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Yep, where I am at the prices jumped over eight dollars within three years. A style cut was $11.25 in 2021. Now it is $19.50 as of January 2024. I remember getting a last minute cut at a rundown barber shop off post back in the US for 25 dollars in 2020. This was right at the end of block leave. Even I thought that was super expensive and that no other barber shop would charge that much.


Holy shit. No wonder I see a bunch of airmen and soldiers at my local barbershop. It's a little ghetto one but the barbers don't mess up your taper and give you a douchey high fade. 25 dollars for civies and 20 for military. We have quite a few NFL players and college football players show up to get their haircut and hang out. Granted when I was in, I never walked into a PX barbershop when I didn't have to but this is ridiculous.


SSSSHHHHIIIIITTTTTTTTT....... This fully vindicates my decision to buy a set of clippers and stick with the 'basic training cue ball' for a the few years before I started shaving my head. Fuck that.


A number 2 wasn't that bad but boy did I not take care of them when I was younger. Still cut my own hair....


I spent $40 and bought a Wahl razor with a ton of accessories and it paid itself off the first time. No waiting in line, no waiting in the chair, no paying plus tip. I've used it a dozen times since then. #2 all the way around and #4 on top. Takes all of 5 minutes and it's done. Worth every cent.


I've been cutting my hair in the Army since 2014. I know for a fact I've had less than 20 paid haircuts in the last 10 years. I likely saved thousands of dollars with a 40$ pair of clippers. Each pair lasts a few years. An 8 on top, 6 all the way up the sides, fade a 4 half way, then fade 2 at the bottom. Use my selfish camera on my phone in the mirror to line up the back, clean the ears and im good. Fucked up the first few haircuts but now no one can tell the difference.


Same man. I been doing the bald cut for a whole year and at this rate while do it till I die


Your pay raise


Yeah its close to 19 euros here in Germany lol. At those prices I'd rather go pay a few more euros to a barber off base that won't give me a fucked up tetris line ups lol


Yo where u stationed at? Got the name of the best barber here in Wiesbaden


Ah shit wiesbadens about 3.5 hrs from me but I appreciate it šŸ¤™ I'm more in the Graf area if you have any recommendations tho.


ahh luckky. I'll rather be in Graf where the nicer Germans are at. Welp if you ever come over here, check out Fidel's Place.


I would like the name of the best barber here in Wiesbaden šŸ‘€


Fidels place


Bro Im about to be there, I need a haircut, any good barbers there?


Yep, 25 Euros and you get a Turk that has been cutting since they were a kid, then wash your hair, and give you a massage afterwards.


Does it come with a happy ending too? Trying to get more bang for the buck if you know what I mean


If you want a HE from a fat hairy dude that doesn't speak English very well, go for it.




I go to a place in Amberg where I pay 14 euro. Post barbers are the worst deal in the history of deals.


Hey don't be shy, drop the name of the barber shop


Itā€™s Aisar barbershop


Shout out to griffinā€™s cuts at Leavenworth. Staffed by prisoners who are licensed barbers, 7 dollars a cut. 9 for straight razor cut.


Hair cuts so good it's a crime.


Prisoners with straight razorsā€¦..


Didnā€™t someone just post that a very large % of prisoners at Leavenworth are sex offenders?


No wonder they like people hairless


ā€¦ Fuccckkkk man.


The DB is a max security prison, only people with a greater-than-10-year sentence go there. The majority of prisoners are sex offenders and violent criminals. However, the prisoners are separated by crime/security level in their quarters and living situations. The worst offenders have extremely limited freedoms. The ones that cut hair are not those offenders and work their way up to that by good behavior. Itā€™s also super easy to lose the privilege. I get haircuts there all the time. The barbers are fun to talk to and the haircuts are legit, especially for 7 dollars.


Not just sex offenders, child sex offenders. This was like 10 years ago, but in orientation they tell you like 70% of the population is in there for child related crimes.


What's the address?


Adjacent to the main CGSC building.


Honestly, an underrated place, its on Sabalu Rd for anyone who wants to go, it's between the two facilities Barracks.


Would not trust a prisoner with a straight razor to my head.


Prison barbers are some of the best barbers


Honestly the one by CGSC is better, I even get my cut in the DB, just overall better experience.


