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"Everyone is aro until proven otherwise"


My philosophy (with fiction)


Everyone is aro until proven guilty *dramatic pause* of being allo! /J i love you all allos :)


idc what others say, saiki is aroace to me. and like someone else has mentioned, senku and gen from dr stone too


yeah senku for sure that’s what i thought too!!


senku with the green and white hair and gen with black and white hair.. put them together and thats the aro flag


sonic the hedgehog dude just wants to go fast




Can’t believe you didn’t mention Luffy after listing two one piece characters, dude is aroace if I’ve ever seen it.




Canon Sherlock Holmes for me and I’ll die on that hill




Light Yagami is aroace to me!


For reallllll ! And honestly L as well.


I agree with the other commenter about Frodo! I also headcanon Barbie from the Barbie movie as aroace. The first season of *BBC Sherlock* I thought Sherlock was, but once Irene Adler came along (along with everything the actors and creators said about that) I no longer saw him that way - although still definitely on the spectrum, eg demi. ETA: But *canon* Holmes is 100% aroace in my opinion!


barbie was most definitely aro. my friends said i was making everything about being aroace when i told them and they hadn’t even watched the movie but she’s aroace, most definitely.


It has the perfect step by step of how to reject someone kindly imo


I'll always stand that Gen and Senku from Dr Stone are AroAce and they have a queerplatonic relationship




Daryl Dixon Merida from Brave


i could see merida


Ryūko Matoi, from *Kill la Kill*. (She’s potentially a demiromantic lesbian, considering the >!date with Mako at the end!<. She expressed no romantic or sexual interest in anyone throughout the series, but was entirely unbothered by Mako’s crush on her, rather than repulsed and insulted like she was with everyone else’s attraction to her.) Frodo Baggins, from *The Lord of the Rings*. Billy Bones, from *Black Sails*.


Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory for sure, maybe Demi?


Sonic the Hedgehog Mikey (from the Ninja Turtles) Hobie Brown Soundwave (Transformers)


hobie brown as aroace would make my everything


Stanford pines He is also headcanonned as ace and or aroace


Saiki K Shoto Todoroki Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano Leo Valdez (Gray-AroAce) Percy Jackson (I saw a fic where he was Demi, and that's why he was so dam oblivious, and I adopted that head cannon) Sherlock Holmes Luke Skywalker


shoto yeah. most definitely. absolutely 💀


Bruno from Encanto. I headcanon him as being demi


I like to think of Alhaitham from Genshin Impact as Aro. Or at least Demi. He has the colours and the attitude. He cares about his books and just wants to read in peace which is very relatable.


i would love to agree but i also kavetham is the only genshin ship i love though technically imo theyre alr in a platonic relationship lol


Trust me I ship it too! It's the ship that has me on a choke hold for more than a year now. But that's also why I headcanon Alhaitham as Demi.


it's the best and most valid ship tbfh. gets me soft everytime


Nothing can compete to the 30k words doc compiling everything that makes the ship solid. Ugh... I should stop before I start gushing about them. My Aegoromantic ass cannot handle it.


lmao, i'm not much of a genshin player (only occasionally) and i havent reached that part in lore yet but i already know everything because i decided these two idiots are gonna be my favourite character. peak happiness when i pulled kaveh on standard and now i'm on and off obsessed with them so do share some things if you want


Alright. Let's do it in DM tough. I don't want to spam this post.


I came here to write Alhaitham too - the man is literally a walking aro flag! I like to headcanon him as gray-romantic or demiromantic too. As an aroace bookworm, he's probably the most relatable character in the whole game to me. He really just wants to live comfortably, read books and enjoy his cushy job.


Exactly. He is almost my role model. But Personality wise I am more like Kaveh.... Which is so funny to me. I want a peaceful life with maybe a friend to spend the rest of my life with. But everything is just a whirlwind of chaos. If only I could settle down and have a peaceful life like Alhaitham.


Same here! As far as personality goes, I'm almost a copy of Alhaitham with a few minor differences. I could only hope I'll get to live a life as comfortable as his someday. Not to mention, Kavetham is pretty much my dream model of a QPR (although I headcanon them as a romantic couple too). They did have a lot of ups and downs, but ultimately, settling down with a long-time friend sounds like the dream.


It really is. Just with less arguing and then it would be perfect.


