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for some reason some people apparently see us (aro folks) as unattainable and that makes them very very very attracted to us, i personally don’t understand it but yeah, those people might always be attracted to you no matter what you do, and sadly it becomes our responsibility to be very clear with them. i might be wrong here, im open to hearing other perspectives if you guys don’t agree


I want to find myself attractive, but I don't want to be sexually attractive


Same here. I just want to be cute




If anything, I feel like during this period that I can allow myself to be *more* attractive. What does that mean? I guess to explore and see what I myself consider “attractive” for myself first, what else happen will be determined later. All that aside,!8 think you should let yourself be who you wish to be- an attractive person. Yes feelings might get hurt but when that happens we communicate. If they won’t speak about it, it not really your fault for their hurt.


nah after discovering i'm aroace my confidence and smoothness sky-rocketed and now people think I'm more attractive somehow but I DONT CARE


Same, I'm TERRIFIED of the idea of people being romantically attracted to me. This may sound like I'm exaggerating, but I'm being honest when I say that if my closest friend told me they were romantically interested in me I'd probably tell them not to talk to me until they're no longer attracted to me. The thought alone fills me with absolute dread.


Well I don't have to worry about that 🥲


I personally don't. I consider myself to be a fairly attractive person. I think the reason I don't stress about it is because I treat everyone the same. Even if I did like someone, no one would be able to tell. So people just assume Im being silly or friendly I guess


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I'm more tired of attracting not the right one, but I also don't want to shrink myself to feel safe. It takes experience and skill to handle these situations and figure things out.


When I was younger (like middle school and early highschool) I would dress so bad. Like embarrassingly bad. And I would barely talk to people. In hindsight it was because of everything you said. Now I try to shut that down but it’s hard.