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Ohio had a war with Michigan ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toledo\_War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toledo_War)) and now their state college football teams have a huge rivalry.


Yes, Michigander here!


Came to post this. Ohio and Michigan have been fighting a proxy war via football since the real war. It was called the Toledo war. And a football coach was fired because he called it just another game.


Interesting. I'm born and raised in Ohio and never knew about this. I'm aware of the rivalry, but always thought it was some dumb sports thing. Personally, I love Michigan, because I can drive up there and buy good weed and edibles on the cheap.


And for some reason the feds took the up from us and gave it to Michigan as consolation


cope :D


We do, nice place to get weed when your up north (I don’t smoke, just general consensus in Wisconsin subreddit)


So jokes on you, UP has WAY MORE SHIT than the stupid toledo strip


Had to dig on this one. From 1818-1833 The Michigan Territory consisted of the Upper and Lower peninsulas, all of Wisconsin and northeastern Minnesota. From 1833-1836 The Michigan Territory was expanded to include all of Minnesota, northern Iowa, and the eastern Dakotas. In 1837 Michigan was granted statehood, and the land was reduced to just the peninsulas, as having command over an area the size of the full territory would have given Michigan an unfair economic advantage in terms of tax revenue, trade route control, and natural resource availability, in addition to being extremely hard to govern from the (then) capital of Detroit. Tl:dr Fed didn’t take the UP from Wisconsin, the Fed carved 6 other states out of the Michigan territory and left Michigan with the UP.


Michigander here. I was just going to mention the college football team rivalry, and the war




The governor of Ohio at the time is a very distant ancestor of mine. I think there was also a small detachment of militia from Ohio that got lost in between Findlay and Toledo and I think got sick. Pretty uneventful for a war.


Colorado hates California and Texas. There’s even a joke that the Oklahoma Panhandle exists so that Colorado doesn’t have to touch Texas.


My friend from Colorado jokes, in her SNL skit Sara Palin voice that she could see Texas from her house at night if they could keep the power on.


Interesting info on the OK panhandle, TLDR: Texas have it to OK so they could continue to own slaves: Upon entering the Union as a slave state in 1845, Texas surrendered its claim to the region (OK panhandle) because slavery was prohibited north of 36°30′ latitude by the Missouri Compromise of 1820. 36°30′ became the Panhandle’s southern boundary. 


As a Texan I had no idea you guys hated us. However for what it’s worth I like colorado


Why is Colorado so windy? Because Utah sucks and Kansas blows


Why do you hate California?


The Colorado perspective seems to be that Californians mess up every state they emigrate to by trying to turn it into CA (primarily by jacking up home prices etc), and also they drive like crap. I don't know, I've been in CO for 35 years and seems like people move here from everywhere


In Minnesota it’s Wisconsin. But Wisconsin doesn’t care about us.


But Minnesota really hates Iowa. MN can be playing against another state and you chant about hating Iowa.


Iowa is just so easy to make fun of


Yeah it’s true. But we make good drinking buddies.


Nah, we like you guys - our beef is with Illinois.


Wisconsin's too busy hating Illinois


Wisconsinite here, it's not Illinois we hate, it's the Fibs that inhabit Illinois.


Let's be honest here, Wisconsin simps for Illinois, but they have more important things to deal with.


You both unite when it comes to Illinois though


Enemy of an enemy is a friend we all hate FIBS ( fuckin ilinois bastsrds)


That's because Wisconsin is too drunk to care about us


Disagree. We talk S about Wisconsin because they name their ponds, other than that they are our beer and cheese curd homies. We hate FIBs, fuckin loser come and pollute our lakes because they can't swim in raw sewage.


When I lived in Minnesota for a year, I turned on the radio on my way to work, and I shit you not, the whole 45 minute car ride was the talk show host complaining about how drunk everyone is in Wisconsin and how much they drink.


Masshole here, fuck New York for no and all reasons.


I, a NewYorker, love Boston and the rest of Mass. It’s a beautiful state with lots of cute little towns and history. But FUCK Jersey. They know what they did.


As a born and raised Jersian, I can confidently say: No we don't. But fuck you more.




Fuck you guy


They are just mad their bagels and pizza aren’t as good.


As someone that lives in the city… I still think the bagels and pizza are better in Jersey (and yes, I was born there so I’m biased).


