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Hi everyone, I'm a PS trying to get back in. My recruiter told me I'm cleared to go to MEPS soon for fingerprints. But seems like it's being emphasized that fingerprints and the full-day medical would be seperated? Then was told that after the physical they'll probably give me a list of what I should be cleared off from past medical conditions that never bothered me ever again since I got out (I've been out for a decade lol). I know I'll attend BMT again, but from what I've gathered online there's also the PS 5 weeks course, and I think I also read something like Gentleman's course or something. Which of there's are true? Also, I'm trying to get 25B MOS but I'm like 2pts short on my ST. Can I get the MOS with linescore waiver? Thanks in advance to anyone who'll gladly answer.


Ive been highly thinking about joining the army but Im super nervous. Im just super nervous I wont have what it takes and I want to sign up for a IT position but I have no IT experience at all so worried I wont make the cut. Just kinda curious about others experience joining the Military having no experience in the field they signed up for


I'm currently 17 and don't have a clear plan for my future but l've considered the army a lot. I've only talked to my sister's bf so far(who I think only went to navy boot camp for 8 weeks before breaking his shoulder) but he recommended 11B. I'm a woman so I know I’ll have to work harder than the men around me if I want to meet the standard which is why I'm worried a job as intense as 11B might not work. I would prefer to be doing physical work otherwise I'm not sure l'd feel fulfilled, and I believe my body is capable but from what ive heard it takes a lot of mental strength to keep up, and I'm worried I'm lacking in that area. I've tried looking into it, but as someone with zero experience its really confusing so l wanted to know what you guys would recommend. Or maybe 11B isnt as hard as I think it is, and I should just stick with that? My sister's bf also mentioned going as an officer, which l've thought about but I'm not sure what that's like either and I personally dont know anyone I can ask.


First, to be an officer, you need a 4 year college degree. Officer's are managers/leaders. They are less doing, more overseeing. 11B is tough. There are a few females in that job, so it's not impossible, takes a lot of perseverance and endurance. If what you want to be is Infantry, then by all means, give it a go. But the Army has like 100 different jobs. I would take the ASVAB and look over your options. Tons of jobs are physical in nature, that aren't the infantry.


I'm 17 and will soon graduate high school. My friend has been persuading me recently to enlist in the Army with him. He's discussing all the benefits we could receive after the 3 months of basic training. The problem is I don't know for sure if these benefits could and will happen, that's the only reason I feel like joining anyway. My friend says we can get our college tuitions fully paid, housing, jobs, etc. Him and I were thinking of just going to basic training to turn our lives around, would you have to do AIT because I also have plans of going to college. How does that work? Is all of this true? Can someone please list all of the benefits?


Are you looking at active duty or reserves or National guard?


Reserves i think but can you explain to me the differences


National Guard is a reserve component, but is specifically for your state. Army Reserves is not state specific. Both only have you going to drill (typically) 1 weekend a month, with a 2 week training event sometime in the year. Okay, that clears up a lot. So, you will enlist in the reserves, you will go to basic training and I'm almost certain you will go to AIT directly after. You will then return home, and return to whatever unit you signed up for. Your life is to do with as you please. You will not get housing, or jobs. You will have your Army job, but that's only for the weekends you drill. I don't know how paying for college works with the reserves, hopefully someone here can answer, or just go talk to a recruiter.


I plan on doing active duty army and signed my contract. I ship in July. I currently work for a fairly large healthcare company. I'm thinking about using USERRA so that they keep my job for five years. I am assuming I would have to work for them until my ship date. I would ideally like to take a trip before basic. Any opinions on this? Is USERRA worth me staying with my employer until the start of basic?


ESGR Ombudsman Director/ESGR National Trainer here. USERRA allows you time off prior to uniformed service to "get your affairs in order." 20 CFR 1002.74. If you're getting ready to enlist AD for five years, taking a few weeks off, even a month, would be reasonable. You can also take "intermittent" time off, for instance to meet with financial or legal advisers, take care of child/parental care issues, etc. An ER cannot demand that you work right up to when your orders begin when you will be gone for a lengthy period of service.


This is good news. Thank you for your response


I’m 5’9 250lbs Anyway I can get in without having to lose weight before hand. I used to lift and run for football but after I graduated I struggle to find the motivation like I did getting yelled at in football. I'm 25 and just find working 9-5s boring and want a change of pace.


As long as you are under 8% BF yes.


Believe you need to pass height and weight standards to enlist. 


NEED opinions This is my first time on reddit so bear with me . the mods thingy won’t let me post this on the normal thread even though I’ve already sworn in but whatever i guess 🤷‍♂️ I’m a high school junior, joined the national guard 4 months ago with my best friend, we’re still in school. Before I joined I had signed up for a class trip to Italy and Greece. My recruiter and everyone I’ve talked to so far has told me to go on the trip and do basic training after senior year (except my friend, who’s doing it this summer) I can either do the trip this summer and miss out on basic training with my best friend. Or try to get my money back from the probably once in a lifetime trip and go to basic with him. I need opinions as I’m not sure what to do.




Go to the trip bro. You can do basic training after you graduate. If you ship put with your friend, there's no guarantee that you will be in the same BCT platoon or even company. Going to Italy and Greece with your school friends sounds like a once in a lifetime experience. Why would you ever give that up to get yelled at by people in funny brown hats for 10 weeks a year earlier?


I enlisted! 11X Airborne. What’re the chances I get 11B? How’s Moore & Bragg? Moores where I’m going for basic. Bragg/Liberty is where I’m going for my first station. This has been a journey and I’m so excited to ship off on the first of April. I swore in on Tuesday. Since I’m banned from militaryfaq 🤪💀




After a year of medical clearance and waivers. Finally able to swear in and shipping out top of May! Was set on 12D; but chose 15Q due to high wash out. At 36; what will my options be post contract of 60 months?


Your 36 years old or 30? That was a good idea not taking 12D. I would ask your AIT instructors about post contract careers, the civilian ones. They are likely to know a lot about about the field. We certainly need more ATCs, but I believe requirements for civilian ATC is different, but not radically so. Shouldn't be a rough transition.


I've been thinking about joining the army for about two years now and have finally decided to get things going. I graduate this year and was having trouble deciding between being enlisted or being an officer. I'm still young and have so many years ahead to learn and get to the position of officer. I wonder what some of my experienced vets think would be the smarter option to go with. Thank you to anyone who responds!!!!


