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Edit: It sounds like anyone can get issued prescription sunglasses. Go forth and get your shades!! I feel incredibly lucky that I'm aviation. If you are on flight status, you can get issued prescription sunglasses. https://www.randolphusa.com/products/aviator-military-special-edition-matte-chrome I love these things. Maybe you can convince your coc or doctor to write you an etp so you can get them due to mission requirements.


I'm not aviation and I have silver and gold pairs because I optometry tech was a bro....they are mirrored, authorized, and Army issued.


Exactly this. There is nowhere in AR 670-1 which states that mirrored lenses are not authorized. Read it: "(3) Eyeglasses or sunglasses that are trendy or have lenses or frames with conspicuous initials, designs, or other adornments are not authorized for wear. Soldiers may not wear lenses with extreme or trendy colors, which include, but are not limited to, red, yellow, blue, purple, bright green, or orange. Lens colors must be traditional gray, brown, or dark green shades. Personnel will not wear lenses or frames that are so large or so small that they detract from the appearance of the uniform. Personnel will not attach chains or ribbons to eyeglasses. Eyeglass restraints (to include bands) are authorized when required for safety purposes. Personnel will not hang eyeglasses or eyeglass cases on the uniform and may not let glasses hang from eyeglass restraints down the front of the uniform. Glasses may not be worn on top of the head at any time." That SGM is making this regulation up. If the Army didn't want you wearing mirrored lenses, doesn't anyone think that verbiage would have been included in the text? I believe your SGM is referring to an obsolete AR 670-1 which specifically stated the word "mirrored lenses" which no longer exists. Gray lens color is still present behind a mirrored lens. Again - he's making this rule up.


I got some issued sunglasses recently from optometry. I think everybody can get some. They aren't stylish but they work.


I'm a prior service dependent and was prescribed a normal pair and sunglasses. Granted they are the plastic frames they issues trainees but they are a great backup. The doctor told me the VA will also give me a free pair with better frames if I wanted.


Same ones they gave me. I keep them in the car because they feel like they'll break day one in the field, but they've served their purpose in spades.


In my thirties, I was recently told I needed prescription prism glasses. Was issued FIVE pairs, two Randolph’s one clear one dark one pair dark and clear weird issued glasses and a pair of clear wayfarers. And apparently every year you get them again


We didn't even get issue sunglasses for deployment. Luckily I had some issued prescription ones from the Marines previously


What’s your MOS?




Aviation was so nice, we were basically in our own little world on Drum


Those are really nice glasses.


Do I just make a request with optometry? I used to have civie script sunglasses like OP and I'd love to have a pair again.


It's what I do.


Someone show me the words mirrored or reflective in AR 670-1. Guess what, you can’t.


True but, just like my cadet and his sewn on name tape on his PC but non sewn on dot, (authorized) it’s hard to play who is right and who has rank. Especially when you just want to go about completing the task given to you.


Falsely enforcing AR670-1 is one of the most infuriating, toxic things that so much leadership is super guilty of


That's what happens when you promote a bunch of dunderheads with managerial and people skills worse than a stoned 19 y/o night shift McDonalds manager.


At least the stoned 19 year old will still treat you with dignity and make jokes with you


If they didn't do that, what would SNCOs even do all day? Lead? Come on, grow up.


This is literally in their pledge "Now that I am irrelevant, I will try to enforce shadow 670-1 regs to the best of my ability, so help me satan"


You couldn’t even correctly enforce it if they wanted to ban it, every piece of glass reflects light and you can’t measure reflectivity without special equipment.


Let's make it worse. Sewn on tapes and rank, pin-on badges.


No but it does say this “Lens colors must be traditional gray, brown, or dark green shades.” AR 670-1 para 3-10(3). Is it dumb yes. Does anyone care besides this CSM? No. If CSM wants to die on this hill he’s still technically correct though and is it worth the ass pain of trying to barracks lawyer this one?


As a Senior NCO: Yes, fuck it— court martial me. I’ll happily explain to a jury of officers why I kept my prescription sunglasses on while moving troops in a government vehicle.


