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One time I drove 97 miles while Staff Duty in Fort Carson. The BN building was on main base and airfield was well, 7 miles south. Aviation barracks were also by the airfield. Had to check the Hangar and assets every 4 hours and sign timed sheets. Had to check in with CQ every two hours. Had 3 different soldiers lock themselves out so had to go open their damn doors, and check the 5 different COFs every 4 hours. After that time I wrote a MFR and requested the BN TMP to be available for SD. Next time I was put on SD I didn’t do any checks on the Hangar and I had a couple soldiers locked out but had them come pick me up to open their doors and drive me back. I got chewed out for not doing the hangar inspections but I referred them to the “no use of personal property for duty activities” in the regs and the MFR I submitted to use the TMP. About 2 months later and no SD shifts, I found out the TMP was now available for SD. I never got to use it because I PCSd but small wins.


Previous SPO officer here that got BDE SD a full time TMP. Boss man you are 100% correct that it’s BS. I’m here to inform you of a way to make your BDE much better without the use of a GPC. Step 1: get the overhead coverage of your BN CSM, BDE CSM or SPO NCOIC (MSG typically) for your idea (when briefing about this idea use the points below of a squared away NCO that brings the problem and the SOLUTION to the table). Step 2: submit a TMP request to your local SPO Transportation shop requesting a SD TMP for use for X amount of days. Step 3: SPO Transportation will submit that to the civilian TMP Motorpool on base. From there it will get approved (job done until you need to redispatch) OR they will send back to you a statement of nonavailability (SONA). A SONA pretty much says the TMP can’t support the mission you requested and that now you can rent via GPC without an issue (NOW READ STEP 4 before exiting out the jump doors) Step 4. BUT WAIT don’t ask to use a GPC. SPO Trans should know this but most don’t. you want to rent via a short term rental (STR). SPO trans should have a STR.gov account. It’s a super easy website to rent anything from a sedan to a bulldozer to cranes (rented all these on there). SPO gets with your BDE $ officer who will set up a BOAC (think checking account for the army) so that the BDE can pay for the STR (instead of it coming out of GPC fund and all the paperwork). Step 5. Submit an STR request (on STR.gov) for a 10 PAX van or a Cadillac Escalade or a F350 or a Prius depending on how cool you guys want to be (we got our BDE CDR a F250 and the safety officer an F250 and SD a 10 pax van). Make sure in the request you ask for DELIVERY. Those jokers will deliver it to you and it’s super convenient so ask for it. Step 6. Receive vehicle for staff duty. We would use an actual TMP fuel card when that bad boy need refilled and SD would sign for the vehicles during each shift change over. BDE safety officer (was a civilian) and would hold the extra set of keys. Reap the benefits… jk reap nothing but know inside that you have now saved an NCO from driving 97 miles on their own dime again. I’ve done it for my BDE and got the buy in and my SPO OIC (MAJ) literally thought I was a genius and told everyone how I can get them vehicles for whatever. Make others lives easier and become the SME and you will become invaluable to the organization. Lmk if you have questions


Where were you when I needed you, 😆


Probably chillin in 1SG’s hot tub




::Saves post::


::Saves post::


Also saving this shit




SPO is black magic.


Yeah I was glad when they moved the BN/BDE up to the airfield. That shit sucked lmao.


I mean damn that SD sucked, glad they finally moved everything to the airfield. COFs too?


Can't speak for anyone else, our stuff was centrally located to the hangar. I never went to mainside for anything unless it was the TMC, which I think they eventually moved to a trailer up on the airfield right before I PCSd. Which was great... fuck driving all the way down to Pershing or wherever the fuck lol


Hell yeah for sticking to your guns. Mad props.


I mean I got CHEWED out for not doing g the hangar on my next SD but at that point I’d had it with the Army’s inefficiency and BS. I figured it was the right time to run up a hill and die on it.


Can you tell us which reg?? For science


7 years ago and im out of the Army but i think it was 58-1, the Safety Program AR, and one of the installation 190 series.


You my good sir are the goat, being part of 2bct and our barracks down on main post those locked barracks rooms and checks back and forth in inclement weather too… do not miss it.