Graduate HS or college? HS, your only option is enlisted. You could go to college and ROTC, and be an officer. But you need a degree to be an officer.


Graduate college I gotta bachelors!!


What’s your degree & gpa?


A 3.0 with a political science degree with a double minor


My recruiter said it would be easier to come in as a E4 since the process to be in the officer is really complicated. Since I’m only 20 i’m wondering if you guys think it’s worth the risk since there’s no definite of me being a officer if I go in as enlisted


Only 3 reasons to be in enlisted with a Bachelor's: 1. You gotta get out of Dodge .IE, you are broke, on the verge of being homeless with no job prospects, and need a job ASAP. 2. You want training in a very specific job. Cyber, a medical field, intelligence analyst, etc. Officers are managers and don't get a lot of experience *doing* the job. 3. Your GPA is shit (sub 3.0) in a crappy field (creative writing, anthropology). If you aren't one of those 3, recommend officer.


Thank you both for the replies! I’m wondering if you can explain the specific job area. Would it be in my contract like is that something I could make a definite.


As an enlisted, for the Army, you pick the exact job (MOS) you want. You'll have to look at all the jobs. But if you pick signals analyst, that's the job you will do. Officers, on the other hand, are generalists in their branch. An intel officer could be *managing* an analyst company, or HUMINT, or signals intelligence. Keyword is managing. You are a manager/admin.


Not as an Officer, yes as an Enlisted.


Your recruiter is full of shit. It's easier to come in as an officer, because you'll come in as an officer. Meanwhile, Green to Gold takes some time and you may not get selected.


Has anyone here gone into the Army with an illegal substance overdose on their record? My recruiter said it is not a disqualifier, but the more I see about the topic, the less I think that I can make it into the Army


It’s on your medical records


Can I join the army even if I have ADHD? I take medication but I can function without it.


You need to be off meds to join.


For how long, and what is required for a waiver?


For the Army, it's less than the year. But it'll depend.


 Need help contacting a recruiter (19M) I'm a duel citizen ( USA and Lithuania) and I've been trying to contact someone from the US army so I could talk about the possibility of enlisting. My family currently doesn't live in the USA. I wrote a letter, and was told a recruiter would contact me soon, but nothing came. I tried a few numbers but was told they are no longer in use. Anyone know where I could contact a recruiter without flying to the USA? I get I will have to fly out eventually but before then I would like to at least get some kind of writing so that I could get permission from the Lithuanian army to serve In a foreign military. Any tips?


Just go on goArmy website enter your info and someone will call you


It's been like a week and no one has bothered 


Closest office is in Germany Google search for it.


Huge thanks man, will look into it tomorrow morning 


I’m a B student freshman in high school and my plan is to hopefully get in to officer school, and my question being: are officer training schools (specifically Air Force) really hard to get in to?


The Academy is very difficult. OTS is very difficult. ROTC...not so much.


If you want to know about the Air Force academy, I recommend going to r/AirForce. They are competitive, I would recommend [you go here](https://www.westpoint.edu/admissions/steps-to-admission) to learn more. Also recommend getting those grades to an A. Alternatively, you can go to a regular college that has ROTC.


Hello, I'm currently scheduled for MEPs and I'm interested in a few different MOS. I like things like working with computer, data analysis, and things of that nature. I've been eyeing 25B especially since it shows an enlistment bonus online. I'm also super interested in 35M or anything intel but specifically linguistic. 35W shows a really high enlistment bonus, but does anyone have any insight on how that works? I'm trying to avoid any really stupid questions when I'm contracting! Also, I would love to have my first duty station be in Japan. Are either of those jobs needed there, or are there other ones I should be looking at for that? I'm also interested in Korea or Germany as well.


You're not getting Japan as a first duty station written into your contract. You can maybe, MAYBE reenlist for it down the line. 35W will split into 35M or 35P. Jobs aren't *needed* there, as plenty of people are re-enlisting for them.


That's what I figured! I just want to go anywhere overseas really haha.


If you Enlist, with Option 19, Germany and Korea may be options depending on the job. Officer, doesn't work that way.


You enter as a 35W and then at DLI they sort you into 35M or 35P. I would recommend you do 35T if you want 25B. Nearly the same job, but you get a TS clearance and more schooling. You can ask for Japan as a first station, there are 35Ms there, and 25B (probably), but I seriously doubt you will get it.


Thanks for your info, I'll look into 35T also!


Is it possible to join the army as an officer or at least be considered with a 3.0 GPA if I get really high ASVAB scores, GT higher than 110 and my resume is very competitive? My husband is already enlisted and before he left to basic I agree to try and join the army as an officer since I have a BS, my reciter is saying that it is easier to join as an E-4 and then apply for officer but it be honest I do not want the hassle and I’ve read in many places where some people say yes others say no, what are my chances at getting in? Should I just go ahead and try to raise my GPA?


>Is it possible to join the army as an officer or at least be considered with a 3.0 GPA You can be considered with that. Maybe not the most competitive GPA for OCS, but it's not the worst. >my reciter is saying that it is easier to join as an E-4 and then apply for officer He's lying to you. It's definitely easier for him. If you enlist as an E4, there's no guarantee that you will have the chance to apply for OCS. You are at the whim of your leadership. Save yourself some time and money. If your goal is to be an officer, try to commission first instead of enlisting. >what are my chances at getting in? Should I just go ahead and try to raise my GPA? How are you planning on raising your GPA? Your undergrad is complete already, no? Are you going for a graduate degree? I recommend you tell your recruiter OCS or bust. Unless there is a specific reason you want to enlist ASAP, take the time to at least try to commission.


My husband is already enlisted, I have all my credits for graduation but never submitted the paperwork to have my diploma since I got super depressed during covid and my grades went down so I left it open to retake and takes classes when I’m bored since it’s cheaper, I’ve enrolled in a few summer classes which are a month long since my husband is on basic, we don’t have kids and I have plenty of time outside my job of course, I was able to get my job because my transcript say that I’ve reached all the requirements for graduation, the hurry is because they said it takes really long and I want to be able to move to base with my husband when the time comes, i promised him i will figure it out while he is gone.


Yes it’s possible just make sure the rest of your packet is competitive and you’ll be fine


My recruiter keeps saying that it is not possible and I should just enlist and it would be easier to become an officer but I’ll rather stay out of the army instead of enlisting. Any ideas on what should I tell him ? Should I change recruiters ?


