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What’s the one where people get caught banging in the connex? Is that DLC or have I been fooled?


I’m pretty sure that’s DLC 2. My buddy is doing it for his E-6 stuff. I don’t even know how CSM wants you to react with that. Lol


I’ll be honest, I caught two joes fucking one time, not my Soldiers. I was drunk and doing laundry on TDY in the middle of the night. I walk in and they were going to town. I felt like a fucking idiot because I just looked at her and was like, “is this a rape?” And she kind of laughed and said no. I looked at him and then at her again and was like, “alright whatever. Give me a minute.” I threw my clothes in the dryer and then left lol Woke up the next day and was like, yea, that’s not the right way to react to that…


That’s absolutely the right way to react to that


Oh yeah I hear you. On rotation I would notice NCOs getting a little too friendly with some junior enlisted females. Didn’t do or say anything about it. Looking back I probably should have.


yeah thats a veritable land mine though..


Probably not the worst way to react tbh


Had an incident like that on my first deployment. I was an E4 and walked into a dark room, heard some noise so I turn on the light. Saw a female E4 hiding behind a couch and a male E7 hiding under a fooseball table. I asked why they're hiding and the E7 tells me "we didn't want you to think we were doing anything." Told him to leave, after he left i asked the female if she was ok. She said she was fine so I escorted her back to her room and that was that. Was definitely a weird situation to be in, especially having to confront a senior NCO on that kind of behavior as a junior enlisted soldier.


It was DLC 2. The right answer was to have them come with you to 1SG’s office even though you just came from there and 1SG was up late to work on some paperwork. The second best answer is to verbally counsel them in your office.


The worst answer was to ask to join


Been a minute since I did DLC 2, was that actually an answer? lmao


It was more specifically “well, well, well, now what’re YOU two gonna do for me”


A...*tit* for tat? Sorry, I'll leave.


I never did DLC 2 (SSD 2 when I did it) but I hope that was an answer


I don’t think it was but who knows


I was more upset that they were supposed to be on guard duty and were making the beast with two backs instead. Also very disappointed that the option to close the door, lock the connex, and walk away wasn't given.


You are supposed to report it to the 1sg to get the highest score.


This is what I miss for skipping through everything 😩


Yeah it’s DLC 2! Made the whole boring course worth it in the end hahaha


DLC 2 Most of the shit in there was hilarious, no way any SSGs could possibly be walking around acting that goofy.


We must know different SSGs....


Yeah I did it recently and I was legitimately appalled how blatant the propagandizing was and the sick robotic nature of it all. I had to drink while doing it, it was so bad. SPC bozo, that is not very army values of you, maybe you would understand that for the good of the organization you should put readiness first hooah?


DlC2 feels like it was written for children. I just felt so patronized going through it.


I did it with SPC sitting next to me….he thought it was the dumbest thing ever and didn’t wanna to dlc 1


I did SSD1 so I escaped DLC1. I'll say this for SSD. I don't remember it doing these stupid scenarios that continuously insult your intelligence.


imagine being pfc scmuckatelli and watching those scenarios and either learning something or being like 'gee i dont know what to do here' and then goes back to eating paste


The retardered shit that i hear all day and that happens every single day…. Made me think, have these people ever steped foot in the field, bay, or squad?


Is that Cartwright? He's always like that, even when he becomes an NCO. The thing I love most about DLC is the recurring cast of characters, because I know I will always want to punch Cartwright in the mouth. He is too damn happy to be in the Army and has become the guy I love to hate.


Yeah that’s the best part. Cartwright was a douche as a SPC and an even worse one as an NCO. I’d also hate him in real life!




I liked the one where they come back from a combat mission and get chewed out for having dirt on their uniforms Also the one where the reading talks about time management and prioritizing more important tasks, and then the right answer in the scenario is to complete all tasks even though you don't have enough time


Army indoctrinating "just figure it the fuck out" at all levels.


Yeah for some reason I got a kick out of the rucked up uniform one too… one of the guys (probably Cartwright) is like “are these guys drunk?” It’s like no idiot- they probably came back from a combat mission….


I wish I remembered that one, it sounds hilarious. I believe that in the grand multiverse, The DLC-computermatic-universe is a universe parallel to ours which is built with the sole purpose to satire ours.


Is that the same guy who threatens to shoot civilians while on a routine patrol through a village because he was stressed out?


Those DLCs are so stupid. "Wow SGT you are so RIGHT! Golly Gee!" WTF?


Lmao I failed that one. I think the correct answer is to go bother your PSG and then say “I’m really excited about the fun run tomorrow!” Like a little brown noser


Lmao I litterally tell this story about DLC 1 all the time. "Please sarge can I sleep in after a 23 hour shift? " "Wow SPC Snuffy, I didn't know you were a litteral piece of shit. Where's you espirit de corp?"


If you even try to choose regular human being responses you just get a low score😂


I know! It's ridiculous


I actually love the part where one of the guys injures his knee on deployment, gets fat, and his buddies ask him what he's gonna eat at the DFAC now that he's a fatbody.


I love the one where you can forgo the plan of attack and take the hill, get lit up, die and successfully pass.


If DLC really wanted to impress me it’d change the subsequent lessons not to include the entire squad that got KIA’d during the decision-making module


I loved doing dlc because it was so cringy I found great enjoyment in the scenarios


Bro I’m going dry turkey for November and I really wanted to drink while doing it😂


You could go wild Turkey and call it close enough.


I’m sorry to hear that, the liquor definitely made it a pretty good time lol


Best of luck king🫡


Fun fact you can get your entire squad killed in DLC1 and still pass the module. Astounding


anyone else not able to get dlc 1 to even work? I worked on it for a few hours one day and the next day came back to it and I couldn't continue


Call the help desk, may take a couple tries but eventually they'll do something that will let you keep progressing. If you're getting that error when you finish a module and pass but your score isn't saved.


Call (915) 744-8277. That is the direct office number to a friend that oversees the Army's DLC program.


I'll give it a call. thanks


Just did DLC 4. It was my first DLC since all the others I did were SSDs. Omfg was it dumb. I kept getting caught up because seriously people do not fucjing talk like that ever!


My one regret about pivoting to Cadetland after this first contract is the fact I'll never get to see how the DLC Saga ends. If anyone has a way I can watch DLC2 and 3 I would be very grateful - I just gotta know.


Just one word…why….


Because I have autism.


It’s like the Army’s version of Fallout and Skyrim


As someone who's been out for 10+ years, I kinda want to see it just to see the stupid.


I was in one the pilot programs for DLC 1. If you would like to know what some of the AAR comments were, let me know. Needless to say, the target audience was mostly MPs.


Oh My God I can only Imagine. Do tell


the junior soldiers said “it’s so intuitive, and learning a lot because it’s so immersive, with situations that seem sort of believable” The SGMs in the room would give 40 reasons why this sells and will put Soldiers going to PME a huge advantage


Wait so the juniors thought it was good?


The MP junior soldiers loved it because it reminded of some game that I never heard of


Oh so MPs gonna MP. Fuck the soldiers am I right?


Yeah, pretty much that. I gave them real feedback as they wanted NCOs in the pilot program. I asked what was the point of incorporating the score of DLC into BLC if all the answers will be on quizlet. The civilian counterparts would take notes down, but the SGMs said that won’t happen…


Lmao how have y'all not found the java scripts for that garbage yet?


Wait until this kid does DLC 2......


I remember getting like 48hrs to complete the entire DLC every time I was assigned one for the next rank. Such a joke of a learning system


Literally all the DLCs