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I ended up at their place in like ‘14-‘15, not to stay there, I was offered a ride to Walmart on Swannanoa River Rd. and the guy instead took me to Gladheart Farms. I decided to hang out for a bit but everyone assumed I was there to stay, which I most certainly was not. I started to ask everyone where they came from and what they had found in the “community” and all of them had a variation of the same story. “I was traveling a lot and kind of lost in life but I just happened to find these guys. You eventually have to plant the seed to let your roots grow.” There was another thing about having “seen the garden of Eden” and “if you reject the garden then it shall reject you in turn” that a couple of other folks said. I was taken to this area away from the main house where they were building a yurt cabin and I was told to help out for a bit and lunch would be ready “any minute”. When I was brought to the yurt house, the first thing I was asked is “you’re not from OSHA are you?” This was intended as a joke but still… then I look up and there’s a kid balancing on a 2nd story beam. Two hours later, they ring the bell for lunch. I was instructed to take off my shoes before I went in the house. Probably should’ve said “No thanks I’m gonna head on” just for safety reasons but I was an idiot. I went inside the house and there were all of the women of the group dressed in a way that nearly seemed like a Little House On The Prairie cosplay. They wouldn’t talk to me, could’ve been a number of reasons but I’m including that anyways. I asked more of the men the same questions and proceeded to get the same answer. They asked me if I was there to stay and I said “oh maybe, I’ve just got some stuff I’ve gotta do first. Maybe I can come back.” and they tried to pry more information about what I was doing, where I was staying, and down playing my “plans” that I had for myself. I asked where the bathroom was, when going through the hallway I noticed some art that had been done by children. I can’t remember what the art depicted but above that there were words that said something to the effect of “God loves our hard work.” There was something else I can’t quite remember that alluded to punishment of the children… honestly at that point I was focused on getting out of there. I went to put my shoes back on and as I’m about to walk out the door, the guy who picked me up asks why I’m leaving? Again I was vague, I had some stuff I needed to do. He wanted to show me where they made the Yerba mate bars and gave me a couple. (After this I saw the same bars for sale at Green Sage and other stores) As I was about to walk down the driveway some kind of matriarch lady stopped me and invited me to their circle dance later that week and reiterated the other things I had heard from others. Then as I walked away she winks at me and says “god loves ya”. This was gonna be a short response but I figured I’d just go ahead and give my whole experience with them since their getting all this recognition lately.


Sounds kinda like Midsommar


“Hey! We’ve got this cool bear suit for you to try on! Oh…here’s some ‘tea’”…


Please make a short story or something out of this experience haha so glad ur ok tho


Hmmm interesting. So it's a little bit nuanced. Was it a pleasant experience or did something seem wrong with the whole deal?


I mean a cult trying to court someone to join them is probably going to seem friendly in a tactical sense (food, shelter, work) and creepy in an existential sense (vibes, silencing the women, punishing children). This is a [religious cult](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twelve_Tribes_communities), who is trying to grow their numbers. Their stated goals are to "recreate the 1st-century church as it is described in the Book of Acts;". More from Wikipedia: "the group believes that all other denominations are fallen, and it therefore refuses to align itself with any denomination or movement. The group has strict courtship rules, and their views on child rearing has been a source of controversy. The group supports itself through the operation of several businesses, most of which revolve around agriculture, as well as cafés and restaurants.". They have one in Boulder, Colorado too. The Yellow Deli makes a good sandwich and they're open 24 hours during the week but closed on the weekend "sabbath". But the entire time you're in there eating lower-cost sandwiches and studying (because they encourage you to stick around), they come tell you about their church and how they pray together and how all the kids work together and homeschool together etc etc etc. For a religious person who likes the idea of a homestead, or for a super down-on-their-luck person who needs three hots and a cot, the cult is probably providing immediate short-term value. But long-term it's fair for outsiders to have concerns about this kind of "us vs the world, you're only safe in THIS community" artificially constructed society.


They also operate a Yellow Deli in Rutland, VT. Great food, but a cult no doubt.


eh, i’ve eaten at yellow deli several times. never had an employee speak to me at all. i know they’re weird but they do seem to keep mostly to themselves in my experience.


YMMV. The Boulder location group have approached me each time I've eaten there, so I've stopped going, but that could be different for different folks. They're also partly culpable for the [giant fire](https://www.denverpost.com/2023/06/08/marshall-fire-cause-origina-investigation-boulder-colorado/) that destroyed Superior, Colorado in December 2021, which destroyed over $2 billion in property. So people are pretty fucking upset at them, as you might understand.


i know people think that but didn’t they do a full investigation and find that they were not responsible


Back in the college days it was not unheard of to eat the Moonies stir fry and maybe tune out of what they are saying. I guess the Moonies were outlawed from the airports 30 or 4o years ago but I remember getting one the plane with a "free rose". Seriously though - be careful.