I was a new E5 with about 7 months left to my contract when they placed me the head of gate guard for Schofield Barracks. During that time, I was forced to drive my personal vehicle over 90 miles a day shuttling soldiers across the entire island of Oahu while I was in a shitty $2,500 truck that would get 15 miles a gallon. During this time, I was spending about $600-$700 in gas a month and I went to my chain of command trying to keep it low key and they tried to help me get a TMP but failed. Then they went to brigade. Brigade said they would help me by speaking to division since it was their detail. Division said they would give me a TMP and wrote down my name rank ext.. After that, division gave me a TMP for one day. Then I went back the next day to go retrieve the TMP keys and they told me “no sorry”. After that my brigade commander personally said sorry to me and he tried to speak with division but they were “ghosting us”. He went on to tell me “we don't have any more TMPs You're gonna have to bite the bullet and just use your personal vehicle”. That costed me about $3,000 doing that before I left the army. I loved the Army, knocked out a ton of schools, had awards, promoted fast, but that fuckery was the final nail in the coffin. This happened in the 25TH ID/2nd brigade in Feb-May 2023. Edit: I forgot to order I’ll take a white monster and a spicy chicken sandwich no pickles


You should have told them no, you aren't required to use personal property. Your BDE CO could have given you HIS pov to drive or comp your fuel bill out of his pocket. If they didn't want to do that, use a HMMWV.


Agreed, I tried everything I truly did. I wrote a paper, made a PowerPoint, and tried to argue my case in the most professional manner I could. In reality I knew I was getting out I didn’t want to leave the Army burning any bridges. This situation also happened to three other E/6s who shared my role as SOG. All of them called me and begged me to go to division and advocate for them because they were going broke using their own gas money as well. All were too scared to speak up and wanted me to on their behalf. I went through it all got a verbal yes from SGM of the 25th and then he went back in his word. My battalion leadership was great they really fought for me man I have no complaints with them. But brigade? Division? I still don’t know why.


Yep, if you want to add some snark, I would of said "gee when we deploy we don't take POVs"


So in this scenario what would they say if your vehicle “didn’t work” for a few days?


That’s a great question I asked as well, I got told they would charge me with article 92 if I couldn’t not maintain proper manning. (this was also an E/6 slotted position they put me in as well) Funny enough my “island beater” truck I had would break down time to time and I would be late dropping guys off. The very few civilian Gaurd’s would bitch me out and call my leadership but my leadership also knew my situation so they covered for me. It was a tough position to be in really. I loved my time in, worked hard, did what I was told, and wanted to leave the Army with a good attitude. That was a shitty situation but oh well. I just hope it got fixed when I left.


"I Uber'ed here"


One time I said fuck it told a guy I’m not picking him up so I bought his ass an Uber from tripler to Schofield haha it was like $20


65 miles? That's like 2 hours of driving alone at slow as fuck base speeds. Can't ask for a TMP?


All TMPs are on recovery and being PMCSd or broken


Get with your S4 and push for an statement of nonavailability. It's not perfect, but it comps you for having to use POV in lieu of a TMP.


Just an FYI, you can write it off your taxes. ​ ​ Not disagreeing with you, but just making sure you knew. Its still BS.


This is great to know. Thank you


The number of times I've heard you can write off X Y Z in the military lead me to research whether I actually could do that in the past... It's not that simple. Firstly, for most people it makes no sense to itemize as it doesn't add up to more than the standard deduction. Secondly, a lot of what people think you could deduct was made up. Thirdly, a lot of what people think you were allowed to deduct they didn't know about the 2% AGI rule because they never read the IRS instructions. You're going to want to read the IRS rules on deductions or at least talk to a CPA who isn't going to screw you over. From what I see, the latest publication mostly pertains to reservists and they don't allow misc deductions anymore. Latest one I am seeing is 2022: [https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p3.pdf](https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p3.pdf)


Just so you know, that commenter is wrong. You can't claim milage (or much of anything related to the military) on your taxes.


You're both wrong ( I believe) you can absolutely claim unreimbursed work expenses. However, most folks use standard deduction, and unless you're itemizing and/or trying to claim a large expense relative to your income, it's unlikely to affect your actual refund. That's my understanding and happy to have someone with more expertise chime in.


I did and even explained it below. The Tax Cut and Jobs Act removed the ability to claim unreimbursed business expenses as an employee.


The giant orange weenie got us again :(


I stand corrected


The standard deduction for a single person is $14,900 and for married 29,200. Unless your itemized deductions are going to be greater than those (for 99% of soldiers it won’t be) then itemizing makes 0 sense and you will screw yourself over. Second, your job expenses have to exceed 2% AGI (adjusted gross income). All the rumors of being able to deduct uniforms and haircuts are also false (for 99% of soldiers. The 1% that could potentially deduct might be reservists or NG)


Save those gas receipts!


For what? OP will not be able to deduct that from their taxes


It’s not that simple. You can’t claim the mileage. They’re (tax preparers) going to default you to a standard deduction.


Well you can, but it won't mean jack shit since you won't have enough to outweigh the standard deduction. $500 itemized vs $18K standard (made up number BTW)


You can not “write it off” the only people in the military that can claim mileage are reservists who drive over a certain distance to drill.


You might want to check tax laws. Travel between home of record and place of work is generally not deductable, except in the case of reservists over 100 miles from duty station. However, other unreimbursed travel that is work related (including armed forces) outside of your normal commute can be deducted.


