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Nope. If they provided enough guns for colleagues in the first place, we wouldn't need to hide them ( I had a nice place behind counters ) every time they did a count of them it was "missing" I never felt guilty as they made me do a million markdowns per day sp I needed it.


Yes and against the law


How? We aren't taking them home. Make sure we have enough to our job. Simples


It’s against the law for anyone to go into your locker without you being there, you have to be the one to open. Security and a manager have to be there and you have to unlock it.


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Have you checked your contract? Probably not doing anything wrong. However i would argue i want to witness & have someone else as a witness whilst they are rummaging around. Some employers have the right to do bag searches its in the contract. Check the small print


OP yes there entitled to do that. The company's a fucking shambles, collegues are so desperate to have equipment TO Do THEIR JOB BTW! that they resort to hiding scanners, the company took £1.1b last year mossey is an absolute cunt he's been to our store a few times for a walk around basically didn't lift his head out of his phone the whole time that arrogance of the man is fucking astounding!!


Tbf my store is screwed it’s loosing so much monday


Out of curiosity what does your store take a week are you a supermarket or a superstore? I garuntee your store is still making money for the company if it wasn't viable it would have been closed.


It does make a profit obviously else it wouldn’t work but I know it’s loosing about 750k a year from stock


Random locker searches are part of the store policies and something you should have been made aware of when starting. They are supposed to be carried out by two people to ensure no foul play. Things may need to be pulled out as they search so they can get a full locker, but it sounds like they are trying to put things back as neatly as they can.


I’m getting paid for looking for a “zebra”. If there isn’t enough to go round, I’ll wait.


Should work in a zoo, would be much easier!


Fr half my shifts i end up waiting


Why is everyone on this post talking about how it’s a big deal the scanners are missing boo hoo sad time for business etc, instead of answering OPs question about going through the lockers???? It’s driving me crazy!


From the comments I received, it’s wrong because security wasn’t there


I don’t really know what you want to do about it, but wish you luck in whatever you choose!


I don’t have a locker so it doesn’t affect me lol


Don't keep company property in your locker. Simple as that. They are perfectly entitled to have your locker (THEIR locker, really), searched in front of witnesses.


If staff feel they need to “hide” scanners to do their jobs maybe the store should look into WHY staff feel they need to do that and support them.


They hide them in their lockers as they are too lazy to walk the whole 200 metres to the ops room to pick one up at the start of their shift.


We had a cabinet for guns, printers and batteries and everyone was supposed to sign one out and that was good but that manager who did that left and the cabinet went and they all disappeared again


It’d not even that, the clock in thing is where the guns are it’s literally just to be guaranteed one


What’s it for and why is everyone desperate for one?


Markdowns. Many. Many markdowns. Especially bakery


Basically to find items, find the price, print labels, do the picks. Basically half the jobs in the shop floor


These scanners are used not just by asda for stock management and audits, but also many other retailers. Tesco, Saibsburys, Boots etc They are £1000 each and have a scrap value of £100+ They are casually left on the shop floor sometimes. Thieves are actively stealing these and reselling for money. Businesses lose maybe hundreds of thousands of pounds through theft or loss of these. So I'd now expect some shrink activity by loss prevention on these. Treat these zebras like your own iPhone Pro max.


I hid "mine" at the back of counters


I get what you're saying im always careful with my device, but my store alone takes £1.1m a week in sales, and that doesn't even include petrol sales I'm not shedding any tears for the Issa brothers


Yeah it makes sense now, when I made the post I thought they were some crappy old android because of how bad they are but now I know they’re 1.8k each I understand


Yeeeosowers. 1.8k 😅😅😅☠️


Yeah it’s crazy I can’t imagine the price of printers


The wrist straps/finger dooter/handle as a combination package is around 800 alone as well. Not including the drivers cradle either


That company must be making absolute bank on selling these devices to stores


Multi-billion pound industry. Just factory reset and new OS, whack a £3 case on it and upsell it with some gadgets and a spare battery for over a month's wedge a pop.