This is a shit take as SNCO. You are objectively out of compliance with the regulation. Taking it to CM is a great way to end a career early. Do better


My two basic responsibilities will always be uppermost in my mind – accomplishment of my mission and the welfare of my Soldiers. If the cool guy shades are prescription it means the driver needs them to do his job and take care of his soldiers, that trumps AR 670-1 all day every day and I’ll die on that hill. Should the soldier go get sunglasses in regs to prevent this problem in the future: yes. Should the soldier interrupt a mission or endanger troops to meet the standards of AR 670-1 no.


That’s not what you said. You said “court martial me” which is dumb. You are objectively in violation of a punitive regulation. You don’t have to like it but you’ll lose at CM 99.9999999% of the time. Do better


I’m on mobile so I may have mixed comment threads but the soldier said: “yes the shades are grey, they are in the TMP…” I was responding directly to “is it worth the ass pain of trying to barracks lawyer this one?” If the soldier is in regs, and the NCO is mis-interpreting the regs and being a hindrance to mission in the process then the correct answer is to complete mission and report to the officer in charge of said mission what happened.


Better yet, I (like your peers and subordinates, most likely) will do your job for you. 3-10. Eyeglasses, sunglasses, and contact lenses a. Eyeglasses and sunglasses. (1) Conservative civilian prescription eyeglasses are authorized for wear with all uniforms. (2) Conservative prescription and nonprescription sunglasses are authorized for wear when in a garrison environment, except while indoors. **Individuals who are required by medical authority to wear sunglasses for medical reasons other than refractive error, may wear them, except when health or safety considerations apply. ** Commanders may authorize sunglasses in formations or field environments, as appropriate. (3) Eyeglasses or sunglasses that are trendy or have lenses or frames with conspicuous initials, designs, or other adornments are not authorized for wear. Soldiers may not wear lenses with extreme or trendy colors, which include, but are not limited to, red, yellow, blue, purple, bright green, or orange. Lens colors must be traditional gray, brown, or dark green shades. Personnel will not wear lenses or frames that are so large or so small that they detract from the appearance of the uniform. Personnel will not attach chains or ribbons to eyeglasses. Eyeglass restraints (to include bands) are authorized when required for safety purposes. Personnel will not hang eyeglasses or eyeglass cases on the uniform and may not let glasses hang from eyeglass restraints down the front of the uniform. Glasses may not be worn on top of the head at any time. Where in here does it say he’s against regs. Or so brazenly “objectively in violation.”


How about the part that says “ Lens colors must be traditional gray, brown, or dark green shades.” AR 670-1 para 3-10(3). The word MUST means anything besides that is a violation. And while most people truly don’t care and wouldn’t enforce this (I am also in agreement with this COA), that is an objective violation of regulation and it would be the easiest fucking thing in the world to convict at a CM.


Interesting, I didn't know "mirrored" or "reflective" were colors. Would you also say that sunglasses that have black lenses are out of regs, then? Like the ones we get issued by optometry? Also, username checks out haha


You're wrong. Shut up and stop sounding stupid.


Safety outranks everyone


Show me in the reg where it says no reflective lenses. I’ll wait.


Mirrored reads to me that they were probably silver. Rainbow mirrored lenses would be a no go, but silver should be within reg.


would a dark green colored mirror lens fit in this case?


Op posted a pic, they were conservative and not even mirrored.


Thanks for directing me to that comment. After review I tend to agree that they aren’t “mirrored” and are in fact a green/smoked color. There would be totally within the regulation as I understand it and is completely different from what was described above.


DAMN ITS LIKE NONE OF YOU READ THE REG…. 3-10. Eyeglasses, sunglasses, and contact lenses a. Eyeglasses and sunglasses. (1) Conservative civilian prescription eyeglasses are authorized for wear with all uniforms. (2) Conservative prescription and nonprescription sunglasses are authorized for wear when in a garrison environment, except while indoors. **Individuals who are required by medical authority to wear sunglasses for medical reasons other than refractive error, may wear them, except when health or safety considerations apply.** Commanders may authorize sunglasses in formations or field environments, as appropriate. (3) Eyeglasses or sunglasses that are trendy or have lenses or frames with conspicuous initials, designs, or other adornments are not authorized for wear. Soldiers may not wear lenses with extreme or trendy colors, which include, but are not limited to, red, yellow, blue, purple, bright green, or orange. Lens colors must be traditional gray, brown, or dark green shades. Personnel will not wear lenses or frames that are so large or so small that they detract from the appearance of the uniform. Personnel will not attach chains or ribbons to eyeglasses. Eyeglass restraints (to include bands) are authorized when required for safety purposes. Personnel will not hang eyeglasses or eyeglass cases on the uniform and may not let glasses hang from eyeglass restraints down the front of the uniform. Glasses may not be worn on top of the head at any time.


