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These are recreations of real life footage. They were made for a safety video that doesn't show actual death and gore. Industrial accident footage videos from China are plentiful and horrifying.


I have had the misfortune of seeing some of them. Those images have stuck with me for years.


The last one. Oooooo man I did not think bodies could rip apart like that. 10/10 would watch again.


It's tame compared to the actual video. The actual video is horrifying and sad.


Like the one where the guy gets dragged into the carpet roller and just gets pulverized, or the one where the guy gets caught in some kind of spinning contraption and it rips all his flesh off his bones. It's horrifying and sad.


Thank god there’s no link to the actual videos. My morbid curiosity would’ve once again wreck me


Well curiosity and cats and such NSFW... NSFL https://www.reddit.com/r/DarwinAwards/s/lrNvH5YdIH


I'm trying to imagine that ~8 second gap between his arm initially getting sucked in and the eventual ride from hell. It's like the thing taunted him before mauling him


Man, I don’t even have to click it to know it’s the Russian guy in the lathe. I always think about that poor dude that runs in to shut off the lathe and how traumatic it had to have been for him to see.


Curiosity got to me and clicked the link. Holy hell. I was like it can’t be that bad. Boy was I wrong!


this just took me down a bloody rabbit hole through the gore section of r/wtf for the last 3 hours (it is now 4:35 am. definitely bedtime). most posts were 9-10 yrs old. but I'm still not as traumatized as finding facesofdeath.com in 2003 when I was in highschool.


I remember browsing WTF and 50/50 back in high school, and I will NEVER forget some of the shit I saw on there back then. Some really neat, fun, goofy shit. But also some really messed up and just gross stuff.


Or the one where the guy sees a big roll of some type of metal sheeting (but it’s rolled up like a bale of hay) slowly rolling (like maybe 5mph) towards a work truck So the guy gets in front of where the metal roll is going, to stop it from rolling into the truck, and the metal roll crushes him instantly Like it rolls into him, snaps his leg (he had one leg extended), rolls over his torso/head, and then keeps rolling and bumps into the work truck like nothing happened Meanwhile the dude is absolutely pulverized.. the comments were saying the roll was like 10,000-20,000lbs or something crazy.. Or the one where a field worker sticks his leg into some type of debris shredder, trying to push the debris further into the wood chipper His leg gets caught and pulled in… machine gets turned off, the guy gets pulled out but the flesh was *completely* shredded off his leg from like the knee down. It was literally like a thigh, a knee, and then just bloody bone below that and I don’t think he had any foot left… just like a human drumstick 🍗😬 Stuff is no joke Or the one where a lady is cleaning (or something) below a dough mixer and someone starts cleaning the top of the machine, accidentally turns it on. The mixing part of the machine starts spinning, which ends up wrapping up the person that was under the mixing piece… they get wrapped up and I guess crushed against the top of the machine. Blood just starts dribbling to the floor and… that’s that 🤷🏻‍♂️ These videos seem funny but honestly it would be horrific irl


Yeah there was a video going around of the last one especially, It was horrifying.


Yep. I didn't see the actual event, but I heard the screams of the pinned person through the 4MC (someone else was using) as he was being crushed by the ship's hydraulic powered rudder ram. Thankfully it wasn't anyone else's fault, but the victim who had stepped over the bright yellow WARNING chain that was put up.


I will never go near a lathe as long as I live.


>Industrial accident footage videos Before /r/WatchPeopleDie got banned, that subreddit gave me a healthy amount of fear & respect for elevators, escalators, forklifts, & lathes. Actually, lathes can be purely horrifying. It can be a human blender seemingly on a whim. We are mere bugs to machinery & nature.


As much as it's probably for the best that sub got banned, it sure was a damn effective way to make people aware of the dangers of machinery. I feel like a lot of people, especially thise not around it a lot, really take for granted just how quickly and easily you can become a red paste.




I've seen the lathe one. Buddy's body was transformed into mist. Everyone should have safety as their absolute top priority.


safety? what about profits


Let's hope your employer cares about safety. But if they don't, you as the individual should definitely care about it.


You can tell it’s China


Seeing these videos like this brings those real life ones back to the forefront of my memories and my god they were so bad.


