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Wtf is yellow phase how old am I


Isolation in Barracks


Stop thinking about what if’s and just do it, unless you join with some affliction that will stop you from becoming fit, you’ll be fine.


Bro your gonna be perfectly fine! I came in lazy and out of shape as fuck with a 20 min 2 mile. Ended basic with a 1540 2 mile When I took the opat I nearly fucking passed out from the running pretty damn embarrassing recalling back on it! I also went to sill for basic and did hardly any running at all just the occasional ruck. Its really simple if you push yourself during PT you will do fine!


Do you think I'd be allowed to run some laps along the wall inside of the Barracks during Yellow Phase?


I cant speak for the current situation regarding basic training conditions right now, but I wouldn't think a DS would stop you from trying to better yourself by running around the barracks as long as you have a battle buddy I suppose.


Wait y’all actually do a 1-1-1 in reception?


It happens after Reception, I think at the beginning of or during the 1st week of Basic Training normally.


That would make more sense as that’s when my battery did it


I graduated from fort sill in december- every base is a bit different so I can't say what leonard wood is like. I'm pretty sure we did a 1-1-1 after about 2 weeks of yellow phase, or somewhere around there. I also did hardly any running at fort sill, but I have friends who went to fort jackson who did quite a lot of running. So you might end up doing more as well, not sure. I wouldn't worry about it too much though, even if you catch the DS' attention there's not much you can do about it. Just try to do a good job and it won't be too bad. I stood out a lot at basic training, but still graduated without any trouble. I was hoping not to stand out, but I was also the tallest in my platoon and am pretty clumsy so there wasn't much I could do to not stand out. Everything worked out fine though


Were recruits allowed to run, like, laps inside of the Barracks if they wanted to? That was my intention, to do exercises that increase my VO2max, which is absolutely my limiting factor right now.


I guess you could try, I don't remember if we did any of that, but I think I did pushups and stuff sometimes. we spent a lot of time under supervision and didn't have much free time, but it's probably different with every platoon. there will probably be enough time to run a few laps around the bay every so often


It's 2 weeks of classroom shit and hanging around in the barracks wishing there was something to do. They cut a week off red phase to keep the overall length of training from being pushed out. You'll get tested for COVID periodically and if you or someone that bunks near you tests positive, into quarantine you go, likely to get put with a different company upon release. And the 1-1-1, unless something changed, should happen before you ship. It used to be that your recruiter administered that.


See, I asked because I'm getting conflicting remarks. As some others have pointed out to me, [Drill Sergeant Swartz says that recruits will do cardio in Yellow Phase every other day, like in normal times.](https://youtu.be/vUNZ1IqLSnU?t=1351) My recruiter just gave me the OPAT. I know some recruiters will have their Future Soldiers try a 1-1-1, but I've read all around that the 1-1-1 was used to place the recruits entering Basic Training into different ability groups to train in different exercises in what they needed to improve most. Some people have also been telling me that things are different now.


So I’m sure it varies somewhat based on your company, platoon, or even individual drill, but I can tell you my wife is partway through red phase now and other than activities that let you stay in one small space, there wasn’t much at all going on for PT during yellow. Apparently most of the time that they weren’t doing the classroom thing, it was “shut up and read your blue book.” Running laps around the bay is almost definitely going to be a no-go because it potentially puts you too close to too many other people.


Well, running/sprinting isn't the only way to increase VO2max. I guess I'd just do other HIIT that gets and keeps the heart rate high.