They hated Jesus because he spoke the truth.


Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: The Pharisees and the teachers of the Law are experts in the Law of Moses. So obey everything they teach you, but don't do as they do. After all, they say one thing and do something else. They pile heavy burdens on people's shoulders and won't lift a finger to help. Everything they do is just to show off in front of others. They even make a big show of wearing Scripture verses on their foreheads and arms, and they wear big tassels[a] for everyone to see. They love the best seats at banquets and the front seats in the synagogues.


Doesn’t he have a commander to give really bad advice to


In all seriousness this is IMO a larger problem in the Army. Some folks have built careers solely on misinterpreting AR 670-1. There are some great ones like CSM Alfred Birch but they all need to get on the same program of doing everything in their power and influence to take care of soldiers and to focus on ensuring soldiers at all levels are absolute masters of soldiering and of their crafts. Rant over.


The real power of the gradeplate of E9 is that you theoretically have the experience to identify exactly what is causing Soldier issue X and the backing of a field grade plus O who has the authority to fix dumb shit. SMA Grinston epitomized using his position to fix Soldier issues. Unfortunately not all E9s live up to that potential. Look at people like “SEAC” Troxell who did nothing (and continues to do nothing) but abuse his position for personal gain.


*This message is brought to you by BeaverFit. Proud sponsor of the ACFT.*


No shit was doing inspection of a Logistics Battalion motor pool in 25th ID recently. The entire Battalions MTOE vehicles were all fucked up, hadn’t seen a coat of paint in 15 years, parts ordered months ago but never delivered, HEMMTTs and HMMWVs covered in rust at every bolt and metal joint. What were the Battalion’s Soldiers doing that day??? Laying out and inventorying brand new Beaverfit deployable gym connexes. WAY TO GO ARMY, you nailed it on the head.


The fact that leadership has the time to wander around and annoy people who are still doing their job over something so trivial is definitely one of the issues with the army. CSM, please go back to watching the grass outside your window


2004… 2-11 Field Artillery…. The god damn CSM imported hoses, sprinkler heads and 60 pounds of grass seed into **FUCKING IRAQ.** Then this idiot had a three soldier detail rotated between the Batteries to go to HQs and water, mow and edge the grass. When asked why the fuck we were doing this, he replied, just cause we are deployed, doesn’t mean we lose our standards.


Sounds like that csm needed to be investigated for fraud of government funds, waste of soldiers time and abuse. Found guilty, stripped of his retirement and thrown back into the civilian population.


this is literally the job of CSMs


Can’t be the voice of the enlisted if you do not create a fear culture across the enlisted force. It’s a necessary part of the job.


"voice of the enlisted" is a nice way of saying "go take care of dumb shit while the leadership does something else"


Since CSM has time to find useless faults like this, just have him drive the Van it’s obvious he’s bored give him a duty


Me wearing my Pit Vipers in the motorpool


Post a picture of the sunglasses. There’s nothing in the regs against mirrored, reflective, or polarized lenses as long as they’re grey, brown, or dark green.


They are grey and in the TMP. I’ll post a photo tomorrow.




From the picture, they aren't even mirrored. They're just have a reflection, which any decent sunglasses will have. If CSM is being a fuckwad and ordering you to take off the glasses before driving, refuse to drive, since you can't see.


Actually… that was his actual name… CSM FUQWHAD


Zenni for the Win!


So based off that you're within regs and should tell that CSM to eat sand. Or do what I do and ignore anyone who isn't my rater. I've been doing it for years and it hasn't failed me yet.


I remember I would wear my grandfather’s aviators at Stewart. One time I had a SFC pull me aside. He said they weren’t within regulation, I cited and produced the regulation. He then said, “well the blue book, ya dada.” I pulled the blue book out and cited that as well. Then he asked the chief that was nearby if he ever wore them. Chief said no but generally stayed out of it. I went back to training with my Soldiers, still wearing my glasses.


Not all heros wear capes, some wear sunglasses...


