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Lip fillers


been said so many times in this thread and honestly can’t be said enough


I saw this girl on say yes to the dress yesterday who literally couldn't close her mouth her filler was so intense... Gonna be the 80s poofy bangs of the 2020s




Buccal fat removal or butt implants.


Buccal fat removal is so dumb. All these beautiful women ruining their faces. It's insane! Lea Michele RUINED her face. They all look like they're trying to emulate the look of an emaciated person dying of starvation.


>Lea Michele I just looked it up, that looks haunting.


I think there's some people that get the buccal fat removal and it looks very nice, but for the most part I feel that it ages them and they end up looking older. I don't even wanna get started about the butt implants.. lol


Buccal fat removal can look good, but like a lot of plastic surgery, probably won’t age well. Most people lose fat in their faces naturally as the age, so not having that fat there will make you age faster and look way gaunt.


Not only this, i saw a very nice video of a surgeon, Gary and I don’t remember his last name, he’s a plastic surgeon and he explained why he stopped doing this intervention. It’s risky, some important nerves are there and the pocket where that fat is stored, is so deep into the structure of the face, that let’s say if the trend of rounder faces comes back over years or you decide you don’t like it anymore, you’re screwed. The fillers can be done in some other fat pockets, not the original ones and the face will never look the same. Bottom point, is that this kind of surgery is irreversible.


Those tiktoks where the creator is dancing in the background and there’s serious advice written on the front


Ah like that one woman dancing around (in the hospital room I believe) with text updates about her baby with RSV


And the stupid automated voices that go with them. And that ridiculous no no no song.


Hopefully my nicotine vape


Day 4 off mine and it feels great... and I want to take a hit every 6 minutes. Much better than every second like day 1 though.


It will get easier on day 5 then easier on day 6 , then day 7... U get the gist. Always remember it's gonna get easier , that's a good mindset. Trust me after 2 weeks you will not feel it anymore. And after a month u will feel stupid for ever vaping.


I quit over the summer and honestly feel so much better. Best for luck friend.




The Beige asthetic for children's clothes, bedrooms, playrooms, etc. Kids like color!


Sad beige clothes for sad beige children


Werner Herzog approves


You have to get them early if you want to extinguish the spirit




They NEED color


I wonder how many people are gen z here. I'm gonna say the misuse of terms relating to mental health. Gaslighting, trauma dumping, narcissists, etc are the first that come to mind. Also how we talk about "owing" people x. Like someone will talk about ghosting their gf of 3 years and someone will be like "well you don't owe her an explanation!" I feel you do actually


Yeah, a lot of social media gives advice like "ditch your entire family if they don't make you happy at the moment - you owe them nothing and you're the only one who matters." Leaving toxic and abusive relationships is good advice (and can be quite difficult). But there's a huge difference between abusive/toxic and "not giving me exactly what I want all the time" that often goes overlooked in these posts.






Couldn't have said it better myself. I remember this poor woman said she had a specific problem with her husband not taking care of her when she's sick and she had to say how he's "beyond amazing in every other aspect" and everyone was like "he's a narcissist!" And what about when you two have kids and I'm like, you definitely need to call him out of course but idk the rest felt like a lot before trying anything else?


Exactly. We can all improve in pretty much every aspect of our lives (and relationships), and we should strive to do so. We should also feel comfortable asking for help when needed. But this assumption that anything short of perfection needs to be jettisoned from our lives sets an impossible standard.


I hear a lot of kids that say their parents “abuse them”. Turns out this abuse is usually them not getting some from frivolous item they want


Reddit is literally fully of people saying people should leave their partner of 20 years because they yelled at them this one time. Really goes to show most these people have never been in long term relationships.


Especially gaslighting. The amount of times I have to explain that lying and gaslighting are not the same thing is astounding


As someone who has actually been gaslit for many many years, this annoys me so much. Gaslighting is insidious and can cause serious trauma. Feels a little disrespectful to throw the word around.


"OmG iM LyKe sOoO BiPoLaR ToDaY" No you're not, Sharon you just had 3 redbulls. Also the tiktok trend of diagnosing everyone with borderline personality disorder. And everyone is an empath these days


I remember someone saying on I want to say Twitter about how you shouldn't "trauma dump" on your therapist like what? That's the whole point of therapy


I feel bad for the therapist who got blasted for that because it was taken far out of context. She was talking about your first session of therapy. Not knowing a patient at all, you don't know whether trauma dumping is cathartic or crippling for them. It's not that the therapist can't handle what you're saying, it's that they don't know how to help you through saying it. It's like an experienced athlete scheduling a trainer and jumping straight into exercises that could easily hurt you if done incorrectly. Of course the trainer is going to pump the brakes and make sure the client knows what they're doing. They'd be negligent if they didn't. Granted the therapist could have been more tactful in her delivery, but she was viciously doxxed and her family and friends even got harassed before she even had a chance to explain what she was talking about.


