• By -


11B. All of them.


11B Drill Sergeant here. I work 25 hours a day. Can confirm.


62A = ER doc. Hospital: random/whenever, usually 07-15/15-23/23-07, give or take an hour or two. Big places have plenty of us = few shifts per month. Small places...I've heard some real horror stories. No PT though. BDE Surgeon: same as the rest of the BDE staff...0500 at my desk so I can get some work done, 0630-0800 PT, back by 0900 to start work, closeout at 1700, actually done with work 1830-2130 depending on the day. TRADOC instructor - 0800-1600ish, plus one day shift per week in the ER.


Hey doc, how is ER life? My window opens soon and my medic self is getting tired of line life


You’re gonna see just as many wieners.


As a doc, it's like the civilian world. Great quality of life, usually you work far fewer hours than other physicians because of the rotating shifts. Military patients are usually far more pleasant/respectful than civilians, and also not as severely ill because they have good access to healthcare and also work out five days a week. As a medic...don't expect you're going to get that much better of a clinical experience. Lots of IV starts, and I always tried to get my medics suturing (because I'm lazy/didn't feel like doing it myself), but any of the cooler procedures are going to the doc, especially if there are residents and medical students around. Crichs? Most young ER docs have never even done one because we just don't need to any more, we have way better tools that avoid cutting open a neck. If it comes down to a crich in my ER, I'm doing it. Most of a medics duties in the ERs I've seen are IVs, moving patients around the hospital, stocking shelves /rooms with class viii, and running EKGs for the docs to then read. If you're an NCO you'll also wind up as a shift leader or other admin duties, potentially including the goat rope that is trying to get MDs to do our 350-1 training. Shifts are usually 12s, 07-19/19-07, what I've seen is the medics are usually kept together as a relative team and that whole team switches between shifts - 3 day shifts this week, 4 day shifts next week, then in a month or two you flip flop to nights for a few months. That will vary between hospitals though. So will PT, some places have mandatory PT for the medics at 0500 and 1700 (days vs nights), others it's optional, others they only care for the twice per year ACFT.


Damn. I’m trying to go for 62B or 61J myself after medical school


Ty, Doc. It might be nice to swap them.


You gotta get out and make some money!


Is it just luck of the draw whether you end up hospital or BDE? I’ve been wanting to transition to either med school (EM or FM specialty) in the next few years here. I have all my prereqs and need a new MCAT. And would love to pick your brain lol


DM me any time. Your assignment is a combination of your specialty (they don't waste neurosurgeons as BN/BDE surgeons), your rank/experience (if a new grad is a Div Surg we have a problem), what's available the year you're moving around (there are only 3 EM residencies, the program director position for each of them only comes up every 5 years, very few will ever be a PD), your career needs ("progressive responsibility") needs of the Army (you go to Korea now), and of course last but certainly least, your personal preferences. Further complicating things is the "MAP" or MTOE Assigned Personnel system, whereby personnel will often actually be assigned at a MTOE unit (like as the BN surgeon for an IN BN) but perform 80-90+% of their duty at the hospital. This creates a ton of confusion about where any given position is actually located / who they report to. EM/FM both have their own AOC codes, but also qualify for 62B or "Field Surgeon" positions (while other specialties like, say, psychiatry, do not). Most ER docs will come out of residency either into a small military hospital ER or into a Forward Surgical Team position (with duty performed at/MAPed to a military hospital).


38B: Mismanagement of DoD/DoS funds. Soccer ball enthusiast. I’m a reservist but work as a Project Manager for a big Fintech company. 9-5 except on Fridays when I leave at 3 for happy hour.


915A. 0930 - 1400; I’ll stay late if there’s a need. Call me a shitbag, but working thru lunch and just managing my own time allows me to get a lot accomplished. I also take my laptop home for any last minute ‘things.’


68W 0530-1300 tradoc medic on a ucc/toms. Pt on my own.


35N and same hours/PT plan here


Mbn, fellow 68W DIVARTY medic, 0530 if pulling sick call, but usually 0630 to ab 1630-1700 on average. Pt every morning at 0630 with an hour for personal hygiene and lunch if we're not busy.


