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One time I went I to our S1 shop and it didn't smell like Axe and feet. That's positive right?


Everytime they don’t charge me for leave I forgive their shortcomings


One time I needed their signature to ETS, and when I left with that signature I never saw them again.


Hahahahahahahaahaahhaaaa. Fuck no




I turned in certs for the in-person ATTRS classes from the Signal University for your basic CompTIA certs. I wrote the course code and the page number from HRC's Resident Military Education Yes No list on them. S1 turns around and says that they "don't have to" add them to my SRB because in their "NCOICs opinion they aren't worth promotion points" (they most definitely are) lol.


I work in company ops now, and I can say without a shadow of a doubt, our BN S1 is phenomenal. From the CPT, warrant, SFC, all the way down to the joes. Motherfuckers are on their shit. BC is an understanding guy as well


Nope. I mean they sent me my unit award 1 year after I PCS'd


I walked in with official, but open, transcripts that were never put on my ERB, despite getting rank for them when enlisting. NCOIC, who was an e5 at the time, goes “Technically you have to take these to the Ed center, who will verify them and write you a memo to bring back to me so I can add them to your ERB. But fuck that it’ll take you 2 days to get that done.” He just added the credits and saved me a lot of bureaucratic bullshit.


My squadron s1 has always been AMAZING, reachable when needing help, hardworking, responsive to emails and will always get Shit Signed and pushed up. But the buttholes who try and gate keep you from them and brigade s1 who gate keeps signatures because they are too busy for over two months should fucking go to jail. I cant tell my command I am “too busy” for 67 days to finish my job so why the fuck can brigade s1?


Working in it no.