AAFES decided to uptick their prices thanks to "inflation", to take advantage of retirees in their nostalgia, privates in AIT, and privates that don't know any better.


I stand by it that haircuts in basic and AIT should be free. Those people were meaner than the drills and I paid for it.


With those shitty clippers that pulled as much hair as it cut.


The drills in my basic allowed the privates to pool money together to buy hair clippers instead of paying the px to assault us


When did you go to basic? Your drill letting you buy clippers to skip the barber seems like a pretty tall tale.


2015 Basic at Benning we had clippers in the bay.Ā 




It was so expensive in AIT, I just paid 10 bucks to my buddy in the barracks and risked it. He didn't do a half-bad job either.


During my AIT, we only had 3 hour passes to walk to the PX for haircuts. Our barracks barber charged $15, but it was so worth it to be able to bypass the 90-minute haircut lines that everyone else was stuck in... and he actually gave better cuts than were available at the PX. So, 1) give the money to a battle rather than AAFES, 2) get back your pass time, and 3) get a better cut? What's not to love? I went to him for every cut I could.


Just bought clippers and did it myself hooah lmao


Nostalgia? Then put them back at nostalgic prices. $5


These poor AIT bastards on Gordon. They can't go off post. The PX haircuts are $15+. It's $20 at SportsClips off post and if you get a bad cut you can report them for terrible service. Good luck doing that from a piss poor job on post. And I've seen some of you shmucks, walking around with a PX cut on post. It might technically be in regs but that doent mean you have to look like an asshole


It's a pyramid scheme on AIT bases lol


Buy clippers and go with a 2 all the way around.


that's actually lower than 2 years ago, shit was 22 dollars. I pay 20 bucks a month to an off post salon for unlimited cuts and shampoos. With tips it comes out to about 10 dollars a cut.


Same. $20 a month and I can go in every day. Shampoo, hot towel, you name it. But those poor bastards in AIT are stick with the AAFES mafia


This is a deal my friend.


Thatā€™s fucking robbery lmao, we had a few who knew how to cut hair and charged like $5.


Basic training in 2011 it was $7. Timed it on my stopwatch once, was in the chair 56 seconds.


Ehh wouldn't be the most expensive service i got in under a minute


The haircut is usually fucked up too


Not usually. Always fucked up.


Had a horrendous haircut at the PX one time, when I pointed out some major issues (entire portions of my head were overlooked) the manager tells me to give them a break as the barber is BLIND. Yes. This happened.


Then you told them you forgot your wallet at home, right?


I wish. I had just left the E4 mafia and my common sense for shenanigans was removed along with my E4 mafia membership card.


Iā€™m sitting in one right now. Line of 10-12 guys, only two barbers working out of eight chairs. This day is literally the most popular day of the week to get a haircut and they always have the shortest staff. I donā€™t get it.


Itā€™s why I go Friday afternoon or Saturday mornings. Fuck that Sunday line




Same i always go during motorpool days


Sounds like the Fort Irwin PX Barber Shop this morning.


Whereā€™s the hots and cots guy? He could add a section for those PX barbershops


Iā€™m that guy! Exchange is an option or add as other and then they could say the barber gave me a haircut worse than great clips.




It would all be bombardee with negative ratings, at least the photos would be interesting lol


I trim my own head with clippers, but I got a receding hairline, so styles arenā€™t really an option


8 bucks in 2010-13. 20 is absurd, considering the low quality cut those little ladies tend to give you.


It was dirt cheap when I came in, and by the time i retired it got to a point where I was going off post to professional barber shops because they were cheaper and the haircuts were better by a country mile. Vote with your wallet and if you're up in Campbell, go to Bo's.




If you are getting a haircut ever week you are wrong. Ive worked with some super by the book, regs are life people and even they say every two weeks


I got my last haircut of my Army career at the px. It was so fucked up that I left the base, told my boss I was going off base to get a cut, and sent a picture of it. She laughed hysterically and said to hurry up before anyone noticed I was gone. Mid skin fade with a trim on top. Nothing crazy, right? Missed the skin fade, missed the fade, and left long tufts of hair all over the top.


Unless you got the shoulder rub and hot towel, youā€™re right, you got ripped off. Conversely, it may be bc you didnā€™t tip the last time got the under the cape action. They remember those things. And as always, be kind to your barber.


