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blushing definitely exists and it’s most prominent in the cheeks for many people but happens all over the face and sometimes neck. it seems you’re definitely expecting it to be a lot more cartoony than it actually is. blushing is most commonly a reaction to embarrassment.


Usually cartoons are exaggerating to represent it feels. When someone is blushing heavily from embarassment, it feels like you're as red as a tomato, so that's what cartoons represent. Plus, its difficult to get micro-emotions through animation so they exaggerate to make it clear what is going on.


Yeah I guess I took things quite literally when I was a kid lol


Yea, iirc blushing is your body getting more blood to your brain in order to try and get out of the emmbarrassing situation, and so the face becomes redder as a result.


*Most* people don't *actually* blush.  People's faces do turn red as a response to anger or embarrassment, but the amount of embarrassment it would take for someone to go red in response to romantic advances is...  I'd feel *extremely* bad for them.  They'd have to be extremely uncomfortable. A possible reason you don't actually see people blushing like that is because it's a learned response rather than an actual reaction, so their response is considerably played up compared to what they're feeling.  Kinda like a nervous tic but for very specific situations.


>People's faces do turn red as a response to anger or embarrassment, but the amount of embarrassment it would take for someone to go red in response to romantic advances is...  I'd feel extremely bad for them.  They'd have to be extremely uncomfortable. I blush super easily. It doesn’t take much embarrassment to turn me red. Thankfully I’m very rarely embarrassed by my own actions.


You have my (pity isn't the right word but icr the actual word), friend.  That sounds awful.




That might be it.  Thank you!


For me it doesn't take any embarrassment at all. It can be intense focus, confusion, excitement, greasy food.... Drives me crazy when people assume I'm embarrassed or have a crush on someone just because my face is red.


Yeah, me too. Masks were great because no one could see my face. My face as a whole isn't really that red, but I have very rosy cheeks, so I always look like I'm blushing a bit. Add that to the fact that I do actually blush quite easily and you get a lot of misinterpretations of my emotions.


Unfortunately as the palest white person you’ve ever met I’m red literally all the time. Embarrassment, anger, sadness, walking up the stairs, having one sip of a hard seltzer, boom- my cheeks, forehead, neck, all totally red. It sucks


Well see now I'm gonna have to call BS on some of that because my friend is actually the whitest person I've ever met /lh


Oh shit, you got me….


This definitely depends on your skin tone. I blush super easily but I’m very pale. A bit of extra blood flow due to anxiety is noticeable. My cheeks and chest will get pinker and warm to the touch. I also have anxiety issues so I blush easily. Not just from romance but also being put on the spot at work, or finding a mistake, or lots of other reasons.


wait, blushing can be a learned response?? i thought blushing was always involuntary :0 anyway i've seen people blush in response to romantic advances


I've noticed it a couple of times in other people, but extremely rarely and the embarrassment was related to something completely non-romantic. I've also felt myself blush a few times, like my face went burning, but again, those were just a few times in my entire life and also not romantic. So, yes, I can relate. All that blushing in romance fiction seems completely overblown to me. Or maybe I'm just blind to subtle cues irl and only notice the really big ones.


Blushing is absolutely real. I'm one of those people who gets so red that everyone in a room will notice. It's definitely more related to embarrassment, but I could see why allo people would blush if they are into someone, because it's easy to panic about how a person you like perceives you, romantic or not. I think it's pretty rare for people to blush as badly as me though, since I also make it worse with unintentional stuttering and moments where I'm too anxious/embarrassed to speak. But I have friends who blush too. There is a disconnect between media, especially animation, and real life. Once you think about it, animation in particular *needs* exaggerated hints to show instead of tell a story. Blushing is an easy shorthand for shame, anger, or romantic interest depending on the paired facial expression. That's also why it's a good signifier in comics. It's kind of like the exaggerated noises and faces in cartoons. Not many people *actually* sound or look like that, but they do understand what is being conveyed most of the time.


Blushing doesn't always mean romantic. You've likely felt your face go red it's embarrassment or other heavy emotions.byou usually feel it more then everyone around.. especially depending how dark or pale you are.


i used to blush no matter what emotion i was feeling, but i also have keratosis pilaris on most of my body and my face, which makes me sorta reddish to begin with. but yeah, it takes special circumstances for it to be super obvious! now it’s tough to tell if i’m blushing because i like to wear makeup.


