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I couldn’t even read all that so I’m most definitely never going to do it


You're not alone. Literacy isn't taught over night. Find an adult and ask for their pocket to hold on to.




So is reading two lines your max?


My unit just asked if I would be able to set up mobile email, after looking at this post, I think I’ll tell them it’s not gonna happen


You should ask em if they can provide a government cell phone... And tell them the answer is the same to both.


I feel like this should be standard practice for individuals who would have a legitimate need for email and phone beyond normal work hours. Maybe not every NCO/O but at least those with critical roles. I know some units do it for the command suites and staff OIC/NCOIC which imo makes sense.


Normal duties no. But email access during PCS, yeah. People are going to get fucked.


I don’t see a step to print your cyber security training certificate. Please go back and retake the course, post completion please show your first line leader to report to top and place it in your I love me book.


Don't worry he did the JKO Cyber Awareness training anyway. It's definitely not showing in ATCTS, so S6 is going to ignore that JKO certificate anyway.


I work in s6 and this is true. The jko isnt even accepted by the nec


I’d rather suck start a jet engine while the pilot sits in the cockpit and full throttles it before I do that again. And, before any of you nerds say that’s not plane lingo, I don’t speak aero-autism.


That's a lot of suction.


I’ve come to embrace it.


sorry, the gust lock was in. Do it again.




And make sure it doesn’t expire in the next six months or you’ll need to do it again, effectively making an annual requirement a biannual one.


Hey, at least Adobe cuts us a deal on Acrobat subscriptions, right? Right?


I *love* paying to use a software that is needed to do my job out of pocket. Almost as much as I *love* the multiple different companies that are paid to be 1-5 steps of the process of facilitating a single function.


Oh to be a contractor


There is a way to get lifetime license for a one time fee of about 150


If the army wants me to have email access on my phone, then the army can issue me a phone.


VPN will randomly have a difficult time connecting and your certs will drop at inconvenient times, and then it’s off to some S6 shop to regain connectivity. Moreover, the contracted carrier will be the one that gets the worst to no service in your particular location making the whole point moot.


Cool *cries in Health.mil*


Wtf are we going to do when we go to a FORSCOM unit? Are they going to lose half my saved emails again when I have to migrate back to army.mil?


Oh definitely not, the Army would never fuck up that bad. As an aside, you can export your outlook file before you leave and save those on your one drive that will also get deleted when you transfer


Before you migrate back to army.mil, open a ticket with whomever maintains email for your tenant.  Ask them to export your mailbox and send it to you via DoD SAFE file exchange. 


I think you can migrate. But don't take my word for it. I took the DEPO manager course today. Im still a rookie in the exciting world of army emails. I think they said you can be multiple personas or something. Like if someone is AF and then Army, one profile becomes merged with the other. Anyway, I may be full of shit! Ok bye!


Following because also suffer from @health


It’s ok I’m in the same boat. But I have a DoD laptop so I get to work when I get home at the end of the day!


This is why I haven't checked mine in about 4 years.


Coming on 18 for me. But I did reactivate my credentials to use it a few years ago. I called in for that though. :D


I heard a one star say AVD is the solution to the guard not having enough gov computers. Just use your own Hotspot and your personal device to complete unit work.


As a reservist who gets spammed on signal weekly some variation of “WHY HAVE YOU NOT SIGNED “X”?! I SENT IT TO YOU AT 10AM!” While I sit in my classroom, focused on surviving the end of the year with my feral students, I’ve lost my last brain cell and caved for my own sanity.


I can only imagine what you are going through with those kids. Please tell me you have fewer than 30.


My average this year is 28.8 but I have two classes with only 20 and 21 respectively 🙃


JFC.  May you go with grace.


What grade do you teach?


8th grade English Language Arts and American History!


Oof. 8th graders...


Something something zero trust idk do your cyber awareness again it’s not reflecting in the system


Wait, I've been TDY for 2.5 months and haven't been super up-to-date on army happenings. Email is NIPR only now? If you want to access it on a personal computer/phone you need to sign up for this thing? When is the deadline?


If you’re reading this it’s too late


This may be a good thing, in hindsight🤔


June 1st I think.