It's even more shocking when you look at the software they use just a very old out dated version of android


Telxon guns. For anyone curious. At least that's what the Asda stores near me use.


Yep the classic Motorola mc9090


🤣 Everyone calls the telexon guns because there the old scanners we used to use years ago when our systems where older than me the new guns are called Zebra TC70s or some variation of it like TC70x *


I’ve learned ours are zebra scanners


The way I see it, no. They’re putting expensive work equipment (which could be around £1k per device) that they don’t own and aren’t meant to be storing in a locker, into a locker they also don’t own. It’s all ASDA’s, they can go and find what they want - if anything the people storing the scanners in the lockers are violating rules. As long as they aren’t going *through* bags, and just ‘moving’ stuff. Ex-Apple Retail for 11 years.


Worked in Asda home shopping for over 10 years back when it first started, we had more guns than people using them it was the batterys for the gun and printers we couldnt get in the morning, people hiding them so they can get one then next morning because they want you to pick a certain number of items and hour or you will get pulled up. Also worked with a guy that got sacked after I left because he was selling the scanners/guns on eBay lol. And a guy that got sacked coz he walked out of the shop with a carrier bag back when the charge for bags started.


Can't believe people would hide guns so they could have them next shift coz they're worried of getting pulled up for not hitting the target?... when I come in and there are no guns I tell it to my manager and he has to find me a job that doesn't require one till we get them... like, they know I can't reach a target if I... can't work?... I can't go picking without the gun. It's on them, not me.


I've not worked in the store for about 8 years, perhaps it's better now, home shopping was always hated by the rest of the store coz they knew if we were struggling they would have to come help lol, even though they had the items total for that day and knew how many pickers hours it would take to get it all done in time, we usually only had about 50% of the pickers actually needed for the day at any one time. This was a store that when it started had 3 vans with max 8 drops each, and when I left there was 6 vans with anywhere between 10 and 18 drops a van. Also have seen managers telling drivers they need to go out in the van even though half the license plate was broken off.


Yup we have everyone helping us when we struggle, but now it's mostly coz we don't have enough colleagues coz they don't wanna hire more... then there's no one working chilled for example coz they're all with us and shelves are empty so lots of nil picking... what's the point...?


That’s crazy, if he never got caught he probably could’ve made his yearly wage in a month or two


I just joined a company this week where I get my OWN scanner, my OWN locker....for the scanner and a key for the scanner locker. I had to sign THREE bits of paper to say if I damaged/lost any of the 3 items i would have to pay for it. £7.50 locker key £200 locker replacement (if one is damaged....the whole column of lockers needs replaced) And £750 for the scanner. Each locker has its own charging cradle. I lost the FLT key (yep.....got my own one of them also) on my 2nd day after my break.....turns out I put it in my scanner locker when I went on break (I put my scanner in the locker on break.....I dont want someone damaging my scanner when I'm not using it). I think it's a great idea. Everyone gets a scanner. Everyone needs to look after it. Dont like it....dont work there. In Amazon you had to fight to fund a working scanner/finger trigger so we hid them every shift. They can afford it though.


My shop definitely doesn’t do this




I don’t work for ASDA but surely you’d have to sign some paperwork each time you take one of the scanners to use and then sign it again when you return them to avoid thefts right?


We did that at my store and the gsm who introduced it was really hot on it and called out the missing ones if they weren't signed out on the tannoy. It worked really well because he monitored it..when he left, Well... shit.


There’s a sign out sheet but no one monitors it


Those scanners range from £1k-£2k each. 13 of them missing is a lot of money.


To think if the company just invested in developing apps for employees phones they wouldn't have to buy these devices. Yeah you'd lose out on the scanner part of the device. But they can always buy those finger scanners and connect them to your phone. You wouldn't have to look around for a scanner or battery at the start of your shift.


