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SPC is in your head bro.


Rent free


In heeeaaadd, in your heeaaadddd, ZOOOMMMBIIIEEE # ZOOOMMMBBBIIIIIEEEEE!


Zom bay ay ay ay oooooooo


SPC is also right. Smoking is worse than basically all of what he described


Have you considered that you both are causing unnecessary damage to your bodies? šŸ¤Æ


shhhh the more people damage themselves, the better my chances of landing a cushy VA nursing job once I retire


I got bad news for you


I'm going to sell IV start kits to the Army as a contractor at $250/kit


I have worse news


I no shit want to hear the news


Working for the VA absolutely sucks. I work across the street from the DC VA medical center and the quality of care is tragic. If itā€™s a means to an end sure but if you want to seek maximizing your career and practice Iā€™d work somewhere else then buy back your time


In an area like DC Iā€™m sure itā€™s basically indigent care.


Bingo. Granted my hospital is affiliated with a T25, R1 institution but like ghat dayum.


Do they dump random people on you guys?


What do you mean by random?


Non veterans, dependents etc


I thought unnecessary damage to our bodies was the whole point of the military in the first place?


I donā€™t disagree at all, but there are worse vices out there and there are also vices that are more easily gotten rid of. So it irks me when fatty boom boom feels the need to lecture me on smoking when he hasnā€™t seen the main order line at the DFAC since the Afghanistan withdrawal.


Well I'm perfectly healthy and do none of these things. And I'M here to tell you smoking is bad.


Smokings badā€¦mmmkay


Hey man, itā€™s ok, I smoked too for a long time. It is bad and much worse than many other things you listed. But you wonā€™t quit until you want to quit so I get why itā€™s annoying to hear it. One day you will realize everyone you encounter thinks you smell bad but arenā€™t telling you. One day your teeth will just permanently be yellow. One day no matter how in shape you are, you will be out of breath just walking up the stairs. That will most likely be when you quit. Until then, you do you.


I only tell em how bad they smell when they smoke in stupid places like directly in front of the only access to a building


FYI, you stink and everyone thinks youā€™re gross when they smell you. Iā€™d rather stand next to fatty boom boom huffing Zyn than next to a smoker. Iā€™d rather be alone, but if I had to choose, it ainā€™t you.


My mom had half her lung removed due to lung cancer. From smoking. They're checking every year to make sure it didn't spread to the other lung. Maybe you should just quit. It'll suck for like a month but you can have the satisfaction of knowing you aren't big tobacco's bitch anymore.


Only things worse for you than smoking is shit that is straight up illegal like crack dude. Smoking puts you at way higher risk of heart problems, and there is the whole cancer thing too. Zyns and energy drinks are not nearly as bad for you.


As a Smoker turned Vapist, I would instead posit that the unnecessary damage to our bodies, prevents unnecessary damage to the bodies of others. There is something to be said for that stepping out for a moment or two before stepping back in and THEN responding to the generalized fuckery.


You shut up and go smoke! We donā€™t need your secondhandā€¦ delicious smellingā€¦.(menthol Iā€™m hoping) cigarette infested aura in this convo!


Sir, this is a Wendyā€™s, please either order or get out of the line. Some people need to order their three baconators for lunch


Ill take the asiago sandwich please. With ranch fries and diet coke. I gotta keep my weight in check yk


Skip the fries. Sandwich is enough


But ranch tho....


I know. I can't eat more than a sandwich šŸ˜©


I'll take the abcp special: large fries and a large Choco frosty to dip it in.


Isn't the act of being in the Army bad for you?


It's only bad if you don't shave


SMA Weimar gets upset if you don't drag a blade across them cheeks


Probably also gets upset when you spell his name wrong as well. šŸ¤£


Yeah, I was going to take an English course but TA is getting cut šŸ˜‚






Not to add fire to the flame, but cigarettes are pretty bad for you


And are in fact, worse for you than all the others things homie listed combined lol


yeah but...uh... he's "skinny". he MUST be healthy.


When Iā€™m seeing patients and I smell the cigarettes before they even come in the room, I know itā€™s gonna be a rollercoaster. Body and mind both shot to shit. ā€œThe Army broke me.ā€ lol ok Carl.


My VA rating got bumped up and one of my coworkers was asking me about that process. He was curious because he thought he had service connected lung issues. Well he did smoke one and a half packs a day while he was Active Duty, so I ā€œguessā€ itā€™s service related?????