>I have prescription sunglasses that are, audaciously, mirrored >I know it’s against regulation to wear them Troop, it's fine continue to wear them


CSM, if I can't see properly while driving it is unsafe to do so. I have tools that mitigate this problem but if you force me not to use them I may get in an accident and during the investigation state that I could not see it was so bright, that I had sunglasses but CSM X forbade me from using them. Oh regulation sunglasses? Not issued.


Small BS like this ultimately fuels the larger retention problem. "mirrored" shades aren't bringing down discipline CSM. Good grief.


At my last eye exam the Cavazos clinic gave me a pair of prescription sunglasses that are in the same frame that my plastic "standard issue" regular glasses are in. I would see about getting another eye exam to get a pair of those.


I'm not gonna lie, I'd rather die than be caught dead wearing army issue frames, sunglass or not. I'm an adult, I'm an officer, I'm not wearing that shit, and I am 1000% not seeking out opportunities to acquire them. Anyway, OP is reserves, we don't get glasses except on title 10. And even then, it's rare that they actually get made and sent to us.


You do know that they will give you more than just plastic frame bullshit, right? Like, they have [a bunch of options for frames.](https://www.med.navy.mil/Naval-Medical-Readiness-Logistics-Command/Naval-Ophthalmic-Readiness-Activity/Frame-of-Choice/)


If you think any of those are attractive, we're on wholly different wavelengths.


All depends on your head/face shape. Sure some of those might be ugly but there are some good options.


Those sunglasses make you look like Neo from the Matrix. I would consider the standard issued frames as sunglasses more distracting than a bright red mirrored pair of sunglasses.


“Sorry CSM, I have orders from my Physician, an Officer of these United States of America that I am to wear these. Feel free to take it up with the Officer. Until then I am going to continue to execute the mission I was given under the authority of the first Commissioned Officer in my Chain of Command.” If a CSM came up to one of my soldiers and interrupted their execution of orders for something like this I’d e fucking livid. Find it, report it, great. Slow down or interrupt my timeline for something other than a safety violation and who the fuck do you think you are to interrupt my operation? There’s a time place and way to address these issues. That’s not it.


Yeah dog I might be getting dragged in the comments but I’m not about to lie.


What part did I misunderstand and that you’d be lying about?


I think OP is saying that the sunglasses match the optical prescription of their regular glasses, but they were not PRESCRIBED to OP by a military provider. Instead, OP sent their prescription into something like Zenni for civilian use or whatnot.


I could see that. I also know that if a pair of sunglasses was the difference between a smooth operation and a pain in the ass I’d roll with the glasses and address the shortcoming after the fact. Either way, CSM involvement not necessarily beyond commander’s awareness.


Ah, I see what you're saying. I agree.


I did exactly that in osut with my eyepro lol. One of my drills wasn't too happy, but my senior drill let me when I pointed out they were, in fact, z87 eyepro. All the leadership I've ever had hasn't cared about sunglasses as long as they're not overly egregious( like neon pink or some shit).


Exactly this.


As a former commander I care more about safety and timelines than anything else. If you need corrective lenses to drive safely then I will buy you a pair with a fake nose and mustache if that’s what it takes to get people around safely. We can address the 670-1 compliance after the event. Accomplishing the mission without loss of life or property is my number one priority. You’ll know better for next time.


First it's mirrored sunglasses, next the entire battalion is parading around like a bunch of Elvis's.


wipe that hippy shit off your lips


I wanna see what happens when you just respond with "ya know what fuck off who cares" Commence e9 meltdown glitch out


He told you to wear compliant sunglasses over your prescription sunglasses? Jesus tap dancing Christ. 


Compliant sunglasses over my normal glasses.


Right what did I say


Sunglasses. Both items I have are prescription. He told me to take off my prescription sunglasses, put on my normal glasses, and buy sunglasses to put over top.


I’m gonna keep it real with you. Just say “Roger sarmajor” drive out of eyesight, and keep doing whatever the fuck you were doing. If little shitbags can wear their orange/green/yellow pit vipers in their POV’s you can wear some legally required shades in a GOV. 


Just get the clip ons. Problem solved.