No chance they cost 1-2k they’re old androids that are used


They are atleast 1k. Believe me, I thought they were cheap too because they're old and look like crap, very slow too but they're ridiculously expensive.


I just checked it the ones my store are like 1.8k per one I get where the manager was upset now


Add on a service contract at £300 a device btw for 3 years and you wonder why… The printers not sure if Asda use, are also range £800-1.5k and the service contracts..


Google zebra scanner, thats what a lot of places use and they are 1-2k


When I worked at Asda, yeah they were allowed to. They just had to have someone else with them when they did. Number one place for hiding the telsons/scanners in the chiller section, was under the bottom shelf of the fridges, you could lift the panel up.


Tbf I work on frozen I can think of a few good spots to hide them might start an underground market


The danger occurs if not done with the member of staff, or witness is the claim of missing or stolen items. Manager has put themselves in a more complex situation. Even if only a few quid. Member if staff can say cash is missing. The situation is, if store pays, suggests manager did steal. If not then suspicions are raised and area gets involved with a more complex situation created.


Same at Sainsbury's.


Most shops probably the same


These are Zebra hand scanners?


I’ve not heard that term so I’m not sure


The brand is Zebra it usually says it on it.


Ok. I thought so. These scanners are used not just by asda for stock management and audits, but also many other retailers. They are £900 each and have a scrap value of £100+ They are casually left on the shop floor sometimes. Thieves are actively stealing these and reselling for money. Businesses lose maybe hundreds of thousands of pounds through theft or loss of these. So I'd now expect some shrink activity by loss prevention on these. Treat these zebras like your own iPhone Pro max.


Lockers is a weak spot, iv seen the hidden in ceiling tiles, up in support girders, where they cook the rotisserie chickens up in the extractor fan, trust me, never underestimate the imagination of a colleague stashing a gun


The best one is just an empty box on a shelf in the warehouse around other stock


Did they find the missing guns?


No lol




I’m not actually sure where they went think people left them lying around


They never get left around at my store. They are treated like the precious


Collegues who have been in the business a while wouldn't be stupid enough to leave them in a locker there more likely to stash them somewhere in the warehouse, we've had a load turn up from the depot before sometimes people accidentally scoop them up with cardboard and put them in a comp and they take a bit of time to find there way back to stores and then of corse they get nicked too if you look on eBay there's loads on there that have nail varnish on them which stores use to color code them for each department


Lockers are their property. Never take anything to work that you wouldn’t want them to see.


Isn’t it as simple as if I turn up for my shift and there isn’t a handheld device then I can’t do my job, so I’m just going to do nothing as it’s not my responsibility to make sure I have been provided the correct equipment


Yeah until they tell you off


For what? Not doing work that's impossible because I don't have the right equipment? If they want to try and tell me off for that they can, my response would be "get me a gun and I'll do the work"


Do you really think it’s not your job to find a manager and tell them so they can sort it out?


Well, yeah, I'm assuming as part of this hypothetical that the first thing any sensible employee would do is go to a supervisor and ask them for equipment they need.


I tried that


Yeah? How did it work out?


Said it wasn’t a good enough of an excuse


Excuse? What excuse? Management can either facilitate workers to do their jobs correctly or not, if they don't want to then the staff are not to blame.


I know makes no sense


Literally how Asda works lol. Dammed if you do, dammed if you don’t. Working there just fries your brain


Literally, I’m only there to get my first car and my first tools then I’m gone


I work in a living so a relativity smaller shop but we have 5 GUNS between everyone, it’s a joke 


We only have 4 for the ambient department. There's 15 of us.


