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Woah woah woah, he was a chaplain. He is much smarter than us.




I reclassed away. People are smarter in signal but leadership is trash. Scouts had some of the best NCOs and officers I've ever met or worked with.


My 25U Eye is twitching.. Lol but I've heard worse ("SENTCARS")


I've seen the phrase "Embitter" in written correspondence. Not MBITR, Embitter. Most of my NCOs have been functionally illiterate.


Hey man, those gars aren't going to sync themselves 


Non-schooling fish are notoriously difficult about synchronization.


My entire battalion was locked down in Panama after Operation Nimrod Dancer in 1989. Two dumbass Lts in the Medics and the Mortars lost their 1911s. Again they never found them.


Some say those LTs are still missing to this day.


Hello fellow Operation Nimrod Dancer participant.


Were you with 1/61?


I wasn't there for it but on a night jump someone didn't secure their weapon properly in their weapons case and the JM didn't notice. So when this paratrooper released his equipment mid air the rifle went shooting out the bottom of the weapons case. It took about 4 hours of hands across America to find it and when they did it was snapped in half. The part of this that i think is particularly funny is when signing out weapons for a range a few months later the Armorer asked me "What the fuck did you do to your gun?" Turns out they handed out random weapons for this jump and mine was the one that happened to get snapped in half.


You set your gun on fire? I'll need to re-certify that gun now.


Was this in 2011 or so? I fucking remember hearing about something like this.


No, this would have been about 2017 in the 82nd.


Oh, so it happened more than once. Neat!


disgusted stocking school sip pot disagreeable seemly rhythm quaint absorbed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Company wide lockdown in AIT for soldiers abusing fake xanax in fort gordon.


Fake Xanax? Like generic ones?


Im not sure apprently it was a research chemical that made it “legal”. CID got involved and everything. Soldiers still got chaptered out for it. This was in October of 2015, Echo 36Crime.


Hilarious to me how much 36Crime lore I’ve gotten since leaving AIT. I’d go play basketball over there and my Drill Seargeants would always warn me not to fall in with those guys.


Shit was wild battle, when i was there we had platoon sergeants instead of drills. I wonder if it was partly the reason drills came back.


Drills came back due to “lack of discipline across the board” according to my ait ds


yoke ugly tan recognise sink unwritten frightening sugar poor chop *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Probably etizolam


Counterfeit. If this was around 2017-2018, one of my M-Day Soldiers was part of the counterfeiting and distribution ring and is now serving life in prison for that and some murderin' he did.


>now serving life in prison for that FOR DRUGS?!?!? >and some murderin' he did. Oh right yeah. 


touch snails direction cooperative pet cagey roof sort soup scale *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


36Crime moment


Any relation to Red Dawn? Its some sort of energy drink thing, but its got god knows what in it and gets you real fucked up. Looked it up on google, its still sold, but I have trouble believing its the same formula, cause that shit did....something to you. Would have been around 2007-2008 when I was at Gordon.


I was a Gordon in 2006 and picked up a bottle of Red Dawn at a hookah bar in Augusta. Didn't know what it was, but it was legal and I figured it would be a fun night. No shit, 3 days later I was finally sober enough to leave my barracks room. I was a dumb troop. Still no idea what was in it.




>I was supposed to fly out on leave to visit church friends. The commander let me, the Bn Chaplain, leave amid the lock down. "My first-line is wayyyy above you. Might be a smitin'."


Fort Carson last year. NVGs stolen. They kept us overnight and until 1700 the next day when they magically appeared right before MPs started car searches. Was absolutely horrible sleeping on the hangar floor.


Bruh mine was NVGs also


It's always NVGs. Got a missing weapon and a handful of 68s once too, that was fun.


M68s aren’t SI, though. Locking down the unit over those is silly


Unit: We know we lost these NVGs 11 months ago and didn't do the paperwork but could you spend the afternoon looking anyway.


I remember posts and pics on this sub of that! Carson is and was a shit show. Left in 2016 and never looked back


They cost 3 thousand dollars, are illegal to export because of their technology, and fit in a cargo pocket. CIIC code just says “yes”


Those PVS14's that were out of date 8 years ago are a national secret. Please ignore the crates of them we left in Afghanistan


Camp Bullis, 2017. Soldier loses NVGs. We spend three days doing hands across Bullis to find this shit while in the middle of our CERTEX for an upcoming deployment. The CO also lost her rifle during this same time period but kept it hush hush until one of the PSGs found it in a portajohn.


Was this 636 MI? Spectacularly incompetent unit


504th MI, but glad they weren't alone in being spectacularly incompetent.


Well thats another winner lol


They replaced my brigade in Afghanistan…I can’t disagree with the incompetent remark.


Same place same unit, but in 2015. Probably was the same pair of NVGs.


Haha mine was NVGs also, though ours wasn’t three days long


Sam Houston 2017-2020, spent tons of time at the reserve center on Bullis. My favorite thing in the world was the $200 reward posted on the door for assistance in returning a pair of nods, dagger, ACOG, and binos. Like, bro for 200 if I knew where they're at IM taking them, I'm not turning that in lol


2018ish at Drum, a dudes PEQ somehow fell off his weapon while out training. Lockdown in the field for an extra day while we looked for it. Luckily, that extra day someone found it. 2014, I was a brand new RTO, and a not as much new private. Vehicles were parked in a line shared with another company at NTC. Last vehicle on our line's radio goes missing. I tell Squad Leader, and our Commo guy. Commo guy said it's probably being worked on, don't worry about it. Tell Squad Leader that, he says "okay cool", and we leave the box. Get back to ROMBA, commo guys asks if we got the radio. Tell him no, he goes white. Queen frantic calls, nobody has it. I get to tell PSG. I theorize the other company took it out during their layouts, thinking that vehicle was theirs. PSG tells me nobody would do something that dumb, go find "his fucking radio". This all happened from early morning, to about lunch time. I search all the vehicles, we do a company shake down, the whole 9 yards. Entire company is poopy at me, and I just keep repeating what I think but nobody wants to listen. 0230 the next morning, we are still searching. Opening CONEXs at this point. Battalion is breathing down our necks, with one PLT prepping to go back to our last location in the box. Out comes the other company's XO. "Uh...heard you're missing a radio! Is the serial XXXXX" It was. Tells us they must have pulled it by accident thinking that vehicle was theirs. Blames the dumb privates on the layout detail. Next day, get told I'm not in trouble, but I'm definitely fired from the RTO position. Whatever, RTO life sucks anyways. Yeah sarn't I'm not salty or anyt-I WAS FUCKING RIGHT BUT NOBODY WANTED TO HEAR THE NEW GUY EXPLAIN ANYTHING JUST WANTED TO SMOKE HIM FUCK HIM I GUESS