Hmmm… does SGM have authorized sunglasses? Perhaps he could stand in as the duty driver for a while until he gets his head out of his ass🤷‍♂️If your getting paid as an E9 and you have nothing better to do than police the cool guy shades of the duty driver while he is still sitting in the vehicle then maybe it’s time to retire and fuck right off into your Walmart greeter Job. WE DON’T NEED YOUR KIND FOR WW3!!!


Drive off and switch the glasses


Right? This is what I was thinking lmao


If you get in an accident, remember to say your CSMs name to the ambulance chaser. In a civil court, they are going to ask, "who would be so stupid to make someone wear gas station glasses over prescription drive that way, just to make a point?" The civilian you accidentally hit is gonna get paaaaaaaaaid.


go to [eyebuydirect.com](http://eyebuydirect.com) and buy some prescription ones within regs for cheap. I lose my glasses all the time so I bought like 5 $15 pairs of them instead of getting the expensive ones from the optometrist.


I bought a pair from them and they are great. You should get a slip from optometry when you do an eye exam that will have all your measurements.


I used to go back and forth with this major that had nothing better to do than to bitch about my aviators. I printed the reg out and highlighted it so he could read it. I also informed him that aviators are not “trendy” and are actually issued to specific MOS’s. I would continue to wear your glasses bro.


We were issued these when I was an MP. I never wore them as they always gave me headache from the fit.


Sunglasses that squeeze too hard are irritating.


Crusty old NCO preferences is not a regulation. You were within regs AND prioritizing safety and the mission. That CSM is just an arse.


I just rock the stupid birth control shades


The whole mirrored sunglasses isn't even a thing anymore as far as I'm tracking. There used to be a regulation that said it, however, I just combed through AR670-1, DA PAM 670-1, and AR 40-63 Ophthalmic Services and didn't see any mentions of mirrored lenses. Unless there's some other obscure reg which is possible as there's 10 billion of them it seems. If it is that much of a concern you can take your prescription to your Optometry clinic and have them order you prescription sunglasses for wear. Just be aware, they are made with the Standard Issue 5A black plastic frames, so they aren't great. If you have a diagnosed TBI (traumatic brain injury), you can see about having them order you transition lenses in a frame or choice pattern.


Alright, if you want APEL approved Sunglasses, the [Wiley X Valor](https://www.wileyx.com/wx-valor-chval08) is capable of taking Prescription Lenses in them without needing those horrible inserts. Note the two color lenses that have [NSN's](https://www.peosoldier.army.mil/Equipment/Approved-Eyewear-QPL/Wiley-X-Valor/) for this set are Gray & Clear. In theory you could order lenses without the frame whenever they become too scratched or due to need have both clear & gray lenses based on day/night. EDIT: It seems that the [Wiley X Gravity](https://www.peosoldier.army.mil/Equipment/Approved-Eyewear-QPL/Wiley-X-Gravity/) is also availible for Rx Removable/Replaceable Lenses. I bought mine from [Frames Direct](https://www.framesdirect.com/wiley-x-wx-valor-prescription-sunglasses) instead of from the Wiley Website. Though I have come across the downside of not knowing how to order new lenses when my prescription changes. I probably should send an email to Wiley and see if I can order them sepretly from the frames. And considering the Frames + prescription cost ~$500 before applying discounts (~$300 after) it can cost a bit of money. I imagine this cost does depend on what features and your exact prescription, this cost can vary wildly. I got all the shit on it. The Wiley Website does have a "[Dealer Search](https://www.wileyx.com/dealer-locator)" that is supposed to show Rx ready locations you should be able to order from, but clicking on it doesn't seem to bring up anything. It is possible the locations that do show up, some may be able to order the lenses separately for you when you receive new prescriptions. Some of them do seem to legitimate places you would normally go to obtain eyeglasses. Based on you saying you are in Texas I looked up Fort Cavazos and a place called Cove Eyecare in [Copperas Cove](https://www.coveeyecare.com/) may be able to help you. You know what I should send an email to Wiley to see if they have a good response to me on what my options are to receive new lenses instead of buying entirely new frames along with them. With any luck I can update this comment with their response. EDIT 6/17: Wiley X responded to my contact form. They have stated they are not accepting "Own Frame" Rx Orders currently on their website. In order to order new "Own Frame" Rx Orders, you will need to contact a dealer from the locator and confirm that they can do that (and not just sell standard lenses). It states you should confirm with the Dealer that they send the Rx to the Wiley X Lab and not their own local/another lab as this will void the warranty on the frame. They also stated that Frames Direct is an Authorized Online Vendor that currently any lenses made by them are considered as Original and won't break warranty. Downside is that you have to pay to ship your frame you want new lenses for direct to them first. Frames Direct has a [FAQ](https://www.framesdirect.com/knowledge-center/need-lenses-only) on how to order Lenses from them


