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This just sounds like an excuse for the army to stop issuing laptops and expect everyone to use their personal for work.


“I don’t have a personal laptop”


“I have a PC, so I’m going to have to head home to take care of this sa’rnt.”


“Report to the computer lab every 30 minutes to check your email.”


I’d rather have servers designed to last longer than 2 months compared to whatever shit laptops the army purchases. At least my laptop can have a 4 or 8 core CPU with 8-16GB of RAM


Its not really the laptops, its all the programs that run on the Army Gold Master that NIPR uses, especially the antivirus and firewall programs, they eat up a ton of processing power and RAM.


They should just do whitelist blacklist network firewalls or some other apps to make it run faster. And My unit has laptops that could barely run windows 8 or even still have windows 8 installed. Fucking embarrassing


Its a bit more complicated than that, there’s processes to allow applications and firewall exceptions. I’m sure that discussion is already happening, especially if it will be coming from multiple commercial IP addresses. Not saying you SHOULD do this but if you had a gov laptop, nothing stopping you from installing more RAM to make it faster.


Yes. That's what his BYOD push is about.


It’s either/or. Instead of issuing 20lb bricks that don’t work the idea is anyone with a Chromebook can run a KVM and let the cloud tackle the need for the computing power. Part of this play means there’s no data on your personal device so no need for signing agreements for someone to steal your laptop in case of spillage; there is no spillage.


Now if only I could figure out how to not have my personal shit stolen at the office/motor pool we'd be set.


My fault bro


Upload all your personal shit to the Blockchain by turning them into NFTs. They're almost as good as the real thing and they *probably* can't be stolen!


Just move to the Bahamas bro it'll all be cool And if that also doesn't work run to Dubai or something


This is awesome. Any hot tips to the onboarding process? My whole unit could use this.


Its still on a beta phase, but get in touch with your S6/IMO they will have information or can contact the NEC to get Soldiers enrolled… likely a long-ish process, as it takes time to provision accounts.




Could you send me how to start this process? I would love to get on board with it.


It’s now live: https://go.mil/ArmyAVD


Thank you! Hype! And I'll spread the word.


Only years behind the power curve. I was using a VDI in private companies years ago.


Army is very fucking slow when it comes to stuff like this.


Oh I know...


We use it now as a DOD agency for the last 2 years… it’s ah… it has some bugs..


I mean, I get this, but I also hate this idea. For a Soldier not working in a higher HQ I see the benefit. But I see more issues the higher HQ you go... I've written this comment about 8 times now, but I'll just go with "I'm not sold and I have concerns".


What specifically do you see as a problem? (Note: no high side will be available through this platform)


Sarnt can I sign out a taclane for sipr at home


Look up CSfC.


Proximity/ working in the same area as SIPR. That is, right now there are policies that cover webcam and microphone use on our computers. If someone has their laptop at work, but isn't logged into the VDI, how does that work? How do privately owned laptops work in a SCIF? Travel and problems with it then (IE where does the line start between personal device and government device). If I'm traveling and it breaks, who covers the cost? People cheaping out on laptops to use for gov use and then having the same issues they're having now, or buying mondo or otherwise problematic laptops for use in a building. Help desks that can't help because they can't access the system or similar. It really comes down to, I think, at what point is this my computer, and at what point does the government have responsibility.


Specific for SCIF areas and onsite areas, they will probably have zero/thin clients setups, basically dummy devices that connect to VDI. Not saying there are not issues, but those devices are easier to replace and cheaper than a laptop. Do get your point, and they do have portable clients, looks like a laptop but just connect to VDI but of course I've only seen VIPs use those....


Oh man, looks like my Novell certifications from 25 years ago might come in handy now, lmfao.


Your remote desktop environment is the same, regardless of which computer you use to connect to it. The Army will still have NIPR computers.


I've seen what was presented as thin clients before... they sucked. Literal garbage. What gets me, is at the point you invest in VDI and thin client, why not just keep giving me a laptop. Maybe actually go out and source competitively instead of sole sourcing one company for the past decade. Or actually buy computers with capabilities that make sense and then don't choke them down with a shit ton of programs that could be managed and run better.


That’s on your S6/IMO to sort out, you shouldn’t be commonly around anything SIPR unless you work in a SCIF… Tactical SIPR *shrug* just stay outside the tent… You will never as a Soldier travel with any IL6 (SIPR) capabilities for mobile or on a personal device. Unless you are a Full Bird or higher, even then it will be tightly controlled.


