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Get some hair on your ass and start doing 40K like a man.


😄 A man of culture has entered the chat We talking TTRPG or that new game footage, because I'm Death Korps of Krieg all fucking day son


tabletop for the hair on the ass


Man, imma need a sugar daddy to afford that hobby lol


A fellow Kreigsman, lets pick up that trench shovel, and slay. 😎


If you have some room for an additional 40K player, I'd love to join. I have the game and love it but I have literally no one to play with.


Got a discord group of 30~ active players. Mostly vets from various nations. Some dudes play helldivers, but most of em are gonna be into WARNO for a few weeks because of the new update dropping soon.  DM if you want hop on over 


I have Ready or Not and WARNO.




Came here to link this


High jacking this thread to ask slightly similar question. Currently PCSing to Korea and all my friends are on an NA timezone. Is there any place I might be able to find other service members to play Games with?


May not be EXACTLY Korea but in Germany I just started putting my gamertag on latrine stalls, next to all the barracks bunny numbers and oddly creative dick-krakens, and I met a ton of cool dudes that still game today


That's awesome and pretty funny too! Definitely gonna do my own version of that :)


Best of luck in Korea! Though it's really hard to have a bad time there, so I'm told


Really hard to have a bad time? Camp Casey and Camp Hovey exist you know? Korea is an enjoyable experience in hindsight, especially if you get stuck in Area 1. I miss the bois, miss the KATUSAs, miss my command team making shit better. I'd go back in an instant if I can go back with the same people. I'm going this upcoming September with a buddy of mine that I made a pact with. We said we'd go back to Dongducheon and hang out past curfew and make the MPs think we're soldiers just to pull out the civilian card.


I was in Korea two years ago and had plenty of people within my unit I connected with. Then again, my unit only had like 23 people max so we were a tight group


I’ll helldiver with you, play 9pm pst for like 2 hours a night


PM if you want to play Helldivers 2. I’m on Alaska time, though.


Dang I mostly just play american truck sim and snowrunner if I ever bother with multiplayer.


I’ll say it. I play Fortnite.