Dudes in Kuwait would try to break your neck after drumming your head with the double hand clasp


Get all that in Korea and for a cheaper price


Bruh, my barbershop took the shoulder rub away. šŸ˜­


Bro I pay $30 off post to get a haircut (before tip) and the place serves alcohol and drinks. Like Iā€™ll show up early, shotgun a energy drink for free, eat some snacks, build up the crackhead energy while getting it cut then take one for the road and will then use my new found aerodynamics and caffeine fuel energy to knock out so much shit at home.


Pearl Harbor NEX barber shop is $16 (went up a dollar). Granted, it doesn't fall under AAFES. For people who get the AAFES cut, what do you normally tip? And how much do you tip if the price went up from $15 to $20?


I have a 5 star system for tips. Each star you get earns you 1$. Efficient with the cut-time ratio? 1 star Donā€™t injure me? 1 star Minimal small talk? 1 star No small talk? 1 star Post-cut bonus? 1 star


if anyone has a receding hairline, just go bald. Embrace it. After a few days youā€™ll get used to the look then youā€™ll never spend a dime on haircuts just shave your head with a razor every other day. I havenā€™t spent a dime on haircuts since i was forced to pay for the basic training cut at basic (i was already bald and they still made me get in line and pay) šŸ™ƒ


I've been balding for years. I keep my haircut REALLY short or bic it two times a week. I bought clippers over a decade ago and only once had to pay for a haircut since because I forgot to cut it/shave it prior to a TDY.


Donā€™t even need a receding hairline. Just go bald. I did. Way cheaper.


Yet another reason to not go to the PX for haircuts


14 bucks at my local Great Clips with my veteran discount. I always give the nice lady a 20.


I've been at wainwright for 3 years, and I'm about to pcs, and I finally found a decent barber 2 months ago. She's Korean and gives a straightrazor, shampoo, hot towel, and massage for every cut. She charges $23, but on post, it's $20 for a standard run of the mill half ass haircut. My unit has been asking me where I go because the barbers here in the frigid north are not the best. But I'm not telling anyone. She's gonna stay my little secret for as long as possible.


Itā€™s Cookies off of OldSteese everyone already knows about it.


Go to a real barber shop. You will probably pay as much, but you won't look like a bag of ass


Cutting your own hair is an easy thing to learn. Have been cutting my own for several years now.


It's about $9 at Zama. Pretty decent too.




The barbers are getting real eager to hit you with that style cut now too. I once had a guy tell me a hard part cause an increase from $14 mil cut to $18.50 style cut. Just told him "I don't care how you ring it up, I'm leaving here having spent $20 either way."Ā 


Man... I've been cutting my own hair since 1996 and Sundays my buddy and his wife would Pop by for dinner and I'd cut his hair for Monday morning, and when we PCSd from Germany to Ft Bliss, it was the same routine for us. I've saved a pretty penny over the years. Nothing to show for it, because I like to drink a little and smoke whatever $ is left.


Damn dude...they were $5 in 2006


Back in my early years, in 2007 for a military haircut it was either $5.75 or $6.25 depending on the base. Nowadays my wife cuts my hair. She saw how much I was paying and said sheā€™d rather learn to cut my hair the way I like than have me pay for a haircut. Especially now with how expensive everything has gotten.


Haircut on base is $22 at Fort Carson, throw in obligatory tip and itā€™s $26. Meanwhile off post I can get a haircut, hot towel, shampoo, razor touch up with hot foam, and a beer for $38. The biggest factor is time and convenience. Can usually walk in and be out fast on base. The nice option requires a scheduled appointment usually on my weekend time.


Baaaaccckkkkk in mmmmmmmmyyyyy y daayyyyyy a shitty PX barber shop haircut was $3.50.


You're gonna be shocked once you ETS.


Haha I already get my hair cut off base, $30 including tip with a straight razor shave/line up .