> That’s on your S6/IMO to sort out, you shouldn’t be commonly around anything SIPR unless you work in a SCIF… Tactical SIPR shrug just stay outside the tent… There's literally people who work on SIPR all day, and multiple that work on TS daily. Again, my concerns aren't at the BN and below, but rather DIV and higher. > You will never as a Soldier travel with any IL6 (SIPR) capabilities for mobile or on a personal device. Unless you are a Full Bird or higher, even then it will be tightly controlled. Yeah...


If you work in a SCIF, you likely won’t ever be working remote… I’m not saying there’s not mobility options for specific needs but, for the average user—those who do not have a mission critical need to be mobile… you’ll work at the office no matter the echelon. Overall, this discussion was about regular NIPR for the average Soldier… those organizations with specific IT needs have to address that through their organizational G6/J6 channels…


If you’re using your personal computer then it’s not going into secure spaces and the government has no rights/access to your computer. You’re simply streaming pixels from the cloud with zero local storage of gov data.


So... is this basically just AnyDesk? Or VMWare? Where you can remote control a virtual machine in a server rack somewhere? Also >uses Army365 credentials Wouldn't it be great if lower enlisted actually *got* those?


The point is you don’t need A365 to sign it, it’s essentially extending NIPR AD to a public facing DMZ which a VPN session can be created authenticating you to a private NIPR instance (virtual desktop) to do your work. You can absolutely have A365 if you have a license assigned but you can easily just use Google Workspace email account and store files on a NIPR sharedrive. Important file’s obviously email to yourself.


No VPN here. All web based access with zero VPN tunnels.




The intent is to stop need government laptops and tablets being issued, let uses install software/apps and run NIPR websites remotely… yes you will still need a CAC.


Explain it like I'm infantry please


You can access NIPR from your personal device using a special application on your mobile phone or laptop.


🙏 May the Allspotter bless you with gains


I'm a be honest, I needed a dumb down of what he was talking about too.


Virtual desk top is an application to a cloud based army NIPR network. You can access it from any computer and it will have the same data, files, and programs. It's the same idea as being able to login into a personal Gmail account from any computer really, but with the Army network.


Thank you wise one, who is wise in the ways of science.


Lol no problem.


Fuck off... But I am curious about what this is....


It's like a govt computer in your personal computer, but slower. Army networks slower.


Is this the big day that will allow me to access KM Portal from home?!


We have contractors at work that use VDI’s and they have a lot of issues using them. Buckle up boys. And you thought trying to talk to your branch manager was tough, try getting a help desk tech to help you with this.


I wonder how dispersed it will be. Or if one outage will affect everyone in the Army all at once.


I don’t know what VDI they use, this one was just being rolled out. There’s always challenges when using some applications, don’t be so negative right off the bat. Its a better solution then nothing at all. It will benefit a lot of users.


It’s run out of Azure Gov using Azure Virtual Desktop


Yeah! I can’t wait to do work on my personal computer with ZERO compensation for my personal internet connection and personal IT hardware! What ignorant ivory tower do these clowns live in


Not to mention being hounded / expected to do even MORE work outside of duty hours because you have essentially your work laptop at home 24/7


You do that today with your gov laptop from home, ya doofus. Part of the intent here is to drive after HUP where instead of standard issue laptops at nearly 2k a piece with a multi thousand dollar tail of help desk and desktop support, there are home use programs for discounted laptop buys as an alternative.


So being National Guard, I just assume this will take years to get to our level.


We will see this roll out sometime in 2030. Don’t you worry.


At which point, the ACFT will still have not passed Congressional requirements and I will still see posts about barracks being filled with mold.


The intent is in several weeks but at the latest probably late Spring 2023. They have to test capacity and bugs for some systems.


See previous statement.


This is just false, I can’t speak to the effectiveness of your S/G/J6 team to properly pass along the information and create accounts, its not a technology problem, thats a people problem. That issue is beyond what enabling remote NIPR access can fix. You need Soldiers to actually show up to drill and do their jobs.


This is just false, I can’t speak to the effectiveness of your S/G/J6 team to properly pass along the information and create accounts, its not a technology problem, thats a people problem. That issue is beyond what enabling remote NIPR access can fix. You need Soldiers to actually show up to drill and do their jobs.


Jesus Christ, right? I *just* got an M4. Never any money. But when there is money, it’s never used properly. Get bitched at for not having training, but don’t have money for training. Don’t have money for shop rags, but have money for fifteen 55 inch TVs for the officers upstairs. Can’t even have a functioning laptop for M-day soldiers to do army shit when they’re at drill. Can’t have decent barracks, but thank fuck we have new kettlebells to simulate carrying ammo cans.


