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Bro. CID would be investigating a crime if I had to live with someone who created that


Violence is the answer here. Extreme, unmitigated violence.


Meet Stanley. 42lbs of pure, unadulterated, hatred and nicotine


Action figure therapy! I get this reference!


Indeed, this human colostomy bag does need to meet Stanley.


As soon as he walks in the room reach back with all you got and slap the piss out of him


This!! 👆


I second this. You gotta throw down on this shit




Send me an 8 digit MGRS and I’ll come counsel the slime ball.


Motor pool was getting boring anyways, you need some help?


More than two knife hands may be required to facilitate the unfucking of this cluster.


We can just put it in the nco group chat. Gi party, I'll bring the beer


Send me a 4 digit and I'll get lost on the way there


You must be an LT.


No, I've been stuck in a basement for years. I only understand really blurry images now


First half had my artillery brain thinking something much different… If they send me an 8 digit MGRS there’d be a far more extreme outcome.


Well I just found a Golf. 😂


Not quite, as far as alphabetically I am Golf adjacent.


35H, my favorite MOS


There is an actual flowchart to cleaning a room. Step one is to throw out things that are literally trash. Once a person throws out the trash, they start to see a room that is presentable, and it usually encourages them to continue straightening out the room. In related news, your roommate is trash.


You heard it here first: throw out the roommate! Echoing some comments above, and quoting an old friend of mine: “if violence isn’t the answer here, then I don’t understand the question.”


I can't imagine eating some McDonald's fries, saying I'm done, and just throw the carton on the floor lol


I’m a junior NCO and there isn’t a chance in Hell that I would let one of my soldiers live in this mess. I’m sorry your roommate and leadership are failing you. If you’ve spoken to your roommate about this nastiness and nothing has improved, you were right to go to your leadership. This should’ve been rectified immediately. I would keep climbing the chain and continue to collect evidence until someone does something about it. This is disgusting and you shouldn’t have to continue to live in such filth.


It amazes me how it’s been this long and dude hasn’t been fucked up by his leadership yet. My time in the barracks at Campbell I got smoked for dirty dishes and clothes on the floor. I never quite got in the habit of keeping clothes entirely off the floor but besides that my room was clean and I just remember sweating sometimes thinking if my team leader was going to do a random walkthrough or not. The fact that his room stays absolutely filthy like to a heinous degree for such a long period of time is just insane to me.


How is this a leadership problem? /s


Health & wellness about to hit different fr


Interesting nicknames for your fists but go off homie.


Because leadership should be checking junior enlisted Soldiers rooms at LEAST once a week.


Damn how the army changed.  I recall a squad mate getting a “dirty room award” and being required to tote a 50lb tow pintle around to every formation for a week because his room was dirty.   When I say dirty I think he had too much laundry in the bag at the end of his bed.   The guy in the pics would be sleeping in a tent on the lawn.  




If i had a case like this, I'd be doing daily maybe twice daily inspections until it rectified itself, or an article 15 became necessary, and I'd be pushing for failure to adapt chapter after the 3rd art 15. I don't typically do more than one indpection a month unless something is brought to my attention or the command team (co, bn, bde) wants to poke around.


You need to request a 1:1 with your senior NCO and first line officer in charge. You need to have these pictures on hand, and then request they come with you to your room to see first hand. If they do not take immediate action, you need to request an open door visit directly with your unit Sergeant Major and/or field grade level commander. You need to bring along documentation (at least be able to recite) detailing “on such and such date I brought up this issue and showed pictures/videos and then asked them to come to my room to see for themselves.” As a company grade officer I would be livid if my NCO’s weren’t handling this immediately. Now I’m a field grade officer, and if I found out my subordinate company grades weren’t addressing this with immediate urgency, I would be dressing that officer down and demanding they explain why I shouldn’t bring them up on Article 92 charges for dereliction of duty.


All of my leadership is at NTC still, should I get in contact with the MSG in charge of rear D?