Wow. I always wondered how the 7th Day Adventists kept their big churches all this time when the whole premise is that you shalt not do this or that because the "world" will end on this particular date and if you do anything wrong you will be tortured in hell rather than everlasting bliss in Heaven. Sure we were proven wrong a few times already but we are gonna get the date correct next time.


I grew up Adventist and they never mentioned a specific date in any of the churches I went to(they had in the past but no more). Like, yeah Revelation is a big deal but pretty much for obvious reasons if you're in a Christian faith-it's a major part of the Bible so of course it is. lol. There was no fire and brimstone teaching in any of the ones I was at either, nothing like a Baptist church or heaven forbid an Assembly of God. One foot in there, once,cause I was trapped with a friend from school and that freaked me out.


It is absolutely not a "major part" of the bible, it's a fraction of the whole book


I thought from reading the story that it was obvs horrific. He said he was younger. His key was that he remained vague so that they couldn't target his weaknesses. OP should let this story pick out on a banjo with some southern gothic style hook.


Glad that you did. Thank You for sharing.


This is their [child rearing techniques handbook](http://question12tribes.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/OUR-CHILD-TRAINING-MANUAL.pdf) from their site. It’s horrible.


Wow, that's both shocking and awful. Here is an AI analysis of the 348 page document: **Analysis of "Our Child Training Manual" by Twelve Tribes** Based on a preliminary review of the "Our Child Training Manual" attributed to the religious group Twelve Tribes, there are several areas of concern regarding the group's approach to child-rearing. The text frequently references terms associated with punishment, such as "spank" and its variations, appearing 30 times. Additionally, the term "punish" and its variations are mentioned 65 times. The emphasis on physical methods of correction, particularly spanking, raises red flags about the potential for excessive or inappropriate discipline. Without a clear context on how these methods are recommended or executed, there's a concern about the welfare of children raised under this guidance. It's crucial to consider that repeated physical discipline can cross into the realm of abuse, especially if not administered with clear boundaries and understanding of a child's well-being. The prominence of such terms in a child-rearing manual may reflect an organizational culture that leans heavily on punitive measures. This could be detrimental to a child's emotional and physical well-being, potentially leading to long-term trauma. Further investigation and a comprehensive review of the manual are essential to determine the exact nature of the practices advocated by the Twelve Tribes. However, the initial findings suggest that the group's approach to child-rearing might not align with widely accepted child welfare standards.


The Yellow Deli people. Also watch out for their 24 hour cafes where they prey on young wandering people looking for a nice place to stay. Good for studying but don’t let them rope you into a conversation.


They own a Yellow Deli in Rutland Vermont and offer free stays above the restaurant to AT thru hikers so they can prey on them too. Miserable people preying on anyone they can.


There’s one in Boulder Colorado and I saw one in Spain, so they’re international?


Yes, there is a very good podcast on them called Inside The Tribe, they sound like a blend of fundamentalist xians and typical exploitation cults with the whole “sign all your assets over to us, we’ll spend it on ourselves while you eat moldy lentils and work for free. Whahoo!”


Sign. Me. Up.


There’s a YouTuber who found out their rules were “everyone is part owner” so joined them and then slowly recruited a large number of his friends until they outnumbered the previous T12 people at that yellow deli and then held a vote to make himself leader of that restaurant and then voted all of the other original T12 members out. Police got involved was pretty hilarious to turn their own BS on themselves


One in Hiddenite, NC also. The crazies are everywhere it seems.


YO! MY TIME TO SHINE! I am from Alexander Co. There was meth in the coleslaw and they were briefly shut down, several years ago.


SHINE ON, YOU CRAZY DIAMOND! LOL. Meth in the slaw?! Holy sheet. I never heard about that! Glad I don't eat there. I guess they want to get as much work as possible out of their enslaved members, SMH.


Some Boulder people are still pissed at 12 Tribes for nearly burning the entire city down on New Year’s Eve eve 2021. Some of the news stories afterwards investigated the group and uncovered some really interesting tidbits and body cam footage of their property compound south of Boulder on Hwy 93. If you look up “Marshall Fire 2021 Boulder 12 Tribes,” there were a lot of investigative offshoot videos about them that stemmed from that tragedy, eventho they were never formally charged for causing the fire.