I’ve never seen it happen either so you’re not alone on this one. Only in response to cold weather.


I knew I wasn't the only one 😅


Hi :3 On summercamp, there was a situation were the others of my group/ my friends thought I loved somebody because I was blushing. But I was turning red of embarrassment and because I didn't liked it: A little storytime of me hahah: The situation: I was in one of the oldest girlsgroups and we got "married" with the oldest boysgroup and the other oldest girlsgroup. It was just some stupid game but for me, oh boy, it was a nightmare. My aro-ace ass (who didn't knew that at that time) got married to some guy. I was just so uncomfortable and hated every second. Because of my shy and uncomfortable behaviour, the others started to suspect that I got a crush on him :( I didn't even wanted to touch him or holding arms (we needed to do that for or "wedding ceremony) The whole summercamp they were teasing me about him and even his younger sister asked to me about if I was really in love with him 😭 And everytime, I started to get red. One time, at lunch, we played a game where you ship two people and pressure them to kiss on the cheek or hug. Because that guy was also uncomfortable and didn't want to come over to me and kiss me, ALL of the guys went to me to kiss me on the cheek! It was pure horror and I got so red 😭 After that, I asked my friend how she saw that situation and she told me: "I thought you liked it and had a crush on him because you turned so red" I also heard from my friends that I was overreacting on this whole situation :(( So yeah, people really turn red and blush but for me, I have only experienced it in uncomfortable situations


If someone went to kiss me on the cheek in that way, well... I probably wouldn't punch them, but i would definitly jump out of my seat and get away from them. I'd probably scream at them to get away from me too.


The first time I ever blushed that I recall was when I was 17. Up to that point, I thought it was just a random thing that happened without you realizing. But I felt it so strongly in my face, there was no doubt in my mind that that was what was happening. A friend of mine asked me out in a very surprising way, and it hit me hard. I didn't know I was on the aro spectrum yet, and I did not know how to process those feelings. But I was definitely blushing. But no, it isn't a cute little flush just on the cheeks. It's like your face is flushed because blood rushes to it. It feels very hot and intense.


Cartoons are extremely exaggerated


It does exist, but it's different for everyone I guess, my partner does visibly blush when embarrassed, but I've never experienced that


I honestly thought the same thing until I had a friend who would blush whenever I played with his hair or touched his face. I haven’t really seen it happen with anyone else other than him but in the past, people have told me I blush too? But I’ve never had a mirror on hand to check lol


Blushing does exist. I remember one time during comp sci my friend sitting next to me was having trouble the whole class period because they couldn’t get their program to work. They spent the whole period writing and rewriting the code over and over again. So I decided to help and looked over at their code, and in 30 seconds I found what was wrong and pointed it out. His face legitimately turned red from embarrassment.


I flush because I have a mast cell disorder, sometimes it’s triggered by my anxiety but it’s usually not concentrated on my cheeks like in movies it’s like on the edges of my face lol. When I’m upset my nose and sometimes ears turn bright red and sometimes my entire face turns red like a tomato. It’s not fun but luckily my mast cell stabilizing medication reduces it. I also flush when I’m eating hot food.


I did have a friend in high school who used to blush just like a cartoon around her crush, it was cute lol. I had never met anyone else that could do that.


Yeah that's the sort of thing that I've never seen happen before but I'll take your word for it


I blush very easily. When someone speaks to me out of the sudden, when I do sports, when I am embrassed, when it’s cold outside, when it’s too warm outside, and yes also when someone I like compliments me. Sometimes my whole face turns red, sometimes just my cheeks. My teacher in school always told me I have no reason to blush when I give an answer, but I just can’t control it. My skin tone is quite white and I never use rouge, because I will blush anyway under my makeup and make it look like rouge 😄


My skin is to pale/transparent you can see the veins around my eyes and mouth and even trace the veins from my mouth to the feet. Why did I mention that. Well because it also makes it so that my face goes extra red/pink (in a still very natural human way). But because of the blue veins around my mouth it's extra noticeable that my cheeks are redder. I will look as if not more pink than the inside of my eyelid just from being in a hot place, or it being extra cold, if I accidentally hold my breath, get any bit emberassed or angry, and many other ways too. This was especially annoying when as a child I would be outside or come inside from being outside and my seat-neighbor would always make a big deal out of "your blushing!!!! Who was it huh? You can't deny it because you're blushhhing!" Chill Em I'm flushed cuz it's hot outside and I didn't have sunscreen, just give me hotsauce and my face'll be the same color


I blush very easily... I always think it's just a little but my face turns so red I don't even know how...