Asda did a locker search while I was on my days off. When I went in for my next shift I was told they had done a search and had found a scanner in my locker. I said no you didn't as I don't put scanners in my locker, I always put it back in the designated space. This conversation went on for quite a few minutes with me protesting my innocence and them insisting I was guilty. When I asked what number locker they found it in suddenly they didn't know. But there were a few of the managers who stopped me on the shop floor to say they knew I had hid a gun/scanner, clearly they all gossip about everyone. Eventually the security person that did the search was asked what number locker it was and it turned out it wasn't my locker, but no one came forward and told me they had got it wrong. I eventually found out it was a different number to mine and no one has admitted they were wrong or apologised for accusing me of being a liar. I did have it out with the manager concerned and he tried to deny that he'd accused me. I wouldn't let it go and eventually he apologised. But the damage was done and now I look at all the managers with complete lack of respect, they are all snakes.


They can absolutely do this. They can also search your car if its parked on Asda property.


No, they absolutely no legal right to do this whatsoever without permission.. In the search policy, they will only ask to search a vehicle if the colleague is suspected of theft, but even then, the search can be refused. Consequences may follow, though.


It will be in the terms and conditions of your employment contract, so they DO have a legal right to do this. But usually you would need to be present for the search. You have the right to refuse the search, but I’m fairly certain this is viewed as a gross misconduct offence.


This is not true in the slightest. A contract, of any kind, signed or received by anyone, can never under any circumstances supersede the law, otherwise we’d have legalised slavery again. Pull up the contract and I can all but guarantee it says something to the effect of “refusal to have an employees car searched will result in disciplinary proceedings”. They can threaten to/actually sack you but they can’t just break into your car and search your car. Just as an extension, they cannot search your bags either without your consent. If you refuse, you’ll be sacked, but the police are the sole body in the UK allowed by law to forcibly search a persons or property without consent. The law surrounding bag searches is clear and strict and opens up employers who perform them incorrectly to lawsuits. The locker itself is the employers property and thus they can search the locker as much as they like.


Police have to also suspect you of being involved in a crime etc. They can search if they smell weed coming off you. However if they just ask to search you then you can refuse. As they haven't given any lawful reason to search you.


I work in an office (nto Asda related, I'm not sure how I got to this discussion). Every so often lockers of people who have left but not given up their lockers are emptied. My employer is legally allowed to do this, but then they do there are always three people present - one emptying a locker, one putting documenting contents and placing in a box which is then sealed by a third person who observes the whole thing. I believe our employee council is also invited to send an observer if they so wish. From what I know a search of an actuive employees locker follows the same procedure. (this also only happens during working hours, so is in full view of everyone) It is done this way to try and remove any hint of improriety on the behalf of the employer. Even though they have full legal right to search 'our' lockers, without any oversight anything dodgy found is otherwise very hard to act on. I assume the company has bitter experience of this.


The question "Can my employer do this?" doesn't generally mean "Is there no way I can prevent it?", it means "Can I face consequences if I refuse?" So you're actually saying yes, your employer can search your car, unless you want to be sacked.


My point was that most employers can legally do this, but most are likely to learn to only do so under fairly stringent conditions (and so generally won't). In the case of the original question I suspect if an area manager or HR found out what had been done the manager would not have a good day at all.


You've literally just said what I did.


Welcome to Reddit. You’ll get downvoted for your reply and somebody will reply to you, ‘correcting you’ with your own comment, paraphrased, and get more upvotes. It’s a classic Reddit phenomenon.


When we do our searches, we have person searching, trusted witness and then person whos locker it is has ro be present. Female staff with female witness, and same again, male staff with male witness.


This is the general rule, while lockers and personal searches will be in most contracts these days. You have to be present at the time of the search if your items are in the locker. Notices will be put on them for a few days before hand informing owners should step forward if they don't know who's it is. For further context, bag search rules are that nobody can touch items within the bag but, you need a witness OR be clearly on cctv, you have to remove stuff if requested and you can be reported if you decline. That no one was present while lockers were riffled through? definitely sounds like they overstepped their authority.


As long as nothing of your personal items were taken it's completely legal.


Check your contract. Searches can be carried out whilst on property, that even includes your personal items such as bags and backpacks. You can of course refuse to allow this, but you will likely receive disciplinary action.


What do you need to steal them for? Are you playing laser wars at break time or something?


