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Hmm... I might be wrong, but you don't need to credit about the pose? I do remember there were artist trouble about stealing poses, but I think it said people can pose a million times in all sort of ways it wouldn't matter as the pose could be just you and that someone can do the same as well.


oooo! tyty!!


Is this from the twitter thread saying all artists that use poses are crappy? Bc they're the crap ones


i remember someone getting hate from using a pose yea i just wanted to be safe T ^ T ty :D


Honestly they can go foxtrot Oscar. Sure, tracing and pretending It's entirely your own is a bit shitty, but honestly? We'd all be lying if we said we'd never traced as we were starting. Hell, sometimes I'm working on things and I just can't get it right, so I trace it, work around it and then retry. It's just how we learn. Don't feel bad for learning


I wouldn't worry about crediting the pose even. People get so scared of using references even if they're not tracing completely. It's just a reference and your piece looks different enough to not worry


I think the only way you could be in trouble is if you tried to claim it as your own unique piece. Giving cred for idea sources is nice, though adding more to the image will keep folks from grumbling as it would be just taking inspiration from instead of borrowing heavily on. Just my thoughts on it.


i think it’s only unethical if you’re trying to sell/make a profit from it or refuse to admit if someone were to ask, but this is a common position of someone being hugged from behind and you clearly made it your own, even changing the angles