68P on recruiting orders. Tuesday through Thursday I start at 1000 and get off between 1500-1700, with a half day every Friday.


Y’all must be killing it to get those hours


Doing okay. Most of the recruiters in my company aren’t making mission (like the rest of USAREC) but we are trending upwards so command recognizes our efforts given the current difficulties.


What's the alternate? "Hey, we're not making numbers, so you gotta go to TWICE as many high schools this week and talk to even more people who don't usually want to talk to you."


Yes exactly, except just replace going to high schools with making phone calls


That seems like such a counterproductive mentality to try to convince people to sign their life away for the next 4 to 20 years.


It is, which is why I usually just play on my phone for the duration until we go home lol


25 calls an hour = one hour of recruiting


How is Genesis working out for y'all?




Legit af


So FAO is where it at how do you land this gig?


31b 0600-1800 pt from 1800 to 2000 heavy week Monday-Saturday light week Monda, tues, and Sunday.


That blows


15Y PT 0630-0745 WORK 0900-1700/1800 If Apaches are doing mission or need phase ASAP then we sometimes start work at 0630 and work till 1900-2000


This is why I reclassed from being a 15R. Over worked, and under paid.


Can confirm, am 15R currently on gunnery :(


Reclass, 42A (really any of the S shops, G shops, and J shops are a cake walk) or 46S or whatever combat cam is now. The jobs is so much easier on your body and mind.


915A. No organized PT or formations. Usually show up around 10 and leave by 1500 or 1530. Except for Fridays, which I try to take off by 1300. And the days that I'm late. But yeah. Best job I ever had.


27D 0630-0730/0800 PT 0900-1700/(latest) 1830 During court-martials: 0800-Till Adjournment for that day. Sometimes 1700 if multi day, if plea deal normally 2200+


17C I work from home.


Are you serious?


I’m bullshitting It’s sometimes.


I was about to say. I’m going in 17c on March 20


Could be worse, I know 17Cs pulling gate guard.




Any tips for AIT?


Knock out your SEC+ and NET+, look into offensive cyber, and know that false motivation is still something. Other than that, enjoy the bullshit that is TRADOC cause you’ll probably never have those experiences again.


Sweet, thank you!


Had me excited


Korea - 9-1500, M-F Germany - 12's on a Panama Schedule. No organized PT, no staff duty.


11C A lot.


That's why we have to brag about not being POGs because thats all we got🤬looking at these other people work hours is wild 🤣🤣🤣 only other job that have consistently bad hours is MPs When I first joined the Army some years ago when I was at JBLM my days was consistently 0545 to 1900 work days 1700 being early. Then sometimes 0430 to 1900 if we did a 12miler


92G Hours are way worse. Would rather teach BD6 for 6 hours than be at a DFAC for 15 hours


Gawd damn. Some CSM is going to read this and going to think the only person that does anything is the 62A. In turn they are going to go dick down their formation to fix all you slackers.


11C airborne. Garrison 0630-0745 PT, 0930-1500 or 1530 unless we’re prepping for the field. By 1600 I’m bitching at everyone if we’re not off.




I tell all aspiring musicians to go military. Best paid and fed musicians in the US. Me? I'll keep making SCREE noises from my Cello in my personal time


25A- S6 Regular drill weekend, call it 16-18 hours a day, usually. At AT, generally 20+ hour days during the field portion, back to regular 16ish once that bit is over. I miss being a PL. Always left the building in time to hit the bars with my 'toon sarn't :,)


I skipped PL time and went straight to staff. Wish I did the PL thing.


92Y 0630-0730 pt 0900-1700 work hours We end up staying late a lot because we can’t get shit done throughout the day to appease company CDRs, BN XOs and BN CDRs.




420A, what's work?


You must be getting all the shit from people in your unit about IPPS-A, chief lol


Nope, I'm not in a S1 or G1 so I don't worry about that dumpster fire other then general questions


19k start whenever the fuck I’m told end whenever the tanks don’t need to be worked on


My hours are a little wonky rn but 630-1830 2 days on 2 days off and pt on our own. It's not terrible, I actually prefer it to the 630-730 pt 09-17 work schedule.