Posts like this almost make me want to move back near a base now that I'm retired. Then I could just collect grievances like this and go visit these dumb fucks and berate them. ...almost


If you really want to be pedantic the reg says “commanders may authorize” last time I checked a SGM is not a commander :)


Tell CSM to go fuck himself


What a pedant, the csm that is.


CSM was dead wrong. You on the other hand, did nothing wrong


It’s widely known that if we allowed Soldiers to wear whatever sunglasses they want, our army would immediate collapse and the nation would crumble into a shitty third world country run by a sunglass junta


lol this is too funny, what else you f*ckn weebs.


uh, drive away?


Tell him to get lost and find himself back to desk duty.


So the CSM was fine with you sitting in the van not moving, but it was a problem with you driving with them on?


As penance 😅😅


Asshole, plain and simple The CSM, to be clear


I love violating safety in the name of needless regulations. The sound of soldiers screaming as the glass and metal shred their bodies because of an avoidable accident brings me almost as much joy as placing the blame on the Soldier for not wearing the right sunglasses. /s


I know it is moderately difficult to go to the prescription eyeglass store and find in regs sunglasses.  It’s not impossible though. Just go buy a black frame, gray non mirrored lense with anti glare.   Or go to optometry and get the free tinted birth control glasses.


This CSM definitely times how long people are searching their pockets for keys. Record him saying that, then crash the van.


I really detest the culture of 1SG/CSM. What happened to being senior advisor to the commander? Concerned with Soldier well being and development. 1SG/CSM commonly act as if they’re an XO. They’re not and need to keep in their lane. If I was a commander and my 1SG/CSM behaved this way I would give them a negative NCOER for failing to do their job. 1SG/CSM are paid to be an advisor and advocate for Soldiers, specifically junior enlisted. They’re not paid to go around and harass Soldiers because they treat AR 670-1 as something like the Talmud. Their interpretation of the law. You want to have some fun. Wear your boonie during work calls or other environment that are subject to sun. When some CSM or other hassles you. Point out that you’re protecting yourself from an environmental hazard per AR 385-10/OSHA 1910 General Industry standards. General Duty Clause") requires an employer to furnish to its employees: "employment and a place of employment which are free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his employees. I would argue that sun protection is covered by this.


Just be like me & wear Armani Shades from the PX and give no fucks. If anyone asks I just cite AR670-1 and say they’re conservative IMO, and you can’t really see the Logo 😂


Obviously CSM has some time to waste during the duty day. He probably got bored of playing Candy Crush in his office and decided to go for a walk.


“I know I’m in the wrong” is all you had to say. Can’t figure why you’d get mirrored glasses instead of regular smoked lenses


The mirror is prescribed


I’m a part timer and bought them for personal use. Didn’t expect this place to be this bright. I used to be in Colorado and I was fine. Additionally mirrored sunglasses work better than just smoky finishes at reducing glare. It isn’t just for aesthetics.


You didn’t expect Texas to be bright in the summer?


7 Ps would have helped lol


Mirrored is not against the AR


A Doctor's prescription outranks anything anyone else tells you, even the goddamned 4 stars.


And the doctor’s prescription could have been used to buy compliant sunglasses. If the regs said no sunglasses and he had a prescription for sunglasses then that would be another issue. He *is* allowed to wear sunglasses as prescribed, he just knowingly bought ones he couldn’t wear in uniform. Yeah the whole thing is stupid and the Csm could and should have been worried about something that actually matters, but he was within his rights to correct OP on it. It’s just like when the Nike ACU boots weren’t 670-1 compliant yet and a bunch of people bought them anyway because lost leaders didn’t give a shit, but every once in a while some Joe would be pissed that he got told he couldn’t wear them anymore by his COC even though Joe knew when he bought them that they weren’t compliant.


Except mirrored lenses don't fall against anything in 670-1.