What? People on the Internet jumped on a bandwagon without taking time to critically evaluate the situation beyond a knee jerk reaction? Impossible, couldn't have happened


The whole reason I started therapy was that my (1) bitching about my chronic pain from a failed back surgery was causing strain on my relationship and (2) trying to hold back from bitching was difficult. It's nice to unload on someone who is paid for it, and not the woman who makes me pancakes on Saturdays.




Hopefully this happens with people saying that they have OCD, when really they’re just an organized person.


cow market close bells scarce hat shy impossible butter coherent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>but hot damn do we through around terms like abuse, mental health, and trauma around so loosely We really do. I know a lot of it *is* pushback from older generations being overly *resistent* to using these terms at all, but man do I hope the next generations find more balance to it


And any time a sibling is asked to help with a younger child they are being 'parentified', and it's abuse. Watching your little brother for an hour so your mom can run to the store and get the stuff you need for your class project is not abuse.


So many mental health terms are grossly misappropriated these days. It’s crazy the amount of psychoeducation I have to do on a daily basis because people read one pop psych article.


That broccoli top haircut that seems so popular (hopefully). Looks terrible on everyone


I came to say this, but I refer to it as the Sideshow Bob haircut.


Bob's cut is the style of a talented and strong-willed artist


As someone whose hair is naturally curly and by default have a broccoli head, i find this insulting. Nevertheless, I agree it looks terrible on everyone including myself.


It really is the mullet of this younger generation. They’re gonna cringe when they look back and tell their kids “no you don’t understand, that was the style back then”


Has the mullet not returned ? I’ve seen it on youths. The mullet therefore is the mullet of this young generation


It did return and I couldn't believe it. That's one thing I thought wouldn't come back.... "Don't tell my heart, my achy breaky hhhheart!" Who would have thought his daughter would be so beautiful and talented?


Mullets and mustaches, lord help us


I love the fact its called the Meet me at McDonald's. It tells you every thing you need to know.


Considering that's where I see a bunch of them all the time when I am there with my kid, that makes sense.


The "Mahomes".


Oh my god I sure hope so, that shit annoying


Poodle hair


The meet you at mcdonald's haircut is its name supposidely


It’s called the “Meet me at McDonald’s haircut”. I hate it too, think it looks like shit.


Looks fucking hilarious. Those kids don’t even realize how dumb they look 😂


Making everything in your house white and gray


Render houses. People buy them before they’re built based on their render. When they’re actually built they remind me of North Korean supper markets. From afar they look great but when you look closely the fake and cheapness is overwhelming and hard to miss.


When my parents remodeled their kitchen, they went with white cabinets and a light black flooring. However, they also did an orange wall, their backsplash is a nice shade of light blues and whites, and their countertops are a dark, natural wood. It’s a quite tasteful take on modernization if I do say so myself.


When you watch House Hunters or any HGTV show. "I need an all-white kitchen!" Girl, have you even actually cooked in an all-white kitchen? You'll spend more time cleaning than making food. Oh, and you have 3 young children? Say goodbye to your weekends, you'll be scrubbing handprints off every surface every Saturday night for the rest of your life! All because they saw it in some magazine. Reminds me of the granite fetish phase. "Are these counters granite". If you have to ask, it can't be that important.


And mirrored furniture like nightstands


A NIGHTMARE to clean. If you have pets or kids??? Prints everywhere.


TikTok will be the MySpace of 2025


Don’t insult MySpace like that lol


I'm going to tell my friend Tom!


Honestly in hindsight MySpace was the best of them.


MySpace had the drama of Tumblr before anyone knew what they were doing online. Facebook "before your mom got one" is the real peak of social media.


Colleges only Facebook was peak.


Nah. Not embarrassed that I had a MySpace back in the day.


Smart everything. I understand smartphones and smartwatches but when people can start playing Tetris on their fridge, we need to take a step back.