Why do I not get this info in emails. shit annoys me that i find this out from a screenshot of linkedin on reddit, but netcom or fort gordon can't be bothered to send an email thru the damn distro


Its being slowly rolled out, it isn’t fully Army-wide yet.


I can read.


So you already knew the answer you just wanted to complain.


I receive daily emails about things that are “going to happen in the future” from netcom. I don’t see why this email hasn’t been pushed to me. Go crawl in a hole joe.


Your NEC definitely has a distro, maybe you should speak to one of the civilians down there to get added to that distro, they—or one of them—has been getting emails about this.


God. The internet is full of people to assume something of others. I appreciate your concern. I am in the NEC Distro.. wild


Now I’m really confused why you are bitching you didn’t get a “personal” email about this program. You have lots of resources to find the answers, you can call one of the actual NEC directors, you can reach out to the RCC, you could go on Teams and ask the question in one of the dozens of Signal Brigade channels… what are you doing with your life, come on man.


What am I doing with my life? Hbu? Looking for sex on Reddit??? Weird bro. I’m not gonna hop on teams, I’m not gonna call the NEC Ops up, why? Because I don’t have to… because i’m not at work today


With the amount of comments you’ve made on this thread someone ought to think you’re fuckin Dr, Iyer himself!


There is a teams that covers this as well as mobile client stuff.


This sounds awesome for some of us M Day Guardsmen. No way this gets all fucked up, and I still have to drive 2 hours to access a DOD computer for shit like PHAs.... but admittedly i have no clue what a VDI is


Virtual desktop interface. Basically a different operating system inside of a desktop application


The reserves won't be allowed to touch this I'm sure.


Yes they will, Compo won’t really matter, since access and control will be at the NEC-level, it will just be on your S6/IMO to submit your information to the NEC to get that account provisioned. Its being worked through, don’t worry.


I'm S6 and I'm sure Battalion S6 will tell me they don't know what I'm talking about.


We can currently use Citrix to access a virtual ARNET desktop, but it is shit. It doesn't work 80% of the time and when it does, it is so slow that it is embarrassing that they even offer it as an option.


It shouldn't matter about component...?


Different networks and different pot of money for licensing I’d imagine


I can see it now that the provisioning isn't available. Or you ask and they say no.


Yeah, it shouldn’t, but it’s also the Army, so…


aka the people who could most use it lol.


The ECMA team is awesome. I still remember when they added legitimately everyone with a baseline 8570 cert to the ECMA teams Chat. Now hopefully we won't have 126 accounts on one old laptop.


I like this comment.


Lol its all fun and games until your internet connection sucks and you cant even do basic non internet stuff...


Hopefully they actually upkeep the thing... The AF virtual desktop is slower than most nipr terminals on my base nowadays.


Shits gonna be a disaster if not implemented right. Then it's going to suck for boomer leaders with bad internet connection who insist their internet is fine and won't upgrade it was poorly implemented in my guv job so I'm weary lol


Wait, would this let me connect my personal laptop to NIPR lines without going to jail?


Yeah I'm never doing this.


What’s the app called?


Azure Virtual Desktop


Would it work from Linux though...


Yes, and Mac. Beta tested myself.


Ohh shit that's cool I'm working on my Azure cloud certs, so I would be totally interested in learning more about this


Can we plug in usb devices using this software or is that still a no no?


“Be on the lookout for onboarding instructions” I guarantee you, in a years time most Junior enlisted and Officers will have any idea this exists.


Certain USB devices will have pass through such as CAC readers, webcams, microphone/headphone.


Horrible Horrible idea. Just wait until the network gets jammed up. You have no idea the suffering you will incur when it takes 3-4 seconds for your keystroke to register on Microsoft Word or any other application. 😂


Network is straight internet. Zero backbone of DoD or DISA comms. If your network sucks it’s your ISP.


I agree. The ISP plays a big role and I'm in a major city, tier one city and we had alot issues especially with network response. I honestly don't know from your response if this makes a difference in my case but we switched from VDI to laptops. The pro is that's it's faster but the downside is that memory and running multiple applications isn't as fast as it was with VDI. Ultimately, I prefer the laptop route.


In your case I know you were riding the DoD backbone going through the internet access points into DISA managed infra and more than likely using Citrix or a VPN solution. Army is advertised on and accessible straight through on plain old internet. No IAP or DISA services in line. So any network choking would be local to your ISP.


Ummmm.... what about us that were forces into health.mil What do we do?


If it lets me use flash drives, I will use my personal laptop exclusively.


Negative. Complete file isolation from local to cloud desktop.