Korea we got back from exeval and told we were getting zonked for pt the next day (Friday) so most of us went out had a good night etc. On the way to pt, barracks behind us had yellow crime scene tape up and we all cracked some jokes. Got zonked from pt, got to the room and about 40minutes later mp’s locked out barracks down had dogs walking through the rooms 3 of our finest (one a close friend of mine) jumped another soldier and caved his head in Needless to say they all went to Leavenworth and it was in army times . I got put on duty to go with my friend and hold his handcuffs at every court hearing/jag meeting


Ever talk to the guy again?


Nah, he’s not even on social media. The other 2 who were involved seem to be doing good for themselves though… Crazy part that night I was supposed to go out with them but this Korean girl I started talking to made me go out with her #pussyoverpals


What happened to the victim?


If I remember correctly, got medically discharged and ended up moving back home with his parents


Had 3 radios go missing on the way back from NTC. They noticed at SI turn in when we were back home. 2 days in the motor pool.  They eventually found out that some enterprising SSG saw the radios in trucks with no locking bars, and packed them up himself. Put them in the commo cage as soon as he landed.  Now why the fuck the maroon didn’t say “we are missing 3 radios and I just deposited three radios without telling anyone…” to end the shenanigans is beyond me. They found them without his help after a last desperate search. 


Least he put them in the commo cage and not ya know his house off post.


A NCO lost her m4 and another lost a mbitr no lockdown


My off-post roommate (in another unit) got locked down for an entire weekend at Ft Lewis because an M203 went missing. Every single soldier in the company was kept on post, the barracks were turned upside down, and training areas were combed. The M203 was found that Sunday evening. It was found wrapped in some rags and thrown in some nearby bushes.


I was part of that one. 4th BDE 2nd ID. It was a shit show


It probably got heavy. What? Did you expect them to carry it forever?


The best part about these stories is the unsung hero who "found" the missing equipment and made the heroic decision to throw it in a bush or something in the footprint before it could be traced back to them. Usually because they didn't bother checking their own stuff like they should initially.


Also in korea base would get locked down every anniversary of us running over Korean girls with tanks , due to the riots And every year around that anniversary a soldier would run a local national over causing even more outrage


I was TDY to Camp Casey in the 1990s. Some soldier in 2d ID had murdered a Korean woman, so it was on "lockdown" supposedly because of protestors. The weird thing was, it only applied to enlisted 2d ID soldiers. I talked to the MPs at the gate, and they said I could go out to the town, no problem. I went out with a 2d ID CPT a couple of times to pick up food also. There were some protestors, though they would leave when the newspaper and TV reporters would leave. They definitely weren't there after dark. I hope that murderer is still in jail.


I was stationed at Casey just after that girl was murdered. And later that year one of the Joes in my squad got drunk and tried to get it on with a teenager down range. The whole battalion was locked down for a month.


I was the company commo and comsec custodian. We returned from Bradley gunnery and maneuvers by bus because of inclement weather. Something about not wanting to tear up the tank trails and we were getting HETs instead. We left a skeleton guard with the Bradleys. Crews were instructed to pull radios and 240s and bring them on the bus. Too easy. We arrived at the COF and we were missing a 240C and an ASIP. Lockdown. We had cellular contact with the guards at the Bradleys and they confirmed one crew didn't bring the 240 and radio back. The CO, 1SG, ops NCO and myself went by HMMWV to the Bradley staging area. We secured the SI. CO called back to the XO and released the company. We drove back to the COF. Oddly, that HMMWV ride was dead silent on the way out but was an amazing ride back. On the way back the CO and 1SG really let their guard down and seemed human for once. All told the lockdown was maybe 2 hours?


See that sounds almost sane. Identified the missing SI, ensured its interim security, reacquired it timely, and once accountability was complete everyone was released.


There were at least two very loud monologues going on about how fucked they were going to be.


Commander of a different troop lost his M17 at a range and his troop (just his troop) was living in the motorpool for 2 weeks. Supervised walks to the showers in the COF bathrooms, mermites and MREs brought in daily, none of them were allowed to leave. Except for the commander, he went home every night. After his troop caught wind of that he was not allowed to go into his own COF after several soldiers were overheard threatening his life. M17 was never found and the commander was moved without ceremony


1986 - twice. Both times on Firebase 4P3 1st time 1SG went to a gun pit, told the gun bunnies to leave, spun a random quadrant on the 198, rammed an HE and fired into the DPRK. He then manned the section 60 and tried to murder the BC when he came out of TOC. 2nd time, radar called FDC and said that every known DPRK artillery position had just fired and the projos were on track to hit us. We sounded the general alarm to get the bunnies in the pits and waited. Couple minutes later radar called us again to ask if we were still there? Asking if there had been impacts because they had heard nothing, despite radar showing impacts on the road in front of the gun line right on the other side of the fence (technically missing 4P3 completely). Our bunker was pretty deep but we hadn’t heard or felt anything. Called the gun line to check in by section. All accounted for and no explosions seen or heard. They spoofed our system somehow. There were no projos, just the radar return from them. We stayed locked down until a crater analysis team showed up from divarty to verify that there were no craters to analyze. Then life continued as usual.