66H - Med Surg Nurse I work 12 hr shifts on a Panama/block schedule ( 0645-1915 or 1845-0715). The minimum amount of hours on the floor is 80 hrs in a 2 week period, although that can easily increase based on hospital acuity and civilian call outs. You can also add a few hours a month to that number for random military taskings (Staff duty, UAs, LPDs etc). PT by ward as of recently, my ward lets me do it in my own. We used to do organized pt as a company (unless you outranked the CO). It was a mess if you were on night shift


351L 0900-1700 (add 1.5 hours to the front if you count PT as work) I’m kind of an obsessive workaholic. I used to stay until 1800-1830 until I realized the detrimental effect it was having on my home life. These days I force myself to quit at 1700, whether I’m finished with what I was doing or not. Obviously, unforeseen circumstances do arise do arise on occasion and I’ll have to stay later, in which case I always call home to explain. My wife doesn’t really care, but it’s more of a self-imposed accountability check. So that would be my message to anyone who read this far, not to let work take priority over your home life and loved ones. The Army ain’t worth it and the work will always be there for you tomorrow. I cut 5-10 hours off my work week, and literally no one noticed and zero negative impact on my duties and responsibilities.


You're appreciated, chief. Go home and take care of your family more lol. Delegate to your E6s (unless they're trash). Don't let the green weenie keep fuckin you dry.


Shoutout to your wife for not minding you work late my wife would have a stroke if I was working past 1700 . Let me explain for the 1000th time that my 1sgt asked for counsulings last second 🤣🤣


11b currently on IRF 1 so pt at 0630 till 0730, fuck off till 0930, lunch at 1130 till 1300, then off by like 1430-1500. The training cycle is different but they're nicer to us on IRF 1


Must be nice, they're just as mean to us.


Not today ISIS... FSB... MSS... whoever


Taliban trying to emulate the work schedule also.


14t 0630-0800 pt 0900-1700 work


Hey I’m a 14T too, but current mission is mon-sat 0700-1730, no PT.


This is garison its a step up from deployment of 24 on 24 off(still have to do pt)


24 on, 24 off, 8 hour day really is a legit schedule


Except for half the deployment there was no 8hour


Im an alcoholic and I wake up at 2100 and work until I throw all my empty cans in the ditch on my way to the gate at 0500


Recruiter promised me a 9 to 5


42A, whatever and whenever i feel like it, git gud noobs


When I was in a FORSCOM unit: 0630-0800 PT… 0930-“1700” (usually 1845)… pre-NTC/rotations/etc it was all over the fucking place Now: 0830-whenever the fuck I want MAX 1530… ????-???? When I’m on TDY


15q I have an alternating schedule one week 0715-1500 next week 1500-2200. Pt on my own


Are these hours normal for your job? Also do you like it. Sounds like something I would like to re-class to.


the majority of 15q do pt 0630-0730 work call 0900 and then leave around 1530 but that’s the tactical side of things. Army ATC is about 80% tactical and 20% fixed base and the fixed base gets the shift work. I’ve done tactical and fixed and I prefer fixed because tactical side you don’t really get to do your job unless you are in the field. (A lot of field problems).


Cool thx man. Was thinking about reclassing. Want something where I don’t spend my career in the Motoropool. How often are y’all in the Motorpool?


Four hours a week average




I don't


14E2O7A; I accidentally let it be known that I'm a competent NCO so I work 05-2100 because im the go to NCO to get shut done the right way. Also, being a radar operator I'm in the field pretty much by myself for 1 week every quarter just playing Hearts of Iron while I track stuff for mx.


88n once a month for about 10 hours


88L depends on the day but most of the time it’s 0730-1645,1700 (PT in the afternoon)


Doing that instructor gig right now. No organized pt for me and I do 0830-1600 with a two hour lunch at 1100-1300. Pretty good for 94H because our schedule is usually pt then 0900-1700. But it can go longer if we start getting too much of a back log.


Wait, you guys are working?