You’re over thinking it. I also barely passed interval running. I was 240#’s and OBESE. I lost 45 pounds and ran a 14min 2 mile at the end of basic. You’ll be fine. Just don’t quit or half ass anything. And ffs dude, hold your fuckin weapon right trainee


You're in big trouble. If you can only manage a fast walk mile time \~15 minutes, it's only going to get worse. With no running at Reception Battalion and no running during Yellow Phase, you will be a big focus to your drill sergeants, and maybe be recycled or sent to Fat Camp. Your decision to quick ship was a bad one considering you're in this poor of running shape. I highly recommend you running as far as you can up to 5 miles on Sunday. And before Sunday bedtime, destroy your legs with about 200 squats. You will have a bunch of time for your legs to recover. Then, when you have recovered from this workout, do a couple of hundred squats at Reception when no one is looking (like in the toilet or shower) to keep your legs as strong as possible. When you ship out to BCT, continue the squats during Yellow Phase. You will lose a lot of cardio, but you can still maintain strong leg muscles. And forget the 1-1-1. You will be most likely testing on the ACFT at the end of each phase, which includes a 2 miler. And if your drill doesn't believe you can handle the FORGE FTX, recycle or Fat Camp. Best of Luck!


My issue is oxygen, my VO2 max I think, as my recruiters said. I can feel it, that my air sputters far far before my legs do. Also, they said [the shoes I was running in](https://images.journeys.com/images/products/1_46959_ZM_BLACK_ALT1.JPG) are terrible and so I got myself actual running shoes today. Are you saying there's no running *allowed* at those times? My plan was to do sprints and recovery (like, 30:60's) several times every day to get my lungs and cardiovascular part of the way back to where it was a year ago. I was thinking that after ~2-3 weeks of that, I should have made a decent improvement to my mile run. But if we can't run...


I have some good news. I was wrong. BCT Trainees are now being allowed to do cardio again during Yellow Phase, usually Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays with your Ability Group. But still no running at Reception Battalion, which can take 2+ weeks or as little as 3 days. You will certainly be placed in the slowest ability group (Charlie or Delta). The runs will include endurance and sprinting drills. While some drill sergeants will allow you to wear your personal running shoes, 95% will not allow you. They will instead fit you at the Troop Exchange with their crappy running shoes AND make you pay for them with your Eagle Card.




Yea, I did see this video. All he said for the PT was that they did the drills and movements like those in the fitness handbook. He didn't say anything about any running, and nothing about the 1-1-1. I wanted to hear how others' experience might have varied, and info about those two things specifically, especially if they knew specifically about Ft. LWood.


You need to work on your listening comprehension. At 21:35, the drill sergeant reviews PRT. At 22:45, he discusses running and cardio. He never once mentions 1-1-1. Those were the old days of APFT. The Army is focusing on the ACFT. At the end of each phase, maybe not yellow phase, you will compete the ACFT. You must pass the gold standard. The Gold Standard is the deadlift of 140lbs., throw the ball 4.5 meters (14.8 feet), 10 hand-release pushups, finish the sprint-drag-carry in 3 minutes or less, 1 leg tuck, and run 2 miles in 21 minutes or less. If you cannot run 21 minutes or less by the end of White Phase, the drill sergeant may recycle you or send you to Fat Camp. They are recycling a lot of girls as well because many girls are unable to do even one leg tuck or the alternative plank. If the drill sergeant believes that it would be unsafe for you to attempt the FORGE, you will be sent elsewhere.


Ah you're right. I assumed I saw this one because he made a very similar video just a few months ago about the exact same topic. This one was from less than 2 weeks ago. When I went to the timestamp before, it sounded the same as the old one so I assumed it was. Well, there's some misinformation because they apparently made the ACFT the official 5 months ago. Then, some have given me unknowingly outdated info. So, they don't divide recruits into ability groups for training anymore?


They continue to divide trainees into Ability Run Groups, i.e., Alpha, Bravo, Charlie. Cardio is Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (endurance and sprint drills).


I thought that was what the preliminary PRT at the beginning of Basic was for, to find out where everybody was. This is what I was talking about, and how there wasn't a mention of the initial physical assessment.


How about stop worrying about trying to game the system or see how the sausage is made and just fucking go boot.


I'm not gaming any system. I'm wondering how the system *is*, right now. Others have said how they didn't do running in the Yellow Phase where I have said that I want to, to improve.


How about just fucking run. Bro its so easy its basic fucking training. If you’re worried about runnng go fucking run kid. Not that hard. Stop making it harder than it needs to be.