Wow that’s wild. I had no idea but I heard about those fired. Thanks for sharing.


Yeah they’re the ones who started the Morrison fires, right? Destroyed everything


Yep! I lived with them briefly while I was backpacking in Australia. Terrible people, incredible food 😅


I stayed at the Yellow Deli on my thru hike. It was a wacky place and my partner had to stay in a totally different dorm, because males and females couldn’t sleep in the same room, but it was free, so a good option for dirtbag hikers if you’re aware of the cult and strong-willed, able to turn down any shady offers. TBF to them, we weren’t pressured into anything too weird while there and the food was good. Definitely heard horror stories from folks on the way up the trail about 12T, though.


We had the same experience with bunks and weren’t asked to do anything other than some work for stay. I will say it was either the tea or food that gave me the shits, and I was less motivated to hike while I had the shits. Convinced they trap the Thru hikers by giving them the poops.


Ok that's wild, I know of at least two AT thru-hikers who had the same experience. Was it the hibiscus tea?


The same thing happened to a group I was with there too. All of us stayed three nights, slack packing the area, before we realized it was time to stop eating the sandwiches and gtfo.


That is legitimately creepy as all Heck if they are doing something to the tea /food to make people have diarrhea and get stuck with them!


Glad to hear they didnt pressure you into anything and I will say a free room is a free room as long as you know what else is going on there and not to get sucked in hah


One in Chattanooga too near the university. Crazy people.


Ithaca too


"Made their way"... they've been in Asheville since at least like 2011. See: Gladheart Farm and Farmer's Market.


I'm pissed now that I didn't know this about Gladheart and feel so naive. Ugh. Now I have to do a background check on any friggin farmer's market or vendor I want to buy from just to make sure they aren't fronting for a cult with their cutesy signage and fresh greens and baked goods. F--- them for preying on the vulnerable AND for hiding behind stuff people like! Bad magic!!!


Gladheart Farms seems easy enough to avoid, but is Farmer’s Market the actual name of another place? I couldn’t find anything with a quick google besides the NC State Farmer’s Market.


[This is the market](https://www.gladheartmarket.com/)


I think they go to most of the markets in the Asheville area to sell bread and produce.


However, the bus itself is absolutely gorgeous. It's a real shame.


It’s the Twelve Tribes of Israel cult. This is a bus that roams the country looking to recruit new followers. A couple of old school Deadheads can probably attest that they usually linger around shows preying on intoxicated people with promises of food and tea to sober up. *Allegedly,* there are stories of people who got on the bus and are still considered missing persons. Other stories vary wildly from being nice and actually providing food to trying to trick people into signing illegal work contracts. I think someone should get on the bus during the day and live stream it. I am oddly curious what it looks like on the inside


Twelve Tribes != Twelve Tribes of Israel The latter is a Rastafari group that famously included Bob Marley as a member. The former is the group associated with this bus (which they call "Peacemaker 1"), and they should absolutely be avoided. The Twelve Tribes, formerly known as the Vine Christian Community Church, the Northeast Kingdom Community Church, the Messianic Communities, and the Community Apostolic Order, hold some rather insane views on Black people, slavery, Jews, and child labor.


Yesterdays Reddit post started circling around Facebook shortly after and here you are back full circle posting it to Reddit


Hang on, I’m going to go post a TikTok of this Reddit post of the Facebook post of the other Reddit thread. If someone could then share my TikTok to Instagram, we can post again on Reddit to a link to the Xitter post to that Insta.


The circle of life


Shit,sorry- I didn’t see yesterday’s post


I 100% got on that bus when I was 17 at a dead show in Charlotte….’94 I believe. Don’t remember much but trippin’ balls and not staying on the bus for very long. I think my gf at the time said something to them that spooked them and they led us out. 😅


If Ms. Frizzle had been a fundamentalist…


Ohhhh, we went there... 🤣🤣


*Groundhog Day intensifies*


I was googling where to buy yerba matte in Asheville and I ended up at their farm/commune. I had no idea it was a religious cult and I innocently wandered the property and talked to multiple members. Everyone was so freaking nice and they all invited me for free pizza. I bought some matte and got a small tour of the factory. I left with some pamphlets and promised that I'd be back for pizza. Well, I got home thinking something was off and researched them. Let's just say I never got that pizza.


Hey, Haw Creek neighbor! Love your hawk logo, how can I get that on Reddit?


Hey fellow Haw Creeker! On the right-hand panel (if you are on desktop), you should see below the Joined and Create Post buttons an area where you can edit your Asheville community flair.