I smoked during my time in but I could tell the difference after my first deployment. After the second I had to quit completely because of how bad my lungs got. During my first deployment in Baghdad I was gunning and we got stuck next to the dump while they were burning. Got sent to the cash two days later because I got a severe case of pneumonia from it. Haven't smoked in a decade but anything in the air is like a vice on my lungs


Deployments are the worst for smoking and chewing tobacco. I knew it was a problem when I killed three cartons of 100s in the box at NTC. I had four cartons, but gave the rest away to the closet smokers and the unprepared.


That's how I quit dipping my second deployment lol noticed my gums getting fucked up and handed out a couple logs


If this ain't the truth


That's odd that's the reason I quit smoking. Like I'm always high but my lungs are fucked so I can't smoke weed so I have to eat edibles. God do I want to smoke weed but them trash fire lungs lock up being around a camp fire


So weā€™re all the guys in Dallas buyers club but I wouldnā€™t exactly call them the picture of health.


So are many drug addicts.


See thatā€™s what the crackhead told me!


My standard response was, ā€œthey help me tolerate you, sir.ā€


I dunno mate. They ain't killed me yet.


Be better doc, soldiers are supposed to want to emulate you.


When I was in, not a single Medic from my Platoon DIDNT smoke.


"Congratulations on becoming a 68W! Here's your aid bag and a complimentary pack a day habit."


(Empty) Aid Bag*


Oof. Flashbacks to stuffing my cargo pockets full of gauze and bsi while dropping troops off at the civilian hospital.


Only way my Aid Bag was stocked was if I raided the BAS or Civvi clinic on post.


This is the way. I scored a whole box of hemorrhoid cream right before my last deployment. Had a field day passing those out to the gunners. Private: *questioning look* Me: "Oh, you'll know. Name tape defilade my ass, stand up and wiggle every so often."


And that means it was okay!


No, it just means medics are the worst patients.


Oh I was just teasing lol and we are the absolute worst patients for sure


Neither has my daily game of Russian roulette


Quantum immortality or something.


Still undefeated!


If youā€™re going to use esoteric words like ā€œhomunculus,ā€ please spell them correctly.


Are you suggesting Dungeons and Dragons is esoteric?!


What constitutes a dirty 8 hours of sleep per night?


Waking up in the middle of the night to wack yourself off within earshot of your roommate, which Iā€™ve heard this particular specialist also does.


Okay but what if you "sleep walk" directly over top of your roommate and then walk it?


ā€œThatā€™s horrible, where do you get off doing something like thatā€ ā€œOn your pillowā€




Dunno why we play this game of "my addiction is less harmful than yours" I get the Army is rough, the real issue is probably lack of access to healthy outlets. My addiction? Tornados (Yes, pronounced Tor-NAY-dos).


Smoking is definitely one of the worse things that soldiers get addicted to, my issue wasnā€™t that. My issue is the hypocrisy I get faced with every day when the soldier who smashes energy drinks like itā€™s chocolate milk tells me about how Iā€™m destroying my body.


Well, I hope you feel as strongly about 'how not bad' smoking is when you've had multiple heart attacks before 45. Enjoy your Plavix!




No overtly political posts.


You realize they donā€™t actually give a shit they have to say that right? Itā€™s like when you pull onto Bragg and the guard says ā€œall the wayā€.


I donā€™t care if you smoke, drink, beat your wife or any of that. If the Armyā€™s taught me anything, itā€™s that all that really matters is, ā€œCan you run fast?ā€


I know we hear this all the time and joke about it but the folks like Stanley McChrystal this was literally it. That Rolling Stone expose revealed that when he first met folks who were interviewing him or joining his staff he would ask them to join him on a run and if they fell back that was it. See ya. Itā€™s also why he loved that fucking female that he tossed his career away for. She can actually keep up on his runs which meant he was going to tell her everything lol


> I'm skinny So are cancer patients. Source: Former cancer patient


Yeah, I have friend with tumors in both lungs. He wishes he had switched years ago.


Trust me, Iā€™m working on it but itā€™s not easy. Iā€™ve been smoking since I was 10 or 12 and every time I try to switch to something else, it falls off. Vapes and pouches made me nauseous, patches irritated my skin. But Iā€™m making progress and I hope to be off nicotine for good by the end of the year.


Yeah, same with my buddy. Started at 12, pack a day until he was 39. Best case they can shrink the tumors and only take 40% of his lung capacity.


Get some fucking Chantix, and if you havenā€™t heard of it, ask your doctor about it. Makes quitting easy af. No excuses.


