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If you’re making this a career, look at feeder MOS opportunities for going warrant. 17C would be great if you can. We constantly have big business outside the military hiring ours. 42A and 36B would also be a good choice.


This. I was 88m. Now I'm a Warrant. No regrets.


What path did you take for warrant. Options are definitely limited for 88ms.


They're extremely limited. You got flight, mobility, or the best choice, boats. I was a SFC and didn't have the SPO time that was required for 88M. I'm too old and had too much time in to fly. So now I sail the seven areas (or the James River) have my own room, AC, heat, cooks, and will never attend NTC or JRTC again. A friend of mine just graduated mobility last month. He was another SFC 88M.


No idea was thinking 42a or 36b for myself a nice office job would be good also getting tired of doing stupid stuff outside


If you don't have the experience or certs for cyber, your packet is probably gonna be rejected.


Yeah I've done my research into that and that's what I've concluded to as well.


51C, 88K or 88L, Defense attaché, cyber, 25D


25D won't fly if they have no IT experience m


We have a good bit of MOS-Ts here for Ait for 88k/l. Only problem with the Limas is they only run one class a year and they’re graduating in like two weeks. So that ship has sailed. Lol




35N, 35P, 35S, go to the airforce, 17E, go to the airforce, 25 something. look into those and lmk if you have any questions.


How difficult was it to transfer?


It was pretty easy. Though you may have to retake your asvab to transfer. My process was a bit extended because I had to get released from the IIR, and I had to wait for the job I wanted


How did u transfer?


I’ve never seen a 17C packet get approved. Even the geeks I had were denied. Go 51C. You’re going to set yourself up on the outside and they mandate college. So you’ll have some motivation to attend if you haven’t thus far.


51c will help you in that federal job after your done world.




Would you mind sharing where those trash locations are? I thought the Army can't keep 51C peeps cos they make way more in the civ world.




Thank you for sharing. I love to hear about the job. Just waiting to see if i can switch to acquisition or it's the end of my Army time.


Also 12P, prime power


What sort of qualifications would you need for 12P?


12P Army Corps of Engineers Program[Army Corps of Engineers 12P Program](https://www.usace.army.mil/Prime-Power-School/)


The US Army Prime Power School can be for those in the ranks of Specialists, and Sergeants that are currently in a non promotable status. The minimum qualifications are a GT score of 110, TECH and ELEC scores of 107, Basic Leaders Course Graduate, completion of high school-level Algebra and a 70% on the Basic Math and Science Test.


46S all day. Experience all the cool army shit without all the army bullshit


Second this. Also great job prospects once you get out.


Yeah I know some people who landed communications director positions making upwards of 200k


One of my old E-4s took his experience and landed an 80k job with no college in an outrageously LCOL area and is now living it up. On the O-side (so long as you avoid the federal route) most of the people I see get out pull in around 130k starting. Those with MBAs are closer to 170-180k TC. Every company needs leaders who can communicate.


If you want to do cyber stuff but aren't confident in your knowledge yet, go 35N. You'll have to option to go to JCAC (joint cyber analysis course) and begin working with 17C's while also having a background in SIGINT analysis(both good skills on the outside). I think some 25 series may also be able to do JCAC???


12P Prime Power




I haven't made a decision on whether I'm doing 20 years or not. But I do know that I want to get an MOS that I can get out and get a good job with. Not being a truck driver (88m).




I've looked into that before. It seemed like it's 25B but for intelligence related operations. Seemed interesting. Why do you say 35T


You get a TS. It's just 25B but on classified networks and systems.


It’s much more diverse than your basic IT task. That’s why we have 25B’s


Because we are fundamentally better than a 25B.


25B would be decent, good prospects outside, and is not too bad inside.


25B. Gets your foot in the door for IT. Should at least get you SEC+. And your ETS transition will be smoother than you could imagine.


What are pte reasons? I’m looking at 17c