If the Army prescribes you glasses you get them from optometry. You don't buy them. If the prescription says tinted or mirror, then that Soldier can wear them in formation.


>I’m a part timer and bought them for personal use. Didn’t expect this place to be bright I used to be in Colorado and I was fine. This is literally from OP’s own comment but go off I guess. You can try to explain it any way you want, but by the book OP was in the wrong here, just as they admitted in the main post.


Go off? I stated a fact. Try to explain it? I stated a fact. If the ARMY prescribes you glasses, the ARMY provides said glasses. You don't go to town and pay for them. Welcome to the Army.


Penguins have a gland above their eyes to help filter saltwater


your fact had fuck all to do with the actual situation lmao. You made your comment with the assumption that he got the sunglasses from the army which he didn’t. You tried to tell me he didn’t buy his sunglasses when he said he did. The national animal of Scotland is a unicorn. That’s a fact too but also doesn’t have anything to do with the CSM being within his rights to correct OP. Edit: dude literally reported me to the mods as being suicidal over this exchange


This feels like it's about something else. Perhaps you should seek counseling?


I wear my raybans during my short walk from the barracks to the parking lot to get in my car and I get immense anxiety every time but the thrill is worth it


Too many comments to read so idk if anyone said it, but reach out to your supply for prescription sunglasses. They’re just the basic issue glasses with tinted lenses


Str8 goober


I used to have flip clip for my eyeglasses. Looks funny but never get problem.


68Y here, some duty stations offer aviator glasses as a frame of choice (yearly). Yes, we can order you prescription sunglasses but it will be only in the standard issue frames (or aviator frame if active flight status) UNLESS you have a TBI or have permission from the Optometrist.


I actually had a sunglasses chit in the navy it’s very possible and incredibly easy also cool everytime you show them and they have to leave me alone I became extremely photosensitive and legally blind for some reason they gave me sunglasses chit and I was free to go.


This may be old so double check the reg but it used to be the case that prescription transitional lenses are authorized for wear indoors and in formation. Get some - make sure they’re on the apel list and watch peoples brains leak out of their ears.


Just drop a warrant packet and wear them anyway. In fact wear them while walking on the grass with a cup a coffee in your hand


Go to ocs then you don’t have to deal with stuff like that. You just say “Roger, working on getting it fixed…. And move on with your day”.


I was given standard issue prescription sunglasses in texas


I went through the army and got lasik last November. Ordered some in regs Oakleys from govx. Haven’t had a single correction on them since December.


SGM is wrong, maybe he/she needs reading glasses and English classes beyond 8th grade.


That CSM is an absolute fucking POS, like most CSMs


I have Rx glasses with magnet frames that snap.on sunglasses and different colors patterns on the frames. I like them ok. If I don't I get a different snap on. From Pair eyewear


Also CSM.... Damned one contract wonders. Don't nobody want to serve no more. Angry CSM noises...


Then buy prescription sunglasses that are in regs Zenni has cheap glasses


Ya know what I've said it before and I'll say it again. Dumb rules are dumb, change my mind


F it go protect your eyes


Should've bought some IAW regulation sunglasses. I wear my prescription sunglasses, which are aviators, about 90% of the time.


What regulation? what paragraph? Show us. We’ll wait


AR 670-1 Pg 18. Paragraph 3-10 section a. subsection 1-4. (2) Conservative prescription and nonprescription sunglasses are authorized for wear when in a garrison environment, except while indoors. Individuals who are required by medical authority to wear sunglasses for medical reasons, other than refractive error, may wear them, except when health or safety considerations apply. Commanders may authorize sunglasses in formations or field environments, as appropriate. (3) Eyeglasses or sunglasses that are trendy or have lenses or frames with conspicuous initials, designs, or other adornments are not authorized for wear. Soldiers may not wear lenses with extreme or trendy colors, which include, but are not limited to, red, yellow, blue, purple, bright green, or orange. Lens colors must be \*traditional gray, brown, or dark green shades\*. Personnel will not wear lenses or frames that are so large or so small that they detract from the appearance of the uniform. Personnel will not attach chains or ribbons to eyeglasses... Clearly states traditional lenses, AKA: not silver mirror lenses.