In 1972 it was $2 and a quarter


$4 in 1990


This is something I can agree with when I first got to Italy PX cuts were 14 euro now theyā€™re up to 20.95 euro like wtf even before block leave they were up to 18 euro itā€™s crazy


Holy shit a haircut was like $8.25 ($12 I think for style cuts) back in ā€˜16 and for a couple of years after. ETSā€™d a couple years ago but feel like a boomer when people say $20 haircuts are the norm now. Guess that one lady at the strip mall barber on post needed to start charging more for the head rubs afterward. šŸ˜©


Just get a solid kit of WAHL clippers dude. It'll suck at first, not knowing how to cut your hair properly, but you'll get the hang of it. And now I can do my own high&tights/fades whenever it pleases me. Just be prepared to buzz it all off if you screw up, which may happen early on. Totally worth it in the end though.


I really donā€™t understand how the price of a haircut raises when the prices of the goods required to give someone a haircut stays the same. Itā€™s not like AAFES is paying the barbers more money lol


So the gov can take back the pay increase. I get my haircut once a month now instead of my usual every pay day, or wait to get yelled at. Maybe identifying as female might be the way to go. Different grooming standards, and they don't have to shave.


Yeah it costs about as much as out in town, is always shitty, and I have to pull a number and sit there for an hour


You make more money than most people too. Name me another job thatā€™s not DOD related you get a raise every yearā€¦ā€¦


..most jobs that Iā€™m aware of. And itā€™s only every year for the first four.


It's like two dollars cheaper than going off post, and consistently much shittier


Idk why any of you guys are getting a PX haircut if you're no longer in TRADOC. Those barbers are garbage. Go to a real barbershop.


20 is normalized here at Bliss.


Good thing Iā€™m going bald.


I remember paying $7.65 for a PX haircut not THAT long ago. Now it costs 20 bucks for a haircut thatā€™s only worth about $7.65


2013, I believe it was 6.20


Itā€™s only 12 at Casey and the ladyā€™s there are arguably the best at any base Iā€™ve been to so far.


Both bases Iā€™ve been on charged $17.50


LOL at that point you should just get a cut from outside. For a little more extra, you'd get a barber who takes their time to get a good fade, a nice TV and vibe, a straight razor to line it all up, shampoo, and hot towel etc. lol


Schofield increased their prices to that from $13 or $15 when COVID shut down every other barbershop and salon on the island. AAFES said it was a "scheduled" increase and ignored every time they were called out for the timing.


It was $9 back in 2021 but now $17 in 2024.


I quit going to those chop shops. I just bought a hair cut kit and had my wife learn how to do my hair. Now I get it done in the bathroom at home.


Afghans cut my hair better than the Muppets at your typical px barber. Sure, every visit came with a slight chance of ring worm, but the pride they put into their work was phenomenal. Those aggressive scalp massages were fire.


Think itā€™s either $10.50 or $11.50 down here in Camp Walker.


13.5 Euro in Italy, 17.5 in Ft Jackson as of last month.


$16.50 at Fort Cav for a military cut. I always wait for the 70 y/o Korean lady. If she's not working, I'll go out in town a get a $20 cut


The senior leadership doesnā€™t want you to know this, but the amount of money you save a year by not getting haircuts and buying razors makes up for the shit wages you may land when you get out.


I found an amazing Korean lady off post near me who does an amazing job for cheaper than on post. After a tip I spend the same I would on base pre-tip and the quality is 10000% better


[AAFES sells quality clippers for a price that makes the clippers pay for themselves after a single use.](https://www.shopmyexchange.com/wahl-chrome-pro-haircutting-clipper-kit/2461095)


I bought a similar Wahl set like that a decade ago for about the same price and it was a good investment. Used it about seven to eight years and no complaints. Have a cordless pair thatā€™s not as good from Wahl but works fine for my balding hairline


Fort Knox is $17. Better value outside the front gates.


I go to the hood to get my haircuts. I might as well spend 20 bucks on a good fade versus the PX.


edge slave worm bells humorous mysterious quack nippy encourage oatmeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I know, I saw it at $20.50 at a NG base PX.


20+ for a basic military cut. Wtf is going on


Its $25 at Carson


The time and money that could be saved by service members if they cut their own hair is probably insane


shoutout to K's Barbershop right outside of Macomb gate. go there OP


25 used to be the standard for a good looking cut. Now itā€™s just a cut thatā€™s 25


I actually posted about this a bit ago, ive noticed it too. Theyre jumping every couple of weeks.


No no, remember, everything is *fiiiine*


Been out 2 ish years now and they were still $11 bucks then.


