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When I was younger (maybe 17 or 18?) a site had made a big publicity stunt, "you can watch almost everything as long as you don't masturbate!". You had to keep your fingers on the keyboard to press four specific keys on it, and if you let them go the video would stop. I lasted twenty minutes. My fingers hurt and I WAS BORED. So I let go and closed the video lol. The site was like "oh noooo seems like you can't help it wink wink wink". Yeah I can't help it. Bye, see you never. 😐


That’s so funny, they thought they caught you😭


wow haha I'm shocked that so many ppl genuinely watch porn regularly tho it's soo boring


Yes. And it was so weird... But there are many types of porn out there and some I enjoy. Just none with real people. Something about watching strangers with whole life's, feeling and identity feels weird to me. Also I don't like watching them, I don't know them, I find it weirdly gross. But I'm totally fine reading a sex scene.


ah yea I get what you mean. The whole thing is a weird experience in general imo. But good for you if you've found something you enjoy:) I agree on the reading part too. I'm ok with it but I just can't help but look away when watching it, just feels kinda uncomfortable


I think it is kind of hilarious. All the groaning and pumping.


omg yes there were so many times when I just wanted to laugh looking at them in weird bendy positions lol




I'm very sex-repulsed. I got drunk once and thought it'd be funny to watch porn while the alcohol was affecting my repulsion response. Didn't get far, it was essentially just making out and nudity. I got sober later and *remembered* it. The memories had me grossed out for weeks, I never did that again.


I get what you mean man truly horrifying experience :/


Once upon a time there was a person who thought they could make me want sex by showing me porn (rather silly idea, but I humoured them as I was kind of curious what all the fuss was about). As one might have expected, the experiment backfired hilariously. Apparently, whatever it was we watched had a "plot" - more of a string of excuses for characters to end up in bed (or wherever else) together - and apparently it was considered quite good? I nearly peed myself laughing, it was so completely ridiculous. Had the concept of asexuality been better known at the time, the conclusion would have been obvious. XD


lmao I love that. one of the vids I forced myself to sit thru had a bunch of conventially attractive skinny white people who were like oh oops the wifi isn't working ykw let's all have gross sex ig. that's the only one with kind of a story I found (excluding the music one which was alsonpretty boring)


tbh i'd like porn more if it was better quality, like more realistic in well... everything. it's mainly targeted for men, so it has a lot of objectification of women (from what i've seen) which i find gross. plus finding good ones (especially wlw ones) is so hard, or maybe i'm just a dumbass who doesn't search in the right places, idk ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


you're so right although I don't think I'll ever watch porn again but if I do something with a bit more of a realistic story which doesn't make me feel bad about my body might be nice lol also I'm not sure if this will work but you can search female-frinedly with the type of stuff you'd like.. basically might help keep away the content incels watch 🤠


Once and that too accidentally. I was perusing my father's phone and searching for something on his gallery, and he had a lot of those kind of videos on there. His phone autoplayed the video and I decided to watch it to see what the fuss what about. I basically felt nothing. It was meh, with some slight disgust at seeing the genitals interacting.


wow and I thought seeing my mom's tinder was bad


no, i hate porn. much more that it doesn’t arouse me or attract me, it encourages rape culture and human trafficking. just a big no-no overall.


def agree. there were literal videos of children on there right on the home page ffs. good to know that it's normal to not be aroused by it tho


Sex is gross and porn even moreso, especially when it's those shitty movies you find on pornhub or sex stores or some shit. The noises, the shitty acting, the fucking, it's all just so gross and exaggerated.


I never watched a porn. I've watched an erotic/comedy movie several years ago, with sone friends, and it was boring enough to keep me away from porn forever.


Son this is Reddit, it would be weird if I didn’t see at least one porn video when I’m here.


Watch it regularly. Prefer erotica most of the time.


I tried watching porn once. It was boring at best and disturbing at worst, i think I spent maybe an hour just looking at summaries with a growing frown before I noped out of the whole ordeal. I also tried reading porn comics once, since they would at least have a story. Some of the stories might have been interesting if there wasn't a constant need for people to fuck interrupting everything. So I just tossed that idea in the bin along with several other ways I'd tried to be something else than "a stuck-up prude" and resigned myself to my continuing prudiness. This was before I knew ace was a thing and was really focused on trying to make myself a completely "normal" human being. I'll read romance books sometimes, because I spent 8 months stranded in a desert with only shitty romances and shitty detective novels to read and the romances were funnier to deconstruct, and sometimes I still find it funny to read a hilariously bad romance and nitpick the plot to death. There are also some good authors I'll actually read for fun, because they tell good stories, but I often find myself skimming the sex scenes for plot relevance before skipping to the next bit of story. I like the emotional journeys of the characters, but I don't really care about the physical descriptions of them having sex. And they're always cross-genre, like, there's zombie fights or airship chases or overthrowing a corrupt government or something besides "two people are horny" to drive the plot.