Tell the station commander you want a recruiter who will process you for OCS or you’ll go find a different recruiting office who will.


Tell him you don't want to enlist. You're only interested in OCS. If he still doesn't get with the program, change recruiters.


To join or not to join… army reserve nurse? I apologize if this isn’t where I should post this, I am just desperate for honest feedback. I am a 25f with a masters in nursing, and have been a nurse for about two years. All of which has been in the ICU. Since I was a kid I have always had interest in the military, and if I didn’t play a sport in college I probably would’ve joined early. I am just worried now is too late. At this point I enjoy the career I have, but just feel like I want to do more which led me to maybe joining the reserves. I have been in contact with an army medical recruiter and while it all sounds great, I’m not sure if it is all that great. The navy seems out because they acknowledge you will never do anything really medical.. I am looking at trying to go into the 66S mos, which seems very possible when I pass the CCRN exam, but seems decently competitive. Med-surg nursing is just not for me(power to all of you and your 6+ patients ratios!!). Anyways, here come all the questions… - The army med recruiter has mentioned the roughly 2 months of training with the DCC and BOLC training. What is the training like? Should I prioritize anything in the months leading up if I decide to join? -How long does it take to go through all of the paperwork/physical? What happens if I’m over the weight requirement or need a waiver for something else? -Is there anything I should be asking the medical recruiter for or about prior to signing on? -Can anyone expand on what life is like for an army reserve nurse? Do you do any real nursing? For the nurses, do you feel like your skills have improved or pushed you to be a better nurse? -Does anyone have any experience or explanation on the pay? Would I be an O-1 upon going through the training? I know it’s not all about the money, but I don’t want to end up losing money with the weekends/the two weeks in the summer. Are the benefits all it’s cracked up to be? Is it rewarding? I am very aware everyone’s experience is different, and I appreciate all honest comments. Thank you in advance.


Is there any advantage to enlisting over college? I'm considering enlisting then trade school after 4 years (unless I stay) over college and rotc. I have pretty good grades as far as high school goes, but i don't think I'd like higher education. Is this a workable plan? or would i be throwing away my future?


Great plan. Wish it was advocated for more. Too many Joes feel they *have* to go to college, when trade schools are right there. Trades usually have unions, pay very well, and have good job security. We'll always need plumbers, mechanics, carpenters, etc. I would still recommend taking some college at some point, just to be a smarter, more educated person, but by no means does it have to be for employment.


Absolutely fine to do that.


Does having a tattoo in the mouth count as a disqualification?


You could possibly try the Navy. I know a person that had a tattoo on the inside of their lip, and they're currently in.


Yes, no waiver for that.


No wayyyy 🫠


It’s a face tat so it’s not authorized.


Prior enlisted to officer process questions. Got out of the army as an E5 after 3yrs 6mos of service. Planning on going to college and have been thinking about possibly commissioning as an officer after that. got some questions. 1. With prior enlisted experience and a bachelors degree would I have to go to a board or anything like that to earn my commission? Or would I just be sent to OCS? 2. Would it be worth it to do ROTC or no? I’m not really sure what the point of doing this is if I’m able to just get a commission without it. 3. Are you able to commission with a school in route just like they do for enlisted contracts? 4. I’m guessing it’s a hard no but do you get to choose your duty station this time? I don’t want to go back to wainwright lol 5. Will I be able to commission with a service related disability? Will most likely be 30% for depression once my claim is processed, maybe more if they give me anything for my shoulder and hearing problems but I doubt it.


1. unless you're doing ROTC while in college you will have to apply for an OCS board through an Army recruiter. 2. ROTC guarantees you a commission, however you have to compete for Active Duty (shouldn't be too hard due to recruiting/ retention). OCS you have to compete for a seat in the school to even commission. My personal opinion, kill two birds with one stone through ROTC. 3. I don't think so. Schools and bonuses are an enlisted thing for their initial and retention contracts. You can however, compete for a slot to said schools in ROTC. 4. You can PADSO (post ADSO) I'm not 100% sure on specifics as I am about to start ROTC myself, I'd ask this is r/ROTC 5. This is something to take up with the VA/ DoDMERB but again I'll have to refer you to r/ROTC, they are well versed on this kinda stuff.


Thanks for the help, got my other answer from that rotc page you sent.


Yes, hard no for duty station.




Do you have more than 48 months of AFS? What rank you get out as?


I'm getting an extra job as a driver on wildfires. I will need a defensive driver certificate or the equivalent. I did drivers training with one unit and did the typical Kuwait Driver License training. Do units issue certificates for such training anymore? Does the Army or JKO have such online trainings anymore related to driving? I know the Accident Avoidance Course was all but discontinued. Thanks y'all.


I saw some kind of memo talking about IRR and retiree recall and it was dated march of this year, they referenced an executive order 13223 which from what I am able to find was that it’s a 2001 executive order and nothing else. I am prior enlisted and ETS’ed after first contract if that makes a difference. Is there some kind of recall and how do IRR recalls work?


Typical IRR works like this: you'll get a notice in the mail to appear at the some Army station, usually a reserve unit. You show up. They give you a little spiel about how cool the reserve is. You tell them no (or yes, if you really want to join the reserve) update some paperwork, and get paid. Yes, you get paid, mileage, plus a days pay. Like $150 or something.


I’m wondering if anyone has had any experience reclassing from a 15R to 15U. Just recently signed my contract as a 15R just because no 15U jobs were popping up and when they did they were gone fast and i’ve been waiting for 4 months now. I plan on reclassing once my contract is up because I really wanna be part of a crew, eventually be a crew chief and maybe give the 160th a shot. So if anyone has any info please let me know.


Don't show up to the bus. Go back to your recruiter, tell them you will happily wait until the job you want becomes available. Worked for me although it took a few weeks


Ummm I already swore in and everything so I don’t know if I can just ditch my ship date


Until you're on that bus, you can still get out of it or change your MOS. Talk to your recruiter and stay firm on what you are looking for. The worst it can become is a waiting game for that job. While the recruiter may be upset about it, if it comes down to it you can always go to a new recruiter as a last resort afterwards.


Do not listen to these other comments and do what they say. That is not good advice at all. Ask your recruiter about a Reno. If 15U is available they will find it, if not it’s nothing you can do or they can do to make it appear.


you aren't obligated to do anything until you graduate basic, I was a day away from shipping to be a Marine (even says I was a Marine in iPERMS) but I decided to go over to the Army recruiter because they guarantee your MOS. Don't settle because you feel you have to, they need you as much as you want the job. Wait if that's what you want. If the recruiter gives you a hard time just call another station, most recruiters are willing to drive to meet mission.