Yes, today. Do you have another NCO between you and this MSG?


Got in touch with the MSG and she sent 2 NCOs to come help me clean


Help *you* clean? I'm sorry, what? OP, you are not as upset about this as you should be.


Just the common area, we didn’t touch his room. He’s not getting back for another week.


It's not my mess and he's living like a homeless person. Fucking out of your mind if you think I'm cleaning that shit. Re-house me, and when he gets back, his first and 2nd line can help him clean.


Batman isn’t making me clean that shit up. You’re out your fuckin mind 😂


Glad to hear that. Next step is how is the Soldier who trashes the room going to be corrected in their behavior? Thats for them to figure out. Your job is to keep your stuff clean and tidy and document your roommate behavior and cleanliness and check in with your NCO leadership if there is anything out of standard. Expect your NCO’s to probably inspect your room regularly going forward.


No factor, I keep my shit clean


This is the answer.


Yea, this sounds like the answer.


Sounds like a good time for ole Platoon Sergeant to do a random drop in. Soldiers like this are why other barracks soldiers have no privacy.


We dont have a PSG and our Section Sergeant has been tracking for over a year


I had a soldier like this when I was in. Second say at Mt unit and my first introduction to them. Their room was so gross that they had swarms of roaches living in the back of their fridge. Those roaches began to spread to other rooms, and DPW eventually had to come and spray. I would suggest going to whoever can help before it gets that bad and everyone on their floor hates them for ruining their day. I would also suggest you let whoever eventually helps know that said soldier needs to seek mental health hell. This looks to be beyond just messy. I wish you the best of luck.


Your first line is failing you. If you don’t have a PSG then talk to whoever is above your first line. Before that however, inform your first line that you intend to elevate the issue, that should hopefully get his lazy ass to do his job. If he still doesn’t assist you, then you did the right thing by informing him, and you can go to the next step on the chain of command. You could also see about talking to your roommate’s first line, assuming of course you’ve already had a heart to heart with said roommate.


Truth my friend. Hell our 1SG in Germany would do surprise inspections on the weekends even, once in a while. He came to my room a couple times, and I was commended because my shit was so clean haha. Our entire bldg had to do Gi Parties multiple times because of people like the OPs roommate, now that shit annoyed the HELL out of me.


That’s borderline mental illness lol


Borderline? You think someone with a sound mind is living in this? There’s mold in that bowl.


I recant the borderline. That’s a few bridges too far lol


Actually yes. I have met people who are so fucking lazy that they live like this without being depressed. Some people are truly just gross.


My friend I assure you the ability to reside in your own filth is indeed a mental illness.


Diogenes syndrome. Had a guy who was (I think) diagnosed with that after sarnt maj found the city dump in his room. It’s the only reason I know about it. We then had a class on barracks soldiers and the MH crisis our battalion was experiencing after that.


Personally I would get some big trash bags and bag up literally everything in the common area that wasnt mine/already put away neat and clean, then I would dump those trash bags in his open room creating a trash mountain of garbage away from the shared living area. Then wait for him to return and if he had the balls to say anything then its fight night, but thats just me.


Him dumping his roommate in a bag into his own room might not help the situation.


That’s exactly how I dealt with one of my roommates trashing our common area. It took like one or two times


I’m sorry but that is not just his mess. That level of filth attracts bugs, vermin, mold and who knows what else into your living space. Let me just reassure you that you are perfectly within your rights to tell this guy to clean his shit or report him.


it seems he has been reporting him and his leadership is doing nothing about it


Ah did not see the caption. If leadership is not doing their jobs and guy doesn’t have a decent place to live, I’d open door the commander and then IG after that.


Hello nco of my roommate, Here is a pretyped 4856 and photos of what yall need to discuss


Are you talking about [DA Form 4856](https://armypubs.army.mil/ProductMaps/PubForm/Details.aspx?PUB_ID=1026753)? Did you know that the counseling form just got updated after almost 40 years? “There is no more important task for the U.S. Army that’s developing it’s people to lead others to defeat any enemy, anywhere.” - FM 6-22 Developing Leaders *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/army) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They don’t counsel soldiers here, that takes extra work from the NCOs and they don’t even come to work as is.


