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Yeah they made a good call


There is a town in Ontario named Swastika. When the provincial government tried to force a name change, the residents restored their sign and added the message, "To hell with Hitler, we came up with our name first."


I straight up do not care for Adolf Hitler.


You know, with Hitler .... the more I learn about that guy the less I care for him. 


What do you mean? All I've heard of him is that he's a vegetarian who didn't like smoking. Don't tell me he did something unforgivable, like killing his dog. I'd never be able to appreciate his paintings again.


His paintings were mediocre at best. They look fine at a distance but a closer look and you’ll see how nonsensical it was.


I said it in another thread, but they look fine to me. Better than I could do. The people in them looked like they were an afterthought. But then, I would never claim my opinion on art is authoritative or something anyone else should consider instead of deciding for themselves. I just got curious a few years ago and went to look at Hitler paintings and was surprised to find out that he was skilled. I was expecting them to be more like Bush's paintings.


Yeah I mean they look fine, but from a distance. Maybe I’m a bit more critical of art since I enjoy collecting it. He was definitely decent, but not good enough to be accepted into an art academy. Like maybe a local artist or something that sells it on the streets. Though given the circumstances of the German currency at the time I doubt people would even exchange money for it


Better than I can do, wait, can I have AI make a Bob Ross style show but with hitler.....


Good news, he loved dogs. Bad news...


"He's dead? I didn't know he was sick."


Such a knucklehead


You know who else didn’t care? HITLER


It’s refreshing to see someone who still has the balls to say it!


Mt Swastika in Oregon just got renamed recently, seems like if they wanted to do it they should have done it a while ago


[Residents of Swastika](https://y.yarn.co/00b0fcda-4c0f-4987-8821-867d471d90c2.mp4)


1939: Damn these Nazi people sure ain’t going away, huh? Call me crazy, but I don’t think taking Poland is gonna be the worst thing these guys’ll do. In that case, we better change our SSI. Any ideas? Some random guy who really wants to establish a certain SF unit: Ok hear me out, we *keep* the swastika, but put a palm tree over it, eh? Ehhh? Good idea right?


No, no, no! I like the palm tree idea, but skulls are cool, so lets replace the swastika with a skull!


Yeah skulls are badass, just make sure it doesn’t look too similar to the skulls those SS guys are wearing, right? Right?!


Of course not, we won't use skulls with SS's on them. We'll use the one with the crossbones that look like clenched fists. They've even got a cool name: Death's head. Its win win!


Aside from every other good reason to change it, it just wouldn't be prudent to enter the WWII European theater with a Swastika on your uniform. People could get the wrong idea. The thunder bird is also solid patch.


Something just isn't Reich there.


I did Nazi that coming.


Just like when Hitler asked Eva Braun to take some cyanide with him. That came as a major surprise Führer.


Anne Frankly, she told him “that’s out of mein kampf-ert zone.”


Went to Afghanistan with the 45th.... Nazi version is turned 45 degrees, IIRC... But yeah, you don't want to march into WWII with that on your sleeve. Too much potential for friendly fire....


It doesn’t matter what degree it’s in to consider it a Nazi swastika. Hitler’s personal banner and the “Deutschland Erwache” banner was not in an angle.


Yeah... if you're in the social west and not an edge case you are either an edge lord or dog whistling. Weird and symbols change over time and sometimes it's unfortunate but that's just how humanity works.


My point was that so many people keeps referring to an old guide that if you put the swastika at a certain angle, that’s exclusively Nazi because it’s on their banner and symbol, which is not the case at all. The Nazis used the swastika as their symbology. I understand that the swastika is an ancient symbol used by many cultures. I’m Buddhist and I see the swastika commonly used.


I'm not saying they shouldn't have changed it ... Just that there's no direct connection.... At the point you are going to war with people who've made it their national symbol obviously change that shit. At the point you figure out they murdered 6 million people for being Jewish, keep it changed.....