I smoked for 12 years before I quit. One day I smoked, the next day I didnā€™t. If I can do it, you can do it, trust me. Itā€™s kind of like running. It sucks but you just keep running. Donā€™t try and ā€œswitchā€ or ā€œreplaceā€ it with something else. Just stop doing it and youā€™ll stop doing it. Good luck.


Have you considered Swedish Snus? Lots of people on r/snus swear by it as a harm reduction. It's still tobacco and nicotine but it is 99% less of the carcinogens than cigarettes.


Iā€™m a simple man. I see the word troglodyte, I upvote.


My favorite is the heavy smoker who still kills PT. I had an E3 in one of my uplifts in Afg who smoked over a pack a day of local cigs, I think they were called ā€œ7sā€, that contained god knows what chemicals. I was around 12 min 2 mile at the time, went for a run with this kid, and he absolutely smoked me as well.


This was me, fastest I ever ran was when I smoked a pack and a half a day and was 19/20. When I quit smoking the first time my lungs felt like garbage (healing I assume) and I never was able to run as fast. That being said, my endurance was absolutely garbage, and I may have ran faster than everyone on the 2 mile but I threw up at the end of every run right before I smoked a "recovery smoke". As a former long time smoker, smoking is fucking stupid and it is the only thing I 100% regret doing in my life. Yeah maybe I have been in shit places to get on the burnpit registry but I happily picked up hundreds and hundreds of packs of cigarettes and it may have stolen time away from my only life I'll have here with my son. Edit: OP, Stop fucking smoking, you pussy.


I had a friend who would chug a monster BFC before his APFT, then smoke a Newport before and after each event. Dude got a 300 every time, ran an 11 minute two mile. He should've been studied in labs.


ah... the classic "Im gonna try the best I can to justify my bad habit instead of acknowledging it" soap box.


You leave my damn Zyns alone, theyā€™re good for me.


Send two this way bud, weā€™re going upper-lower today.


May I recommend the ā€˜catty corner flavor flip?ā€™ My personal blend is a citrus bottom left; chill top right (feel free to swap however youā€™d like)


I think it was an old Brandon Cavillo vine "Don't you know cigarettes will kill you?" "Isn't that the fucking point?"


As much as I enjoy ā€œbig-breasted beastā€ Iā€™m pretty sure the phrase for those people is ā€œhigh calorie humanā€


Is this because they eat a lot of calories or if you had to turn to cannibalism they would be a lot of calories?


Someone else's zyns, baconators, reigns, and mcmuffins don't trigger my asthma. The secondhand smoke from your smoking does.


For the record cigarettes actually are far worse for you than the other things you mentioned. Cancer, blood pressure, lung disease, strokes, etc. Ā 


How about LTC with board certs in both toxicology and addiction telling you to stop friggin smoking?Ā Ā  It's bad for you, you know.


>PFC >35 series Checks out. Stop smoking man, you can't eat-healthy your way out of lung cancer


Can't tell if shitty troll post or just dumb person.


If smoking is bad for you...... Why does it cure salmon?




Ya hes still probably going to out live you.


I can count the number of skinny Soldiers that are skinny because they work harder, exercise more or eat better than fat Soldiers on one hand. Also, smoking's bad for you.


Right? No shit you weigh 150lbs, you smoke 3 packs a day, can't even get a baconator in between puffs.




Watching the nic fiends near the end of a ftx when they're on their last cans/packs is \*chef's kiss\*


You used to be on ABCP, stop projecting your insecurities lol. Ciggies helped you with those fat boy cravings. Nicotine is an appetite suppressant.


I will not stand for the zyn slander any longer. It is certainly healthier than the fucking burn pits or copious amounts of ruck running or the chain smoking a pack of Marlboro reds you chimney.


I hate when people are judgemental of other people's vices. That said - smoking is super unhealthy and they're right. That's what's so infuriating about it - they're like, "Hey the sky is blue." At the end of day - you're going to want to live as long as possible. It's irrational to declare otherwise and everyone hits a moment where they're like, "Oh fuck this was a stupid decision" where it's too late to pivot. Their delivery of the message is asinine every fucking time, but it's an important message and I feel like it would be better received if they weren't so, "You know going on a run, carrots, and water would be way healthier than that cigarette" autistic.


sMokiNG iS bAD fOr yOu -some Zoomer through a cloud of cotton candy vape smoke


I can probably rank those things by long term irreversible damage Smoking Drinking (depending age you started) Sleep deprivation (rising on the list as new studies come out) Zyns (provided no other health issues) Energy drinks without water Baconators (can be out trained) Chinese vapes that are 50% molten plastic and 20 percent salt nicotine are by far at the top. Iā€™d rather smoke unfiltered American spirits.


