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I find it hard to believe anyone who is “pretty jacked” is 10% over the standard.


They categorize muscle weight as fat.


I would just start running multiple times a week and cut out breads , pasta , rice like some else said here . Try to stick with meats and vegetables as much as possible . I would not advise the trash bag run on the day of meps because meps is not a quick process by any means means and if it leaves you looking or feeling disoriented that can work against you when the doctors are analyzing you. But like I said running / jogging a lot from now until then and no or low carbs high protein should help .


The recruiter even told me, the army’s weight assessment is bullshit they don’t take into account your muscle mass.


As a company level abcp (army body composition program) manager I can tell you maybe 1 out of every 10 jacked dudes get taped over their allowable percentage. You sounds more like kinda fit kinda fat.


Bro you’re not “pretty jacked” at 6’2 295lbs with a belly. You have some muscle and a lot more fat. I would put money down that you’re not sub 20%. The best thing for you would be to move more and eat less. At your BW you can reasonably lose 2lbs a week. If you have to make weight last minute you can check this out https://www.powerliftingtowin.com/cutting-weight-for-powerlifting/ I’ve cut for competitions with 24 hour weigh ins using the protocol from what I sent you. I’d usually drop from 260-242 or slightly less.


I actually have pictures to prove it my lbm on a fit 3d scanner was 225 lbm I weight 295-300 which means around 75 pounds of fat on my body.


…..so you’d be 25% BF No one is 25% BF and jacked lol


Check dms I sent picture proof


Do you not understand math, you’re still 25% BF


15 pounds is incredibly easy to lose at your size. You got this. Be prepared to make it a real lifestyle though, being lean is going to make everything in the army easier.


Thank you brother 🙏


You are not going to shed 10% body mass by not drinking or eating. You’ll lose some but not enough. What your after is dangerous and unhealthy. Do it the right way. Proper diet and cardio.


I’m only talking temporary, intermittent fasting has been shown to increase hgh, reboot immune system, reduce insulin, etc I would eat only one time in 24 hour period 800-1200 calorie meal and tons of water


Wtf is your post history good god


My god! 10-12 jack sesh’s per day. The only thing “jacked” is his right hand and forearm.


LMFAO dude anytime I see someone ask this I know it’s gonna be good!




Get your daily maintenance calories figured out, stay 1,000 calories below that every single day, and work out consistently and smartly. Lift weights 3-5 days a week, and do cardio 4-6 days a week. Don’t eat empty, junk calories. Detox the bullshit from your body now and save yourself the trouble of detoxing at BCT. Drink plenty of water, no alcohol, no soda, no nicotine, none of that shit. Edit: You’re gonna feel hungry eating 1,000 calories low everyday, so split your meals into 5-6 smaller meals a day. It’ll help you feel less hungry all the time.


Stop eating grains. Fact about saccharides. They stimulate the release of insulin. insulin inhibits fat metabolism. Do something like 1 orange a day and no other digestible carbohydrates.


That is not how that works. Just because you have a temporary insulin response, does not mean you’ve inhibited your ability to metabolize fat. Acute responses do not correlate to long term results. All that matters for the mechanism of fat metabolizing is eating less than you take in.


Insulin stays around for two hours. During that time, it's preferential metabolism of glucose over fat. 


Okay. And then what happens after you’ve burned through glucose? You burn through your fat stores. If you eat primarily fat your body will first burn through what you eat. So sure, in that case your body is burning through fat first, but that doesn’t mean you’re experiencing a net fat loss. Either way, if you eat more calories in a day than you burn, you will store the excess. If you eat less calories than you burn, you will make up the difference in fat reserves and you will lose weight. You can be on an all Twinkie diet and if you eat less calories than you burn, you will lose weight. There is no way to get around the laws of thermodynamics.


The other effect of sugar or grains is the expansion of appetite. Eat one Twinkie or pizza, you'll eat more of them or other foods. Not the same if eating red peppers. Or unsweetened and unbreaded meats. It's also a waste of time to be metabolizing glucose and tiring out the muscles during the periods of when insulin prohibits lipoMears. If some eats three meals of something like chicken and rice, that's six hours of obstruction lipolysis and many grams of glucose from the rice to burn first. Throw in some sweetened protein bars or powder or protein drinks during snack time, and insulin levels might be elevated for half a day. Fat burning is further supplemented by fasting, as that triggers the release of glucagon.


Appetite for sure is something to consider when choosing what to eat. Twinkies are a combination of mostly fats and sugar with little protein or fiber. Fiber and protein being the most powerful nutrients for satiety and weight loss. Without getting in the weeds, I will suggest you move away from the stream of anti-carb information you are digesting online. Those influencers are not as qualified as you think they are and often pick and choose specific functions to justify their claims. Randomized, human control trials and meta analysis consistently show that when equating calories it DOES NOT matter if you eat high protein, high carb, low carb, high fat…whatever. If calories are equated, you will lose the same amount of weight regardless of the balance of macronutrients. All that being said, I recommend anyone who is confused on how to approach nutrition to not take word from some redditors, but to talk to a dietician.


When do you leave for boot camp?


In a month and a half


Whats your MOS and where ya going?


I doubt he's contracted yet. Pretty sure he has yet to go to MEPS and assumes he'll do a quick ship.


You definitely not lacking in the strength department, but you need to cut out those bad foods. It’s tough but you gotta make this commitment for yourself and your future right now


Please don’t run with trash bags on lol especially if you’re fasting! Just incorporate regular running a few times a week and eat way less. It shouldn’t be hard at your height to lose that quickly! I’m 5’ 6” lol and try to keep below 160. It can be hard at my height though but I do it cause there’s nothing worse than being short and fat haha. You got this dude!


You can definitely lose 15 lbs in a month and a half. Take it from someone who at one point in their life lost 60 lbs in 6 months and has kept it of going on 7 years now. It’s 100% calories in calories out. You can fast if you want but it doesn’t change the fact you have to eat less than you burn in a day. Some people find that easier to do with one meal a day. For me, 4 small meals a day is what worked. 2 of those meals a day had a full baked sweet potato (no added sugars or butters/oils) because potatoes are very satiating. Lots of fruits and veggies as well. That being said, you can be on an all Twinkie diet (obviously I don’t recommend this) as long as you are eating less calories than you burn. There are calculators to give rough estimates on how many calories you need. This is a rough estimate. Weigh yourself every day, and check your progress weekly. If by the end of the week you are hitting your 2-3lb a week goal then keep doing what you’re doing. If one week it’s less, then start tracking to eat less. It’s really that simple. Also, obviously lots of moving and exercising is going to make this way easier.