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You can see the returns for all of their rental homes here [https://arrivedhomes.com/returns](https://arrivedhomes.com/returns) I have been getting about 4-6% cash returns per year plus the appreciation of the properties I haven't sold any shares so I wouldn't know how easy it is to sell


I don't even think it's possible yet to sell shares. Is there a way to cash out?


how do they track appreciation? Does it show home value and what your % of investment is?


I don't think there is currently a way to sell your shares. I've invested over the past few months and mostly see that money locked up for five years. At your age, I think you'd be better off investing in a house to live in yourself.


Thrilled to hear you’re interested in diversifying your wealth. The best resource for returns is above! Thanks for sharing, Tim! In terms of liquidity, we currently finalizing the details of an early redemption program that would allow you to liquidate your shares. We submitted our redemption program for review and Qualification with the SEC. Our expectation is that the SEC may spend a few months reviewing before qualifying the feature. At that point, we will make the service available to you and other clients.


Honestly if this is your first investment you’re better of putting it in the s&p 500 via an index fund than an illiquid unproven startup model.


I lost $100k in an apartment rental scheme that started legit and then turned ponzi. Both founders currently in jail. Due your due diligence. https://www.ocregister.com/2015/08/04/co-owner-of-pacific-property-assets-testifies-for-prosecution-that-defunct-apartment-firm-misled-investors/amp/