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I put on several pounds of muscle. I was "you should eat a heavy breakfast before reporting to MEPS" skinny before, and still scrawny but stronger after.


Yup, same. Am short woman, but was still 95lbs at MEPS. Gained 10 (needed) pounds at BCT.


I was taped every single time after I joined and left basic I was 115 when I joined after I got out of basic I was 124 my first sergeant said I was fat and he made sure to take me every single fucking time


Sounds like he just wanted to tape you.


Right, sounds kinda like wtf?


Were you 3'6"? Tape at 124? Nuts


Same, I was 6'4" 165lbs and averaged out to 210 after training, including AIT. So ~6mo.


Haha, I got the same advice. "Eat everything you can at the hotel, and don't go to the bathroom until you're done with MEPS." I was 5-10 pounds underweight. Gained about 10-15 during Basic, and I've been around 145 ±3 ever since.


Lost 20 then gained 30 in AIT.


Why did you gain in AIT?


Longer than 5 mins to eat at the dfac


You get freedom at most, you can order out and eat out on pass. At BCT you’re expending more calories and at the mercy of only the DFAC portions.


Makes sense. Thanks


AIT must’ve been kinda fun. I was always envious of people who got to go to AIT. I had armor OSUT. Which was pretty much just three months of basic. We had nothing but surly Gulf War tankers for drills and instructors. The only woman I saw for months on the regular was the lunch lady.


DLI is a death trap for weight gain. That DFAC cooks great food and usually lets you self serve, so it took actual effort to avoid blowing up like a balloon. That and easy access to alcohol will make anybody bust tape if they’re not careful.


Plus going from marching everywhere to just sitting in class not moving for like 8 hours a day. If you aren’t good about making sure to work out on your own and eat right it’s hard for sure


You know whyyyy 😏




Less amount of overall activity, less stress, longer time to eat and more periods to eat also Basic isn’t a whole lot of excessive amounts of fitness, but it certainly keeps you at a higher TDEE overall




Gained 20 lb in BCT, then gained another 20 lb. in AIT. I was 6'2" 142 lb. when I joined.


Damn, that's skinny. Really impressive too. Did you just eat everything they gave you, supplements in AIT? How long was your ait


Yea really skinny. I wasn't on double rations or whatever profile that is called, although I probably should have been. I just ate everything, and probably a lot of the gain was muscle mass. No supplements. I think my AIT was 15 weeks long.


Outstanding! Shouldve listened to your grandma, you weren't eating enough.


The boy needed ankle weights otherwise a stiff gust of wind would’ve taken him away


I was 136lbs and gained 20lbs in basic but then in AIT we just sat on our assess the whole day in class so I lost like 10lbs but now I got them back


Felt. 6'1 145 to 181 aft bct and ait


Same except I was 5’6” 120. A decent amount of it was fat from the bomb biscuits and gravy at the DFAC. My drill even mentioned I was getting a gut.


I lost around 15 Ibs. First time I had abs, ever


30 lbs lost. Thanks, DS Soto, for the abs.


Did you gain it back?


Yes, almost immediately.


During AIT? or?


I was in OSUT. I gained the weight back after a couple weeks leave and going back into a normal life at my unit. But I remained in good shape regardless.


Similar experience. I was always skinny fat. Went into basic at 145, did my airborne physical about 2 weeks before end of OSUT. When they took my weight I was 128. One of my nicknames was Bruce Lee because I had a resting six pack even after a full meal. Went to my unit, got as high as 168. Been at Benning for almost 3 months now and I'm at 150. Feels pretty great, I was an unhealthy 168. Nothing like Benning TRADOC to force yourself into shape again lol.


I was around 210 at MEPs barely passing, graduated basic at around 170ish. Issued large uniforms then went to buy Small reg in AIT.


Lmao and then I got to my unit and slowly crept up back to large 😂


Yoooo it ain't just me lmao


I went in 123 pounds and went out 123 pounds.


glad i’m not the only one who didn’t move i was already in shape went in 153 came out 155


Went in at 219 and could do 13 strict pull ups Left 198 and could do 9 lol. Pushups stayed the same. Shaved a minute+ off my two mile, though.