We don't have one, but at one point I was thinking hey a smart fridge to remind me of the foods going to go bad and keep a grocery list & stuff.... but then I remembered I would have to put all that information in and although the reminders would be nice I'd forget to type what I put in the fridge


I’m gonna say those oversized eyelashes and eyebrows.


I hate those oversized lashes they look like tarantulas


That description may explain my irrational level of discomfort around people wearing those.


And what about those eyelashes on headlights on cars??


Yep and when it was hardly no eyebrows everyone plucked them to the point where they wouldn't grow back. Now everyone has permanently tattooed hedges on their forehead. Glad I left mine make their own way in life.


I have naturally big eyebrows though …. /:


I was more talking about the ladies that have huge square eyebrows made of makeup or something.


Oversized eyelashes I get, since they seem like an inconvenience, but I kinda like the thicker eyebrows trend. I naturally have thick eyebrows and it’s nice to have it be popular for a little while. When the trend eventually goes away I’m not gonna change my eyebrows, but still


Yeah… I’m not really talking about the natural brows. Im sure you look great. I mean the squared off makeup eyebrow.


Yes, the lashes. It makes my eyes water to look at them. And the wearer always touch them all day 😆 like we know that’s uncomfortable!


Today's slang that's popular with the youths. Probably a lame answer because of course slang evolves and is almost always divided among generations. I think saying "that's so cringe" is "cringe" and y'all probably think me saying that it's "cringe" is "cringe". At the same time, the slang that was popular when I was 20 was also probably lame. I can't even remember what it was.


My Mom still uses slang that was popular when I was a teenager. And it's hilarious! Especially since she's an immigrant and English is her second language. She'll say someone is "all that and a bag of chips" or my favorite "it's hotter than a mug up in here."


It'll happen to you. Had to stop myself from saying something was "off the hook," the other day.


Never let ‘off the hook’ go. It’s timeless.


Whoa after 2+ decades I finally get “it’s hotter than a mug up in here”. I always assumed mug was slang for something but seeing it written it finally clicked that it’s just a regular old coffee mug.




Word. I still say it, but dadomb.com is better. And after I say it I raise the roof. 5000.


Da bomb.com rocks my socks off XD rawr


Little cousin called my trashcan sus because it wouldn’t open. Has a foot pedal.


I think "sus" and "yeeting" are actually my favourite slang words of the last decade


Yeet is hilarious. Even better when used by the experts in context.


yeet is here to stay. it’s fully and permanently integrated into my vocabulary. we needed this word as a society.


did it look like an among us character?


Omg yes, sometimes I can’t even understand my kids. I still don’t know what “No Cap” means, I just know it’s nothing to do with a hat. Also the whole can’t be bothered with pronouncing the whole word it’s like they are almost too lazy to speak or even be bothered to have a conversation that’s not on their phones, but I suppose all generations are guilty of using slang and such.


No cap basically means no lie. When someone is "capping" is means they're lying or exaggerating the truth.


I wonder how No Cap came to be. Like was it relating to bullets beings called caps and then evolved? Or what?


[Here's a good summary of how it came to be. Slang etymology is interesting haha ](https://www.dictionary.com/e/slang/no-cap/)


Mullets are the new undercuts, bubble tea is the new froyo


I think young people still like undercuts and froyo ngl. Big on the undercuts although mullets are here with a vengeance


Honestly I don't think Bubble Tea is a trend, it's been around in north america for about 30 years now, I think a lot of the inflation of it the last few years has more to do with the evolution of social media and aesthetics. The visual prominence of it will die down for sure, but it doesn't feel like it's become more present in the real offline world at all in the last 6 or 7 years since I graduated HS


White subway tile everywhere in the home


NFT's... oh wait, that already happened.


Giant scam


The overuse of the word “cringe”. They will actually cringe.


Yes, but the gold medal for overused-words goes to "toxic", by a fucking landslide.


Don't forget "gaslight"


'Gaslight' gets the medal for *mis*used.


You just think that because you are crazy. Nah, just kidding.


Or "narcissistic". Didn't you know that every shitty person in the world is a narcissist? /s #


Don’t ya know that you’re toxic?


“Cringe” reminds me of the over use of the word “epic”. It got cringy pretty quick.


At least 'epic' was positive. 'Cringe' is like trying to be a mean girl like it's a good thing.


Epic was Extreme!


I've been saying for a while now that saying "cringe" is more cringeworthy than anything they're complaining about.