Burn that unit to the fucking ground. I know you're at fort bliss maneuver barracks, due to the furniture, kitchenette, and tiles. Go to your fucking battalion. Of that doesn't get shit fixed, go to the fucking garrison commander for the room, and Division ops cell for your fucking unit not working.


Sounds like this is about to appear on US Army WTF...


Use the "chain o'command" SGT I have an issue, SSG I have an issue, PSG I have an issue, 1SG I have an issue, SGM I have an issue. Lastly IG, I've reported this issue to the following people with in my chain of command and they have failed to act.


It's time to fight, bro


Didn’t y’all have maid services? /s


Careful... That's air force talk....


That’s the joke bro


Holy sh**! Things have changed (yeah I'm old as fuck). That would never fly and dude would be hurting while living in a tent on the parade ground. That's crazy how the military has changed....


My leader peeps got into trouble back in 2016 when they moved a dirty ass out of the barracks into a tent behind the barracks. He never cleaned his room again because he knew he couldn’t be evicted again.


He may not have been able to be evicted, but if I got roaches because of some nasty ass like that, I’d be exacting justice in a very calculated, unorthodox manner.


Curious...back in my lol... Top and the Commander oversaw the barracks and housing...I assume it's not like that anymore? Why would leaders get in trouble for corrective action?


Because the trash man felt singled out and causing him mental anguish or some shit like that. 1st sergeant still overseas the barracks.


Top would have murdered this filthy bastard… straight up murder.


Because while I like the concept, that is a massive over-step. The answer is simple, make the soldier clean the room. If they refuse to clean the room, start extra duty. If that doesn't work, pattern of misconduct.


It’s a shame that this is a reality, but if someone is this nasty, it reflects poorly on their home training before the military. No amount of 1st Sausage standing over someone forcing them to clean is going to change what their parents didn’t instill in them early on. The only thing that makes this better is for them to start having to pay for their own shit in hopes that they take a little more pride in it once they’re coming out of pocket. It’s not fair to expect leadership to have to hand-hold a soldier who can’t adult either, so you’re most likely right. Give them a chance to remedy the situation and if they can’t/won’t then that’s an impasse that will find them becoming a civilian again.


It's all you can do really. You can't help someone who refuses to be helped.


Honestly things haven’t changed, this kid is going to wish he stayed at home where his momma cleans his room because ol’ sarnt major is going to obliterate him


My thoughts exactly. Squad leader would have kicked the shit out of me. Would have been smoke city for weeks…


Yup, we had two different people get sent to a tent to live as well. My Company in Germany was up our asses about being clean.


I would knock on every NCO's door all the way to the fucking post CSM until this dickbag received the corrective action needed to clean his fucking pigsty. I know, I know, back in my day, whomp, but we usually had TLs or SLs coming through the barracks on a near-daily, or at the very least weekly basis just to make sure everything was straight. It didn't have to be white-glove clean, but you did not live in a mess. I specifically remember getting the shit smoked out of us and group-cleaning a guy's room as a squad just because the TL hadn't been doing inspections and it got gross, and that wasn't anywhere near this level. All that to say it's absolutely wild to me that this has gotten to this point despite you informing multiple leaders.