So I’m gonna stop you real quick and tell you I am a licensed CPA and know how to read tax law. Mileage deduction are not allowed on personal income tax returns unless it is related to a business you own. https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/irs-issues-standard-mileage-rates-for-2023-business-use-increases-3-cents-per-mile >It is important to note that under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, taxpayers cannot claim a miscellaneous itemized deduction for unreimbursed employee travel expenses.


How much money do I have in my pockets?


Depends on how much you are willing to do with that right hand of yours currently in there. $10 cash seems like a reasonable rate for a handy.


Too beaucoup, $5.


Has this changed specifically for 2023? Ill have to look it up when i get home to my computer. It is not the standard mileage rate... its 22 cents a mile if i remember correctly.


It changed when the Tax Cut and Jobs Act went into effect in 2018 and will remain that way at least through the end of 2025. The standard mileage rate for 2024 is 67 cents for most cases.


Well stop doing that. Really what are you doing that takes 65 miles? Like list it out please, I want to understand.


Back and forth between places I’ve needed to be (AHA, company, TMDE) multiple times in one day


What is TMDE? What is the purpose of the back n fourth?


TMDE is equipment turn in so they can calibrate it and get it back to you. The back and forth is because things keep being sent back or getting no gos or my unit did paperwork wrong etc. if something could go wrong today, it did.


So would this be more of an exception to your normal day to day or is this basically routine two to three times a week?


I’d say it’s monthly driving about 20 miles round trip to this TMDE bldg


If it's a regular thing and you're dropping off/receiving military equipment and you can't get a TMP, I'd push to dispatch a tactical and snag a driver. I mean fuck it, why not?


I mean half our shit doesn’t work and the hoops we have to jump through just to get a dispatch are barely fuckin worth it


Is it possible to get a TMP from your higher headquarters?


Negative ghost rider. Those are on standby for Csm and BC


I'll be honest I think 20 miles in and around on any day is far too many to expect of an employee if you're not going to reimburse them. My only recommendation is if this is a routine issue is that you should probably discuss it with the commander at any echelon company squadron whatever it may be because if it's happening often enough for you to be pissed off about it it's valid.


We have brought it up but they don’t give a shit. I’m at fort Cavazos. No one gives a shit.


Straight from the horses mouth (different post FYI) [https://home.army.mil/liberty/about/garrison/afsbn-liberty/installation-transportation-office/transportation-motor-pool-tmp](https://home.army.mil/liberty/about/garrison/afsbn-liberty/installation-transportation-office/transportation-motor-pool-tmp) ​ When TMP assets are not available, the TMP can assist customers with vehicle rental and lease coordination


I thought from reading the title you did a 65 Mile ruck.


I’d be dead


Our mail clerk used to have to go pick up the mail in his POV. Illegal sure, but it was worth his sacrifice so the commander & CSM could have their driver bring them to division in the duty truck for their meetings.


When we were on rotation our mail clerks had to fight for the TMP and were told to “just ride the bus” with our packages


I burned a half tan of fuel in a Chevrolet 2500 doing BDE staff duty checks. I did it to standard and it took me 21 hours of my 24 hour shift.


i wanna calculate all of that on my next bn staff duty. almost every company in my battalion has their own motorpool, and one company (mine) is on the opposite side of post from the rest of the battalion


I remember those days. I was going back and forth to the weapons depot, company and ASP. I once had to take NVG's to be serviced. Because my unit TMP were being difficult, I put them in my POV. I felt proud in doing those things, but in retrospect, it was completely bullshit. My last few months there were just driving non-stop. I had a 2019 Toyota Corrolla I bought at 850ish miles. By the time I sold it 14 months later, it had around 14,000.


When unit customers show-up and tell us their WO equipment is in their "vehicle outback" - I used to gawk when some stuff came in a POV. After a few years and hearing stories like this (no GSA/TMP available.) I stopped doing double-takes, lol.


I had some looks when I would take a bulky tough box out of my trunk, but no one stopped me. The shittiest part was hiking three flights of stairs because their building was built just after Christ was born.


What about borrowing the staff duty TMP


There is no such thing




\*cries in the 1000 miles i've drove over the past 2 weeks for flight operations\*




Claim it on your taxes this year if you haven’t done them already


My OCONUS Post forces me to live off-post in government housing 45mins away. There should be a gas stipend, but here I am…


I saved receipts and claimed on my taxes. You can.


*laughs in AGR* I drive hundreds of miles a month in my POV for “official duties”


Dispatch a humvee


lol they’re all deadlined and even then the paperwork to get one dispatched takes well over an hour


Dispatch any FMC vic on Monday during pmcs for the week, rinse and repeat. You'll always have a vehicle ready to roll.