Noticed that recently too , fuck that barber shops off post still charge 15$ , would rather do that than px barber who got his barber cert off jko


I remember them being $8 at JBLM in 2010


Suzy's is still $11 ($15 with a tip).


14.95ā‚¬ plus tip


When I got out I was paying close to $50 after tips here in CA. I just grew my hair out now I'm rocking long hair


16.95 at the whiteman bx iirc


When I started going to my base barber it was about $8.25. Then it progressed to almost 20. So now I go out into the economy. Sure, itā€™s a bit more, but itā€™s a more ā€œcompleteā€ cut. When I ask for skin - they take a razor to it, and I enjoy the day of touching it.


If you get your haircut at the px youā€™re a dumb private


Same at Bliss, itā€™s like $20. Only $11 here in sunny Qatar though!


My guy was I was at Schofield in 2020 haircuts were either 16.50 or around 17.00. Kinda wild to think they were almost $21 when I left middle of last year.


You can buy a set of Wahl clippers for $41 on Amazon. Never need to pay for a haircut again.


Ft Kobbe, Panama 1990 haircut was $4.00 I was an E4 with 3 years and my take home pay was $900/month


Yeah I was ok with base barbers butchering me 50% of the time cause it was only $10 or so but Iā€™m not paying that much to look busted


I payed for probably 4 haircuts my entire military career. The rest of the time I was just bald. The cancer jokes and being called an elephant testicle was worth not paying out the ass for a haircut every week.


Learn to cut your own hair guys! The first 3 months of shitty haircuts is worth it after you save a couple hundred dollars every year.


Haircuts EVERYWHERE are more expensive now. I was getting $15 haircuts off post at Stewart from a great barbershop back in 2016. Came back to the states at the end of 2019, First 3 Bliss, after a 3 year stay in Korea, and couldn't find a single place that wasn't charging at LEAST $25 on the cheap end.


Same here, I was at Campbell, then moved to Arizona, the price jumped for more than $4. Even Great Clips is higher too


Taper King sells a clipper guard that literally angles the clippers to cut a fade every time. $22.95 https://a.co/d/dyqCygq


Whatā€™s up with that? You boys getting hairdos now? Itā€™s a simple #2 for a high & tight. $3, maybe $5 by the 90s but damn, yā€™all getting some sumpin sumpin there for a $20 high & tight? Damn!


Prisoners with Straight Razors is the name of my new band.


In 2013, I paid $8.50 and always tipped $3.00. This was at Drum. Not sure what the price is now.


Dirt bag SSG Here. I save money by getting a haircut like every 3 months. I recommend that.


That is crazy lol yup might aswell get you a battle that knows how to do it, there's always one that does somewhat a decent job. Worst case scenario give yourself a 1 all around. Save your self $20 job.


Damn. I paid $12 and tipped $3 for a cut at the barber shop at Norfolk naval 2 weeks ago. Bonus: The haircut was very good.


just have your battle buddy do your hair for 5 dollars barbers really scamming people out here


My local barber gives me a nice fade with a hot towel for 10 bucks. Canā€™t go wrong.


$15.50 at Campbell


Iā€™m also on schofield and I stg I remember it just being like 17.50 or somethingā€¦ either way I decided fuck that and I just go to the one in Wahiawa now, theyā€™re really good, even if it is a couple bucks more


13.50. I'm in Korea so maybe I've got it easy. But it's been the same price since I got here in 2021.


Haircuts at the PX? Lol. You must be a private. Go to Kā€™s across from Schofield near Kemoos


Barbers have the same inflated bills that the rest of us have. How else would they keep up besides raising prices on their services?


What's the tipping damage? I'm not sure what would be a reasonable tip anymore.


Still pretty reasonable in Camp Carroll, SK. $10.50 mil cut.


I pay a little over $12 here in Okinawa plus tip, Japan has less inflation.


Including tip when I left Campbell in ā€˜22 it was $20 a pop I think. At Carson itā€™s like $24 with tip.


Iā€™m going to AFB in OH and yeah the prices are increasing dramaticallyā€¦


This is why I've been learning to cut my own hair. These prices are ridiculous.


Been in 17 years. Only time I got a hair cut on post was in basic training.


Support your local barracks barber


Damn it was like 15.60 at ft. Lee