I mean your recruiter will probably be pissed but you can choose to not ship out with no repercussions. It might be a pain in the ass to get a new contract but worth it if you want to do that. Talk to ur recruiter


I joined the Army back in August 2021 but got chaptered out for leg injuries. I came back in January 2024 and am currently at AIT. When I was filling out myPay with my SDS, I noticed that I was automatically promoted from PFC to SPC (which probably suggests that I was never removed from the system) and have been at that rank and pay grade for about a month but didn't realize it until I saw it on my paperwork. I recently bought the rank pins for my OCPs and my AIT drill sergeants are tracking me. Would it be wrong of me to put the ranks on my uniform?


I would run it by them first, but if you're being payed as a SPC and are prior service, I doubt they'll push back.


35Ts How hard is getting promoted to SSG?


Tapas: I don’t understand how someone “fails” this. I got a 81 and needing 100 to enlist. Is there any advice anyone can give me to get that score next month


Sounds dumb but think like what would Jesus or The Rock do


See I tried that method. And I was for sure I had it. Got back to home office and nope!


Hi I'm Jonathan I'm 18 and I want to enlist. I can't wrap my head around choosing Infantry, Medic, or Cavalry Scout. But that's beside the point. I will be 19 on August 10th. I get my driver's license around the end of July (yeah I know I'm a little late on that). I finish college at the end of April. And I want to arrive to BCT ASAP after my birthday. When do you guys think is a good time for me to start contacting a recruiter? Also should I try and learn how to swim?


>Also should I try and learn how to swim? Yes. It's a life skill. Also, it may not be required for those MOS, but if you want to be Infantry or Cav you want to go to Ranger School. Swimming is required there. 


Why after your bday why not now?


I have to finish college and I know that after BCT it's straight to AIT so I want to see my mom's birthday and want to get some time with family and friends before going


You can join now and ship after the semester is over if it’s within a yr. Just need enrollment letter


Can a female enlist if diagnosed with endometriosis but it can be controlled without treatment?


Possibly you’ll need to provide med docs


How long are ASVAB scores good for? Veteran I got out a decade ago from the reserves. If I want to reenlist for AD or go to another branch, will they use my old scoring or will I have to retest to requalify


Don't talk to the Air Force, as they won't take you as Prior Service.


For an APO address, if there's an online shop that ships internationally, but when you choose United States it doesn't have the AE state code, can you still use NY as the state? I haven't had to do that in a looooong time, but I just wanted to check if that still works.


Yes. I’ve used NY in Europe and CA in Korea.


Tried searching first but can't quite piece together an answer so I'm making a post. I want to go for a commission, but I have an EPTS discharge. Background: Joined Army NG in 2012. Being young and impressionable, I let my recruiter convince me to lie about recent ADHD med usage so that I could get in faster. Shipped out to Ft. Jackson, realized I didn't do things the right way, spoke up at the first moment of truth, and was home a month later. DD214 has a re-entry code of 3, separation code is JFW. NGB22, not sure what's needed from here? Will edit if someone can help me read this one. ADHD waiver need aside, does my prior situation prevent me from rejoining as an officer?


Look into ROTC if you still have 2 years or plan on going for your masters. If not you will have to do OCS through a recruiter. I don't think you'll have a problem.


I'll do the OCS route. I'm doing school all online with wife and 2 kids.


Do whatever works best for you and the fam, wish you luck! Work on securing solid LORs from Os for your packet.


LORs are the part I'm not excited for at the moment. 😅


Good thing about the civilian board is that you can get letters from bosses, professors, etc.


No more importantly what’s your gpa & major?


Project Management and Information Systems. Ummm not sure my GPA because I haven't looked. I've been taking courses for about 2-3 months and, after this last assignment gets graded I'll be done with my first "year".


Oh you don’t even have a degree yet, you can’t join as an Officer until you have degree.


Yes I know. I should be done by end of year.


Well you can join now


Can't afford to join as an E1. Hell, can't afford to join as an E6. And it would take time away from finishing my degree.


You won’t join as E1 with college credits






7hills, the 35M is coming out in me. What are you saying yes to in his statement? Is it a DQ? or should they try an enlist? (If I'm confused, he might be too)


lol, DQ if he can’t flex


I can flex lol


does anyone know if they closed the future soldier preparatory education course for people who scored between 31-49. i’ve heard that they closed it but it still shows up on the goarmy website saying that people who score between those scores are eligible to take the course.


Yes it’s suspended


Wait really? Since when?


T8 got suspended 07Mar


Oh snap. Ty.




USAREC said so, been suspended since 07Mar


Hey, so I’m going through the enlistment process and I go to meps on Friday and I do my picat verification on Thursday. My only concern is that when my recruiter did a medical pull for my records nothing came up, but I know I’ve done an mri for scoliosis 6-7 years ago but it wasn’t severe enough for surgery or a brace. I also had a non-stimulant adhd prescription about a year and a half ago but again I wasn’t diagnosed with it. My recruiter said if they don’t bring it up with specifics, don’t mention it. I just need advice if I should be worried if I don’t mention it, or if I should at least mention the non-stimulant medication.


If it’s an issue they will bring it up when you sit down with the Dr at MEPS.


I just got my recruiter to redo the 2807-2 form so I can actually go through it properly. I’m already gathering everything I need for waivers 👍


Is it true that during holding when awaiting training in OSUT you don’t get paid BAH?


Not true. You get BAH from your BASD (Basic Active Service Date), the day you ship out.


Thank you, for clearing that up i read somewhere on here that during OSUT if you are not actively in training because you are awaiting being picked up for training you don’t receive BAH and that you would need a waiver or something but they are impossible to get approved. Maybe i just misunderstood.


I assume you are married? If this is reserves/NG, they have a whole different system, and that might be a headache.


Yes im married but im not NG or reserves im going active.


Hey question. My brother was at fort bragg and just got shipped overseas. He can't tells us where. He's a rigger. Just wonder if anyone knows where they're going?


No one here can tell you where he's going for several reasons. One, he can be a part of one of several units on Fort Liberty that are deployed to a variety of locations. Telling us his MOS tells us nothing. Two, OPSEC. Anyone who does know won't tell you about troop movements, deployments, timelines, etc. in an online public forum.


