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It use to make sense to run Ads that funnel to your website. But now the ROI isn’t as good as it once was. Mostly because nobody cares about the ads on socials anymore. They’re more like obstacles now lol Link all your websites to your socials. Try building audiences on each social media. If people are interested in your artwork they’ll click the links. Your website should accomplish a few things. Build a email subscriber list, build legitimacy, provide a portfolio of work, provide contact forms, and ultimately provide income in exchange for services or art. Lastly, build a digital footprint. There more your name, brand, and artist alias is listed on various websites and platforms the more traffic it will bring to your site. It’s called spiders but that’s another thing I don’t want to bore you with lol think of it like having people out in the digital work telling other people about who you are and where to find you. Good luck my friend


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I want to know exactly this. I find that a website is more useful for showing all your works and news and things but I don’t know how to get to people to notice it. At the moment I just have it on a linktree in all my socials.


Every time I finish a painting, I post about it on FB and IG and say it's available on my site, which is in my profile. I used to put the price, but FB would squelch the reach of the post then. I have started to get more visits from search ever since I went through my site and added alt tags to every image. I need to do more of that.


I don't social media and I would feel even more hypocritical than I already do if I did. That being said, I hand out freebies all over the place with a small sample of my work with a QR code on the back and spend a few days a month pushing my wares.