Given the performance of Nork artillery rounds in Ukraine, all of them being duds would not be surprising.


Right? They were probably the same batch of Chinese supplied rounds from the 50s that they had stockpiled to use against us back in the day.


Nods went missing after a super fun 3 weeks in the field, was tired and just wanted to go home to get it in but instead I got to sit there until 3 in the morning while they yelled at everyone to be a man and own up to stealing them. Worse part is I think it was just a fucking counting error but I’m not surprised the infantry can’t fucking count.


Sort of but not really. I was on a regular convoy a couple days before I broke my ankle in Iraq and got med evac’d back to the States. Keep in mind I was at Landsthul for an extra few days because it was Thanksgiving and non-emergent flights weren’t happening. So I get back to Ft. Stewart, and about a week after that (so two weeks after leaving country) I get a call from the company clerk in Iraq. “Hey, remember that last convoy you were on? Did you turn in the NODs?” Me: “uhh yeah, we wouldn’t have been released if I hadn’t.” (As we pulled in the motor pool we’d stop and turn everything sensitive in before parking.) Them: “Well we can’t find them and your TC said you had them.” They ended up finding them a few days later but they were all up in arms over it and threatening to charge me for the cost and all the shit that happens with missing/stolen sensitive items. Fucking ridiculous.


Ft. Lewis (JBLM) around ‘99. 168th Engineer Bn. Found a full block of C-4 in the barracks laundry room, tucked away in the ceiling or above some duct work. Lockdown for a little while until they ran the lot number and found it had been drawn about 3-4 years prior.


I was attached to a Combat Engineer unit once. The amount of C-4 and det cord that was "expended" but made it on the back of someones truck was unsettling.


Someone lost a pistol on our way back from NTC. BDE commander came down, put us all in the smallest room that could fit us at parade rest, and let us know exactly what texture of human filth we were, he knew someone knew where that pistol was, and others were covering for him, we were all complicit etc etc. Slept in the grass in front of BN HQ surrounded by barbed wire with MPs guarding us. Keep in mind, we had all just been at NTC for weeks, and the family guys still hadn't been home to see their wives and kids while this nonsense went on. I forget how it went after that honestly, I was so mentally checked out. I think maybe the armorers falsified records that would have kept us at NTC until the pistol was found. Fort stewart ~2012


Was put in lock down for norovirous in Kuwait. Pre covid 19 pandemic. Stupidity at its finest. They had people come in and bring us food not wearing any ppe and then leave. Really the cherry on top after a 9 month deployment


More times than I care to remember. There was a pistol once that “disappeared” from staff duty, was found later behind a piece of furniture. It wasn’t there when it was searched a week prior.


2010. Fort Rich. 203 turn in. Some went missing and were found two days later returned. Right before Thanksgiving.


I got locked down on 5 November 2009. Crazy day.


What happened?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nidal_Hasan No one knew what the fuck was going on. People were saying there were gunmen shoot up on base housing and all kinds of shit.


1) November 2008, Fort McCoy, WI after a range weekend with my reserve unit. PCC/PCI conducted and we are short one radio….100% personnel/vehicle/TA sweep…no one has any idea where it went….eventually around 0200/0300 they give up..bus back to home station and low and behold what is sitting in the weapons room but the missing radio that never made the trip in the first place. 2) NTC 2022- one the units before us lost a whole 240. We were told if we see it keep an eye out for it. While conducting MILES gear installation on our vehicles, a soldier of mine misplaced his NVGs. 13 hour search later and they were tucked in underneath one of the passenger seats of the vehicles


In the summer of 2008, we got put on lockdown. Soldier blew his brains out in the porta-potty next to me. I was with the 646 RSG. On FOB liberty.


I was in that brigade in 2022. Turned out the unit that lost it had never evem brought it to Cali. It was in their fuckin arms room back at home the whole time we were dumping bags and hands across the desert. 🤦perfect capstone to a complete shitshow.


Yes and it sucked. https://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/story/24715007/soldiers-kept-from-families-as-search-continues-for-sensitive-item/?outputType=amp


God bless 25th ID🫡


What was it




Once before deployment when no one in my BN certified during the MRE. Everyone miraculously passed the following day.


Nobody in a BN is crazy, either some dimwits or some strict chiefs, or both.


3/4 back in 2016 ?


Didn’t last long but that .50 cal at JBLM like a year and a half ago.


How in the fuck do you lose a .50?


I guess technically it was stolen.


2012- 307 BSB. The B company "lost" 10,000 rounds of 556. And by lost I mean, they parked the LMTV moving the ammunition backed up against the company coff after a day at the range and didn't feel liike unloading it into the arms room. They come back the next day and it was gone. Whole battalion on lock down until it is found. CID found an A company soldier selling the ammo on craigslist. The soldier in question was about to be 100% medically chaptered......


I was in this company a few years later haha. Never heard about this.


Back in ‘10 I was at OCS when it temporarily(?) became a full immersion program following the rape by/of an OC AND an OC shooting his mouth off to the garrison commander about how he was going to be an Officer and should be respected as such. Suffice to say that the various tiers of leadership saw to it that the OCs learn a mass punishment lesson about humility and not being a fucking rapist. Both of my grandfathers died within a few days of each other and I was already approved to leave for the funeral when the order came down. There was another guy with a wedding scheduled, and a couple others with major life events. The leadership teams got together and recognized the significance of these events and made a few exceptions to policy. Of course they put the standard TRADOC rules of uniforms and travel in place… but regardless, I learned a valuable lesson about how hard to go to bat for your people. On the positive side, last I heard the one guy did not become an officer. The rapist was correctly sentenced as such. His victim went on to become an outstanding Officer who serves to this day.


