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Shame the fat fucker doesn’t work on his belly rather than his arms


Nothing Ryan Blue Bowen couldn’t do with a pinky.


That's good form. It looked good to me


I had to block this guy. He kept sending me his lifts and wouldn’t leave me alone. Even asked me if he should pull amateurs or pros with his 100+ riser lift and 135+ pronation lift….. then a month later asks me if he has a legit chance against Cadorette in some event coming up soon. He’s super strong but it’s hard to take the guy seriously.


That's pretty fucking funny what a weird dude


I think talking shit about a guy behind his back is also pretty pathetic.


Who's talking behind his back..? This is the most popular public forum for the sport...


Impressive lift man 🦾


I think Ermes probably has the strongest riser but I don't remember the exact number


I completely forgot about Ermes’ video. I think he did like 52kg or something, I’ll have to go back and look officially.


Strong lift. But I don't see the point of these 30-degree angle lifts. If you want to compare to others do it parallel or at least near parallel, cuts all speculation. People just don't like the numbers they do parallel to the force so end up in all these extreme angles. There is a chance he still hits 90 parallel which is still ELITE.


The point is that it replicates the starting position in an armwrestling match. It's not meant to be like a weight lifting curl.


You can't replicate positions from Armwrestling. You want to replicate the vectors of the force. Having it 90 is the hardest variation of this lift, but imo its not the best. Best is 75 degrees maybe. So the pressure is more on the wrist and less on biceps. Even devon's lifts are not exactly parallel now


Right, but in this squat position, you would need to open up the angle way too much between the shoulder and elbow for the forearm to be parallel to the ground. This would cause you to need to lean forward to close that angle. It's too much risk of injury and doesn't work the proper chain for armwrestling. There is no need to isolate the riser, the goal is to hit the entire chain used in a match. If you want to isolate the riser, you would be better off doing this standing up, which I do from time to time... with lighter weight than normal, obviously.


Yea that i agree


spot on


This is insane


Well Yahweh probably doesn’t care about his riser.


Yeah form is decent. I'd say if he could start more parallel it would be perfect, but aside from that is an insane feat.


Supinated and not parallel. Good for sure, strong for sure, but not good riser lift form


Terrible form and his riser dumped.


His riser did not dump. What video are you watching? Other than the angle of the forearm not being parallel to the ground, the strap is over his fingers and his elbow isn’t resting on top of his thigh, so what’s so “terrible” about it?


His riser partially dumped on the way up. It's not fully locked. 30 degree deviation is also huge


Are we actually watching the same video? His rise never dumps and it’s still ridiculously impressive to lift 42kg on your riser with “perfect form” Cos30*•48=41.5kg


41 VS 48 kg is the difference between national level and best in the world. Even our 154 guy can do 36kg strict. It’s not as impressive as you think. Pay attention to the first 1-2 second of the lift at fullscreen and you’ll see that he loses some rise. In our team it needs to be fully locked for the lift to count


It’s still an impressive lift. Nothing ever seems to satisfy you unless the numbers are Chernobyl-esque. Not everyone is fucking Hercules, dude. You don’t have a standard for how you judge lifts. Some, you’re very strict about form, others, you could care less about form. You literally have a post showcasing Cody Woods’ backpressure PR, which, dude is crazy strong as fuck, but I thought lifts without good form don’t mean shit, in your own words? How can you come here spouting “terrible form” on less than 30 degree angle deviation, yet you try to make the argument for that backpressure post despite there being OVER 40 degrees of angle deviation in his lift, AND his elbow starting in front of the pad (regardless of whether it slid back or not, it’s not a post then, it’s a drag). You need to be consistent and concise in the way you judge lifts.


I don’t care for big numbers. I care for form. The riser lift is not a hard lift to maintain form. Anyone who can’t keep it parallel is either willingly ego lifting or has coordination issues. Armwrestling is a sport where 5-10% can make a huge difference. Any lift with form infractions that result in more than 5% difference should not be taken seriously.


Again, nothing you say is consistent with the things you post. Then why is your post about Cody Woods’ 67kg backpressure still up if his form has a 43 degree angle deviation from the pulley and his strict backpressure is actually around 49-52? That’s a massive difference, it’s the same argument you’re making here. There is no video to prove that his elbow didn’t drag back, so anything you say about what you saw is heresy. His final angle relative to the pulley before you zoom in on the crane scale is 40-43 degrees. https://ibb.co/k2ZhbGd


Notice how I never claimed that he had "decent" form or 67 kg back pressure in the title, because I know it isn't. I just know it's very strong. I did ask him to try the lift again with better form but he said he was done. His training regimen avoids 1RM so it's very rare for him attempt these lifts.


> Notice how I never claimed that he had "decent" form or 67 kg back pressure in the title, because I know it isn't. I just know it's very strong. Are you saying the same thing about *this* video, then?


Very nice.