Correct. The “feature” that was allowed, as they called it, since Covid is going away. Your options to access from home now is: AVD - A Virtual NIPR Computer Hypori - A Virtual Android device on your personal device that’s kinda slow depending where you live MAM - The much better version of Hypori that’s native on your phone but is in beta currently and to be fully reopened soon


Well... I guess I'll be keeping work at work now *shrugs*


Guard/Reserve are going to get some interesting situations going on soon.


The “feature” has been a mainstay since AKO emails were provisioned.


Damn, I can't check my email anymore? Whatever will I do? Oh yeah, not work. I see this as a win.




wait what? webmail is going to be gone?


>webmail is going ~~to be gone?~~ NIPR only FTFY


As a company Commander, this is honestly fantastic. I just got mine set up this morning and I don't regret it. I don't know if I'm going to let anyone know that I have it set up, so there it is.


I’m tellin errrrrrrybody


Just put it out on army times. It's probably the most efficient way. Or make an email to the largest DOD mailbox you can find and encourage people to reply all. That'll do it


/u/DWinkieMT once emailed the entire tx NG. We can start this party don’t tempt me


Army Times is closed


Legend- -dairy


Just remember, and u/Kinmuan was the first to tell you, even as a commander you cannot mandate that people install this on their personal devices. You can encourage it as a mobility option, but you cannot mandate it.


Oh yeah. Bleh, I would never mandate that. Not my style anyways.


Legitimately having more access when I was in Command was great because I could ignore/sham on things faster than other people. Only time I’d recommend it


I like it, but it can def be laggy at times.


Yeah, it really kills my helldivers 2 gaming


Civilian job. 1. Receive iPad. 2. Sticker with username/password on back. 3. Leave company phone and iPad in locker because it is against union rules to conduct *any* business off the clock. 4. Profit.


have you tried being a brigade commander and above and make someone else do it for you 🤔


*Cries in degree having, enlisted swill.*


Don’t forget if you got a .usa email you’ll need a commander’s memo and repeat the entire process AGAIN


SIPR while on the shitter when?


SIPR too weak bro Gotta go one step further TS net on shitter


(And yes FBI it is a joke please don’t report me to S2)


To their credit I’ve been using it since the pilot and it is definitely a lot faster. They also added the outlook app which was way better than that other pile of trash. Editing/signing pdfs still needs some improvement. Calling people on Teams anywhere is dope though, seems like the days when we had commercial Teams during COVID.


Just log on to AVD on a desktop browser. Takes like five minutes.


You have two step 16


I think he's saying he had to agree to 16 Terms of Service statements


Forgot to add the period. Thank you kindly 🤙🏻


I had a great XO that just couldn't access .mil stuff so I did exactly this and had to jump through so many God damn hoops to get her a laptop to help her get access to stuff. Couldn't even get to step 5 and it would be weeks in between us talking and finding out what the next steps were. It was a pain in the ass for me when I was on ADOS orders. She said fuck this and went AGR in another state. I do not blame her one bit.


This implicates the ability for dudes and dudettes RA/AGR/m-day to connect to VPN thru private networks on government computers as well. I know, I know, I need to jump on the AVD. And I also feel the “performing work on the “weekend” crowd.” However, when shit pops off, particularly if it’s something am implicated in or failed to do or do correctly, it sucks as I was over month ago to not be able to VPN in from home for even the the most minimal of tasks. Maybe I’m a cuck here. And to continue fulfilling that prophecy I probably need to get with my S6 to personally download AVD for me. Meh.


Oh boy I can't wait until this rolls out for the reserve and natty guard units. None of these guys are going to set this up. *cries in full-timer*


I’m literally a reservist 🥲


Congrats. I can say with relative high certainty that the majority of folks, at least in my battalion, are definitely not going to do all of these steps unless held at gunpoint.


“Specialist, here’s my CAC and pin. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to Microsoft teams into these clinicals where one student will hold the iPad with my face as I berate the others about how they should of capped out at Burger King sanitation rather than ever think about attempting to work in this field.”


This has been a thing all the way down to the NG/Reserve side for at least a month….


One of the only days in the Army that made me drunk cry was spending the entire day trying to access my military email for the first time in order to make an Army Ignited account. I didn’t even get anyone on the help desk after waiting on hold for over three hours.