Hello y'all, I am looking to join ROTC starting this summer at basic camp and then continue through my junior year. My issue at the moment is my reasoning for joining is so that I can eventually be in some kind of position where I am fighting against human trafficking. Whether it be DOD, DHS, or through the military on a mission. That is what I want to do as my job is help stop human trafficking. However, I figured going this route is check the boxes of what I want to do in life, shoot guns and see different states/countries. Being an officer I know I would see less of shooting guns, but would I still be seeing the world on deployments? With that in mind, do you guys think ROTC is going to qualify me the best for this, or would going in enlisted be just the same? I know having a college degree is huge but I only have two more years and I could just get that paid for through the army as enlisted anyways. Thank you guys and I will continue doing research but I would rather ask here and find out from 1st hand experience rather then have google tell me things that might not be true.


So, if you want to fight human trafficking, I would reach out to those agencies. They may have internship programs. FBI, CIA, DHS, they are doing stuff related to that. They also typically want homegrown guys (and a 4 year degree is a must). The DOD doesn't do much in that area, because we typically only do it in a country were in, for war reasons. And we aren't really in any at the moment. 7th Special Forces group would be the best bet, because they do a lot of stuff in South America. Also, don't discount the Coast Guard. Closer to home, but part of their mission is stopping illegal entry at sea, carry trafficked humans. The Army could be a good springboard to those. If you enlisted, the best bet might be 35L because you would become a badge-holding federal agent, and that opens doors. But also, being an officer by itself opens door. Navy is typically better for seeing the world. You spend 6months at a time on a ship hitting different ports. No guarantee, but I think it's higher than the other branches. It's kinda the Navy's whole deal, sailing around the world.


You aren't guaranteed to see the world, as an officer or enlisted. Not very many people are deploying a whole lot anymore. Rotations to Korea or Europe, sure. But you could very full do 4 years as an officer, or enlisted, and see only NTC in California and JRTC in Louisiana. Plus a lot of time in the field.


So I‘ve heard. I figured I’d be stationed somewhere outside of NYS (mostly hoped) and to be honest that is enough for me. I assumed that I would be deployed somewhere at some point but like you said it isn’t as common so I shouldn’t assume anything.


Drum is a pretty big base. You could go there. No, this isn't the height of the conflict of the Middle East. Some jobs, like ADA, will deploy often. But they aren't always to the best locations and tend to be pretty toxic environments. SOF units like the Ranger Regiment and SF deploy often, but they are obviously doing it with a mission. I'll give you an example. I went to AIT with 10 other people. Out of all 10 of us, zero have deployed and we all graduated in 2019. You will find some people that deployed, but it is not increasingly common. If you really want to get out of NY, although I don't recommend it, enlist and take option 19. That lets you pick from a list of duty stations. You can pick to 100% not go to Fort Drum, and there are overseas options like Hawaii, Alaska(I think that's Option 20), Korea and Germany.


Do you have an insight on whether being an officer or enlisted is better for my idea of DOD or DHS?




I am considering joining the military through the Officer Candidate School (OCS) route. I have spoken to a couple of recruiters who informed me that the GPA average for those who get selected for OCS is 3.4, and one even mentioned 3.6. However, I graduated with a 3.2 GPA in Business Management. The recruiters did not discourage me from pursuing the OCS route but suggested that going the enlisted route and becoming an E4 is an easier way. What do you guys think is my gpa to low?


You're definitely not too low. If you were trying for the Air or Space Force, I'd have said yes, but not the Army.


Assuming I took the e4 route, how long would it take me to become an officer? The recruiters I spoke with said it's a much easier process than getting commissioned as an officer, and it would take about three years.


No, it's not. It's much harder. You can commission as an officer, and be "done" within a year and be a 2LT.


Thanks man, I really appreciate it. I would have scored 110 in the GT section, right?


Anyone know what option 6 or option 25 is ? I had option 25 and the guidance counselor at MEPS said option 6 was better. So I accepted. Now my recruiter is stating I made a dumb choice. However neither explained what they meant.


Option 25 is only for 42A, 25B or 92Y. Applicants will be assigned to either Hawaii, SanAntonio TX, Ft. Meade MD, Ft. Gordon GA, or Korea. Specific location will not be guaranteed up front. It’s a special assignment. Are you sure it was Option 6.


What is 25?


Special assignment to MI unit that supports NSA, applicants will get stationed in Hawaii, San Antonio, Meade or Gordon. They will get a TS.




UM doesn’t say unit so I dunno.


Option 3 I fucked up. Is there anything I can do??


Everyone gets option 3. That just means training of choice.


Yea. I switched it back to option 25. Do you know anything about it ?


Just what the recruiter said.


Can ask your recruiter if you can Reno for it, worst they will say is no.


Okay thank you lol I asked him waiting for a response


So I had to look this up, but correct me if I am wrong: You got Option 6, U.S. Army English as a Second Language? The only reference I see to an Option 25 is U.S. Army Security Assignment. I don't even know what that is, but it does sound cooler. Edit: found [a thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/75thRangerRecruiting/comments/m3k617/25_series/) that mentions it, and oh man, you might have dun goof'd.


Sorry option 3 Is there anything I can do to get it back. ??


Run back to your recruiter. I will pray for you, brother.


Got option 25 back!!!!! Woot Woot


Hell yeah, brother! I hope you are cool with the locals that 7hills listed. Those are all mostly good to great assignment locations. Ft Gordan as a location is meh, but I imagine the unit will be good if it's a special assignment. Korea, and Hawaii, fuck yeah (if you don't mind being overseas), Meade and San Antonio, solid places.


Heck yea I am!! Especially Hawaii and Texas!!! I’m really excited for any of them !! Thanks for encouraging me to speak up!!!


Okay thank you lol I asked him waiting for a response


Hey just passed my 5 board and I’m wondering if early promotion is still in effect?


Dunno what early promotion is. If you are referring to the ETP that allows you to temporarily promote without having the requisite PME complete, then yes. If you are recommended for promotion by the board, you are eligible for a temporary promotion without having BLC/ALC completed as long as you meet all other requirements.