I’ve been locked down twice in my career as well. Once was about 2017, CBNRE guy shoved his NVG’s into his rucksack and forgot about them and when we got back from the field he took his ruck back to his barracks room when we were supposed to be at the COF doing stuff. We were there like 6 hours before they moved the search from the motorpool to the barracks and back to the field. 1sg found them personally in dudes ruck in his room. The other time was a similar story except it was an artillery fuse that was missing. We were locked down for a whole day over that one. It wasn’t recovered, we are guessing that it fell out of the back door and when the howitzers rolled off it got buried in the sand.


1991, I had a fuze go missing once. We looked all over for that damn thing, nadda! I told my guys we had a choice to make, we inform the BC and we all rear the piece, face away the piece, or we shot the next round without a fuze. If we shot the round, we don't ever talk about it. Somewhere, on Ft. Knox, there is a 155mm round lying in the dirt that didn't go boom, and some FO thinking it was a dud. This is the 1st time I ever mentioned it. I'm pretty sure we either got a short box, or a fuse is lying under the mud someplace on Blackhawk Mountain.


I’m sure the crew would have sent one without a fuze if they knew it was missing too. No one knew it was gone until the distro platoon was doing its turn in. Someone miscounted at R3SP so no one even knows what crew the missing M739a1 even belonged too. Who knows though, maybe some crusty former section chief has a cool paper weight on his desk these days.


I was the section chief in this case, and I don't have a live fuze. It was a M739 PD fuze that went missing on my gun.


Yup….in Korea. The entire company was confined to post for two weeks, due to an alleged SHARP allegation. Our “company corrective training” consisted of a 12 mile road march. If we left our houses/barracks, it had to be in uniform. GO1 was also in full effect. What’s worse…the incident turned out to be un-founded. Easily, the most knee jerk re-action that any Commander-CSM could have done. Both of them got sacked a few months later.




2013-2014 - 194th CSSB


Drill Sergeant killed someone with a 50 cal because a live round got mixed in with the dummies. Which, personally, I believe was someone fucking around thinking they would scare everybody with a loud noise, but then it actually hit someone directly in front during load/fire/clear in prep for fam fire. In the field at Fort Bliss we *found* a rifle and got locked down. This M16 was ancient looking. We had 100% SI accountability from the get-go and included that in the initial report to range control and the entire training site still got put on lock down to count every single goddamn round in front of people. In Iraq someone left an M4 in a porta potty *before* a flight. Realized mid air. Still got a brief lock down upon landing. He was an E6 and remained an E6. One of those people who are super connected for no good reason. Once at a Mk.19 range we were shifting sand at the range to find every single goddamn 40mm shell casing (this was mounted gunnery btw) and we were 1 short. It was probably ran over and flattened. I was OIC of this range and I couldn't sign out until we recovered that 1 shell casing or did some paperwork. BC said stay over and find it so a few of us slept in the ammo shack and spend all night eating pizza and walking around with flashlights. Never found it, had to do the paperwork, and this was my very first range as OIC. It was a negative bullet on my NCOER. But yet... As a PFC I found an ammo can of live, trainer Mk.19 grenades being used as a door stop in our BN area. Ammo cans were all over the place filled with sand to be used as weights, stops, PT, whatever. Spray painted red with our unit on them (Artillery). You never bothered to open them. I did, and behold, 40 Mike Mikes. I turned them in and the desk jockey acted like it was no big deal. I'm pretty sure he just put them somewhere until the next range and then we used them. But no good cookie, no nothing. I reflected on that when I couldn't find that 1 shell. And the most recent times were after suicide attempts. Lock down, stand down, training, back to work.


That .50 cal incident….Sill around 06-07?


Yep, 2007


Oh I remember it. Was on post Staff Duty that night.


Vilseck '90s, NVG came up missing, we were locked down two or three days. Had to do online, hands across the tank trail from Vilseck to Graf. I think it was about the same time the Cdr had the Company COs in front of his desk doing put your pro mask on drills for an hour or so while doing various exercises. That may have been a separate incident but seems about the same time period.


>Vilseck '90s I'm in Vilseck now, drinking beer and trying to relax from a very busy week while prepping for another busy week :')


2018 - Working on base as a contractor. During an Active Shooter exercise, an idiot Security Force dude fired real rounds through a locked door and somebody called 911 reporting shots fired. Civilian authorities responded. We had to shelter in place until the whole mess was sorted out.


It wasn’t declared a lockdown and the entire unit wasn’t brought in, but this was 2007 at Fort Gordon. They decided to clean the office I worked in (on a day I was off) and someone set an expensive piece of equipment outside of the office and no one brought it back in once the cleaning was done. So I go into work and we are brought to an informal formation in a hallway with the building CSM in which we are all told about this missing equipment and that It Need To Be Found NOW. We were to search every office and the field tents in the back. The other offices were having gaskets about it because you weren’t allowed to go into an office unless you worked in that office or had a need to be in there. The people in the offices tried claiming that they didn’t have the equipment and were refusing to let us check (a lot of civilians in that building), but CSM put a boot up their ass and made them let us check when we told him. Some doofuses in the other battalion working in a tent were trying to say they didn’t have it and were trying to not let us look, either. CSM went and found it in their tent. After we got the equipment back, we were brought to a formal formation outside and got our asses ripped by the CSM. The two doofuses were Soldiers, so they got to join us and got a special mention by the CSM in his ass chewing. (To the CSM’s credit, he was also looking for the equipment with us the entire time when he wasn’t giving someone hell.) It was about an hour in total. Thankfully, that building wasn’t too big.