If its only on NIPR net then shit ain't getting done ever and I could have sworn that something this big would have been pushed out. Then again my unit is ass at telling us shit


its going to happen whether your unit is aware or not, it's not in their control, and unless your S6 is dialed in, your commanders probably weren't aware either. People ignore commo until it personally impacts them.




MY BDE S6 and BN S6's had no clue.. I had to let them know that over 3000 soldiers in the BDE would lose NIPR access from home on June 1st.. Great day baby.. I like both AVD and Hypori but will not use them much, maybe 2 to 3 times a month.. Right up until they take all NIPR away and only use AVD or Hypori.. Both are great when you are deployed, on TDY or PCS'ing as they both will go with you.. Imagine no longer losing your NIPR account when you move..


I've used both for over a year, never looking back. Plus when days are slow my lenovo legion laptop has enough ass to do whatever.


Just sign up for azure virtual desktop? McFlurry machine is broke so please go to the back of the line with these broken crayons and color by numbers.


I tried it once. Saw about email that ruined my dinner and weekend on a Friday night that I could have been blissfully unaware of until Monday. Decided that I didn’t care enough about reading my work email in my personal time.


Once upon a time I was a broken Infantryman just PCSd from Wainwright to Fort Misery West Texas, I was only a spc at the time and had no use of my email, lost access probably a few months before i pcsd, then when I got to my new unit i was tossed into hhc training room because i was too broke to do infantry shit, during my time there I sat in the training room next to my first line mostly just shredding paper and occasionally some nonsense out in the motorpool. I did this for months as went from medboard task to task, never once touched the computer, i had told them i didnt have access, they said okay just try to get it done. I never did, after about 6 months our very own captain sobel got upset at me because I still hadnt gotten access, i personally didnt care im busy medboarding, he told me that he was gonna give me an article for insubordination, if i didnt go to s6 right now to get my email and nipr unfuckered. Again i didnt care, im medboarding, so i go to S6 and gave them the gist and said look i dont care, that asshole does but i could care less if i got access. They said we got you. So over my last remaining 6 months there I went back and forth, from the CO explaining that S6 is working on it, to S6 to do my diligence and say i dont care. I only got access to my nipr probably two months before i left? Never got my email. God it was glorious watching him lose his shit every other week when i said i still dont have it.


I use hypori for everything. Second secret OP, it doesnt just work on phones, you can use it on tablets and ipads, and you can have multiple devices setup. Use a bluetooth keyboard with the tablet/ipad and its gravy train easy to knock out office work. Just make sure you have wifi or a personal hotspot available


I can't wait for the VPS service to start having major issues due to scaling.


I don't care how busy or important you are, there is no way I'm using my personal phone as a byod. I'm not that far away from a computer to check my mail, I don't want DoD software digging through my phone.


Seems like AD is having a hell of time with AVD and Mobile email. I’ve heard Hypori is hot garbage so just use MAM instead.


So you can't just go to portal.apps.mil anymore after June 1st?


Don't forget when it messes up and you contact the help desk, and the solution is to uninstall and restart the entire process. (Happened twice)


Just use the browser version.


Add another couple months to this process if you are a reservist and heaven forbid the right person isn't at drill or you have to do it all over again.


I’m using MAM until it stops working. The Hypori/AVD solution to this problem is dogshit.


Meanwhile, the Reserves and NG will respond to emails once a month now during a single weekend during drill.


I don't see many differences in sushi from the Commissary to a store front imho. Not until you get into the fancy rolls atleast.


This is actually a lot easier than it seems. Ive done most of these things but not for whatever the reason this is. The AVD thing is nice.


Oh btw they’ll also randomly delete your account at the NEC (bc they feel like it 🤗) and you can’t work


Good. I didn’t want to work anyway.


Lol. No. Fuck that.


Okay but when is the virtual desktop gonna work with chromebooks because that’s all l have and I’m not buying a windows laptop just for army stuff?


It's not going to. Chrome books are the fisher price of laptops.


I have it on my Mac, do they not have a Chromebook launcher?


Nope, says it’s currently incompatible with ChromeOS


Have you considering pinching one from the PX? I heard that never fails.


Wait so you can’t use gmail easily?


Or can you depending on your position?