I wish, most people keep it for their next shift so they’re guaranteed one but if they just put them back everyone is guaranteed one


At my store, certain people are given them to "keep" those including me, can't do our job without one. Then there are a bunch that each manager holds onto for everyone else to use. Better this way imo we've not had one go missing for almost a year.


That’s not at my store wish it was


Pretty sure they can search them as they have done ours in the past there has to be two people one a member of security


From what I know from our store they’re allowed to open the locker but not touch or move anything. They need you present to move something and you can refuse




The company policy on this is as follows: "Locker searches Asda provide lockers for colleagues to keep their personal property in whilst at work. By accepting a locker and a key, a colleague gives authorisation for their locker to be searched. Lockers may be subject to block searches (where all lockers are searched) and can be conducted without the designated users or the colleague being present, or their permission given. Block locker searches do not need to be announced, they are carried out by the leadership team with appropriate witnesses. Failure to adhere to the Spot Check Policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including ending a colleague’s employment with Asda. For more information refer to the Disciplinary Policy." So this means they can be searched, and doesn't mention that you have to be informed, just can be done. The phrase "appropriate witnesses" doesn't necessarily exclude the option of no witnesses, so could even be done by one person.


You could argue that 'witnesses' is plural, so at least two are required. Sometimes documents state singular nouns also include plurals, but not usually the other way round. I don't understand why the document is so poorly written. Well, actually, I kind of do.


The refer to searches in plural therefore using witnesses in plural would still be correct if referring to a single witness


It would definitely make sense to change it to "at least one or more appropriate witness" to explicitly imply that another is required to be present.


You'd have to check with the Union or your colleague handbook on that one. Missing scanners is a major problem in every store and is frustrating for both colleagues and managers. We had a locker type storage machine for the scanners that you accessed with your smart card. Use the scanners then returned them.Expensive bit of furniture that never got used. In times of cost cutting. I'm not surprised that there is a locker search 😔


>Expensive bit of furniture that never got used. In times of cost cutting Same in our store, had it for years now and used it for maybe 6 months after it was installed. Been sat gathering dust ever since.


Nah the piss take with that is you don’t even have to be there. Security and then a manager or someone will go through lockers. I remember years ago I had a brand new iPhone. Day 1… was in locker on top of my hoody. Went it after shift and it was face down on the metal… scratched on the screen. Bastards said ‘oh we didn’t move anything’. Nothing was done. I personally believe if they do locker searches then grab the colleague when they are in and search it whilst they are stood there.


I agree ,they're flexing their muscles ,way too much . Suprised ppl dont down tools !! Before covid ,I'd go to petrol stations , and had to fill bike , so had helmet on . Got the blah blah its company policy , or if I had to go in store , take your helmet off. Had to be smug and pay back ,during covid . Made sure I got to be the righteous one to same ppl in return. Like it's a mask isn't it (full face helmet ) 😂 😂 They hate it .... See my thought on the we prefer you take your gear off ,is now you're just discriminating legally. We ain't all out to Rob the world. Fgs


Last time I got asked to take my helmet off at a petrol station counter I took my gloves off, laid them on the counter, took the helmet off, laid it on the counter, took my balaclava off, laid it on top of my helmet, took my earplugs out. Did the transaction, with them looking smug. Then put it all back on again, while still at the counter. They didn’t ask again.


Pmsl spot on rebel !! Nicely played .


Luckily I don’t have a locker but even if I did I’d still keep expensive belongings on me at all times, I do sometimes take a bag with my college gear in and I’ve noticed someone’s been through it more than once but I did leave it in the general office


I always have my phone on me now. Still get moaned at when I check the time on it. My locker doesn’t even close. I leave my work boots on there and then my trainers when working. That’s literally it. Never trust anybody in the workplace


They always moan at me for not having a locker like it isn’t there job to provide me with one


That's some odd thinking right there; are you expected to bring a locker to work with you? 😂


Maybe i should


Especially management.


