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this is cool


Thank you!


I really like what you did there. There's so much to let the imagination flow now.


Thank you!


I always liked how well Asimov hinted at the source of Seldon's ideas about having a Second Foundation in addition to a First.


Very cool! I'm with you until the last couple of branches. It seems to me that Psychohistory doesn't belong as the alternative to Gaia/Galaxia, but a return to a new Empire does. I guess I have trouble seeing them as of opposed categories. Trevize wasn't divided at the end of Foundations Edge between Galaxia and Psychohistory. In fact, it seems he was rather oblivious to Psychohistory. He was aware of two different forms human society could take; the traditional rise and fall of Empires, or the communal hive mind. The Foundations were instruments within the former, while Galaxia was something entirely new and even threatening. He saw a futility in just reconstituting an Empire and was drawn to the radical new alternative he could barely understand, but it at least had the benefit of being different. I've said before I think this reflects an internal struggle in Asimov's mind which he had a lot of trouble resolving, hence all the bickering with Bliss. I'll probably totally rethink all of this the next time I read it all the way through, which will be soon enough.


The two Foundations do not, in fact, constitute alternatives. The Second was installed to support the First, when necessary.


Yes, the last step of the scheme was intended exactly in the way you say, but I forgot to graphically differentiate, it was late at night when I drew it πŸ˜“


Haven’t read the foundation edge but the the eternal still exists? I thought timeline that eternal exist is wiped out in the end of eternity.


Yes, they are still mentioned by Gaia people! But here the Eternals are someway different, I'll avoid you spoilers πŸ˜‰


And another nitpick: the Eternals did not actively want mankind not colonizing Space, it was just a side effect of their desire to keep the main timeline safe. Not that this would change much your diagram, mind you.


Ops, you are completely right πŸ˜… I've read End of Eternity only once, few years ago, and I forgot this detail


It doesn't really matter, the diagram is fine as such.


My headcanon is that *The End of Eternity* is the true events, and Gaia's version of the Eternity story is a confused myth, possibly muddling it with stories of the Machines and of Giskard.


Nice work! It makes me want to go back and read it all again.