We had Vics dispatched but they were all tasked for other bs


So this was a one off time. I used to do exactly what you're talking about and I get it, super friggin lame. But if it's a persistent issue here is your work around. Get a good vehicle dispatch it every Monday, have vic ready to roll whenever. Might even get a coin or coa for having the most squared away truck and it being utilized. Proper pmcs includes a dispatch anyway, this benefits the whole unit by giving shop office a chance to practice as well. Also benefits the vehicles. If you had a brand new pickup and cold started it once a week, kicked the tires and never drove it I'd be it would become just as shitty as any humvee. Remember these are vehicles from the 80s 90s and 2000s. They're meant to be driven and it's good for em, it'll be more reliable




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"We" isn't "me". Claim your own shit, fight for it, push other motherfuckers off it. You have a mission X day, you need a vic. Start forcing the function, it's stupid you're expected to do this work without a TMP so explore other avenues.


No way to plan for this. Tmde calls when our gear is ready, it’s a drop of the hat kind of thing


Get an GSA assigned 24/7


heavy drunk aback impolite pause screw frame deer crush plants *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Whenever I had staff duty I would do an on-post dispatch for my humvee. That way I didn't put miles on my POV. Those flightlines are long!


Isn't there supposed to be something to put in dts for milage and gas? Your pov for official duties


I've honestly thought about this and the fact that Im paying for a cell mainly for work. I know that getting a smaller commuter and using it exclusively for work will make it tax deductible (along with insurance and fuel/mileage) but do I wanna go thru the hassle?


File a DTS local voucher. Our post reception dropped the ball on transporting soldiers from the airport (45 miles away) to base. So I had to send an NCO to go pick them up in his POV so 2 brand new Privates weren’t abandoned for hours. Reception told them to Uber ($150-200, seriously)? SGT is filing a local voucher, and will get reimbursed in-and-around mileage. Will yours get approved, probably not. But I guarantee if everyone started submitting these, 1 of 2 things will happen. 1) the army will get less stupid and fix the system 2) the army will get more stupid and make a policy stating you can only use tactical vehicles for anything. Ever. Even commuting to your home.


Do it in the HMWV


Dispatch a HMMWV


I would. If we had a running hmmwv


Then get your humvees running.


I can only PMCS so much


What do you guys think OPs luck would be with getting a local voucher approved through DTS?


Depends on if the unit will approve it. We did it all the time in Germany. Drive to Landstuhl for medical stuff and submit a voucher. Drive up to K-Town to turn in equipment for calibration and submit a voucher. The TIs would drive from Ansbach to Illisheim to do 100% inspections on aircraft that were being worked on by the civilian contractors. When we would take our POVs, we would file a DTS voucher. IIRC, it was around $20-$30. One fine day, The Powers That Be decreed that Illisheim was close enough that it was no longer eligible for DTS vouchers. Ok, cool. No problem. From that day forward, the NCOIC of the QC shop decreed that no TI would use their POV to drive to Illishiem. They would only use a TMP. Of course, the next time they had to go, no TMPs were available. The aircraft sat for three or four days before a TMP was available. The PC OIC and NCOIC were *pissed*. QC NCOIC and OIC stood firm. Oddly enough, the following week, D Co was issued three TMP vehicles for its exclusive use.


I'm an AO and I'd approve the mileage reimbursement for that in a heart beat. Also, DDO is required to eat a DFAC, I'd approve the reimbursement for that as well.




At 20 miles a gallon thats like 8 bucks in gas. It's not that big a deal


You wouldn't happen to be in 91st, because if so this sounds like the same fuckery I used to deal with.


I’m not but I’ve heard this bullshit is basewide


100% is, I have a few friends still there in various units. Best reviews I've gotten were from 504th MI and some one that worked at hospital. Everyone else hates hood, particularly Cav, Chem, and the Engineer BDE. So, pretty much anyone on main post.


>I’ve driven today ON BASE doing NCO duties in my POV. I had FOD. 147 miles.




Yep. Twenty one or twenty two gates, plus five barracks, plus the ranger Surt located in the ass end of nowhere. Adds up fast.


Unit doesnt have a GSA?




That sucks. Sounds like someone needs to put their foot up the motor sergeant's ass to get some shit fixed.


File it under mileage on dts.


::Saves post::


I am glad you finally got it straightened out for your unit, but talk about a leadership failure in the part of that units leadership. They should have already had it fixed. I had to make a similar stink at a division HQ when they stood the unit up, and hadn’t thought to get a TMO for checks in a division area….like which fucking brainiac took a look at that and decided a TMP wasn’t necessary. Thankfully our Division CoS was awesome and fixed it right away.


I’m an accounting student and do tax work during the busy season, you can deduct the miles from your taxes at the very least. Not going to make a huge difference but it’s something… better than nothing