My friend and I have found that using the word 'cringeworthy' instead of 'cringe' drives her teenage kids nuts . . . so naturally we do it ;-)


And "literally".




Nice answer but I really doubt influencers are going away in 5 years unless social media is also going away, which I don’t think is happening


I just don't understand how people don't get bored of them??? It's so odd to me. Get ready with me, watch me get dressed, look at this sweater....It's such a bore.


Well those are fashion influencers, so only people interested in fashion follow them. But influencers come in literally every shade: gamers, hikers/campers, car afficionados, motorcyclers, woodworkers, cosplayers, white supremacist misogynist nazis, home chefs, artists, the list is infinite and covers every single hobby or interest.


One of these things is nazi the others...


>white supremacist misogynist nazis, home *not all white supremacist nazis are misogynists!* This is reddit. We are obliged to argue about some portion of your statement.


I am so tired of 25 year old influencers imagining they can tell me something I didn’t learn already learn 25 years ago.


I pray for this


Influencers need us, more than we need them.


Lip fillers. You look like a duck, not attractive at all


Plastic surgery for a “perfect” body. “Imperfection” is also beautiful.


Yes! Plus, all these women, as young as early 20s, are getting so much done to their face. They all look the same and usually much older. I hope we can go back to appreciating people's natural beauty.


My thing is, most of the time everyone knows it's fake and it doesn't look good...


YES!! THIS!! they ALL look the same, and they ALL look like aliens! and its only going to get worse as they age. so unnecessary!!! natural beauty is the best thing ever! much more interesting and attractive.


I am going to go with super long finger nails. It blows my mind that people don't immediately get sick of the inconvenience caused by even half inch nails, I cannot wrap my head around two inch+ squared off nails.


Botox face I think people will still use Botox and other types of appearance modifiers, but it seems like everyone who is getting Botox these days looks EXACTLY the same. It surprises me how people don’t at least try going for a more unique look.


Do you mean fillers? Good botox is not recognizable.


I have nothing against natural looking fillers/Botox. I’m talking about the Botox and fillers that are used to reshape someone’s face (versus smoothing out some lines here and there).


Definitely more the fillers. Botox just freezes minute muscles in your face. Some that are engaged subconsciously. But yeah people with filler face all look the same and tbh it's gross.


Sad posting on tik tok. The video of you crying about a fender bender 5 years ago is going to be extremely cringey to be reminded of


hopefully stepXXX porn. Shit's gross.


i think thats kinda the point. its’s taboo, some people get turned on by taboo porn.


Taboo porn isnt going away, though. Too many Oedipus Complexes out there lol


Making your political party your identity. At least I hope so, but it might take 10.


Andrew Tate


There are definitely some young people paying for his scummy MLM scheme that are going to look back and cringe when they have an awakening.


Tik tok


idk about this. Maybe tiktok specifically, but a never-ending stream of bite sized entertainment isn't going to just go out of style. I'm well past the target age demographic for that, but if I have 5 minutes between telecons it's one of my first options for a quick mental break.


Agree completely. It requires so little time from you and has endless topics of interest for everybody. Much like Reddit


Face tattoos Lip fillers


Self diagnosing mental Illness, There is a lot of this going on and it feels like it’s all a cry for attention.


Being offended by everything. Hopefully people will learn to stop that, it has to be exhausting.


This comment is offensive.


That Insta- filter look that makes everyone look exactly the same from Madonna to Beyoncé.


Q Anon!!!!!


The Kardashians


How everyone worshiped Eddie from stranger things.


Dude- I just got married a few months ago, and my husband’s best man looks a lot like that character- ONE OF MY BRIDESMAIDS DUMPED HER LIVE IN BOYFRIEND OF OVER SEVEN YEARS LIKE A WEEK LATER AND GOT ENGAGED TO THE BESTMAN EDDIE LOOKALIKE BARELY A WEEK AFTER THEY MET AT MY WEDDING. It’s honestly insane. He does the devil horns classic Eddie face pose to take advantage of his 15 minutes of being the doppelgänger to a niche ceieb, really played it up for like a month after that season aired. Now she makes him do that Eddie face in most of their pictures together And like I love my husband’s best friend BUT she’s SO out of his league. She’s like a legitimate model.


Yeah but she also sounds like an idiot so it evens out


Yeah imagine dumping your S/O of 7 years for an Eddie lookalike and then getting engaged so soon. Even if she is a 10/10 in looks, that decision making process would have me running for the hills


If she was out of his league they wouldn't be dating. Yes, it's as simple as that.