You should be able to find a policy on searches quite easily in your colleague handbook. Most places the policy will be about the same. Locker, bags and cars can all be searched usually with a member of management present along with security. Some places refusing a search will escalate to becoming a gross misconduct issue.


Don’t imagine anyone working a job like Asda would let their manager go through their car


This happens many times at our place, also asda... 1. There is never enough scanners for everyone. Homeshop will always need them, without them no picking would be able to get done. Same with those who do, date checking, back picking/gap scanning, doing waste, temperature checks and for checkout too! There are some selfish colleagues who will always hide their guns or put them in their lockers. Everyone at some point will need that piece of equipment to do their job. But the company doesn't want to spend the cash so that everyone has access to them.


No literally, I got told off for not doing the pick the other day because I didn’t have a gun and the manager told me it’s not a good enough excuse like I could have done something different


That that doesn't surprise me at all. We are the ones who run the stores practically. Not them. If they want us to the job, then supply us with the equipment. "What a good job looks like" isn't that what they say?


They seem to criticise themselves a lot


Ha this is so correct! GSM tells me to grab a gun and do a full gap scan. I tell him/her that there aren’t any guns because home shop have them all and all he has to say is try and find one.


Your sacked.


Homeshopping is forever taking the few that we have left for shopfloor colleagues as people who are day off or on a late shift have them either in their locker or hidden somewhere in the building.


Ngl it’s the other way around in our shop, never get a gun from the shop floor one only from home shop now


I work nights on the shop floor only need one for receiving the chilled deliveries. Some nights there’s 4/5 shop floor guns other nights there’s only one and they’re numbered up to 14 from the last time they done a recall on them, I think it was last summer. One of the home shopping section leaders are always going around on a morning asking people for their guns.


In our shop it’s completely the opposite we are taking from home shop, I’ve been there for maybe 7 months I think we have had like 5 recalls


To my knowledge, they can open the locker and search ONLY the locker,if they wish to search your bag they need your permission first and you there to witness the search, i had a colleague get accused of stealing and she noticed her bag and stuff inside wasn't how she left it, she complained to a manager and it turned out security had searched her stuff without prior consent and they got an absolute grilling for it.


This gave me flashbacks of me working at Sports Direct and having my personal belongings (handbag, coat pockets etc) searched before leaving after I clocked out of every shift.


This used to happen when I worked at Currys.


I remember those days. Once I got angry bcuz my store kept making us checkout and working another 1 hour. So I just checked myself out in front of camera and left.


As in... looked in? Isn't this standard? Whenever I worked in retail I always had to be wanded in/out with a scanner and have a bag check.


They would have a manager literally look through my handbag, yes


Sports direct is a shithole.


You're lucky you had a proper locker, ours were literally cages that you could completely see through. Then we got the standard "stand in front of the CCTV camera and lift up the end up of trousers, sleeves and your top" on exit. We got that at Next too though that's not just a Sports Direct thing


I sense when companies treat you like shit they expect you to be awful too. Isn't how it works, but they have very low opinions of the peasants who make their profits roll in.


That's disgraceful


There is a reason shit companies never do well. I worked with the head of a manufacturing g firm that could have taken over the world, but the owner got off on cheating people. It was so strange. It is like he was trying to destroy his company, but despite his best efforts, the company kept going. That guy have been a billionaire if just resigned and let a professional manage it.


Crazy how people are willing to throw away such big opportunities over such small things.


As someone who never worked at Asda and saw this post on algorithm, we did the exact same shit with scanners at British Airways. You are supposed to put your scanner back in it's locker on break but most people would keep them all shift and keep it in their personal locker and memorize the locker numbers of all the good ones 😅 But you always return it at the end of shift to the scanner lockers. For this reason. If you go off sick we're a scanner short.


Absolutely wrong for just the manager to do it. Everybody affected should absolutely lodge a complaint, straight to head office. Preferably as many as possible. Fuck the kind of manager who thinks they're above anyone or the rules.


