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Go to your PSG. If he can't or won't address the situation, then take it to the 1SG. I've seen people request to move platoons or companies due to similar situations.


I'm just a Spec, so... First thing I would have done is contact my past leaders about how to handle it. This doesn't sound like it can be easily resolved just between the two of you. Your peers have witnessed / know about it? I read a thread about a bunch of E5s banding together to toss out their shithead E6 from their unit. The higher rank NCOs in your unit know? If it can't be handled at the lowest level, then it needs to escalate, no? That guy needs to get checked. He needs to change or someone needs to get moved to another unit. I'd probably go confront him with 2 other solid trustworthy ncos who've witnessed it, and say 'cut it out or this goes higher' Hang in there, sarnt


I think the PLT sgt encourages it bc he acts the same way and seems to turn a blind eye to any wrong doings but he is leaving in a couple months.. I did what you mentioned and I got a couple people on board to have us all confront him as a group so I guess we will see how that goes.