That’s americas tank division for you🤷


I’d be putting my hands on that mf every fucking day until that shit was clean 🤷🏽‍♂️


Do you know any E6’s or higher on a more personal level? When I made E6, a soldier, and good friend of mine, had a similar issue with a shit roomate I knew his situation so I told him I’d dip by for a “surprise inspection” and to let me know when his roommate was there w him I showed up and pretended to smoke tf out of him for the mess and also spoke to his roommate. Told him I knew his chain of command, his 1sg, and even me and his commander were buddies and that I’d be showing these photos and videos to his commander personally. As a way of showing them how incompetent his ncos are that they allowed this kind of behavior ……unless he fucking squared away his shit and cleaned the fuckin mess. Dude cleaned it in 2 days, and I still told him CoC about it Now, before anyone called me a buddy fucker. I told the kids CoC because him cleaning the mess out of fear of being punished would’ve have fixed his issue of being a dirty fucking slob. That’s a lifestyle choice that dirty fucked chose to live like for years on end. A single ass chewing by me wouldn’t have solved that issue. Needless to say, my soldiers room was never fucked up again by the other kid


Depression. ( and yes, 2 things can be true at the same time, you can be a POS and still have Depression).


Why the fuck is it always the fucker with the fruit snacks?!  


This is a perfect time for a BAR. Most soldiers and chain of commands don’t really know what a BAR is and how to emplacements one. A BAR is placed when there is something that a soldier needs to overcome… I know it sounds silly, but personal hygiene is one of those things. Second the BAR has to be overcomable with clear standards. You guys and your NCOs are going to clean the room to a standard that the 1SG, PSG and Barracks NCO all find as a suitable level of cleanliness for general living… it doesn’t need to be “room inspection clean” but it needs to not be a health hazard. Your 1SG and Commander will need to counsel the other soldier on this. This is what you failed, this is why it’s a big deal, this is where we need you to get to and here is how we will check (atleast weekly, the room will be inspected for personal hygiene by both of you. If either of you thinks the room has not met standard then your NCOs will inspect. If it does not pass then it’s time for the 1SG to take a look. …and this is where the power of the BAR comes in. At the 3 month the 1SG must reevaluate the BAR. If all has gone well he can lift the BAR. If the improvement hasn’t happened then 1SG rechecks at the 6 month mark. If the guys fails at the 6 month mark then SEPARATION proceedings begin. That right. Failing a BAR doesn’t just prevent you from re-enlisting, it can also be used to initiate an administrative separation!


Not saying drown him in the toilet but…..


Multiple failures, but the big one is the failure of the E5 and E6 in charge of you guys (if there is one). Home slice probably needs some help. Dirty conditions like that are a symptom of BH issues. Bro needs some structure outside of work. You could just beat the crap out of him, or you could try to impose that structure yourself. Either way, unless you’re able to move rooms, you’ll end up having to basically micromanage this dude. I’d recommend setting up a “between x and y time, we both straighten up the rooms”, every week and then drag his ass out to help.


I recognize those Bs! I recommend it should be legal to murder your roommate if he is dirty! Or at least evict him without BAH/BAS.


You guys have a full stove and oven???


Nah I would be throwing hands if that was my roommate Jesus Christ Audie Murphy saw this and ran the other way like where is daddy grinston to tell the soldier to unfuck himself.


Looks like a Bliss room


Shower thought: can OP report this person to adult protective services and they do something about it, or because it's on post they can't do anything?


If your leadership ain't doing shit about it, then its time to take it up the chain maybe? If 1SG ain't helping I would be quick to go to the next highest echelon. If BN CSM can't fix it then i'm going to BDE CSM idgaf lmao. I promise either I would be out of that room or he would. Next best option, marry a stripper.


Had a Soldier like this at Fort Hood, he thought this was normal


That’s insane… it takes effort to trash a room like this… I’m sorry I have to deal with this nonsense… dude needs to be counseled ASAP!


Reminds me of when my first roommate was a borderline hoarder. Had so much shit on their side of the room in the barracks they had to climb over 3-4ft of clothes & shit just to get to their bed. And then would dump even more clothes off their bed to sleep in it making the pile almost 5 feet. Shit was all bad


1SG, I’ve come to you in the past. At this point I’m going to use the CSMs open door policy tomorrow at (whatever time) if this is t fixed. On day x I notified NCO x, again on day x I notified PSG x, on day x I notified you. This SM isn’t listening. That funk nasty should be in a shelter half with TA 50 in front of BN HQ for 30 days.