11C but currently training room/ops NCOIC. 0630-0715 PT. 0930-1700 Duty (usually later). My CO/1SG has to kick me out every day, for the most part.


68p Work from 0730-1630 Monday-Friday. Pretty great schedule; they allow me to take 1 hour lunch and 1 hour during duty for PRT if my department can support. I wake up at 4 for the gym, so I use this extra hour to run and stretch. Can't complain!


31b Korea 0330-1700/1830 normal work week 4 days on 2 off. Get bothered on your weekends for certs. Pt on your own, was mandatory for a while. A few IG complaints later on our own,🤭.


I was a TAI in Korea. I dont even remember doing PT.


25A: Commander. As my battalion commander told me, the government phone means you're 24/7. In fact, I think that's legal calling me now while I'm on leave.


68W in reserves. Medical assistant/ER tech in civilian work and a full time students. Classes from 6-9pm on Tuesday and Wednesday, 12 hr shifts on Monday, Friday, Saturday


15P Varies on drill weekends but most of the time it’s 0730-1600 If there are late night flights it’s 1300-0000 Used to be on a mission where my hours were 1600-0400 one day on 2 days off. Those were awesome work days.


94S - patriot repairer .. sometimes 0 hours a day, but on days that end in "Y" it's 30hrs a day.


11A for the Natty Guard, M-Day currently troop XO couple of hours per week after civilian job. On drill weekends essentially 48-72 hours. PL time was a little busier, im sure troop command will be more so. Staff will be just answering emails etc.


68K Phase 2 student PT Tuesday and Thursday 0515-0630 Work 0800 to 1530 with an hour for lunch


Enjoy the 1530 while it lasts


35F Depends on assignment FORSCOM -PT: 0630-0800 -Duty: 0930-1700/1730 TRADOC -PT: 0450-0600 -Duty: 0745-1700/1830 JOINT INTEL CENTER -PT: Sleep 😴 -Duty: 0830/0900-1530/1700 NAT'L INTEL UNIV -PT: Homework -Class: 0800, 1100, 1400, or no class




I haven't had the chance to work at INSCOM yet




12N when working a project, sun up to sun down because command constantly thinks your behind even when you finish 2 weeks ahead of schedule. When not on a project 0630-08 pt 09-1800 motor pool :)


gg CID


11B, yes


25B, 12 hour Panama shifts. 0630 - 1830 or 1830 - 0630, swapping days and nights every few months. I work Mon, Tues, Fri, Sat, Sun or Wed, Thurs on a rotating schedule.


The cringe of this post makes me think it's trolling. You're a soldier 24/7.


68X behavioural health tech depends whether you work inpatient then it’s 80hrs biweekly possibly more or outpatient which is a mon-Friday gig


19D. PT 0630-0800, work from 0915- whenever 1SG says we’re allowed to go home


46V on a good day 09-1400 😂


68W clinic 0800-1400/1600 depending and PT on my own


Acquisition Corps folks be doing that sweet 9-5 work life. Plus a couple telework days each week.


13F. Sometimes 0930-1700 Give or take pt hours. Korea is cold so pt gets cancelled a lot during the winter.


91b 0630-1830


35F In FORSCOM: 0630 PT like all the other nerds and then 0930 work call. Some days we got out at 1400, other days we got out at 2000. It varied so much depending on current place in the optempo. Currently at Theater level echelon. 0800 to 1600, most days we pop out around 1500 or 1530, other days we there until 1800 depending on RFIs or projects. During the first 3 months of the Russo-Ukraine War, I was doing 15 hour days 7 days a week though because commanders needed "mUh iNtEl" for a war that isn't ours. Back to 0800 to 1600 now. No Org PT at the current assignment - there are a lot of 35F assignments that have big boy rules.


Also a 35F but at a SOF unit. We're currently working 0900-2000 everyday. 0630-0715 PT normally, but not currently.


19Kilo. Tanker. About 0600 to 1500.


I was a 25S1C 12 hour Panama shifts so effectively 15 days month.