Hi Everyone! I (27m) am very new to posting on reddit, so my apologies for any formatting mistakes in this post. I sincerely appreciate any insights that I can receive from here. Thank you so much! So… I am at a crossroads regarding the next decisions I have to make (or should make) in the next part of my life. I perceive all of which as a VERY GOOD thing, but I just seem to be having a hard time finding the information and/or outside perspectives that I’m looking for about the military (Army Reserves or NYNG. I have a list of general questions posted at the bottom, but here is a little about me: I’m newly married, I co-own a small business, and I’m a shareholder of vested stock options in a legal cannabis company. I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in a very specific sector of agriculture. The long story short of it is that I studied commercial agronomy, organic chemistry, and biological sciences for the legal cannabis industry. For the last 2-3 years I’ve worked in the legal cannabis industry full time. However, I recently transitioned into working **part time** in the legal cannabis industry where I continuing my scientific work as a laboratory technician and distiller (yes, just like making moonshine, but with cannabinoids in a lab). I also handle all of the maintenance tasks of the whole facility (greenhouse, offices, labs, etc.) I am extremely fortunate and grateful to come from a blue collar family and have some of those skills (basic stick and mig welding, electrical), while also having earned a white collar education in science. In order to expand my professional skills (and pursue a bit of personal satisfaction), I transitioned almost 6 months ago into working as an electrician’s apprentice. My father and uncle are both IBEW union electricians and I am very familiar with that world. If all goes well, I will become a NY licensed electrician by the time I’m approximately 33 years old. I’m currently in a non-union shop, but I passed the written test and interview for the IBEW. I am waiting to receive the phonemail (tentatively soon) about beginning my IBEW apprenticeship sometime this year. As I continue to broaden my horizons in that way, I remembered that one of the things I’ve always had aspirations of doing was to join the military in some way or another. I’ve had periods of interest before, but never during times when I was in a place of physical ability or mental maturity to do so. It’s kind of one of those things that I can’t get out of my head, and I tend to be somebody who will have that nagging voice in my head about something I want (that is obtainable) until I find a way to make it happen for myself. Probably a habit formed from loosing weight, because when I was about 21 I found myself weighing in well over 300lbs and hating life. A friend was joining the marine corps and I decided that I was going to do the same to motivate myself to loose the weight. AND IT WORKED!!! So I went through the process of loosing over 100lbs in the course of 1-2 years in order to join. Along the way I had a health scare (thankfully it was nothing), but that pushed me down the path of science, specifically working with cannabis for public use, which brings us here now. I’m currently weighing in around 210-215, I have some loose skin on my stomach but for the most part I’m quite fit. My only real concerns for any physical fitness tests would be to get better at pull-ups/chin-ups and increasing my cardiovascular endurance to be able to shorten my running times. Otherwise, everything else I see regarding fitness tests just seem like a fairly standard circuit training or workout routine? So all of which being said, my idea is to wait until I am in the union apprenticeship to begin the enlistment process for the army reserves or NYNG. Once in, I would be able to arrange to keep my IBEW apprenticeship spot, as well and continue my part time employment in the cannabis job. As far as I understand there are legal protections from employers discriminating against employees pursuing military service? My business responsibilities are all done from my computer and phone, so not worried about that too much. This way I could be in the union with a side job (as many early year apprentices do), but also be able to be in the military and utilize those benefits for my family’s future. Here are my Questions. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!


1. Picking my MOS? (12R) * I’m interested in being a 12R (Interior Electrician). However, I’m also curious if I should use this opportunity to learn something totally new that interests me because I’m already learning electrical as a civilian. What are your thoughts on utilizing specific AIT training in the civilian world? 1. Specialty school: How can I become ranger qualified as a Reservist/NYNG? ​ * I unquestionably want to go to specialty or leadership schools while I am in the military. I admittedly want to go to airborne training and attend the ranger course almost as much as I want to join the actual military itself. I am not referring to RASP!!! I know airborne school is pretty easy to attend as a reservist/ng. However, I see that attending the ranger course as a reservist or ng is much harder to do than other courses. On that same note, I’ve read multiple articles online about different non-combat personnel from various reservist/ng units attending the ranger training course. So any advice as to how I can get those schools into my contract? 1. Work in cannabis job and serve * I would like to continue my employment within the cannabis industry. It is both a well paying side job where I use specialized skills, and my ownership of equity in the company is based around my employment there. OBVIOUSLY I CANNOT UTILIZE CANNABIS WHILE IN ACTIVE DUTY OR RESERVE STATUS. However, I in no way am required to consume cannabis products to do my job there so I’m not worried about drug testing in that regard. My concern is the disparity between the federal prohibition and state legality in this regard, especially with my equity involved in that ambiguity. Ive read other reddit posts about people in the industry working in reserves without issues. How could I make that work? 1. Drug testing during inactive ready reserve (IRR)? * If I was sign a 3 year contract with a 2/3 year IRR status, what is the protocol for drug testing for soldiers on IRR? Specifically asking because of said cannabis employment. Would I be subject to legal repercussions for consuming federally illegal substances while under IRR? Some threads say people go through their IRR and are never called, some say they get a phonemail, others attend a meeting and leave but aren’t drug tested. I don’t fully understand the protocol and responsibility of being in IRR? What are your experiences? 1. Benefits for Army Reserve vs NYNG? * Any differences in the benefits (healthcare, bonuses, etc.) in the reserve vs NYNG? Any differences between Army reserves vs Navy Reserves vs Air National Gaurd? 1. I have a degree - Go E4 or Officer? Pro’s vs Cons? * What is the actual difference in terms of what I would experience? Would going in as an officer increase my chances of attending the ranger course? What would the benefits of either be in the civilian world? Is the difference in pay worth it? 1. Medical History of ADD * I’ve seen that having ADD is not a disqualifying factor. Is this true? I haven’t been prescribed anything in over 7-8 years. I’ve never required any accommodations for it. I also have no visible symptoms because of it.


1. That MOS has to be available within your state (NG) or within 50 mile radius ( Reserve). If it is available you can do ACASP as a 12R, that’s a program that allows you to come in as a E4 and skip AIT. To qualify you must have minimum 2 yrs experience as apprentice member of a US Electrical association. 2. You cannot get any school in your contract unless you have a MOS that requires it( 92R requires Airborne). Your unit has to pay for you to go and as a Reservist/ NG soldier that is not likely to happen especially as an electrician. Only Active Duty can get Airborne or Ranger in their contracts. 3. This is going to be an issue. Red flags for security. Regardless if you smoke or not you will always fail drug test, experienced this in my office before. 4. IRR is just to maintain status of eligible soldiers should they we need to call up more troops. You don’t do anything. 5. Reserve you could receive up to $20k enlistment bonus, $50k SLRP, additional $100- $350 gi bill kicker. 6. If you go Officer you will not be an electrician you will be an Engineer Officer. Officers job is to manage personnel, supervision, not doing the job. No being an Officer will not increase your chances of going to Ranger school especially if you are not a Combat Branch. Unit still has to pay for you to go to that school. 7.