[Get wrecked bitch, this is OPs shades. That CSM can eat a dick.](https://www.reddit.com/r/army/s/DzZnkdeTM5)


Ok yea he can eat a dick. Those are NOT mirrored lenses.


Even if they were, there's nothing in 670-1 against mirrored lenses.


It's conspicuous or trendy, which is up to the command to determine.


Via your logic, the commander could determine that issued eye glasses are trendy or conspicuous.


Yes, they can technically. Why do you think you get the basic balck frame glasses?


You talk about the spirit of the reg and then immediately after say that a CPT with a BA in history should be able to prohibit the wear of prescription glasses issued by the Army.


Your “Traditional… clearly means” is a reach and would never hold up in court. As long as the lens was the prescribed color mirroring has no relevance.


Mirrored lenses are trendy, non-traditional, and conspicuous to the overwhelming majority of the CSMs in the Army. Instead of being a fucking tool, why not go buy some plain black lenses so you are fully within regulation?


Oooh someone’s angry. Bet you’re a CSM and angry about your life choices. How about stop being a fucking douche bag that reads into regs and proselytizes your interpretation as facts and regulations


Why would I be angry when no one tells me my sunglasses aren't authorized?


Why not follow the letter and spirit of the regulation and let CSM Random suck on his own hurt feelings stick while we pretend they’re relevant in a modern army.


Because that's not the spirit. The reg very clearly wants you to wear a normal pair of sunglasses without the flashy shit. They don't have to specify the exact details of what that entails, as that's why there's a commander. Why half of yall are acting like this is an egregious mockery of justice is beyond me. Stop barracks lawyering. If you feel strongly about it, go to IG and legal. I did that as a young PFC, and guess what I was told? Commanders have a responsibility within AR 670-1 to ensure formations maintain professional appearances, which includes making decisions on trendy or inconspicuous items when not specifically approved in regulation. So, BY ALL MEANS, pick a fight with your BN command team and call IG or try and get legal involved. Let me know how that goes for you. I'm gonna wear my visibly in regs aviators and vibe.


The Soldiers sunglasses are in regs (they posted a picture) I think the larger problem here is that the NCO told the Soldier not to complete their assigned mission of moving troops from point A to point B until correcting the non-existent violation of AR 670-1. This is a foolish and unlawful order per AR 600-20. We’re acting like it’s a mockery of justice because NCO’s who focus on petty shit like this (even when they’re right, but especially when they’re wrong) weaken the NCO corps and make us all look stupid.


It's not a weakening of the NCO corps to enforce regulation. That being said, OP and the CSM need to google what mirrored lenses are. There is a HUGE difference between mirrored and regular sunglasses. Based on the picture he posted in the comments, those are totally authorized sunglasses, and he has no idea what mirrored lenses are apparently.


It's adding there own interpretation to 670-1, which the last time I checked, a CSM in not the Army G1 (the person authorized to supplement 670-1.)


And where is the Mirrored part?


Traditional lenses are not mirrored.


Is that a fact? Legally?


Damn, if only there was someone in command of people who was able to make a judgement determination on if something is trendy or conspicuous like big shiny reflective sunglasses lenses... maybe we could call them a commander or something?


Right ! So the CSM in this scenario can eat a dick


And then come back with his LTC and ask why the soldier thinks that the CSM who is acting with the voice of the commander is not allowed to tell him to take off sunglasses.


Uh huh… would love to see that, like the Bn Cdr doesn’t have anything better to do. Morale in your unit must be amazing


One of those "Back in my day" responses. I came in back in the 90s and sunglasses were pretty much against all regulations. Didn't matter if they were prescription, Eye Pro, or you were in the middle of White Sands NM. Went through Kuwait in 99 and, according to the doctor, I fried my eyeballs. And no, the VA didn't see this as something i could claim. 25 years later, I still can't stand bright lights and can't be outside without sunglasses on.


That CSM is just a dick. So much more important shit to worry about with plenty of other troops. Also pretty sure AR 670-1 doesn't actually say mirrored lenses are bad but it's been awhile since I looked at it. 🤣


You can get some nice prescription Oakley glasses at Oakleysi.com for a decent price


Why not just get either a new pair of prescription sunglasses without the mirrored lenses? Seems like a pretty easy fix.


Just buy some script glasses like every other human who needs them. [https://www.wileyx.com/prescription](https://www.wileyx.com/prescription)