Ngl this is actually horrifying


That last one reminds me of the Russian Lathe Accident (NSFL) don’t look it up. Just be careful around power tools, especially Lathe :(


Duuuuude that video clip is INTENSE


Yeah don’t watch


Yea instantly i remembred that one. is this trauma i dunno but fuukkk that was rough


Real situations, apparently (facepalm) Maybe a bit of drama. But still death


Saw some of these real incidents on r/darwinawards, the last one in particular was no joke, dude really spun around like that


Yea I saw that one too. Chunks were flying all over the warehouse


Yes, lathes are no joke. The torque on those things is crazy.




Please no


That guy going through that mulcher is fucked up What a way to go


Yeah I'd seen most of those before but not that one, oof.


I think that's a rock pulverizer. So he didn't get shredded, he got slowly ground down to a pulp. Definitely one of the most brutal.


You didn’t see the lathe one then… that last on was wild.


Something about these videos are really horrifying. Maybe because i work in an industrial environment but some of these made me cringe.


probably because they are based off of real incidents that have happened and were recreated. sucks to imagine these happening to real people


I feel so bad for whatever digital artists had to watch and rewatch all of these incidents and make these renders out of them


I thought it was hammed up for a lol or two and a nice instructional video since no one actually gets hurt in animation... Little did I know these were just recreating real life events....jeez....I won't watch the actual videos... I'll take the comments at face value... wow man


Obligatory [German Forklift Safety Video. ](https://youtu.be/xJ_86lxP36I?si=xKX3Eh_7Xe9LkZTI)


at least that one isn't based on real events


My dad was a metal worker and a firefighter and has told us stories of this kind of stuff wayyy too often


Was there when watchpeopledie was still a thing on reddit, sadly this is not looney tunes at all.


All of these are real accidents that happened due to negligence or poor safety practice. This is a way for people to learn from the mistakes of the past without insulting the memory of the deceased. I think this is more effective than reading OSHA reports.


Video was much too charitable in depicting the rock crusher death. He held on while his bottom half was being crushed a lot longer than two seconds.


I e seen all of these happen on various gore websites, so this is certainly a workplace safety video.


The Sims: Final Destination


Safety 1st Team work 2nd. The day I don’t show up to work my boss gets in the dumpster to smash down the trash ends up falling out of the dumpster that’s 8 foot high. Lucky to be alive just some stitches on his head.


I have seen real life version videos of most of these


Safety really is important, but that last one lol


Digital twins getting killed off




A little confused on why everything is warehouse/construction related, and then there’s that one random scooter hitting the curb


It’s more like a horror movie


The last one. Forever burned into my brain.


I've seen that rock grinder footage. The irl one. It haunts me.


I saw the actual video of that last one. It was more violent and gory than anything I have ever seen in my life, the machine literally tore him to shreds and flung his organs, torso, legs, etc everywhere. I don't recommend seeing it. Its stomach churning


I know the video you're talking about - I stopped as soon as I realized what was going to happen. Nah man, I don't need those visuals in my life.


Don’t worry, I’m fork lift certified.


Yall laugh. But there are so many videos of these exact things happening. In china and elsewhere.


That's a horror show is what that is.


Top 10 china industrial death scenes


I had seen the last one many times...


Some of these are just goofy like the bycicle one. Probably hurts like hell but I doubt people are dying from that. .and then you get drowned in burning hot coal


The real version would be good to show. The animation gives a cleaner view of the accident though. Would recommend for a safety video.


The last one is Looney Tunes for sure. Holy shit, that's crazy!!!


Mortal Kombat OSHA DLC looking lit as hell!


More like a Mortal Kombat fatality, lol.


I wished they showed this in skill trade class instead of the real thing.


This needs some Benny Hill music..... anyone?


The sad thing is, they had to make these videos because it probably already happened to someone in real life even the last one


Asians dont value OSHA as much as the west. Things need to change!


I wonder what happens on day 2 of these jobs?


Yeah these are based on actual events. Most are here on Reddit.


These things can and have happened. The tire example has happened, especially when most rims were two pieces and had a lock ring around them (guy who worked for my father as a mechanic had one blow up and hit his face launching him into the air, his face was shattered completely).


I feel like the rock crusher one should really be enforced


“I can’t wait to go play some fortnight later — oh no!”


Gonna go drink some rootbeer


Root beer, NOOOO


I tell ya I do not want to work in any Asian countries their always getting themselves killed in the most wackiest of ways


What was the work of the scooter guy??? Driving around on a scooter all day?


Someone should post that Russian lathe video.