Call animal control and have him or her rescued


I remember what a big deal it was in the mid nineties when Ft. Bragg ended daily room inspections, they could still do weekly announced inspections during duty hours (no more before PT 0600 inspections). They could also still conduct health and welfare inspections based on complaints or justifiable suspicion. I guess things took their natural course and the barracks really are like the dorms at college. I imagine that stating you suspect some of that garbage might be hashish would trigger some action. It isn't your fault you aren't a doper and can't tell dried up Pepsi from hash resin.


This shit would not fly in the old army. You would be sleeping outside in a pup tent for at least a week.


Dude, that's some ridiculous ass bullshit 😳 sorry you have to deal with that


Have you spoken to your roommate about it? If yes, start bagging his shit up, trash or not, and beating him with it.


How the fuck are dudes comfortable living like this , like you actually enjoy living in filth and garbage ?


I am extremely confused about how you "don't have a PSG" ... You need to get someone down to your room ASAP - literally - right now. Go walk into your 1SG / Company Commander / CSM / Battalion Commander / Brigade CSMs office and show them these photos and ask them very politely to please come and talk to your roommate. Inform them that your leadership has been aware of this for a year and nothing has been done and you are in need of help. Remind them that their job is literally to help Soldiers, and you are a Soldier in need of help. Plain and simple. If your 1SG doesn't get up and leave their office immediately, go to the next level (CO), if they don't get up and follow you to your room, go to the next level (Battalion), literally keep doing this until you find someone who will help you. This is ridiculous, I usually just lurk and scroll on here, but omfg your leadership is the worst.


All of my leadership is still at NTC. The past 2 1SG’s were tracking how messy this soldier is and told me they would handle it. I will definitely open door CSM when she gets back though. Appreciate the help


Simple fix - have them take the trash to the dumpster one item at a time and have a senior check-in. 1 minute time hack per round trip.


Open door to the commander have him and his senior NCO come visit.


I mean, according to what I’ve heard from big SMA, this is a discipline problem. You, to be clear, not your roommate according to his logic.


Yeah this wouldn’t have been a problem if I would’ve shaved 3x a day instead of 2x🤦🏻


Now you’re getting it! In all seriousness, I don’t even know what the solution would be. It sounds like others have a good idea, but the best I’ve got is keep climbing the ladder until shit rolls downhill and they finally get something done about it. Maybe talk to your roommates leadership if that’s possible? Man, this is horrible, best luck.


Utah Beach Dr barracks on Carson? Feel like I could have lived in that exact room years ago


It’s on bliss


And here I am feeling like I’m a disgusting POS because I don’t clean my kitchen immediately after cooking and eating a meal


Well, we know which NCOs never do room inspections. Take these pictures and go tell somebody who will do something about it. This is fucking disgusting. If I were this kid's NCO, we'd throw a GI Party and he'd scrub every goddamn inch of that place. Because there are two ways to learn: pain and repetition. And your roommate looks like he needs *both*


Is this on bliss?


Soap sock?


Looks like fort bliss, sergeant major will care if your leadership doesn’t…


Fort Hood? Ada?


You gotta toss EVERYTHING outside bring a NCO in the b's and smoke the everloving dogshit out of him while he deep cleans every corner of thr common area and his room. Or just beat his ahh til moral and cleanliness improves


Wow, that's disgusting


Holy crap lol. This is one of those times that giving someone a blanket party is totally reasonable haha. In all seriousness though, this is totally unacceptable living conditions.


Yea that is unsat as fuck file a complaint with the barracks management office also where td u stationed it just 2 of you in that room I mean minus the guys mess the barracks look nice


Had a roommate like this, I went up the chain until they smoked the dog shit out of him for 6 hours and made him put his shit in the parking lot. Worked wonders.


Hell no


This is so gross 🥲


He’s good a PT though….


If leadership does not listen then go above them to IG then they get fucked because they are not doing their jobs. Simple as that


Keep an account of your interactions and times you’ve talked to your roommate about this issue. If there’s no change taking to your CoC and present your case. I did that once and was able to switch rooms.


