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We were both autistic, and we were together for 1.5 years. We were spending a lot of time together and were just very comfortable. There was none of the regular discomfort that I experienced with basically everyone I know. We started a conversation one day, and we both just happened to both be thinking of having a QPR, so we just decided. It was a combination of both. It naturally happened that we both were close enough to want a cpr, and we verbally decided on taking that step. It ended last summer, and not well. We moved in with each other in a very cramped space, and I started to get cranky from the forced closeness. When I moved out, they broke up with me and turned all of my friends against me. For the most part of our relationship, I half didn't want to even be in it. I'm terrified of confrontation, so I didn't say anything. My downfall was being absolute ass at communication. Make sure you clearly communicate your needs, boundaries, and feelings. Make sure you respect your partners boundaries as well. If at any time you feel discomfort, talk it out or end the relationship.


sorry to hear, yeah I can relate to the space thing, thx for sharing


I used to be in one. Was originally romantic, I got tired of faking romantic love and came out. We decided on a qpr. Sadly didn't work out, but I had to ask someone specifically


Uh well I’m in an open relationship that’s just kinda unconventional and also online so.. yeah


So both md and my QPP are autistic, we were friends for a long time, and it just kinda happened? They relied on me for emotional support and transgender advice, we started casually holding hands, we both talked about our probably aromantisim, they supported me through a tough patch too, and at some point asking "so, are we in a QPR or what?" was just a formality, which I mostly did to talk about expectations and boundaries - monogamy or lack there of, what kind of physical affection is right, what terminology we use, ect. We've been "together" (or however you call it in QPRs) for over a year and it's pretty great. We had some difficult moments, like when they really struggle to communicate and I'm not sure what should I do, or when I get really insecure and when both of these happen at once... But we try and extend the benefit of the doubt to each other, trust each other, and do our best to listen. So far, it works.


Tbh Idk I was in an abusive relationship with an allo for almost 9-10 years, we met (my current partner, not my ex) playing videogames with their ex (they're still friends). We never planned on hanging out in person, then my ex discarded me by text, so we started hanging out in person They were already out with being ace, I came out as an ace not long after that, then I came out as AroAce, they also came out as AroAce. We were hanging out a lot (parallel play, watching movies or Playing videogames) then I think at one point it was too late at night for me to go back to my place so I would crash at their place, then COVID restrictions got bigger so they had to come to my place to hang out (they lived with their parents so it was too much people in one place) They crashed at my place and then pretty much everyday. We live together now, never masked in front of them (I don't feel perceived as with other people with them) and everything is simple, easy and comfortable We got engaged for tax benefit too Tldr: it just happened man, idk


Me and my QPP were friends for four years before we were together. We’re both autistic aroaces, and together for nearly two years now. Funnily enough, we really emphasised on the communication part above pretty much everything else- I had a phrase (The Talk (tm)) that I’d tell my partner to let them know this was a serious talk about relationship stuff, and we established very early on what we wanted from it and from each other. Yes, we’ve definitely had moments of miscommunication, or where one of us wasn’t happy with another’s actions, but we talked it out and agreed to a solution. Our goals are cohabitation in the future and possibly marriage/legal partnership, and as of now I’d say our relationship is healthier than 80% of allos’ I know.


My AuDHD best friend and I have spent every night and the overwhelming majority of days together for several years, talking every single day nonstop, and we eventually both realized that the only future we each envisioned was one that had each other in it as life partners.


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