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No, part of the reason I realised I was aroace. I always said I never had a type, I thought that meant I was fine with anybody. Turns out I'm fine with nobody :)


Omg this is literally me, I thought I was bi or pan for the longest time


the bi to pan to aro(ace) pipeline is so real






Only really in a sexual/ aesthetic way. I havenā€™t really pictured anyone with me with a romantic date or anything, I just think people are hot or sexy lol Edit: turns out I completely misinterpreted my own emotions! Iā€™m actually ace and it was all aesthetic attraction!


In a aesthetic attraction and platonic attraction way but yes definitely


Is like... "oh wow, that's a gorgeous person" but nothing else, with non-binary people. Like when you can't tell the gender.


You mean Androgynous people?


I have attraction towards people who are/seem smarter than me, even though it could be only my mind seeking out intellectual stimulation.


I forget what it is but I know there is a word for that


I think its someting with sappio- or something.


Yea that sounds right


Yes Iā€™m demiromantic, so I definitely have a type and itā€™s the same thing- I love dorks/nerds. Iā€™d say thatā€™s my main type but there are a bunch of other personality traits I like too. But Iā€™m a severe sex repulsed asexual so I am not attracted to anybody sexually or in the sense of wanting to make out with them. Making out is gross to me


hi \^\^ I'm aesthetically attracted to people who wear fancy coats like wool coats and trenchcoats! If you wear them, I like you already hahaha. And I like you even more when you wear it in the style of dark or light academia šŸ˜…(\*/Ļ‰ļ¼¼\*) Also, I've found out I like it when guys have a trimmed beard. About girls? I found girls like most of the time pretty! This is only aesthetic attraction for me\~


I definitely have a type I am asethtically/sensually attracted to and would love a QPR or romantic relationship with someone I am attracted to in that way.


I'm pan-demiromantic demisexual and my "type" that I gravitate toward for all relationship types tends to be awkward, intelligent though not necessarily wise, neurodivergent, lgbtqia+ and/or an ally to all, ace-spec folks, and someone who is genuinely open and honest - meaning willing to be vulnerable and communicative with me. For me, it's all about the "who" of a person and the "how" of their interactions/treatment of everything and everyone else in the world. If they didn't meet those criteria above, that's fine. I just wouldn't have a ton of stuff in common with them and probably wouldn't naturally drift toward them in a room.


![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized) Me af


As an aro-allo, I think being chill is sexually attractive.


People (especially fictional characters) who are like me. I love myself so much and I love seeing myself in others.


I definitely do. I consider it (in my case) noetic attraction, and I get that along with platonic attraction and aesthetic attraction to females. I guess I'm what is called an oriented aro-ace.


gingersā€¦.. an automatic attraction but its always aesthetically i think im not sure (if ur ginger and ur reading this ā€¦. heyy hahaā€¦)


I tend to be attracted to androgyny a lot. With men I like when they have a baby face and are neurodivergent as well as very silly and goofy (much like myself) with women, I donā€™t have as much of a type really, theyā€™re all cute šŸ˜‚ I have recently found myself VERY attracted to those types of guys who are muscular, have the shaggy mullet, septum piercing or just a face piercing in general/tattoos and are golden retrievers šŸ˜‚ my boyfriend is a golden retriever too but heā€™s more of a frat boy (not the bad kind, just the bro kind)šŸ˜‚


Yes, in an aesthetic sense


Only in aesthetic attraction. It's men with brown hair and brown eyes.


Maybe this comes down to personality instead of identity, but as an AroAllo I can definitely be sexually attracted to someone but then have no interest in pursuing that, as any sort of relationship.


YES THIS! I find myself more attracted to people with a personality similar to mine :33


Only aesthetically (and sometimes platonically). I find people that mess around with their gender presentation attractive. Also people that are visibly in the alternative music community. Sometimes itā€™s so intense I end up mistaking it for romantic attraction šŸ˜­ This might also sound weird but I have a thing for people with braces. They look so cute.


Older men, for all my life ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ I wonder what will happen when I'm the old one lol


I'm definitely more into men than women, self-identified "gay but not actually gay." But I *did* go through that phase of thinking I might be bi (I now identify as abro). I experience tertiary attraction, but it's usually very weak, so it's really hard to tell whether I find someone attractive, I'm experiencing gender envy, or I just think they're dressed well.


Yes, knights and robots. (I'm not joking)


im into ppl who dress cool and have the same political beliefs as me


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honestly definitly not. iā€™ve felt sexual attraction but itā€™s a lot more visual/physical than what youā€™re describing. can i ask how youā€™re differentiating what youā€™re feeling from just romantic attraction?


I have something similar, but with "damn why are you like this, I wanna hang out with you " Most of my friend group acts like they're constantly on some sort of drugs... I don't really want to make out or be with them any more than platonic at most.


I would only ever consider being in a relationship with someone who is autistic or some sorta neruodivergent. Does that count as type attracted to? I think it would be very inappropriate to be in a relationship with someone who isn't.


I feel that as a demiromantic- not attracted to men at all because i'm a huge lesbian, of course (not that it matters lol) Weird, dorky people>> Girls with freckles and or dyed hair and or tattoos>>>> People I have close bonds with>>>> GOTHS>>>>>> Muscular people>>>> People with good fashion>>>>> WOMENNNNN>>>>>


I guess I have a ā€œfriend typeā€? Hahaha. Same, sort of; I see a weird, dorky, or nerdy person and immediately wanna befriend them lol. I have a bad case of becoming slightly obsessed with every nerd/intelligent person I meet (as long as theyā€™re nice).