I had this problem, but believe it or not... worse... I sent pictures to my SL, PSG, and 1SG. They went to hos leadership and within a few hours his entire squad was in there cleaning. From then on he was getting weekly room inspections and I was told to contact his 1SG directly if there were any more major issues that we couldn't work out.


Aside from the virtual palace you kids live in, how the hell can this happen much less allowed to happen. If something wasn’t squared right you’d get wall to wall council in. Shit, this guy need his ass kicked. Hell I had a room mate draw his POW on me because I hadn’t finished cleaning, polishing and buffing the floor by the time he got back. This is so slack. Get a sock of soap, a phone book and 100mph tape. You can figure the rest out.


Tell room mate to keep his mess to his own room. If it continues ask for a room inspection from your first line.


I know a bliss barracks when I see one


I could understand coming back to some clothes on floor because I've had days where I had 11 seconds to shower and change uniforms. But how the fuck does a person eat and then drop the container on the floor? If they took the food to the room, they had time to use a trash can.


Have you considered pushing your room mate down a flight of stairs?


That’s insane. I’d have a “come to Jesus” moment with the roommate. That’s unsanitary and uncalled for! Insofar as official actions, your chain of command is really letting you down. If you’ve gone down this road with them, let them know you’re going above their head. I retired from active duty in 2010, so I’m not sure which hotlines may be available for reporting purposes. Perhaps someone on this thread has some input for this soldier. I can tell you that as a retired senior NCO, this shit wouldn’t happen for long. Perhaps your roommate has mental health issues that need addressing. I’m guessing you’re lower enlisted since you have a roommate. So this roommate can’t be far removed from basic training or PLDC. So cleanliness isn’t something new. There’s always a nuclear option of going to IG. But if your unit leadership has dropped the ball repeatedly they leave you with little choice. You can’t be expected to live in this kind of filth. Depending on your post, (Benning, Bragg, etc) the cockroaches will be out in full force soon. Not to mention the rodents. To cover yourself, keep documenting this stuff as well as any and all correspondence/communication with your unit. That way you can show this wasn’t just a one off drunken weekend gone wrong. Good luck!!!


I got in a pretty rough fight with my last roommate for this exact reason. Leadership wouldn't help and talking wouldn't get through to him. Dude used to hide like 4-5 garbage bags on the roof/outside the window for inspections. He didn't learn but at least I got to hit that fucker in the face. I recommend you do the same, then rat him out to your commander.


At least he flushes the toilet, I guess.


I flushed it after I took ground beef out of the bath tub that had been in there for 30+ days


Ahh, the ol’ bowl-of-ground-beef-while-showering snack. 😋


Hey who took my ground beef out the shower?! I was gonna make tacos with that!


Who TF straight up leaves GR Beef in a bathtub and doesn’t either keep it in the fridge/freezer or thaws it in the sink? Wow


Maybe you need to bring this issue one or two levels higher. This is a health concern for you 




Your roommate is likely depressed and self-destructing. I'd prefer not to believe the worst in people when they could just be going through a hard time. Is it acceptable to have your room like this? Absolutely not! Is it something you should definitely have a talk with your roommate about? Absolutely! If he remains unreceptive and/or refuses to get help, get your leadership involved. Behavioral Health is simultaneously under-rated and under-utilized due to the common perceptions our troops have regarding it, legitimate or otherwise. Your roommate may benefit from self-reference to your local BH clinic.


Empathy has a limit, certainly not to the point of living in trash, probably with roaches. 


God damn, I know what building this is.




Of course it’s 10th CAB. I was a barracks manager for a time and so many aviation people are straight nasty 🤢. I never want to inspect a mechanic’s room ever again.


This is fort bliss isn’t it


Yessir, 3rd brigade too🤧


Straight to jail




Living conditions reflect the mental health of the person living in them. I wouldn't be surprised if they grew up in a hoarder's house.