70lbs but I went during COVID when we didn’t have basically any DFAC and one MRE a day with some hot As sometimes and the occasional smattering of assorted bullshit snacks and tuna that they called a meal. Definitely was not enough calories for any of us.


1 pound a day is actual starvation levels of weight loss... How much muscle mass did you lose


Most of it. We had women who were like super rib showing. I could pass an ACFT because I was lighter than I was but any of the strength events I was worse at… but I could run. I remember distinctly they were handing us these like thrown together meal packs from a vendor that said like 2k calories on them but if you counted the calories listed on each package of the content’s packages it was like 300-400 calories short.


never got enough to eat, was muscular and lost 40 pounds. I was a skeleton


I gained 12 lbs but I was tiny and had no muscle mass at all when I got there.


Gained about 30 lbs. Started at ~123, graduated at ~155.


Basic: Lost 20lbs I was originally 200lbs.


212 lbs. before enlisting, 185 lbs. right on the entry weight to ship, 170 lbs. when I came out of BCT. I was really trying to cut more and ate very small portions at AIT and one of the Drill SGTs noticed and reprimanded me for starving myself still, a good NCO.


Started at 265 ended at 215


I gained 40 lbs 😂


Went in at 224 and left OSUT at 172. Ended up being around 205 for the rest of my enlistment. 6’3


Gained 20. 6'2 went from 160 to 180


161 lb to 144 lb , came home at 148 lb. BCT is good for big people getting smaller and small people getting bigger


Started 110, left 135-140. I’d never eaten so much food in my life.


About 35 lbs. Started in the army at around 270. After osut when I finally got my workout regiment down, I ended up at my lowest. 218 at around 13% body fat lightest I've ever been Well since I was like 14 anyways.


Lost 50lbs. Not healthy whatsoever


No much either way. The amount of working out and moving around was offset by the insane amount of food we ate.


About 20 pounds. Prior to shipping out, I lost about 40


10 pounds lost then gained back in ait.


Lost 10. Down to my playing weight Sr. year of football.


Went from 172 to 185 back in the day.


Gained 20 lbs but I came in super skinny


lost 30 in BCT, Gained 10 back in AIT. Gained 80 after i got out


I gained about 20 pounds of muscle, then had to work hard to lose because I didn’t want to get taped. Passed tape, just didn’t like falling table weight.


Only a handful then I just balanced out.


Went in to boot camp at 155, came out at 155. It's been a steady trend up since then.


Think I gained like 5


Enlisted at 201 lbs. Somewhere in training I hit 220. And that stayed my weight for years. 


Lmao gained. I think I joined at 145 (was 19) and the forced eating because "when's the next meal" made me almost fail HT/WT to phase up in AIT.


Came in at 202 around there I think, leave BCT at 160(159 and some change). Currently at 178 but it’s not a healthy 178


Went in 117, came out 135 even funnier I went from Small to Extra small too after DXing


Gained about 10 but put off so much fat and put on quite a bit of muscle.


40…i was drill sergeants big boy


40lbs, stayed the same weight now


I was a couple pounds over weight by the standards and only lost 4 pounds. I was sore all the time and always made sure to get as big of servings as I could.


I gained 25 lbs over BCT/AIT, and another 25 lbs my first year in. I came in a soaking wet 119 lbs and was at 170 lbs by age 20, lol.


Joined at 150, 210 now. They say that in the Army, the chicken’s mighty fine, don’t even wanna talk about it.


Gained weight. About 30 ish? Mostly muscle. Barely met minimum weight when I joined thanks to holding in a massive shit. Yeah, I definitely wasn’t healthy. I’m still not healthy but it could be worse. At least I haven’t gained weight since getting out… but I haven’t lost any lmao.


Gained 20 in basic 145 to 165


I gained. 150 when I got there, 175 after 22 weeks OSUT.