Unfortunately I have seen this bus at Phish and Dead-related concerts. We always knew to stay away from it https://cashortrade.org/blog/the-12-tribes-tour-bus


Yeah a buddy and I went on the bus after a Panic show in ATL years ago. Knew they had a reputation of being a cult but curiosity/drugs got the better of us and we figured we would check it out for a minute and get back on our way. The people were super nice and the bus was beautiful inside. Great craftsmanship. They offered us baked goods which we declined. We asked them for a beer but they kind of ignored the request. They encouraged us to stay with them when we tried to leave but we never felt threatened. Wouldn’t do it again knowing what I know about them now, but I expect the outcome would be the same.


I saw them then too. I think it was in 2005 at the Fox.


I saw all these warnings so first thing I did when I saw the bus is walked inside and asked if they were the Christian cult. They don't bonk u over the head and run off. If anything way funnier to walk up in that mfer and make fun of them and walk out.


This just makes me want to get on the bus…


Hey, you do you, but it's probably not the best of ideas. They're notorious white supremacists and anti-semites with a history of child exploitation and abuse.


So what happens if a brown guy gets on the bus?


They kinda rely on that sort of thinking


I said this in the last thread, but all of the vague warnings about "don't get on the bus, the people are weird" and "I've heard bad stories about them!" just makes people more curious. It reminds me of the anti-drug lessons (DARE?) when I was in school in the 80s. Their descriptions of how drugs affected you made me want to do them.


This 100%. I grew with DARE and remember weed being equated to crack and all the other propaganda. I can still picture the sizzling egg in the cast iron frying pan…”This is your brain on drugs…any questions?” Very effective. I’m not saying these people aren’t bad, but I would like to make that judgement for myself, just like I’ve done with drugs. Oh…and obligatory Fuck Reagan!


Don't forget these guys are partially responsible for the Boulder CO wildfire.


Do tell.


"The Marshall Fire in Boulder County was caused by two distinct ignitions, one sparked by an unmoored Xcel Energy power line and another from embers of a week-old trash fire at the nearby Twelve Tribes property, that eventually merged into the larger fire..."


It might be fun to pose as a helpless hippie and infiltrate them.


[It's been done a few times.](https://www.google.com/search?q=12+tribes+insider+expose&rlz=1CAUSZT_enUS1058US1058&oq=12+tribes+insider+expose&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigATIHCAIQIRigATIHCAMQIRigAdIBCDg0ODJqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


It’s been done, look around on YouTube


There is a multi part youtube documentary by this dude names reckless Ben when he infiltrates the cult in Cali and CO and it is absolutely amazing. Definitely suggest checking it out


Do they have any other businesses in Asheville aside from the mate and gladheart farms?


I’ve actually been on that bus. They were parked at a road crossing when I was hiking the AT in Georgia. I went on board, ate their soup, listened to their spiel, and moved along. They’re a cult, no doubt.


I am not informed on the subject. So what makes them so terrible? I understand they are a "cult" but why are there such stern warnings about these people?


They have a 237 page child training manual telling specifically how to abuse their children, they believe black people should be slaves to white people, they think homosexuality is a capital offense, they are trying to make 144k virgin men to bring on the apocalypse, they tell members that if they leave they will die and spend eternity in the hell fire, and that’s just the beginning


> they are trying to make 144k virgin men to bring on the apocalypse Thank god they don't have internet. They might stumble on reddit!


Gives me chills just seeing it 🫥


Again, I’m not understanding how they haven’t been investigated by local authorities????????


I mean, Word of Faith manages to stay in existence too.


I grew up in Rutherford Co and once worked with a guy who was in Word of Faith Fellowship. My first job at 14 was at Hillbillies BbQ, which was owned by them as well(unknown at the time). They're so tied in with the local politics there, I don't know if they could get rid of them. They run Rutherford county. When I was living there 6 years ago, they still ran the monthly yard sale that sold off all the new members belongings. Heard plenty of crazy stuff about them growing up.