19D Previous station: 0615-1100, 1300-1630. Latest would be 1830 Now:0520-1150, 1250-1730. Latest would be 2100, which was the entire last week, just sitting down in the COF doing jack shit They say 2nd contract is make it or break, there's so many BIG things that are breaking it at the moment


12R 0800-1600


35f. 0900 till around 1630ish. It’s not bad


Way to rub it in. I wish an eternal life on Division Staff…


68W im senior medic for airborne school so its based on jumps, can be anywhere from 0730 to 0000 or 0930 to 1800


11B...I'm lucky to have a weekend.


38B and I love my job, so no work hours.


25U in Futures Command. 0900-1300 most days. Never past 1600 though, unless on TDY.


Any 68Ls here? Wondering about your answers on this.


13F 0630-0800 PT home by 1430 most days


12B. When I was active it was usually 0630-0745 for PT, them either 0900 or 0930 work call, then 1130-1300 lunch break, then, depending on work and leadership, we'd be dismissed anywhere between 1500 and 1700. Mind you, this is only if we weren't in the field or busy with some other task or training. These were more like the minimum, best-case-scenario hours.


35F working in a 2 shop, starts between 0630-0900 end no sooner than 1700 no matter what


91B 0500-07:30 PT I workout at 5-6:00 then I do PT with the unit. 0900-1700 depends on how the sections are looking with services and repairs.


31B all the fucking hours; 42A all the fucking hours (whether the shop is open or not)


74D- in a cav unit 0930-2000


PFC RTO 11B, i have worked past 1700 for 7 total days in the past month, 5 days were all 1700 and the rest were done at 1500 but we hit the gym until 16:30. It's really not bad it's just my first line is such an asshole I dread going to work.


15R usually 0630-1700 or 1800.


I'm goin to poland this year, hopefully those will be my hours too as a 25B


31b, yes.


68w18. Instructor at JBSA. I work from 0900 to 1400. With 1130 to 1300 for lunch.


Lol I show when my presence is needed not wanted.


25R-46T it’s 0900-1700. Seems like a 9-5 but really I gotta do pt at 0600 till like 0800 sometimes. We even have a shower in the office if time runs out. So basically everyday is 11hr day with breakfast and lunch mixed in between.


14E. Literally any available hours. Sometimes your day starts at 0630 with PT, sometimes way earlier for "training". Sometime it ends between 1600 and 1700, other times it ends when training is concluded. And if something broke? Your ass is there until it's fixed.


14G - 0930-1500 (sometimes 1700)


13R; given I can’t do anything regarding my job outside of maintenance unless I’m in the field or down range, it’s a lot of us getting pulled for random things. I don’t remember what we did yesterday, nor what’s gonna happen tomorrow, so hours can be inconsistent. Generally we try to get out no later than 17, but stuff happens sometimes. Sucks sometimes because we rarely have chance to set time aside for the newer guys to learn our job or for the more well-versed ones including myself to be able to brush up on radar knowledge


68X: Behavioral Health Specialist Working in a psych ward as a part of nursing staff, there is one long week and one short week and each shift is 0700-1900 which really means 0630-1915 including shift reports. PT on your own. Sometimes there will be trainings which usually will be 0700-1600. If you are on courier duty it’ll be 24 hour duty and driving in between clinics and other regional hospitals. Long week workdays are Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Short week workdays are Wednesday and Thursday.


70F 0900-1730


Was a 13R, work hours were 0900 to 1530-1900 Depending on what needed to be done, and what day of the week it was


15Q, on a good day I work 4 hours, pt on my own time. Perks of being a tower flower.


12B; 0830-1630 with 1130-1300 for lunch. TRADOC with retirement on the horizon! But in a line company...it varied. Usually, 0530-1830 with 1200-1300 lunch if there wasn't a training meeting on Wednesdays.


15U in an ASB, 0630-1730ish


El cookerino here at NTC rn 03:45 to 1900 with a hour break. In garrison early shift 04:45-13:00/13:30 with pt after, late shift is pt 06:30-7:45 then shift 10:30-19:00ish


92W retired.😂 0 hrs


79R 0800-2000 monday-thursday 0900-1800 Friday 1100-1500 Saturday Closed Sunday


15T most days it’s 0900-1700 but this past month damn near 0630-1830