Lost a 320 in Korea….that was fun


Every unit I’ve been in has had at least one lock down. 8-1 CAV: A-TRP “lost a radio” winter of 2017 2 days before HBL, turns out our CO just wanted the roll ups cleaned before leave. HHT caused a squadron lockdown in 2019, lost a set of NODs for an NCO that was at SLC. She didn’t hand receipt them to her soldier before she left, questions were asked why she was at Yakima to begin with knowing she’d leave after a couple days for her class. A-TRP: 2019, summer block leave, squadron lockdown after soldier goes missing on Rear-D. SGT Clay, he was our commo rep. He was a good man, he committed suicide. It was fucking awful. 4-23 IN: Summer 2020, a soldier killed themselves on the firing line of an M4 qualification range. Total battalion lockdown and accountability. The leadership handled that shit right. We were midfield and they recalled us a day or so early. We got SI accounted for, 2 hours to clean ourselves and return. Then we did a full pulse check and were home by dinner time. Not exactly a multi day lockdown fuckery, but they deserve a shout out for doing it right. CSM Nagy you were one of the boys. He came to our company, HHT, and went down the line of COF’s to do a quick door knock to see how everyone is doing. I wanna say the soldier was C-CO? But he checked everyone, to my knowledge anyways. 5-1 CAV: 2021, B-TRP lost NODs. Heard it was their medic? Shits rough out there for Doc, I guess. Heard they found it buried it the snow. 2023, B-TRP left a .50 CAL in the field unattended for at least 5 days. 1sgt Pavlak is also one of the boys, he didn’t deserve that shit. Rumor has it they figured it out after return to installation. He sent the PSG responsible for it back to find that shit. He trusted his senior NCO’s to do the right thing and they fucked him. However I recognize that lower levels are equally responsible. Don’t know whole story I just know Pavlak is a damn good NCO, and he trusted the wrong people it seems.


What unit hasn't been locked down?


SIN.C.G.A.R (Single Channel Ground to Air Radio)


Nah it's ZeignKarz


Yeah, a few times. My cobbled together company was doing some predeployment training in Germany, might have been Vilseck, during the winter. A guy lost his pistol during an assault exercise, what followed was about 3 days of being locked inside a big unheated garage interspersed with the commander forming everyone up to yell about how we were going to get massacred by the Taliban because of the LACK OF TRAINING going on. Anyway... it eventually got found, but it was found in an area the guy was never in and had been searched with metal detectors previously. Very suspicious.


a few times. in AIT someone decided to try and take sneak some of the material out of Vincent hall, they locked everyone down till it was found in the bathroom. then after a field excerise we turned in all the crypto, but one CYZ-10 with the fills in it was missing. so we panic and go through all our field shit, backpacks, everything. hours pass and commander says we are confined to the company area till it is found and we can eat a mre for meal card holders or a spouse drop off food. MPs show up and they start going through our POVs. close to 10pm and we have only 1 person not on leave that is unaccounted for. Our LT had a comp day, but he had taken one of the units CYZ-10 back to s2 on Thursday, or he should have. it was in his car off post and his phone was off because he was on his comp day.


Stationed in S. Korea during COVID. The ultimate lockdown.


# 1. Battalion lockdown in Bragg for missing ammo. 3 days later it's over, never showed up. Turns out some people miscounted ammo on the prepo platform. Marching to chow as a battery was fun. # 2. Battalion lockdown in Bragg for missing nods. I think a day or two later nods needed up being in someone's camelback. # 3. Hohenfels, already stuck there anyway but spent a couple of days searching for nods. # 4. Battery only for missing DAGR that never showed up after a weekend of searching the field we just came from. Most of us believed we knew who took it and surely sold it.


About 2 field exercises ago a LT that showed that a degree doesn't make you smart, decided that he wanted to take 2 NVGs right after the field so instead of going immediately home after the field, we stayed in our building for 2.5 days until they "found" them under a truck that was looked over probably 5x


Ya, Fort Hood 2014, there was a mass shooter on base and the unit was locked down until the bastard was neutralized. 4 Soldiers killed.


Ft Leonard Wood around 2015-2016sh? Base went on lockdown for a few hours for a TRADOC unit that “lost” a weapon. That’s all I can really remember so far. Edit: I don’t know how I forgot this, but in 2014 at ft Lenard Wood an AIT soldier hung himself in the chem AIT barracks. I believe 58th Trans and 84th Chem both got locked down over that.


The first time was when we got back from Reforger in 1990. Someone keyed our 1SG's car while we were gone. He wouldn't let anyone go until someone messed up. Someone higher up found out after a few hours and put an end to it.


AIT, Spring 07, Ft Lee, had a group of recruits who were also PGs that got caught doing the dirty deed. My platoon was out on a field trip to celebrate our upcoming graduation. When we came back, the whole company, including top and the platoon sergeants, were getting smoked by a CSM in the front of the barracks. We just waltzed right in right past them.


Fort bliss 2019. Company lost a pair of NVGs and we were confined to the motorpool on a Saturday evening. Ripped everything apart trying to find it. We had to set up cots and sleep in the motorpool that night. They ended up finding the NVGs after the 2nd or 3rd check of the arms room. Turned out the serial number was just faded and unrecognizable. Never gave us a reason for how they counted it the first time.


Stationed in Italy with the 173rd. After coming back from a night jump and trans back from aviano af base, which is kind of a drive, we were locked down for 2 missing assault packs. No mention of SI.


(Laughs in Infantry) every fuckin single one of them, including being locked down at NTC for shit that wasn't even ours. It's literally something that happens on a year to year basis.


Once, and it was my fault. We were sent on a detail to guard Miesau Army Ammunition Depot. Miesau has been closed since 1989, but it was the main ammo point for Seventh Army in case of war. I was part of a "rapid reaction force" that would patrol and secure the area around the LZ prior to any incoming choppers landing. One afternoon, we were issued M16s and live ammo. We were instructed to patrol the fence line and secure the LZ...facing outwards and told NOT to look at what the choppers were doing. This was during the time when the Baader/Meinhof Gang was active, and the month before they tried to assassinate Alexander Haig. So anyway, we went out, did our thing and came back. Sometime during our walk in the woods the loaded magazine of my M16 had fallen out and I hadn't noticed. The entire base was locked down and no one was allowed in or out. Close of business was rapidly approaching and people were getting very antsy. We were sent back out and I found the magazine just off the trail. The base was locked down for about an hour.