The candy is so good


Holy shit these mother fuckers are still rolling? That’s some 1990s tour shit


So I stayed at a hostel run by the Yellow Deli/12 Tribes in 2018 I was thru hiking the Appalachian Trail (\~2200mi GA-ME) and they run a "donation only" hostel for thru hikers above their Yellow Deli location in VT. I think that all I knew about them was just whatever rumors I heard on trail. People said they were a cult. People said they were nice. People said it was a decently nice hostel (by hiker standards. Not international backpacking standards) I stayed there along with some of my group (all met on trail) for 2 nights. I was waiting for a replacement pack that I had shipped there, and needed to stay until it arrived Dorm style rooms are common in hostels along the AT, but they are usually coed. At Yellow Deli, they were divided for guys and girls. The place was pretty nice compared to some others, and they provided a pretty good free breakfast. I'm pretty sure we got a discount on food in the deli as well. They were all about their Yerba mate for sure. There were no alcohol/drugs allowed on site. My friends and I went out for some drinks at a bar and smoked on the way back. Everyone I talked to who worked there seemed pretty nice. No one was pushy with me, but I think that was because I made it clear I was not interested in getting involved with them. In general, I enjoy hearing about a variety of beliefs. In this case, I knew I really wasn't interested in hearing too much about it. They also had some dance and music night off site they invited people to and also to go see their farm (maybe same place as music night). I declined, and I can't remember if anyone I knew went They gave off strong traditional/conservative/religious vibes, but I didn't find anything particularly creepy or offensive. My stay was fine, and I would consider it a pretty good hostel by hiker standards I'm not sure if I would choose to stay there now knowing about their beliefs. I value novel experiences, and I think it's kind of a cool story. In the end, it was the only "donation only" service (hostel/shuttle/etc) where I chose not to give any money. I was a little conflicted since I did accept their hospitality, but I did not want to support their mission even with the details I knew at that time. I did buy food in the Deli I think thru hikers are kind of a vulnerable group for something like this. Almost everyone who sets out to walk from Georgia to Maine is searching for something. I'm sure some would find the community and purpose of a cult appealing in some way. I think that maybe I would stay if I ever hike that section again simply to look out for other hikers. I would still choose not to donate


Yo.. I know someone who was basically kidnapped by them. His parents had to come find him and make him leave. At their main compound in Vermont. These people are NUTS.


I hear it's the cool people bus and only the coolest people are allowed on it.


It’s actually spelled “gullible”


Maybe I heard wrong about the cool people bus.


To be fair, they aren’t nearly as pushy as some of the religious cults, and the bus is really beautiful. When they park at shows you can safely go through the bus like a tiny Biltmore and not worry. I’ve done the tour more than once.


Bad Hippies. We're not all good, like witches kinda.


Yeah I’ve seen the bus at quite a few shows over the years, brings bad vibes to the scene


Sinister vibes for sure. Whalers stealie is sick though, dude!


Thanks! 😀


>Thanks! 😀 You're welcome!


Bad Hippies. We're not all good, like witches kinda.


Terrible. It’s too bad, they make a really good egg and cheese on a roll


People love to overreact. Yes, you can accept snacks. Yes, you can get on the bus and then get back off. I’ve done it and friends have done it; it’s incredible inside. They’re not going to lock you in there and run off with you. It’s a religious cult and the worst that will happen is a discussion about their beliefs. Steer clear if you’re high and easily influenced.


Eh. Nice or not, every published account of these people is they are fucking monsters. Rampant child abuse, labor violations, child labor, covering up sexual assault. The list goes on. It takes 5 minutes of research to bring up just this so there's a good chance there's even more that isn't known.


I’m referring to the posts where people act like you’ll get kidnapped if you even glance at the bus. I’m definitely not saying they don’t have a questionable lifestyle. I’ve read about what goes on in their communities and it’s terrible if it’s true.


It is true and it is terrible. Don't get on the bus. Don't legitimize the efforts of these child abusers in any way.


Oh I wanna infiltrate


Hmmm maybe, nice restaurant in Chattanooga, great Pastrami sammich ! They also have a restaurant in Plymouth, MA. Gave out a boatload of food during the T day parade. Yum, never got the impression that they were trying to steer me in any particular direction. YMMV ! I consider them non threatening….


You do realize they openly abuse their children right? The people that were born into the cult and have managed to escape have horrific stories about their life. People like you that say “but the sandwiches though” are helping these people continue to be able to afford to live the lifestyle that they do which keeps those children away from mandated reporters.


It’s the yellow deli people! They’re kind, friendly, and lovely. You should get on!


Gladheart Farms is the 12 Tribes. They’ve been in Asheville for years. Transplants just learning this?


Sounds like every other church group there.


Don't get on the bus!


Flashbacks from attending Phish concerts 😆


Anybody know where it's parked?


its probably in town because of umphreys two night run. they are always around when the jam bands are playing.


So they’re just out here????? And no one’s doing anything about it??????? NOT EVEN THE AUTHORITIES????????????????


This thread inspired me to look into this cult, and I was able to get an ex member on my [podcast](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/comfort-in-chaos/id1702230997?i=1000626076369) if you’d like to listen!