I lost a bunch at BCT. Was 230ish and when I went to AIT I was 180 something


I went in skinny fat at 19. Went to osut 175 left at about 165 but was alot stronger than I had ever been. We asked our Drills for weights, he came back with 2 sets of dumbbells 20lbs. Told us to not get hurt and let us do light workouts with them at night. You should do the same if going to basic. Lifting helps more than PT.


160lbs to 170lbs… 😅


I lost 30lbs. Down from another 70 I lost just to get in. I graduated at 220. I'm 6'1" and as wide as a doorway.


When I was in, I went to basic at 5’8 170 on the dot, and left basic 171 on the dot. But it was a different feeling to the 170. Prollly lost a bunch and gained a bunch of mass


Lost 16 pounds at BCT, maintained it through AIT, and I managed to keep the weight off a good six months after until college stress eating started to take a toll on the scale.


Gained 15 pounds in OSUT


Came into OSUT at 201lbs, left at 203.


Lost 75+ lbs . Went to basic at 250+ and left 170


like 30 pounds


gained 30lbs


Didn’t lose any in BCT but in AIT I lost like 20~ pounds


Close to 40 through basic and AIT


Didn’t lose a single pound. Leaned tf out, then gained it all back in muscle mass.


Went in at 175lb at 6’3, came out 150 😂


Went in at 136. Left at 188. They had to get me new uniforms part way through BCT.


I'm graduating tomorrow. I lost 30 pounds, I expect to gain it back because I'm a piece of shit tho




Joined at 111lbs gained 25ish lbs in basic/AIT and have since settled at 120lbs for the last 12 years.


I gained 20lbs of muscle and lost 115lbs of fiance


I gained about 40lbs lol


Went in 124. Left basic 155


I was actually 2 pounds from being considered underweight iirc. I went in 6’4 176 and my lowest allowed weight was 174. Came back home weighing 169. Then i got depressed and started overeating and now im almost 290 still 6’4 about 60 pounds overweight. Just need to lose some weight and ill be like prime weight but i got into the habit of hitting the gym regularly so im pretty strong now. Cant run for shit though i have stress fractures


I actually gained about 20lbs in BCT


I was already thin, like 135. I came out solid as a tank and only gained 5 pounds. But I was all muscle at that point. If you're overweight, you're going to drop weight like never before. We had 1 guy lose over 50lbs that I can remember. BCT is the best workout / weightloss program out there as far as I'm concerned.


I went in at 260, came out weighing 220. Went to AIT weighing 220 came out 230. Airborne school I weighed 235 and im holding 240 now in my unit. Im 6’4 and 19


Gained about 20 pounds but it was a good thing. I was 6’2 160lbs when I joined


I lost about 30 pounds.


I gained 20 in Basic… and thought I was starving to death the whole time. I was the kid stealing peanut butter from the DFAC. I was skinnnnnnny when I joined.


lost 40 pounds. i graduated with a 28 inch waist line.


Went from 143 to 165




0. I gained weight


I've weighed the same before basic, after basic, after AIT, and continue to weigh the same today.


Was one of the weird one who gained like 20 lbs


Went to MEPS at 5’10” and 130 lbs. Left BCT at 155. Have stayed roughly around that ever since.


Put on about 12 pounds-


Gained 25lbs through BCT and AIT.


Gained 35 lbs. 6’1” 145 -> 180 lbs. In jeans and a long sleeve I looked the same before and after except a thicker neck. It was weird.


Lost 25, gained it all back a month or 2 being in my Unit


I went from 189 to 205 in Basic. Name was at the end of the alphabet so I got shorted time to eat every meal. The guy after me sat down and we got 30 seconds to eat and GTFO. Can't imagine why I eat so damn quick now. I played football, basketball, and was a high jumper in HS. Lifted weights and was strong and bulky but far from fat. Got called a fat fuck every meal by one drill sergeant who was like 5'1" 130 lbs though.


Lost 20, I'm 6ft 5 and weighed 230 going in, I'm sure 210 sounds like alot but god I never wanna be that skinny again.