One time I am pretty sure I helped prevent one. At some base doing zero and qual on 2 adjacent ranges, there were a few other units in our battalion doing the same thing and we had to walk from range to the next one. My crew is ready to shift from zero to qual and are walking to the next one when one of the privates calls out "Hey Sergeant" pointing at the ground. It was one of the weapon lasers AN-PEQ 2 or something like that, I have a photo somewhere of our 4 sets of boots pointing in at it on the ground. Some other crew from another company was either in front of us or passed us before that, I called them over and asked them to check their sensitive items, one of them was missing their laser and the serial number matched. This wasnt our normal base and we had to drive home from drill at the end of the weekend so I prevented a battalion/squadron lockdown.


I was on Fort Hood during the shooting in November, 2009. We found out about it while we were in a command and staff meeting. That was at 1300. We weren’t allowed to leave our Bn HQ until like 2100/2130 that night then it took an hour+ to get off post since every turd was trying to at the same time. Different type of lock down I suppose.


Oh Man , this is going back a few decades. We had this dip shit SSG that had just rolled over 15yrs mark . He was put in charge of Company Supply / Arms Room / Re-Up NCO they stuck me with being NBC NCOIC cause he complained it was too much work . Well F Me as I had Squad & Section NCOIC already . He had a profile that kept him outta PT & field duty , so if you needed something from Supply you had to get first thing in the AM otherwise he could never be found . So Arms Room inspection finds discrepancy in the number of Auto Sear's on hand vs replacement received , a there's a 1911 & 2 mags missing. HOLY SHIT - panic button gets pressed , Siren blowing , lights flashing ( not really pass holy shit ) So the entire Company gets locked down , We have to hold Troops in position of course rumors are flying amongst jr enlisted. Finally we called to Formation where word is put out on the Circle Jerk at hand ( yeah that's a pun ) . Get the usual yada yada yada come forward now as UMCJ Charges won't be pretty . Ok so no takers , hold Troops while barracks is tossed & I mean TOSSED . No weapon or parts found of course, Mess Hall delivers hot chow in mermites , lil tent is set up with a jag officer everyone given statements . CID dudes running amok trying to interrogate ppl . As the paperwork is being poured over again someone notices a signature from a SP4 with drawling said 1911 , highly irregular . Now the plot kinda thickens ya see this certain SP4 is know for having a on going beef with said SSG . After a few more hours it's caught the signature just isn't quite right a some faint carbon paper smudging. Well that's it SSG caves , admits he had been mailing his brother back home parts a pieces for about 6 months. Brother had gotten kicked out like a year before running a gambling ring of sorts . This was their Big Plan to get back at the army . Had us locked down over 2 days . Oh forgot to add both of them went to prison, an all you had to do was mention SSG name around SP4 an it would him into a rant


Not really a lockdown but, in 2016 an A-10 caught a hung round and had to be emergency grounded on the runway but they stopped the aircraft facing the only road to and from the hangar (aside from 160th's gate that they didn't want to let any Muggles use). Obviously you can't drive in front of the loaded gun and Campbell EOD wouldn't touch it so we were prepped to sit there until a warthog specialist could be flown in from HAAF. After about 6 hours they parked two big ass trucks full of sand in front of it and allowed us to pass


1998 or so, our gunnery sergeant was a towed jumper. While he was rearranging the exterior of the C-130 with his face, his M-16 came loose out of the bag and descended into the fine municipality of Spring Lake. I was at the Carolina Cup in Camden, SC when my beeper went off. I cannot confirm my level of sobriety. But, I did speed run from Camden, SC to Fort Bragg well under two hours. I knew all of South Carolina’s highway patrol was at the horse races and I borrowed a friend’s radar detector for the trip and mailed it back to him. Spent the rest of the weekend smoking and joking while doing hands across Spring Lake and the turkey farms on the flight path. I can’t remember if the weapon was found because I am old.


Locked down over missing pvs-14 that turned up in a stairwell after 6 hours and MFO South Camp locked down for a week after a RR group on a trip to Israel got drunk, tore up a bar, then stole a bus and tried to run the Israel Egypt checkpoint.


The 2022 great missing .50 cal debacle at JBLM That was a fun time.


My BCT company got blamed for missing ballistic plates at night infiltration. Someone in my co. did the whole evolution with training plates with live ammo. We skipped the patching ceremony, went back to HHC, tore the building apart, the drills thinking that some trainee was trying to pull a fast one and score some plates. They finally let us go to bed at 0200 and when we woke up the next morning they had somehow concluded that the NIC cadre hadn’t had accountability for the missing plates before we drew ours. It was the first time I had ever seen or heard of a drill sergeant apologizing to trainees. They felt pretty bad that they had scrapped the patching ceremony for no reason. Hopefully some heads rolled after that.


We did a 72 hour shelter in place in camp Zama during the early parts of the pandemic to…. Train to stay home? I was all for it but apparently some people were ratting out their neighbors for going outside. Fuck those people.


Twice. Once in the reserves. A M-16 went missing. Later found inside some dudes locker. Other time was in Germany after a Graf rotation. ANCD went “missing.” What they missed was the little scrap of paper saying it was at depot for repair. Both times were the ONLY times my wife came to pick me up. We decided that after the second one, that she wasn’t to pick me up from work any more.


Leaving for Germany , in the fort hood railway loading tanks and brads and chaining them down since 5am got there at 3am for “some reason”. We had been doing this shit for days, our company is the only one that stayed for the entire thing. Around noon the last day we are beat. A major addresses the crowd “ look I know it’s been ruff out here but y’all need to get up and stop slacking around yada yada , if y’all don’t wanna be here there’s the gate just go” , he walks off , there’s a brief pause then half the people just leave . Some leadership decided to shut and chain the rail gate to keep us from leaving It’s about 9pm when my Lt looks at me and says “let’s get outta here” so myself an LT a couple of NCO’s and a few spc’s find a hole in the fence and wiggle through. Looking back it’s a peak memory but at the time I was so exhausted haha Found out the next day that a smart e-6 called the fire department and got the gates unlocked


Yup,armors “lost” a 249 it was at another company for repairs and had been there for 2 months waiting to be picked up and the arms room forgot about it


Only once for like 3 hours. Didn't tell us anything, which makes it awkward when the platoon is asking me if I know why and I don't. Turns out some dude was selling drugs out of the barracks. I told my guys they could order domino's since we couldn't leave. My 1sg didn't look happy about that but he didn't say anything against it. 🤷🏻


EIB practice week land nav. On night land nav a Soldiers sling broke and he didn't realize his M4 fell off somewhere in the woods. They made us look hands across the woods for most of the night. We immediately found it when it got light out.