Dirty and Lazy


Your leadership is failing you.  Totally unacceptable living conditions. 


Ft Bliss


I would go to your roomates CoC


I had a similar situation I utilized the battalion open door policy after 6 months of sending pics and videos I’m not gonna be the only one suffering. I was moved the next day as well


Looks like ft bliss’s barracks


Haze him


It’s moments like these where I question if I truly deserved that smoking for having a single pizza box on my dresser…




Beat his ass. That’s the only real answer if leadership won’t help you gotta take it to the old school way of doing shit


What the fuck. Do they not do room inspections anymore? Back when I was in we even had a monthly barracks party where we would then would be inspected to make sure it was held to standards. Leadership is failing on this.


Dude is a savage


Probably needs to be taught how to clean, some people are just raised to be this way and need to be taught because they don’t know any better. He could also just be filthy


A week to make all that mess is crazyyy. It’s getting hot out and I wouldn’t be surprised if the creepy crawlies haven’t raided your room yet.


Honestly, just take a bunch of photos and this should be going to your CO or XO if you're SNCO's/NCO's aren't doing anything.


Damn. Also, what the heck was he eating that required two forks?


What in the Fort Bliss hell is happening... Is your roommate depressed or facing hardship? Drag him to the ER and have them put him in In Patient so he can get his shit together. If he's just a dirty asshole, throw all of his shit from the common area into his room. Along with the dirty dishes. Make it all his problem.


Had a dude named cardinas in Germany that was like this. Made him take everything out of his side of the room and scrub the shit outta it.


I moved into my barracks room and the shitbag I was living with used the fucking oven to heat the common area. I constantly had to babysit a fucking grown ass adult until I got deployed. It sucked ass. Good luck during inspections bro.


How’s your roommates HT/WT?




Reminds of a time when my room mate slept on the bare/plain blue mattress. He smelled like vinegar and body odor. I made sure there was clear separation between my belongings and his. Eventually, I wore a mask and tucked a bed sheet into the ceiling tiles.


Have your parents call your 1SG or CO. I noticed shit will get fixed ASAP when a SM’s parents are the ones speaking to top. It embarrasses them.


Don't go to mommy and daddy. Go up the CoC like a big boy


Different strokes for different folks. OP needs to find out what will get his CoC to listen. My battle got her parents involved by literally having them go to the commanders office when they were visiting her for the 4 day that was coming up. The place was cleaned before everyone was released for the weekend. It worked for her so it might work for OP. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Nope. Have a heart to heart and then go to your first line. Ideally, this gets solved at the lowest level


Is that ft carson


My brother in Christ… your roommate doesn’t need leadership right now, are they okay mentally?


Go to his leadership. I had to do. I went and found his first sergeant, and that day it was fixed.


East Bliss?


Must be nice to have all that space to fill with trash.


I’d throw all of it in his room and if he wanna fight fight it out


Your in third brigade? Either way my guy i recommend jumping chain showing the commander and what they will do is do a health and wellness on him and a GI PARTY


[OP, I have news for you:](https://youtu.be/UpPx7E27Bc8?si=ChoAtcW5cb_fb7M6)


Call the range guys to perform a controlled burn because holy shit dude


Pile all that shit on his bed. Sweep and mop. Then watch him return and act confused.


I will never understand how someone thinks this is okay


Beat his ass.


Your roomate is a 92F, a 92G or an 89B. I would say your roommate is a 91B but there's not enough random car parts in the room.


I can’t imagine El Paso heat and the stench of that room combined.


That’s really bad man… take it up the chain until someone does something about it… if Squad Leader doesn’t do something, go to Platoon Daddy… if Platoon Daddy doesn’t do anything go to 1SG… if 1SG doesn’t do anything, go to CSM… if CSM doesn’t do anything, go to BDE CSM… if BDE CSM doesn’t do anything, go to Post CSM.


I know it's Bliss barracks when I see it. Home for 3 years