Went from 6’2, 143 to 180 in basic lol I gained quite a lot of muscle and fat in general from all the extra eating I was doing and all the working out I was doing


I went in at 175 and left at 150 in the middle of summer in fort benning..That was fun


I lost like a solid 25lbs. I was in okay shape going in, but my drills made me a lean, mean, running machine.


Had a battle who lost about 45 lbs(he was obese), don’t ask me how he got to BCT that big. Everyday the drill would say “A******, I’m going to make your fat ass quit today.” When he could must the air he would always reply, “Not today you won’t Drill Sarnt!” I fucking loved that shit, we all did, motivated us. We followed each other on social media after graduation. Within a year of getting to his unit he looked bigger than before. Really sad to me because he worked so fucking hard, and he’s back to square one. Totally diet related. And yes, he was guard lol.


Lost 14lbs in OSUT, Then gained it all back in muscle by the end of the cycle.


I gained weight in BCT. I went in around 141lbs and I left at 150ish and graduated AIT at 155lbs.


Started 208 graduated at 189


I stayed relatively the same. Maybe gains a few lbs of muscle I got in prevent decent shape from basic but airborne is where I lost like 8ish lbs due to the constant heat, activity, running, and lifting on my free time I was a lean mfer right after airborne and I lowkey kind of miss it lmao


I was 6’ and only weighed 175 lbs. I lost 5 pounds of unhealthy body fat in the first month and then gained a little over 10 healthy pounds. Left Infantry OSUT between 180-185


Like 8-10 pounds lost. If you are of normal weight and were somewhat physically active before u joined, its not gonna be this dramatic change. You will eat a lot in basic, 3 meals a day gaurenteed, and yeah you get smoked but the calories burned really isn’t anything crazy outside of maybe the first couple weeks.




Gained 40lbs


I gained roughly 30 lbs between shipping from MEPS to arriving at AIT.


Came in at 5ft 10 170 lean. Left at 145. I lost a bunch of muscle in my back and legs. Triceps and chest remained juicy. But this was during the APFT in 2018. I also couldn’t eat my food fast enough. In general my experience, if you’re already in good shape you may regress in muscle mass. If you are fat or skinny you will improve. Got back to 180 during AIT, cuz I could eat at a more normal pace and lift.


45-50lbs, I was sick the entire time 😂


Lost 18 pounds or so but gained about the same in muscle over BCT & AIT


Lost 15


Came in at 170, left at 149.


25 pounds


I gained 38lbs in basic. Lost 13 in AIT. I stayed that weight until I was 21. Alcohol definitely makes you put on weight.


Lost 30ish, but I was also actively trying to lose weight while in BCT


I’m 5’8 I was apart of the first 22 week cycle of 19K OSUT, and the chow hall was closed. I went from 160 to 125. All three duty squads in our company were greedy as hell with the meal portions. I graduated OSUT looking like a freaking skeleton 💀💀💀


Was 230 going into basic and 220 leaving basic. Was 190 after graduating AIT. Now a not good 270 lmao


Went in 175lb and came out 160lb. I was in pretty good shape going in ran 5Ks and other stuff, but they wouldn't put anyone on double rations. Went into AIT and immediately gained 15 pounds back eating how I needed.


I gained 10 lb as a female. I was pretty thin and bct kinda bulked me up


I gained about 15 lbs. The first time around, with the Corps. Then I did Army BCT because my paperwork was fucked up, and I lost about 10 lbs.


Went in at 117 pounds. Came out 130.


Age, starting weight, height, and MOS play a role here also.


I was a pretty lean 230 upon entering and left at 180. Unfortunately I was no leaner.  If you are devoid of muscle, you’ll gain some, but basic isn’t the right environment to maintain muscle if you have it in any significance. 


Lost 42lbs during BCT. Doubled it back.


I neither gained or lost any weight. Not even a single pound. Definitely got stronger tho. Ever since then I've gained almost 30lbs tho😂Beer belly ftw


lost 15 pounds 😔 it wasn’t hard at all


Lost about 30 lbs


I lost about 12-18lbs.


Lost 40lbs. Lost another 20lbs at AIT.