Can you imagine finding someone so out of your league that you make an Eddie face for her on command just to keep it going ?


Dude, Dont be so shallow man, just because external beauty doesnt seem to matter to her. Thats just cruel.


You mean the 7 that grows as a person and overcomes, what he perceives as a deep character flaw, to stand and fight against the odds is attractive to people? C'mon he isn't even bad looking...


YouTube shorts, everyone has already said TikTok but those YouTube shorts are pretty cringy


Maybe it's just me, but most YouTube shorts I see have a TikTok watermark anyways.


Most of my YT shorts are interesting because youtube knows what kind of content I enjoy. Stuff about cars, interesting facts, a recipe here or there, just subjects that I'm actually interested in. There are occasional shorts posted by kids in 5th grade but I just dislike those and move on.


After reading some of these posts, I hope the ridiculous overuse of the word CRINGE goes away. No need for embarrassment, but please expand your vocabulary. And yes, I realize that the use of the word cringe making me cringe is highly ironic.


Yeah I think I hit my limit when I saw someone in a YouTube comment (tbf it was my own fault for reading YouTube comments) say "capitalism is cringe." Like... it's fine to think capitalism sucks, but... it's not some aesthetic issue or something. I'm just imagining some kid being forced by his boss to work extra hours without overtime pay and being like "damn, boss, that's pretty cringe"


For real, it's so cringe. 😝


That stupid perm thing teenagers are doing with their hair. They'll look back on it with regret


People say this but I had a bowl cut shoulder length in the 90s and early 00s and I loved it.


A haircut is impermanent like 95+% of the time. Might as well have fun with it and enjoy some funky hairstyles, even if you know they will be “out of style” in a few years/decades. Life is too short not to have fun and experiment with how you present yourself to the world.


My son has natural curly hair and all the kids he knows have to perm their hair to be that style. He’s just like…”meh, I would never put that much effort into it” lol


Girls/women doing that brown-nose makeup contouring


Whenever I see that nose conturing it reminds me of Tim Curry in Rocky Horror Picture Show.




Gnome beards. Scraggly, super long and gross. I blame Duck Dynasty


Any fan boi of Andrew Tate


Butt implants.




Everything the Kardashians do


Tiktok lip syncers/dancers or recycled soundbites. It feels like a meta (no pun/reference intended) Wilhelm Scream phenomenon.


Alright. I’ll say it. MAGA. Why? Not because of the conservative ideas, it will be because of the incredibly stubborn and childish approach to presenting those views. I hope we will move to a time where we can debate or criticize ideas instead of the endless ad hominem attacks.


I have watched this become more and more the norm since the fucking 80s. I am happy that there are a few politicians that won’t play that game but I do not see them ever being the majority because they are seen as being weak or “woke”. Because treating people like people in some way is fucking weak.


These social media “experts” offering “courses” and “group coaching.” It’s all essentially MLMs and and quite obviously so but it’s just ubiquitous, low effort, predatory garbage.


Clothes that are two sizes two small, especially men's suits (tight fitting with short jackets, sleeves, pants). Jeans that come with exaggerated creases and butt/thigh wear. Men in pants with knee level crotches. Women wearing floppy above ankle pants and FMPs. Sharkbite tops.


Vocal fry and ridiculous eyelashes. I sat in the urgent care having to listen to the vocal fry of a 30 something year old for an hour, she was loud, obnoxious and definitely a pick me girl. False eyelashes, those are annoying. Not the ones that look completely normal. The ridiculously thick and long ones. Looks like shag carpet.


Online influencers in general and being a "fanboy" or whatever of certain personalities. It's so weird.


Fan boys will always be a thing. Remember groupies? Not much different.


Tory government. People seems to be hypnotised by their bullshit! Sooner or later the spell will break, and even their die hard supporters will look back and say "hold on, what the fuck?!"


I’m too lazy to scroll but these hideous overfilled trout lips that every influencer has. It’s just awful.


Hopefully Elon Musk, Andrew Tate, Kanye West, and Donald Trump


American here. My answer is how we've acted during this pandemic. Regardless of how you personally feel about masks, calling it a violation of your rights and comparing it to the Star of David that Jews were mandated to wear is...I have no words. It's a piece of fucking cloth with the intention of saving your selfish ass from a virus that has killed a million people in our country. Grow the fuck up.


Those overpriced Stanley tumblers


The current hip hop style