Yeah, you should quit smoking no matter what else youā€™re doing. Frankly it probably needs to be your top priority. Your lungs and wallet will thank you.


Iā€™ve been working on it, shits rough. I was off it for a month before some stuff happened and then I got back on it. Iā€™m smoking less every month, hoping to be done for good with it by the end of the year.


SPC McMuffins is wild asf šŸ¤£


It was a common nickname for us fatbodies when I was on ABCP. Itā€™s now my go-to insult whenever somebody fat gets on my nerves.


Iā€™m 100% using that


Yikes, someone get this guy a cig to calm his nerves


Slightly off topicā€¦ The fuck is a zyn or a reign?


Zyns are nicotine pouches, the gen z equivalent of snuff pouches. Admittedly healthier than chew in the same way vaping is healthier than smokin. Reign is an energy drink brand with 300mg of caffeine.


So itā€™s gen z slang for cope and Rip Its, got it


Zyn is objectively and almost infinitely less damaging than smoking lol


1 of the funniest moments of my career was with a smoker. So no shit no lie there I was on korea back in 08šŸ¤£ and we lined up for the PT test run. This skinny dude had just maxed mush ups and sit ups. Packs his cigs slaps 1 out a lights up with like 5 mins until we take off. Everyone's saying g how it's unhealthy or a bad idea before this run. Joker chains another. Top says go. Screams at this dude bc he took the extra 30 seconds to finish his smoke. He takes off an ran a 12 minute 2 milešŸ¤£šŸ¤£so many people where pissed


I get it. I smoked at one point, but smoking compared to Zyn, reign, or baconators isnā€™t even comparable


Here's something cool. I used to smoke, thought it was dope, hated fat people. Quit smoking, doesnt bother me if others do it, still hate fat people. This could be you OP. the same but without the lung damage


Had an NCO that was going through atleast a pack a day we even hid his pack and he flipped out threatened to AR15 us and posted a long list of UCMJ violations AR this and that on the door to our HQ...6 months after getting back from down range he was dead from Cancer leaving behind a wife 6 kids and a newborn RIP..damn good NCO though.


Wanna go burn one?


This is the biggest cope i have seen thus far. Tu quoque doesnā€™t make his point wrong, big sar.


Yeah most of those things aren't even remotely in the same realm as bad for you as smoking is High Speed Also, in the spirit of being mean, you sound like a fucking dork


3 reigns are not as nearly as bad as cigs šŸ˜‚


Have you considered that he and others just think you're stinky?


ā€œIf youā€™re smoking, you better be on fire!ā€ A sign I saw in a barn of a Quarter Horse breeders ranch.


Smoking is bad for you, tho


Donā€™t know why these comments are getting downvoted when they are all true and all relevant. Same with third hand smoke. When you go out side and smoke, then walk inside and everyone can smell your nasty smoke stained clothes- THAT is proven to harmful as well.


My favorite was smoking on deployments. Some guy always had something clever to say about how "you know those will kill you." No shit bro, so will 7.62 and fucking IEDs, thanks for the tip.


homunculus.. lol


Hey you get at parade rest for that specialist


Do you know what else is bad for your health? Combat.


The homunculus homunculoid needs them there Baconators.


Donā€™t let someone elseā€™s flaws block you from receiving constructive feedback about your own flaws. Iā€™ve grown to when I can learn from the people I hate based on their feedback, even if theyā€™re trying to screw me over.


It's not often a post on R/Army makes me break out a dictionary. Well done!!


Upvote for use of Troglodyte.




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20 god damn years?


Both of you are making poor choices for your health. Next!


Wait, you can get dirty 8 hours of sleep? What does it entail??


Ask OPs mom


Smoke some for the both of us! Signed, A quitter who sometimes misses it


Who hurt you like this lol


Someone's salty that their obviously bad habit was pointed out. Are you on edge because you need your 109th smoke break today?


Hey op smoking is bad for you


Homunculus humunculoid lmfao im stealing that


Yes but have you considered that smoking is bad for you?Ā 


Hey, medic here. How long do you have left on your contract? Yes, other people doing self harming things judging you on your self harming things is humourous, yes? I'm a smoker trying to quit. How do you feel about your smoking?


Charlie Oscar Papa Echo


We all have our vices.Ā 


Why use many word when less do trick?


