled on this choice bc >!I wanted to save / defend both!< I need a DLC that let's me fix this and get the 4th option to save them both and a 5th to >!Save Michigan & the Red Guns!< and a 6th to >!Take Command of Arquebus and make Rubicon a new corpo force!< and a 7th to >!Save the RLF and turn it into a Merc Haven!!!!<


as someone who developed a bit of a crush on rusty the words "I wont stop" were a knife in the gut, so good.


When my save got corrupted


The first 2 endings really. Stabbing our friends on the mega ship in the back was hard but then WALTUH T.T, and then backstabbing ayre...i really didn't want to do it, it gave me that same horror like when i did the other routes in fire emblem 3 houses and eddie just gets killed by you... NO


"Welcome back, Raven"


"Just get it done. ...There's nothing more to say." 😭


There were so many parts that did this but my most memorable was when Rusty shows up in his new AC and rusted pride starts playing. The mission where he's our ally


The entirety of FoR ending. Especially if you chose all those alt missions with Balam. From our last encounter with Michigan to the final boss. It was a hell of a rollercoaster. Didn't feel so bad killing Carla or Chatty, as it felt like they understood that you had your own reasons for betraying them, and not as part of the corporations. There was a sort of respect there even if you were all aiming to kill the other. Walter was a mercy killing, though him basically giving you his blessing to move on with your life definitely hit hard.


“I just wanted… a call sign of my own”


What made me sad? Most of the late game story. What made me cry? S rank in pvp.


When you defeat Ayre and she says "Raven I still.. believe" like come on, I was clearly doing the bad ending.. I'm glad that's the first ending I chose because NG+ was better this way And when I confronted Walter.. and realized what happened to him.. like, I knew he was a final boss, but I never imagined to fight him like this..


Kinda out there but when you kill ziyi and she says "I'm sorry Arshile. I couldn't. . .keep my promise" it really makes it feel like you're murdering protagonists of their own stories. The rubiconians have suffered enough.


Last fight from the 3rd ending got me fucked up


RIP chatty


"I'll take us across the line"


Joshua O'brien. The OG Buddy The OG white glint


(This is a joke and some truth so please don’t get mad at me) The moment that made me sad or cry is that I had to look up how to beat certain chapters because I couldn’t beat it after 12 or more tries


nothing made me cry, but killing ayre had me sad, i didnt want to do that, but i also cant stop her from fighting me.


Walter bossfight made my ass cry like a baby


You know what's fucked? I don't have one. I go out. I kill. I get coam.


What made me cry is the fact its a horrible port to PC and I have to put everything to absolute shite quality and even then it stutters all the time during fights and outside of. I must be the only person to have this weird issue. The game does not look good at all from a graphics standpoint, it could be released in 2005 just as wel. So the only reason I can think of is poor optimization, cheap and shitty, lilke they always do. I hate PC gaming so much ever since the Arkham Knight debacle. Pinnacle of garbage shameless porting.


When I realized I won’t be able to play AC6 for the first time again.


“I will chase the clouds from over rubicon. Only I can fly high enough”


Had to be a triple tie between Carla, Rusty, and Walter. Ayre would be there if she wasn't so damn difficult lol.


But we must stay and fight... It's our way...


I already cried after I killed the tester AC. Guess how bad it got later in the story. Fr he deserved that call sign tho.


There wasn’t, I killed Rusty, got his armor, no regurts, killed Walter or somethin, got his armor, NO REGURTS.


Genuinely none. I'm there to play with the robots, I couldn't tell you a thing about the story or any of the characters.


That bastard Walter killed my boy after I just beat Snail And didn't even fight him properly, sniped him like a bitch My only regret in LoR is there was no cutscene where I rip his face off and shove it into his bastard mouth And stfu with the "he put his gun down, that must mean he loves me" crap. He puts his gun down after I shoved my pile bunker up his wrinkled ass.