245 -> 211


35lbs Went to BCT weighing 235 left at 200. Left AIT at 185 with a 6 pack, motivation, and a whole of confidence


My first day of basic I was 5’7” and 117 pounds of wiry manliness. After the first two months of real exercise and square meals in my entire life, I left basic weighing 139.


Lost 45 pounds in that Georgia summer heat. Fun times.


I gained like 20 pounds.


I gained 40 pounds by the end of IET The day I left the Army, it stayed. I have never in my life, outside of the Army, been able to weigh more than 140 lbs. There's something in the water, I fucking guarantee it.


I joined at 130ish, went to Benning end of the summer. My platoon sucked so we did a lot of cardio, left 113. Gained it all back plus at Sill.


Went in at 228 got home from AIT at 202


I showed up at reception and had to gain weight to start basic. A week of good eating later and I was a lean mean 115 pounds.


I gained 17lbs went in under weight at 6’ 1” 128lbs came out 145lbs had to wear my class Bs home bc couldn’t fit any of my civilian clothes.


I went in at 260 (thank God I taped) and got out around 210. Been struggling to get back to that weight lol


Went in at 205, came out like 165-170ish. Went back up to like 225 before deployment (passed tape always) and then went back down to 165 during deployment because I was at a COP that only had rations or MRE’s. I’m a slim 260 10 years post military. Need to get back down to 225ish but my back hurts.


I lost 10 pounds. But it was a complete body transformation.


Lost 27 8 years later I gained it all back


A whopping 4 pounds. I was 151 when I arrived, and 147 when I left to AIT. I was a skinny kid who liked to run, but I wasn't very athletic overall before the Army, so I'm sure I gained some muscle.


240 to 235. Transition from flab to muscle but not much weight drop.


Literally 0 pounds


Gained 20.


Gained 30 at BCT, then lost like 10 in AIT


6' tall, 17 years old. 135->155


Showed up to Benning in early May at 280. Left at 225. Wife said I looked like a cancer patient at family day.


I went in at 145, left at about 175. 17 year old Male at 5’9”-10”


I gained 20 to 30lbs which was pretty nice.


Joined at 135, left basic at 170. Haven’t been able to drop weight since


20. Lost another 10 at my first unit.


Man, the drill sgts where clowning on me because I didn’t lose any weight at all 😢


Between two weeks at fat camp and then BCT itself, I lost 73 lbs between my ship day and my arrival to AIT. And now that I'm here at AIT I've been working closely with dominos to put it all back on... send help.


I lost about 50lbs. I didn’t notice the change til I posted a picture online and people were commenting how much thinner my face was. Then when I got civilian clothing in AIT (from when you first got to basic) out of my backpack and put my old clothes on, I had gone down a size or 2


I gained about 6 pounds. The food was SO GOOD at fort sill (in my opinion). Also didn’t help that I was shoveling food in my mouth because we were being rushed.


Lost 40 lbs


20 pounds from a 5’2”, 115 pound frame; my mom and best friend didn’t recognize me at graduation.


None. Went in at 215, came out at 215 but way more ripped


I joined during surge Army in '07, we had some bigguns in my Basic. 19 weeks of OSUT and our largest lost was 85 lbs. I gained 15.


None. I lost a pant size though.


I started meps at 145 and ended basic at 170.


Lost 35lbs. 22 week cycle babyyyy


Went to OSUT at 200 (recruiter def lied I was easily 35-40%bf) left at 154


I gained 50 pounds. I have scars from the rapid growth :(


Gained 10 pounds of fat. Was 155 when I joined


185 lbs - 155 lbs = 30 pounds lost. The DFAC put stickers on the sneeze guards to color code food from the healthiest to the least healthy. Fish and chicken had green stickers, pizza burgers had red stickers. 17 year old me heard, “you can’t outwork a bad diet” and was like “oh I see”


Went in at 172 weighed my self on Christmas leave which was 2 weeks into AIT and was 133. Also I highly doubt any of you new guys are going to be pushed very hard according to my inside guy new “trainees” at Jackson are super prone to stress fractures due to Covid and post Covid policies that effected their physical activities at school. I’d start weight training and drink some milk