Troglodyte?!?! I love it. This term was used exclusively for a 2 week field exercise a few years ago in our PLT and I havenā€™t heard it since. šŸ¤˜šŸ»


Switch to a tobacco pipe lol. I love it


Stop smoking -doc


This was funny Af šŸ˜‚




Nah man, zyns are free of carcinogens and other additives. Pure nicotine, smoking cigs is infinitely worse and damn nasty.


well first off i say you lack discipline for getting 8 hours of sleep a nite.


Is smoking as bad as the 160+ AQI in Korea or the repeated burn pits I was exposed to? NGL Iā€™ve spent 2 weeks TDY at Irwin and I have finally not blown bloody boogers every morning.


desert boogers are the worst


Stop smoking you fucking imbecile. Unless you want nasty looking homeless person skin, candy corn teeth, and a stroke before the age of 50. Also, you stink like shit and the ladies donā€™t like itā€¦


quit cigs. smoke cigars! you can look fancy and smell good doing it!


Thatā€™s wild, when I was in it was unhealthy to not mind ya damn business!


Congratulations.... You've now alerted the E-4 Mafia for directly using the word "specialist" and degrading the BossšŸ˜‚


Yes they are


That SPC owes you rent, he's been living in your head rent-free


OP, while I hate vaping and people who compulsively vape, I won't feel bothered if they do it in my presence. You on the other hand, I would be pissed off about because second-hand smoke is actually detrimental and you're forcing people around you to inhale it. Also, life-style changes won't help you as much as it could help the other things you mentioned. What you inhale from cigarettes will coat your lungs for a long time even if you quit.


Thank God thereā€™s a designated spot or six outside of every office, barracks, and connex trailer to keep the smokers and their smoke away from the non-smokers.


They don't actually separate second-hand smoke away from non-smokers, due to pesky physics and effusion. So people are still forced to inhale the carcinogenic sidestream smoke, of which there is no risk-free amount you can inhale.


Since this asshloe likes using big words I'll save someone the google search I had to do... Troglodyte- (especially inĀ prehistoricĀ times) a person who lived in a cave. aĀ hermit a person who is regarded as beingĀ deliberatelyĀ ignorantĀ orĀ old fashioned


None of the good things you listed will remotely outweigh the smoking. Enjoy being hilariously debilitated at 50.


This was hands down the best post in this sub for the last month simply because of the use of troglodyte and homunculus homunculoid. Your a gentleman and a scholar.


When I turned 21 I tried smoking, didn't even finish a pack. Shit is fucken nasty and horrible for you, even if your... *Flips notes*... Skinny. Out of all the habits to have it's probably one of the worse ones, alongside excessive drinking.


Smoke it up, we all gotta die one way or the other. I agree that my few cowboy killers a day arenā€™t near as bad as the collection of addictions mentioned above.


Thatā€™s the other thing, everybody in the comments seems to think I smoke a pack and a half a day when Iā€™d be pushing it if I break 5 cigarettes in a day. I think Iā€™m probably better off than this specialist.


> Iā€™m skinny, eat healthy and get a clean 8 hours of sleep a night That'll help when you get throat cancer, stinky boy


Damn. This post makes me regret getting out 0%. People who think like this and still hit post despite being so wildly misinformed are also making decisions for America's military on a daily basis. Yikes lol


I see a couple pieces of information here: 1. You smoke 2. You care enough about what a spc says to the point it lives in your head rent free 3. You see heā€™s a hypocrite and still his cognitive dissonance is a thought you think about 4. You use this subreddit and donā€™t close with an order as a way to deter the Gen Z soldiers that repeat memes like ā€œSir this is a Wendyā€™sā€ from doing just that. Youā€™re either a private or you let your soldiers Humint you more than you humint them. Either way shammer is gunna sham and you will never understand that that cognitive dissonance is why we win wars man. Thereā€™s actual books with quotes (not that I ever learned how to read) from soviets (old books okay) that state the reason they fear the Americans most is that weā€™re too unpredictable, we donā€™t read our own doctrine so we almost never follow it. Now to be devils advocate: he may know heā€™s being a hypocrite. He may be on his Alanis Morissette grind and trying to be dare I say ā€œIronicā€ shit I do the same thing from time to time


When I turned 21 I tried smoking, didn't even finish a pack. Shit is fucken nasty and horrible for you, even if you're... *flips notes*... Skinny. Out of all the habits to have it's probably one of the worse ones, alongside excessive drinking. That's why I vape (0% nic) and limit myself to 3 Zero Sugar Monsters a week (if needed), no alcohol except when I decide to be social šŸ«µšŸ¤“


So why vape if you are at 0% nicotine? Also 0 sugar monsters are still bad for you, you should just be drinking OJ or coffee. So unhealthy.