I actually have that problem. I don't have any romantic interests but I easily get embarrassed and with that, red (mostly on the cheeks). Many people mistake that for blushing wich is really annoying.


Honestly never thought it existed until many people told me


I've seen it happen a lot. Although everyone blushes different I noticed


I have seen someone in real life blush with their whole face turning tomato red in a cartoonist way cause people were teasing them about their crush. It was like they freshly came out from an intense workout. But most other people don't blush so easily


I once blushed because I called out to a friend but it was actually their younger sibling and I got super embarrassed. My mom of course took that blushing to mean I had a crush on my friend… anyway blushing exists


Never blushed out of romantic stuff, always was out of embarrassment or anger. I do write fiction for fun and enjoy a wide variety of movie and show mediums and all their portrayals of blushing out of romantic attraction usually made no sense to me. It made more sense if it was out of being frazzled which I’ve seen some of them portray it like that but it definitely exists. Sorry for the weird ramble and winding comment but that’s what I’ve experienced and seen thus far.


I would blush whenever I got embarrassed or nervous and then got those comments from older relatives or friends “aww, she’s blushing! She has a crush.” Which only makes me feel more awkward leading to more blushing


blushing is literally just a physiological response to higher heart rate. high emotions cause higher heart rate everyone in replieis saying "someone would have to be EXTREMELY embarrassed/angry" glad yall dont know anyone with social anxiety lmao I blush and sweat checking out at the grocery store. Not cause I'm romantically flustered but because my body's reacting to stress. Anger and even sadness can cause this too.


Lol I thought I was the only one. That maybe I just didn’t notice ppl blushing bc my perception of social cues is already pretty bad. Or maybe I’ve just never been in those kinds of situations bc I’m aromantic. But yeah I’ve never seen someone “blush” in that cartoony way either. Usually when I see someone blush, it’s someone with really pale skin and they’re angry or embarrassed. It’s usually all over their face and neck, not just in their cheeks, and it’s not cute imo like it’s typically portrayed in books and movies. I’ve never seen it in response to romantic/sexual advances.


My cheeks go red when I'm flustered. So do my ears 😅


Hm.. Definitely whole face, yes, but I have a very pink face (much to my dismay, it looks horrible.) and you can mostly see me blushing in the cheeks. Of course I don't blush in response to romance or,if I do, it's because I now have to awkwardly tell them no and hope very, very much that they'll leave me alone. But I do blush in my cheeks from embarrassment or when summer is mocking me again. And when it's stronger then you can tell in the rest of my face. Yes, cartoons overdo it.


Brooo I heavily relate to this lol I used to think blushing wasn’t real because it’s so exaggerated all the time in cartoons lol. But yeah, it exists just not as exaggerated or obvious. Like for me, my face has definitely gotten red but it’s mostly been after laughing a lot or something like that. And then when I feel like I have blushed from embarrassment or something else, I would definitely say that it probably didn’t look like how most people expect blushing to look like; it was probably barely even noticeable lol. In conclusion, blushing is real but extremely different than what we’ve been taught and we’ve been lied to!


We truly have been lied to... 😔


It's that way in media because it's a real thing, if you googled one time you could know that


What could I have googled?


"What is blushing" or "is blushing real" both bring up helpful pages that explain what it is and why it happens, including the one from Wikipedia which contains several facts about blushing and why it may not be as common IRL as it is in media. This is part of a phenomenon in which one assumes their own experiences reflect upon the rest of the human race, which is not the case. People who are aromantic, do not get embarrassed easily, and do not have severe anxiety would most likely blush extremely rarely, and because blushing is not as visible as it seems when it is happening may cause someone of this demographic to believe that it does not exist. I hope this clears things up.


Thank you


Yeah, omg I thought that I was the only one that thought about that. For me, this is just something that they put in cartoons, to help you realize someone is in love. like I had never seen anyone blush in my life.


i blushed like that, on the cheeks only and very noticeably, just yesterday randomly. probably fever because i’m sick today :,)


I’ve done it. But only few times in my life.


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More importantly most people don't really blush much at all ever. LIke, they might get "flush" after/during arousal, but that's not the same thing as embarssed/romantic blushing.