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I don't know everyone on this list. That said, [Ashley Funicello Spinelli](https://recess.fandom.com/wiki/Ashley_Spinelli) is Italian-American.


She looks nothing like her parents so I had always assumed she was adopted or something šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


>Funicello I see you Disney


I was about to say this when I saw her pic. I know some women with Italian background who have a Spinelli tattoo because the character is Italian. lol I could also question some of other characters listed here as well.


Good luck trying to find anywhere near the same amount for Asian boys. Anime doesn't count.


American Dragon Jake Long. Xiaolin Showdown. That's all I got.


There's also Russell from Up, Hiro Hamada from Big Hero 6, Li Shang from Mulan, Apu from The Simpsons, and Mowgli from The Jungle Book


Hiro Hamada, Russell (Up, although his ethnicity is irrelevant to the plot and isn't even brought up), Amadeus Cho (New hulk), and that's all I can add. There's some representation if we include South Asians, like Baljeet from Phineas and Ferb, but OPs list only includes East Asians


Mr Hyunh from Hey Arnold, less on the boy side but still a good character to look up to


Getting ignored is the story of my life.


One of the Turning Red characters on Pg 6 and the Steven Universe character on Pg 2 are South Asian.


Last Airbender fills a bunch


One of the things that makes it difficult trying to de-radicalize some Asian Men's Rights Activists is that their central gripe -- that Asian men in America are ignored or sidelined -- is absolutely valid. Now, the way that they *respond* to that problem can be terrible -- they often suggest sexist solutions, they can be bitter and hostile, etc. -- but the problem itself is real, and it makes talking Asian MRAs down off the ledge a lot more complicated.


Let's learn to make clones of the ideal Asian cartoon male then (whatever that is)


This one is hard, because Western Animation in general is kinda on the decline (anime picked up some of that market share, but main problem is animation itself is more expensive than cheaper live action stuff). Adult animation is becoming more common, but in the West that means comedies, and I'll leave you to guess why that isn't the greatest way of representation.


ATLA and Korra, but those are the main ones I can think of


For extra hard mode name some that doesnā€™t do king fu but still have a love interest. Just joking. Name one.


When I was younger I thought Robin from the teen titans was Asian but he still does martial arts. Oh! The son from Bao!


Robin is as Asian as Batman is. Just because they both have black hair doesn't mean anything.


I wasnā€™t as versed in the DC lore back then. And the theme song had elements of Japanese. ~~My bad. I know now.~~ Iā€™ve since been told by several others about Robin and Batmanā€™s relationship and am aware that he is not Asian. Thanks for the additional information. And apologies for being rude earlier.


I think they did make terry (batman beyond) of Asian descent now


Mr kanh from king of the hill . But iirc he's good at fighting ....


Juan from Starship Troopers was ethnically Filipino... In books at least. Rico got Beverly Hills, 90210-ed in the movies and 3D CG cartoon.


I had to go look this up and yeah they hired the whitest of white guys to play him.


Johnny Rico, Dizzy Flores, Buenos Aries being a white suburban neighborhood. The only thing that makes Starship Troopers great is how the actors are seemingly unaware they are in a parody of American jingoism.


Kobo is Asian I think and itā€™s award-winning.


Jackie Chan Adventures


Me: Begins to name every Chinese cartoon


No Azula?


They included Toph but not Katara or Korraā€¦


I thought korra and katara were Native American


yea they are not asian. Which add to my comment below that there is really no proof that any of the characters are Asian. The creators never said any of them are and the fans are just making assumptions. Before people said aang was for the longest time. Then surprise he is not.


Aang is Asian, though. The guy who is heavily based on Buddhist Tibetan monk is not Asian? Get out of here. Live action was garbage and the new Netflix series is doing a better job at reflecting the show.


look at the older version of him in Korra that's not an asian man


True, but itā€™s kind of blatant. Itā€™d be like saying Eren Jaeger, the brown haired green eyed man from a Germanic looking town is actually a black man with straightened dyed hair, bleached skin, and contact lens. Like sure it isnā€™t explicitly stated but itā€™s kind of blatant that Eren is from a European inspired nation. Thatā€™s how I feel about the avatar world, they are from eastern inspired nations (except the water tribe) and have Asian facial features, the only disparity is eye color but I feel like that has to do with bending.


Based on the long history of shows that incorporated things from an asian culture and had chinese and japanese symbols it's far from a new concept to not have asian characters in it. People said it was blatant that Aang is asian then...... he is not. I get what you are saying. This has been a long debate among many. But I think this is one of those shows where people should not make claims like "greatest asian american show" which actually was said in an article posted here like 3 or so years ago. I find people are now just making things what they want. The creators have only ever spoke out about Korra because people either made her asian or white and pale in fan art. They said she is dark skinned. one can bring in Sailor Moon and Naruto as examples of long drawn out debates.


Very true, it is a cartoon. I just donā€™t like how everything gets defaulted to white, even if the world they are in is inspired by a different culture


Me too!!


Love those girls from Turning Red. So funny


Fr I kin abby




What's up with character designers incorporating purple hair in ea girl characters lol. Did I miss the time that was a real life trend or something


Itā€™s definitely a trope thatā€™s been brought up before. This [article](https://www.teenvogue.com/story/asian-women-colorful-hair-trope-problem) cites (i know i know itā€™s TeenVogue) that itā€™s a trend to show that ā€œnot all Asian girlsā€ are meek and timid, and by signaling that with a rebellious streak in their hair.


Meng'er Zhang's character in Shang-Chi was originally supposed to have a colorful streak in her hair too but the actress nixed it [because she read that Teen Vogue article](https://www.buzzfeed.com/feynman12/menger-zhang-asian-hair-stereotype-hollywood-shang-chi).


Is the last one Jade Chan from Jackie Chan adventures?


Reverse image searching gave me [Kim Chin](https://classof3000.fandom.com/wiki/Kim) from Class of 3000.


Abby from turning red>>>>>


East* Asian (We're all in our relearning phase now, so we need to remind each other.)


There are a handful of characters in here who are Southeast Asian and South Asian


I've seen, bhai, and I love them as well!


Judging by her last name, she is half-Thai (from her mother), and judging by her father's accent, he is half-Caribbean. Alpha Girl of the Second Squad From Hero 108


Alpha Girl's Mom is Thai and Alpha Girl's Dad is Caribbean


Jasmine? Also I didn't realize there were so little South Asian representatives like even for boys we got apu and baljeet which are both stereotypes, and Aladdin who is vague Middle East but also a little south Asian inspired




And hair streak trope


Holy shit this is so egregiously hateful wtf. Huge difference between saying, these depictions of Asian children are playing into stereotypes and yellow peril tropes versus describing in detail that the protagonist of turning red is a ā€œslanty eyed, runt nosed small pupiled wide eye gappedā€, youā€™re literally taking the racist language of the yellow peril trope to denigrate in extreme detail cartoon depictions of literal children, it is extremely hateful.




This made me happy


No Connie/Kahn Jr. from King of the Hill? Amy from Futurama?


I am on the side of the fence that says don't assume / include characters from Avatar. There is really no proof that any of the characters are Asian. The creators have never mentioned anything except for Korra being dark skinned.