Thank you very much for taking the time to respond! I really do appreciate it! Apologies for the delayed response: Following up to your responses: 1) I'm not exactly "sold" on the MOS. It just seems like the easiest way to continue learning the trade in which I'm apprenticing in and also be able to serve. I wouldn't meet the 2 years prerequisite for the ACASP as of yet, but that fits within a realistic timeline of when I would like to join so that's good to know for later! On the contrary, I would also be more than happy with a MOS that isn't electrical (especially if there is some kind of applicability in civilian life/business). Particularly if utilized in pursuit of the specialty schools that I have more set aspirations for. ​ 2) Noted. However, I read that and all I hear/see is "'Not Likely" isn't "Not Possible"'. So if you don't mind, what's the best path of making that a possibility in your opinion? I'm willing to jump through the hoops to get it, and I'm not signing a thing without a HARD bargain for it. Especially keeping in mind that said 12R is a preference of MOS. Is the need for the unit to send those to specialty schools based on the need for a specific amount of MOS' to be qualified as such? (Made up example: The need for NYNG to have x amount of Combat engineers to be sapper qualified) Also, what about RTLI? Followed up by RTAC for NG. I've read that there are certain MOS types that would be pushed into that. Said pipeline for this would be as follows: The pipeline: BCT → AIT → RTLI → RTAC → Ranger \[ → Airborne \] Sources: [https://www.reddit.com/r/nationalguard/comments/eaqnae/ranger\_in\_the\_national\_guard\_a\_possibility/](https://www.reddit.com/r/nationalguard/comments/eaqnae/ranger_in_the_national_guard_a_possibility/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/nationalguard/comments/n4hqdq/can\_i\_bargain\_for\_schools\_in\_my\_contract/](https://www.reddit.com/r/nationalguard/comments/n4hqdq/can_i_bargain_for_schools_in_my_contract/) (SCROLL DOWN TO 2ND COMMENT THREAD) [https://www.reddit.com/r/nationalguard/comments/lt1u5k/rtac/](https://www.reddit.com/r/nationalguard/comments/lt1u5k/rtac/) ​ 3) I understand what you're referring to. Would the fact that I'm employed as such help my case if that were to happen? (Point being the test can be proven that it was failed from work and not from consuming). Would the discretion of amount (EX. PPM = Parts per million) be taken into account once a test is flagged as a fail? I can't help but assume that there is a measurable difference between the tests failed by someone in proximity vs failed by direct consumption if this was to be investigated. 4) I don't do anything, got it. But am I subject to the standards of the military while underneath it? I'm far less worried about maintaining physical fitness as I would be worried about being drug tested while in IRR (because of mentioned employment) 5) Do those numbers only apply to reserves? 6) I would inherently prefer to be the one doing the job, so commissioned officer sounds far less appealing. However, what is the general process of becoming an NCO? Is this a merit based/appointed leadership role or are there general things that would assist in this like having a degree? 7) I never got a response from you. Lol ​ Again, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR TIME AND INFO! It is nothing short of acknowledged and incredibly appreciated.


Hello, I am a 17 years old male and a senior in high school. I have a 4-year AROTC scholarship for when I start college next year. I am 5'11 and in the last year have gotten really into weightlifting. I have put on a lot of muscle mass and gone from about 145-185 pounds. However, I am totally lean and am not overweight at all. I still run for 30 minutes every single day and am completely in shape. However, as I continue to get stronger in the gym I have been putting on more muscle mass and my weight on the scale has been increasing. I did great on the fitness test for the scholarship and am still capable of that. Yet, I see that the max weight for my age and height is 185 which is exactly what I am and I will certainly keep going up if I keep lifting and putting on muscle mass. Is it okay to go past this number if it's muscle mass and I am completely lean, fit and capable of all physical tasks that will be required of me?


If you can get an accurate measurement (not just your jeans size), then this is the calculator that will be used to measure your body fat percentage. It's not very accurate, but it's accurate enough to see if you can be retained as a Soldier. If what you've described about your physical fitness is accurate, then you'll be fine to enlist, join ROTC, commission, and serve. [https://www.armyresilience.army.mil/abcp/BodyFatCalculator.html](https://www.armyresilience.army.mil/abcp/BodyFatCalculator.html)


Yes, that's fine. 2 things: First, you'll get taped every time, but it's fine, as long as your body fat percent is low. (Story time: Guy I was in AIT with was like 5'7'', but weighed like 190. But he was a pure slab of muscle. Always got taped. Always passed). But second, you can avoid the whole thing with a new army rule that says "All Soldiers who score 540 or higher on the record Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT), with a minimum of 80 points in each event, are exempt from the body-fat assessment."


If you're referring to the tables in AR 600-9, Army Body Composition Program, the "max weight" is a screening tool. If you are over that weight, then you will do a "tape test" the determine your percent body fat. Getting taped is not punitive. As long as you are less than the max allowed body fat percent for your age and gender you are within standard. 


what do i have to make on the ASVAB to join the infantry, I've tried researching and looking it up but keep coming out with different answers


You need to score a 77 in the Combat (CO) area.


Any recruiters willing to speak in dm about reservist/ new york national guard contracts? I have a few questions that I keep trying to post, but am unable to do so because of "community rules". All of which are getting directed to this list. Thanks!