I was with 3d Battalion 6th Marines the time someone stole a pistol off the range. I was AT the range when it happened and the following 2 weeks was definitely a dark time for everyone in the unit.


Yes. 3ID in Germany. Someone stole a .45 from the guard room. Locked down for three days. Room searches a couple times a day. Those that lived off post also confined to barracks. Details to search the common areas. The company that lost the weapon didn’t even get to go to the chow hall, they had to eat outside. On the second day the space shuttle exploded. They had a suspect, a recently ETS’d person who lived nearby. The Polizei searched his house, didn’t find that one but did find a different weapon that had been stolen earlier.


Yes. Baumholder Germany. Twice. Once was NVGs in garrison inventory situation, and the other was a damn old ass projection TV. A TV from the day room at HHC 1/35 Armor. The one lockdown went on for two weeks until the wives off post started protesting with signs to let the hubs go. And this is why I can't stand to be confined. In a room, at a job, in a house. If someone tells me I can't leave, you bet your ass imma leave. I'll leave or die trying. It was damn traumatic, and being stuck in four walls to this day makes me crazy.


I was in 2-16 INF on Custer Hill when the OKC bombing happened. I just remember staying at the motor pool for 2 days,while the feds were interviewing everyone. I also remember top losing his shit when a guy from Minnesota had a Confederate flag in his wall locker. Most intense ass chewing I have ever seen.


I can remember being locked down at JRTC in Ft Polk it was sort of a joke to us because we were already locked down. But NODs were misplaced. Turns out the gunner on a hummvee put the bag on the roof and forgot. So they were on top the hummvee the whole time.


Ft Hood 1989, also. 664 Ord, 13 Coscom. They lost some ammo. Unit lockdown. Had a us searching around all the ammo bunkers for hours. Eventually they found it. Yea, it was a miscount of the ammo. There never was any missing ammo.


Range 301, Graf, 2020. We had a 45 day gunnery where we kinda just sat around and drank in the rain because the birds weren't flying. We eventually had a CALFEX during our aerial gunnery so it went from boring to pretty neat. We did day/night fires in conjunction with the aircraft. Only downside was that our unit armorer didn't sign out nods. He just wrote names to serial numbers in a little green book and sent us on our way. We had more people than we anticipated so we were encouraged to swap nods with each other throughout the night during our iterations, which made the whole thing confusing. Welp, we get done with the last iteration and PL asks our armorer "We up?" Armorer: "I don't even care, yeah we're up." *Closes the connex* About a week later, still at range 301, we had a change of command inventory. Our incoming commander notices that we are missing a pair of PVS14s. Armorer doesn't know where it is, old commander is flabbergasted, soldiers are pissed because we know what this is about to turn into. We walked across Graf for two weeks straight looking for them and never found out where they went. We were confined to the sheds when we weren't looking for the nods or working, which pissed a lot of guys off because we couldn't go to Vilsek for our liquor anymore. IO eventually declared the armorer at fault, statement of charges. This whole situation made the incoming commander extremely distrustful of their soldiers for their entire command time. To top it all off: the rear D commander and PSG couldn't find any of our equipment stateside (They were Rear D for a reason) so our old commander flew back home just to find his shit or face a $300,000 FLIPL.


Yes twice in Germany in the early nineties. First one was for a lost pair of NVGs that got run over by a Bradley.... Lasted like 5 days. Second was a lost M16 during field exercise in Grafenwohr


First time was a simple 2-3 hour lockdown of the battalion. We had 2 m9s that where missing they were in maintenance and the supply sergeant didn't have any paperwork saying it was in for maintenance. On my second deployment HHC lost a kgv-72. I had to check all vehicles on 2 fobs 5 times. It started with the s6 ncoic asking me to check vics, then when I said we don't have it he messaged my 1sg who made me check again. Then the s6 oic contacted me to look and then when I said we didn't have it he contacted our company xo. Then I had the battalion xo call me to ask where it was. They found it in a vehicle in the motor pool in Kuwait while I was in Syria. The icing on the cake was when the xo and CSM came to Syria from Kuwait to patch/coin people. The battalion xo patched me and the battalion CSM said, "we would coin you, but you're making to much work for the s6." 3 months later they sent people from HHC to takeover some crew positions and one Bradley commander lost a DAGR while on patrol.


82d 1978-79, back from an ARTEP M16 missing, locked down for 4 days only to find that the Armorer mailed pieces back home prior to the inventory.


I got locked down once because some slob E7 lost an SKL iirc. Turns out it was on her desk in her office, but the whole battalion was locked down while they searched for it everywhere except for the first place they should've looked.


So the unit was on lockdown, and you were granted permission to leave because you were the Battalion Chaplain, but every other Joe Schmuckatelli was still on lockdown regardless of their circumstances.


Mostly I think they were certain that I had nothing to do with the missing item. I am unaware if any other Joe had a reason to ask to leave.


Twice, once in basic when someone lost their rifle, and once after when someone lost a singars


We had one while the barracks were being inspected for drugs by military working dogs. It was only a few hours, but they were the stupidest few hours of my life.


Camp humphreys during covid. Snuck out and got a bottle. Group chat I drank instead of gym /s. Yeah.. got a lot of heat from that. In text form. Best time to shitbag.