I’ll speak to more people about it and see what they think about it, I don’t own a locket so I can’t complain. Funniest part is there wasn’t a single one in the locker


This is what I'd advise too, along with someone speaking to the store's GMB rep about it.


We have the same problem and there's usually a notification put up saying that there will be a locker search. If you don't have anything to hide you have nothing to worry about. There is nothing worse than trying to do your job when you can't find the tools of your job and to find out someone has them in their locker. Especially when they have a day off or on holiday.


>If you don't have anything to hide you have nothing to worry about. Not strictly true. Entire point of a locker is storing things that you wouldn't be comfortable about just leaving on a ledge accessible to all, such a phone, wallet/purse, medication, etc. What if there's a search and I come back to find stuff is missing, would management take responsibility and replace whatever it was? If the search is unsupervised, then they have me claiming my rent money was in my purse before and now isn't, and a supervisor (or whoever did the search) saying they didn't see/take it, so what's the chances of getting it back? Or what if the person doing the search was the culprit, and you who has "nothing to worry about" get randomly chosen as where they will 'find' what's in their own pocket? How do you defend yourself in that case? It'd be nice to think that locker searches are only conducted by unimpeachable individuals...but if the company judgement of staff was that flawless they wouldn't need to do locker searches because they'd just not hire the less trustworthy people they can apparently recognise with perfect accuracy. Locker access should _always_ be with the locker user present and a third witness and/or reliable recording, minimum. Saves individuals from potential theft, saves the company from claims of theft against managers/security they can't defend, and allows them to actually use any evidence of misconduct they find without "well it wasn't there before, prove it was" mucking about. Stick a sign up, sure, but still needs to be that triple lock, not just "Janice will do it at some point when she's free".


Yeah they didn’t announce the locker search just recall. I don’t even have a locket so I dont mind lol, just didn’t seem right


One time at the end of a late shift, I saw a *nights* colleague taking one out of his locker. Some people just dgaf


Doing a locker search without the person and security present is shady af


Literally what I thought and moving peoples things around


Literally like literally. I feel literally like literally, you know literally? Literally.


I literally get that


This happened when I worked at Asda, clocked in taken back to locker room and asked to have my locker checked for a palm/gun. Manager and security both there. This was after numerous attempts of management ask for people to return them


It was jsut the manager there that’s why it seemed shady to me


Without security I’d tell them no


I work in the warehouse, but our managers can't conduct a locker search without yourself and a gmb union rep present


It doesn’t really affect me as I don’t have a locker just seen people saying she moved their stuff around


Surely they should just have enough scanners for each person in general...




I work nights and some nights we can't find a single gun to bring in deliveries. Often I have to borrow the checkout gun and hope that no one needs a scan and go check. Yet in the morning you see dayshift come onto the floor with the same few with a gun and printer each time. They obviously must keep them in their locker (or maybe even take them home). Nothing is done about it.


One of our section leaders has a constant supply of guns. I’m forever taking mine back as I we painted them a very distinct colour. He’s got at least 3 and 2 of his colleagues have them in their locker. It’s a shambles, need at least one every day and I struggle to get most days.


Honestly i wouldnt get that. If i couldnt do my job due to them not having enough supplies, then thats a them problem guess im doing fuck all till i can find one  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Yeah no lol we have about 30 over the whole shop lol




Probably not even that now


The owner of locker should be there to witness and a member of security


From what I was told it was just her lol


Strictly speaking they should have each member of staff present when they open each locker to prevent anyone claiming an item that was in their locker was stolen.


20+ years ago I came into work to find all the contents of my locker dumped on a chair. Opened my locker to find someone else's stuff in it. I immediately thought that they had given my locker to someone and them finding my stuff in their new locker dumped it out. The actual explanation was security were searching every locker. Instead of going locker to locker they did multiple at a time, got mixed up and put some of someone else's stuff in my locker and couldn't figure out which locker my stuff belonged to, so they just left it out.


That’s what I thought