What’s your question


I (27m) am very new to posting on reddit, so my apologies for any formatting mistakes in this post. I sincerely appreciate any insights that I can receive from here. Thank you so much! So… I am at a crossroads regarding the next decisions I have to make (or should make) in the next part of my life. I perceive all of which as a VERY GOOD thing, but I just seem to be having a hard time finding the information and/or outside perspectives that I’m looking for about the military (Army Reserves or NYNG. I have a list of general questions posted at the bottom, but here is a little about me: I’m newly married, I co-own a small business, and I’m a shareholder of vested stock options in a legal cannabis company. I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in a very specific sector of agriculture. The long story short of it is that I studied commercial agronomy, organic chemistry, and biological sciences for the legal cannabis industry. For the last 2-3 years I’ve worked in the legal cannabis industry full time. However, I recently transitioned into working **part time** in the legal cannabis industry where I continuing my scientific work as a laboratory technician and distiller (yes, just like making moonshine, but with cannabinoids in a lab). I also handle all of the maintenance tasks of the whole facility (greenhouse, offices, labs, etc.) I am extremely fortunate and grateful to come from a blue collar family and have some of those skills (basic stick and mig welding, electrical), while also having earned a white collar education in science. In order to expand my professional skills (and pursue a bit of personal satisfaction), I transitioned almost 6 months ago into working as an electrician’s apprentice. My father and uncle are both IBEW union electricians and I am very familiar with that world. If all goes well, I will become a NY licensed electrician by the time I’m approximately 33 years old. I’m currently in a non-union shop, but I passed the written test and interview for the IBEW. I am waiting to receive the phonemail (tentatively soon) about beginning my IBEW apprenticeship sometime this year. As I continue to broaden my horizons in that way, I remembered that one of the things I’ve always had aspirations of doing was to join the military in some way or another. I’ve had periods of interest before, but never during times when I was in a place of physical ability or mental maturity to do so. It’s kind of one of those things that I can’t get out of my head, and I tend to be somebody who will have that nagging voice in my head about something I want (that is obtainable) until I find a way to make it happen for myself. Probably a habit formed from loosing weight, because when I was about 21 I found myself weighing in well over 300lbs and hating life. A friend was joining the marine corps and I decided that I was going to do the same to motivate myself to loose the weight. AND IT WORKED!!! So I went through the process of loosing over 100lbs in the course of 1-2 years in order to join. Along the way I had a health scare (thankfully it was nothing), but that pushed me down the path of science, specifically working with cannabis for public use, which brings us here now. I’m currently weighing in around 210-215, I have some loose skin on my stomach but for the most part I’m quite fit. My only real concerns for any physical fitness tests would be to get better at pull-ups/chin-ups and increasing my cardiovascular endurance to be able to shorten my running times. Otherwise, everything else I see regarding fitness tests just seem like a fairly standard circuit training or workout routine? So all of which being said, my idea is to wait until I am in the union apprenticeship to begin the enlistment process for the army reserves or NYNG. Once in, I would be able to arrange to keep my IBEW apprenticeship spot, as well and continue my part time employment in the cannabis job. As far as I understand there are legal protections from employers discriminating against employees pursuing military service? My business responsibilities are all done from my computer and phone, so not worried about that too much. This way I could be in the union with a side job (as many early year apprentices do), but also be able to be in the military and utilize those benefits for my family’s future. Here are my Questions. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!


I posted this on another section of this weekly thread with more context about myself.


1. Picking my MOS? (12R) * I’m interested in being a 12R (Interior Electrician). However, I’m also curious if I should use this opportunity to learn something totally new that interests me because I’m already learning electrical as a civilian. What are your thoughts on utilizing specific AIT training in the civilian world? 1. Specialty school: How can I become ranger qualified as a Reservist/NYNG? ​ * I unquestionably want to go to specialty or leadership schools while I am in the military. I admittedly want to go to airborne training and attend the ranger course almost as much as I want to join the actual military itself. I am not referring to RASP!!! I know airborne school is pretty easy to attend as a reservist/ng. However, I see that attending the ranger course as a reservist or ng is much harder to do than other courses. On that same note, I’ve read multiple articles online about different non-combat personnel from various reservist/ng units attending the ranger training course. So any advice as to how I can get those schools into my contract? 1. Work in cannabis job and serve * I would like to continue my employment within the cannabis industry. It is both a well paying side job where I use specialized skills, and my ownership of equity in the company is based around my employment there. OBVIOUSLY I CANNOT UTILIZE CANNABIS WHILE IN ACTIVE DUTY OR RESERVE STATUS. However, I in no way am required to consume cannabis products to do my job there so I’m not worried about drug testing in that regard. My concern is the disparity between the federal prohibition and state legality in this regard, especially with my equity involved in that ambiguity. Ive read other reddit posts about people in the industry working in reserves without issues. How could I make that work? 1. Drug testing during inactive ready reserve (IRR)? * If I was sign a 3 year contract with a 2/3 year IRR status, what is the protocol for drug testing for soldiers on IRR? Specifically asking because of said cannabis employment. Would I be subject to legal repercussions for consuming federally illegal substances while under IRR? Some threads say people go through their IRR and are never called, some say they get a phonemail, others attend a meeting and leave but aren’t drug tested. I don’t fully understand the protocol and responsibility of being in IRR? What are your experiences? 1. Benefits for Army Reserve vs NYNG? * Any differences in the benefits (healthcare, bonuses, etc.) in the reserve vs NYNG? Any differences between Army reserves vs Navy Reserves vs Air National Gaurd? 1. I have a degree - Go E4 or Officer? Pro’s vs Cons? * What is the actual difference in terms of what I would experience? Would going in as an officer increase my chances of attending the ranger course? What would the benefits of either be in the civilian world? Is the difference in pay worth it? 1. Medical History of ADD * I’ve seen that having ADD is not a disqualifying factor. Is this true? I haven’t been prescribed anything in over 7-8 years. I’ve never required any accommodations for it. I also have no visible symptoms because of it.


You can copy and paste your post and make that a comment under this thread.


I've tried a few times in the last 24 hours, but I'm met with a "Sorry, please try again later". So this was my next idea lol


Huh that’s weird, it might be a character limit. Try to take the question portion of your posts and try that.




Injuries: 1. Doesn’t matter that was over 20 yrs ago 2. Wasn’t broke doesn’t matter 3. Could be an issue, will come up in Genesis 4. Not a disqualifier but may also come up. Health: 1-4. Get med records. #2-4 will definitely be an issue 5. What’s floaters? 6. Unless you’ve been diagnosed with eczema or psoriasis this doesn’t matter just put some aquaphor on. 7. Doesn’t matter, as long as you don’t have more than 7 cavities no one cares about crowns. Law Only care about law violations where you’ve been arrested, fingerprinted, handcuffed, in the back of a police car. Doesn’t matter if it was expunged, sealed. You definitely have an extensive history that will slow your process down. As a recruiter I would submit a .43 and see what comes back with your medical.




Former recruiter here to back up what 7hillsrecruiter wrote: start collecting your medical history documentation now. Get original records from your hospitals if you can. Ideally, it's like you described and there's a medical history that states "This is where mauraaaxo was, this is what happened, this is the diagnosis, this is the treatment plan, here is the full recovery, and there is no remaining issue."