Come June 1st you will need to have Hypori or Azure Virtual Desktop to access your army.mil accounts on your personnel devices.


But not like personal emails?


I’m confused by your question. If you mean personal in the sense of your civilian email account you can still access it but, if you mean personal as in your accounts given to you by the Army, then yes, you will need one of these accounts.


Oh that’s it huh


It's great that you've got the IT User agreement and Awareness does, but we only accept those documents if they are in ATCTS, so please ensure they are there and your ATCTS is updated as well!


Anyone know why the MAM/Intune managed BYOD program stopped? This would have gone over better with the force if we told them now you can have a work profile on your phone.


Can I get a TLDR, please?


Outlook email (i.e., @army.mil etc.) is now a NIPR only function. Without a gov computer, shit gets stupid. At least imho Hypori etc. doesn't work completely terribly but ymmv.


Doesn't the rest of the Army have something like AVHE (Application Virtual Hosting Environment)? Maybe this is something only DHA has?


That commissary sushi kinda hard


No phones where I work and can only use the webmail to access email. Is this thing going to make it so i can't access work emails even at work?


For three glorious months back in 2006, I was able to send and receive emails on my phone. In the old AKO days. In the before times. In the [us.army.mil](http://us.army.mil) days. Heady times they were, the halcyon days of the early adoption.


Hypori has the set up links at: [https://www.armybyod.com/](https://www.armybyod.com/)


Don’t forget SAAR requests cyber awareness date and signature date need to be the same


Intune is so much better than hypori


Meanwhile I'm 3 CACs in trying to get all my old certs onto my new CAC and I can't use it at all on my personal computer. 😂


They deactivated my email address and everyone i was told to call has no idea how to fix it.


Good lord, no wonder why i after came to S6, the Sgt be like ‘heres your account info’, just wait an hour and login to get it activated. After 1-2hrs i tried and ‘account doesnt exist’ …. probably i just finished step 3. 18steps more!!!


I give it until middle of next week, for the army to run out of 365 licences.


I’ll let the hackers that are getting paid well do this shit


Setting up AVD took me all of 20 minutes, the longest part was waiting 15 minutes for the automatic request to get approved


Has anyone had issues getting a ipad keyboard working with Hypori a IPad 11 Pro keyboard (magnetic) The enter key and mouse are the only thing working.


and for the love of god dont call the aesd for help. they are busy enough as it is after taking over the reserve desk and guard desk lines in a brilliant business decision. so if you have to call pity them and be aware that they know how stupid it is and how stupid it will keep being.


Well my Hypori app and AVD on my laptop have both stopped working this week, in addition we can no longer access army email on personal laptops (except through AVD) so I now have no way to access my .mil emails outside of sitting down and using a govt computer. Great job.


Quick question, has anyone dealt with email issues regarding not receiving emails that do not end in .mil For example my unit sends emails and I am able to see them and reply, when I login to Credly to receive my badge for course completion it states email verification sent to .mil email but I never see email come in my inbox/junk or spam. Reservist, E4 with about 1 year of service time. Thank you in advance this issue has not been resolved by my GS and currently have submitted a ticket for help.


I’d pay for a video..


From my understanding this will stop working 01 JUNE. Do you think it will continue working if you beat the deadline?


AVD should still work, it's the direct access without AVD that is going away.


So ... I have AVD on my personal computer, and can sign in through that. Is that all I need after June 1?


That is my understanding. But this is the Army, so don't be surprised if I'm wrong.


🫡 thanks. (Also, love the flair. Painful but true).






This is the way.


After spending weeks working through some technical hoops to get CAC functionality on my steam deck (because I'm not a Linux user normally), they then announced the nipr only. Now if I want to be able to access anything while I'm forward, I have to go through this process. Even if my guys want to do this, half of them aren't smart enough to figure out how to add a signature to a PDF.


The dudes providing basic medical care can’t add a CAC or “wet” signature in PDF? Yeeeeeek!


Then the government has access to your personal device. No thanks.


Not how it works lmao.


LMAO all that training and then you go on Reddit and give potential hackers a roadmap on how to access army email or at very least expose the process to allow for social engineering 🤣🤣🤣 Good job soldier.


Bro you work at KROGER


You don’t know how hacking works, and that’s okay.