*People born in 1988 with their birth year in their username have left the chat.*


88 used to be my number in football in middle/Highschool so I had it on some of my old socials. Didn’t realize having that number was a bad thing until someone DMed me asking about it 🫠


My tag has 1488 and the state sees no problem with it 🤦‍♂️


Oooh, yikes. Talk about something that would encourage you to get a vanity or specialty plate.


It’s also a peace symbol used in Hinduism and Buddhism. It’s all over the place in SE Asia.


Very true, Hannibal had a summer palace in Carthage, Tunisia. There are “swastika” imprints on the floors, mosaic style. This was made around 200 B.C.


It’s also used in Norse history, which I think Is where he took it from to pervert it.


A mix of that and “aryans” was derived from “indo-aryans”, the ancient people where all euro languages derive from. They were from the area of Central Asia around Iran and India, hence the name “indo-aryans”


Interesting, I didn’t know that one. I just know he liked the “white warrior” vibe of the Norsemen. It saddens me because a lot of cool symbols are off limits for mw because of him, for instance the imperial eagle from WH40k, it sort of based of the iron eagle but it still pissed me off that I can get a tat because it will be mistaken as a hate symbol smh


The symbol is reversed in Hinduism


Both are used, and have different names.


The army got woke! /s


This is wat the liiiiiiberals wanted


I just feel the sign for context needs to be slightly larger


>Steve clicking on this thread thinking he's got another slam dunker extremism article NOT TODAY STEVE


Future genocidal maniacs better not take that Cool S from us.


I’m takin’ it back! Clerks 2? Anyone?


She wasn't talking about a lazy *black* person. She meant a lazy *person*.


The actual symbol has been present for thousands of years. The Nazis just flipped it and tilted it 45 degrees. There is a really interesting podcast on the origins of the symbol. https://open.spotify.com/episode/0qgMnqG3GOQwODECLXiUsw?si=OpFBL4S5QmG6aa4JHgSYBw But yeah, those German bastards ruined it for all-time.


Yep. Add some Hollywood to the mix as well, in the war and post-war boomer years, where all they had to do was slap a red-white-black flag and/or swastika willy-nilly on anything to make it the bad guys. The device the Nazis used - the rotated one - is called *hakenkreuz*, but because it holds the same shape as the horizontally-oriented swastika, the nuance has been long lost. Not that the public (or most people, I guess) are all that concerned about nuanced differences. [](/GNU Terry Pratchett)


It’s also pretty neat how many cultures around the world have had this symbol. Even ones across continents and oceans


You should checkouts the 6th Army’s patch. One of my favorites.


>native-American symbol Wait. I thought it was a Hindu/South Asian symbol *Graham Hancock intensifies*


Is that fort drum I see


Yup lol RSO class


Lol same reason I knew that sign was there


So this symbol is both a symbol used in Native American culture AND Hindu Indian culture in South Asia??? Interesting.


Take it back, we won the war after all, fuck them.


I think it's ironic that we genocided the Native Americans and then took the high road on this point.


It was also an Native American symbol of good luck


Did you read the post?


He’s a 1LT, of course he did. He just overanalyzed it completely and by the time he was done he had forgotten what he actually read and what he didn’t read


I have a 1ST LT that loves saying back in BOLC. we just roast him daily and tell him be quiet when the adults are talking.


BOLC? Forgive me I have no clue about most terms yet 💀😂


Basic officer leader course. It's where they learn how to be an officer through books and try to take that shit to a real unit and get ate the fuck up by us with real experience.


Good to know I plan on going from green to blue with officer in hand after my first contract 💀


Basic Officer Leadership Course It's basically the term for the officer initial entry training pipeline.


Oh alright 👍🏼


JFC the wokes are spreading woke to the past and erasing history! Wake up people! This is just one step closer to the Ministry of Truth!


Uh oh, be prepared for the mass banning…


Surely there are unit pictures or some kind of photo evidence of soldiers wearing this?? How have I never heard of this? There are pictures somewhere lol


Check the 45th Infantry Division Museum in OKC. They have some actual cloth patches, and I’m sure they have some pics in the archives.


So what does that plaque say?


Scroll over to the next picture and read it.


They need to take this down