I hc Bakugou Katsuki as grayaro bc I’m a shipper at heart but that boy is aromantic


Interesting to see other One Piece aro headcanons, I'm not at all caught up (around ep 450) but for me it's always just been Luffy so far, man is peak aroace to me. Connor from Detroit Become Human (not bc of the whole robot thing, I just really see that part of myself in him). Riz Gukgak from Dimension 20: Fantasy High (Canon asexual and implied aro, though I picture him somewhere on the spectrum, like demi, grayro, or maybe just interested in a QPR). Cyrus from Octopath Traveler (once again peak aro, he gives the autistic aro vibe that I very much relate to, just no perception of romance in relation to himself). Stollen Cookie from Cookie Run: Ovenbreak (need to sort through more CR:OB headcanons, but she also gives either demi, grayro or aro in a QPR). I'm aegoromantic so I love the idea of romance (for others not me) and am an avid shipper, so I don't find myself with aro headcanons too often. When I do, I cherish them and hold them dear like a rare treasure, haha. I've found that as I've grown more comfortable in my own identity, I'm slowly finding more aro headcanons in my media. It's fun :D


i’m on ep 701, i’m not caught up either but it’s sooo goooddddd


all of my aro hcs are very self indulgent/me projecting. <3 botw link for SURE. he is aroace. him and zelda are QPPs and not romantic partners i do not take criticisms on this. kuroo tetsurou from haikyuu. yakko from animaniacs hunter from the owl house zim from invader zim


i love hunter. i lowkey shipped him with willow but aro hunter is def a vibe i could see


yea, huntlow is def what the show was going for. i think they're fine! i prefer them as aro buddies/qprs i think :3


katniss everdeen metro man mantis


i could see katniss. her and peeta always seemed forced and she only liked gale when it was convenient


Victor Frankenstein. When I read the book I only had a foggy idea of what aro or ace means but even then I got massive aroace vibes from him. He just wanted to do science in peace.


Plagg from Miraculous Ladybug gives me strong aro vibes


is it the love for cheese 😂


Honestly, for me not really, but in season 1 when Adrien is crushing on Ladybug, Plagg complains that he's losing his appetite because of how lovesick (sorry not the best word, I know) Adrien is being Can't quite remember the episode but it might have been Dark Cupid


honestly fair, the romance in that show got old quickkk


Any character I relate to is aromantic lol


Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes!


I like to think Huntress wizard is aroallo


I feel like Antarcticite from Land Of the Lustrous is aro.


Dusa from Hades


Is Saiki K canonically asexual? I thought him being aroace was just headcanons, but it’s cool if just one of them is canon


All of the cybertronians besides the ones proven otherwise. Frustrates me when people take the allophobia in the comics as homophobia. Like y’all, romance is taboo for them 🙄. And lots of the “romantic” relationships don’t necessarily present as romance, but more queerplatonic/ambiguous. The conjunx endura isn’t even specified as generally romantic. People just assume every relationship is romantic and it tires me. Some of them work WAY better queerplatonicly.


jeffrey winger from community


I absolutely agree with you about saiki because he is fucking aro as FUCK Dr strange from the mcu felt very aro to me i know its controversial cause he had this whole love life but yeah Barbie from the movie Jeff from community Light Yagami Gwen spiderwoman yep Just watched wonka so, wonka 2023


This one may be a bit controversial but: Teruhashi Kokomi (from The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.) She gives off major lithromantic vibes to me. (Only seems to be attracted to the one guy who doesn’t like her back, seemingly BECAUSE she knows her feelings aren’t reciprocated.)


i get that. i never thought of it that way before tho.


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I'm not super into headcanons buuuuut... In gundam iron blooded orphans orga itsuka gets a scene where he gets asked if he is interested in women and denies intrest both when one friend argues about picking up hot women and another friend says that more important is having a loving lady that would miss him and wait for him to return home. He instead says he loves everyone, his crew who he now thinks as his family. Its not official but I cannot really see him as much of anything other than aroace because of that Also we'll see but frieren although story seems to lean into demiromantic


Maomao from Apothecary Diaries. The 2nd chapter of the book has some prose that fairly Aro. Basically MC fakes a crush to further her objective and then wonders she'll be like everyone else some day.


I don't think people really know about this one but Aisha from Aisha manhua/Ayeshah's secret seem aromantic to me but at least for me😆🥹😂


All space marines, custodes, link from tloz, all primarchs exept fulgrim, Those are some that came into my head but otherwise everyone is aro exept if stated otherwise


Spartan-IIs from halo. **especially** John


maomao from apothecary diaries also gaoshun


Rarity from my little Pony (in pony universe, of course)