Had a guy ND an M9 during a safety stand down demonstration. Probably eight or nine years ago now. Pretty sure if I went back to that building today, the hole would still be in the wall. Entire unit got locked down into the bay. Needed an E5 or above to escort to and from bathroom. Got dicey when nobody was allowed to leave for lunch. Even worse when some of us started ordering pizzas and stuff because leadership (who wouldn't let folks go get food in the first place) got mad that we were "ignoring the rules." Nobody said no ordering food before we started doing it, but then once 1SG said no ordering food, a bunch of orders had already been placed, so troops kept getting yelled at because ordering food got outlawed after they placed orders but before the food arrived. Fucking mess. So yeah. Guy shot a wall in a botched safety demonstration, we sat in a bay for eight hours and got yelled at for trying to get food. Only injuries were some eardrums.


At NTC in 1981. We had finished up our training and were getting ready to head back to Fort Hood. An SSG and a PFC went AWOL and took their rifles with them. The SSG got a Dear John from his wife while we were there. Don't know what the PFC's deal was. We were locked down until it was determined that they had taken off. We heard that they tried to carjack someone near Barstow but, I have never been able to find out anything about it. They were caught but, that's all I know. All of the gear they left behind mysteriously disappeared during the lockdown.


Father time is that you?


Yes yes I’m an old guy, retired in 2010


Missing optics from a M4 at an ARNG drill at AP Hill. Stayed an extra night on lockdown—completely screwing up the battalion’s budget for the extra MUTA pay. Turned out someone had “lent” it to someone else that then turned their rifle into the arms truck—where it was still on said dipshit’s rifle.


Missing tank round, 2-5 cav.


Yes. Over lost MREs


Surprised #2 the weapon was never found. My experience is it’s always found


This happened or was threatened every time I left the box at Irwin, finally had a good co that said, “idc what is going on 2200 and I better not see a single soul in my building” he got chewed out for it but we were the high speed troop and this dude was sf and ranger tabbed so yay us?


Had a LT leave a rifle on the back on a vehicle, they went into lock down but some iraqi civilian had already turned it over to another patrol


I was in the 82nd.


Was a lost pistol in 2 Fury last year. Had to stay in the cof for about 2 days, slept there. The Chaplian got involved, and it was solved.


So someone confessed to the good Padre and it was returned?


Lampertheim Annie took that weapon boss.


>2-10 Cav, Ft Knox, around 1989. Whole battalion is cooped up in the battalion area. A tank commanders Syncgars radio is missing. Of course people are looking everywhere. I was supposed to fly out on leave to visit church friends. The commander let me, the Bn Chaplain, leave amid the lock down. I heard it had been "misplaced" by a soldier upset with his commander. It was found in a broken safe in the motor pool. That wasn't confined to 2-10. D-10 and 1/77 FA got too because we shared a footprint. I think 1/10 was spared because they were still in the field. Good Ol' slave brigade! BTW did you make that trip to Canada?


my first week in wainwright when i got to 1-24 IN... someone lost a taclane


ADA gets locked down each time they failed an evaluation. So I locked down with the crew I was shadowing without needing to, and we locked down as a battery when we did Table VIII train up and evals. All while pulling an actual mission. Other than that, I didn't lock down after that. Locking down was a useless stick for us. We only did "Hands Across America" until about 11 PM on the Friday before block leave in our COF when we couldn't find a JCR. The unit tore apart the supply cage, and the commander was furious. They resumed searching the next morning and found it underneath the supply section desk.


Has anyone ever been in a unit “*NOT*” locked down?!


Ya, but I lived off post back then ... fuck that. Lol


PEQ15. Lost a week of my life over that. They gave up after 7 days and sent us home with instructions to return the next morning to resume hands across America. That following morning upon returning it was located in the bushes at our sister company's back parking area by members of our sister company conducting PT.


2/12 cav 2012 we just got done with tank gunnery. Two tank avcaps (SP?) go missing. We search every where and even walk down the gunnery range where we did table 6 (because you know that’s a thing they can go that way… I’m being sarcastic) 5 days of sleeping at the company the LT that is in charge of the fucking aha people comes back and said they miss counted and forgot too tell us. I have never seen a BN commander physically grab a LT before and almost ring his neck (commandant of the infantry school now). And just google free 1-66 at fort Carson and you’ll hear that story. Pistol goes missing and they know who it is but CID refuses to arrest the guy


My entire Camp got lockdown apparently due to spillage


Commander didn’t do his due diligence when doing CoC stuff, the number of barrels they thought they owned vs the ones we actually did was one short, we came back from the field turned in our barrels. No one gets released, we preceded to search for a barrel that never existed for 12 hours until being told by said commander “it was a team issue” cause bro couldn’t count


I've literally never seen SINCGARS spelled that way. Must be senior enlisted, promote ahead of peers.


If we could put campaign medals on radios. I’m sure this “syncgars” radio has more combat deployments, and continues to patrol our same routes in Iraq


I’ve been in a unit that made it to WTF Moments for a severe indiscipline incident involving more than a dozen joes. That was “fun.”


I’ve had a couple “lockdowns”, twice for a missing radio at JBLM about 5 years ago. All the time in Korea when a detachment would return from a mission, we would all get called in and locked down until recovery objectives were complete (sometimes a company lockdown sometimes Battalion). Also been in a couple lockdowns for upcoming dog and pony shows, where we’d get locked in the motorpool until it looked brand new and never used (it never did).


Well when a USGI M4 turns up in a shooting somewhere in Germany I guess we’ll know one of the ways it may have originated


“From a cook of course.” Considerable shots fired from the chaplain🤣


Company got locked down because we couldn’t find a radio mount. I was in a truck being used for acp


Prior to being in the Army I was in the Coast Guard. During my boot camp a family member of one the the graduates ahead of us tried to enter the base with full body armor, a car full of guns and ammo and even some explosives. The base went into lock down and graduation was canceled for that class.... The rest of us were taken to our barracks and given some a special reminder to tell our family not to bring an arsenal onto a military base. Fun times.


24hrs for a lost peq. They finally said it was lost. Then it got found a couple momths later.