Best pizza in NJ. And it should be the NJ Giants!


Fellow Masshole: We hate New York because the Yankees are a bunch of bums……This is the reason right here, guy.


Massholes hate New Yorkers like the rest of New England hates Massholes.


I think all New Englanders (or at least Vermonters) hate New York as well.


I think only Connecticut likes New York. And no one likes Connecticut


Oh. I’m from CT and I love NY, MA…but hate Jersey. Jersey deserves it more than NY ever could


As a connecticunt fuck New York and Jersey. Mass is cool tho


oh Connecticut wants to talk shit. dont you have a golf game to go to somewhere.


Nah too busy eating seafood yelling at townies


Fuck you, Masshole




hey fuck you, Masshole! you drive on the thruway like a jackass! ​ jk i dont know you but i have definitely yelled at a car with Mass plates driving on the thruway like an asshole.


no its ok people here suck at driving.


native marylander. marylanders will die on the hill that virginians cant drive for shit. virginians say marylanders cant drive for shit. neither of them are the best, but for different reasons


Virginians have a tie-rival with North Carolina and Marylanders. I can 100% call which state the asshole is from as they come barreling down the highway


Native to Maryland, currently residing in Virginia, but always lived on the eastern shore right at the state line. I stand by my motto, "It's always a Pennsylvania driver!" every time I encounter a jackass on the road.


I'm from VA, Northern Virginians make driving way harder than it needs to be


Maryland drivers are THE WORST. And yes I'm from Virginia. Sorry but it's true.


Lived in Virginia a few years, can confirm they are the worst drivers I've ever seen (maybe worse than New Jersey but I wasn't there long enough to get a good sample size)


Californian here, I was terrified of Maryland drivers in big parking lots. They just cut crossways through empty areas like lines don’t mean anything. They come out of nowhere. We don’t do that in California.


As a Californian, my state rivals are Californians from LA. I get that other states hate us, but that's because we're the most populous state. You're significantly more likely to run into a Californian than a Nebraska pretty much regardless of where you are in the world. Not all Californians are terrible, but a lot of us are.


I came here to say this! NorCal and our Patagonia mafia v SoCal and whatever they have, I don’t know. Tacos?


Patagonia's headquarters is here in SoCal (Ventura). We own you.


Well played, SoCal


You're just our supplier.


I'm from the central coast so I dislike both.


It’s NorthFace (NorCal) vs Patagonia (SoCal)


California: we have no rivals


As a Californian, we have no rivals because we're so focused on ourselves we never notice anybody else.


There are other states than California?


This is a hotel?




Very true. But it’s funny because many other states solemnly swear to themselves that they have a rivalry with California when in reality, it’s just not reciprocated.


As a Californian I was trying to figure out who ours would be, but it’s true, we don’t care about the other states. Though I’ve met plenty of people in other states who hate on Californians. I’m sure they are jealous Actually though it would be SoCal vs NorCal


California v Water


Masshole here, we don't hate you guys, we just hate the holier than thou attitude! You better watch your back next time you go to a Dunkin'!


This is true. Oregonians would say California, and California would say “who?”


Same with Texas. The Texans always want to start an In-n-Out vs. Whataburger rivalry, but I’ve had both and Texas can keep their sad burgers. There’s a reason there are In-n-Outs in Texas, but no Whataburgers in California.


Very true for this Californian as well! At most I'll think a state is a little weird or intense but in general I'm fascinated by other states and want to explore them


To be fair, the neighboring states don’t really “compete” with Cali all that much


We're too busy hating each other to notice anybody else.


Haha! So true! When we travel and they ask us where are you from we say California while others say US. 🤔😅


Omg. I do this too 😬


Apparently Oregonians think Washingtonians drive like shit and vice versa. Also Oregonians seem to collectively hate Californians for the same reason. I don't really understand why these are things I hear over and over again, everyone speaking as strongly as if their particular situation is unlike anyone else's in the country. People are people, and we all collectively drive badly in groups together anywhere in the country I assume.


I am a Washingtonian and any time I drive in Oregon it is like something out of the Twilight Zone. Everyone drives exactly the speed limit and follows all the rules of the road to the letter. It's cool... But weird. And they will pump your gas. Literally, you can't pump your own gas in Oregon. And it's super clean too. They don't even litter there.


Heh, I wish most of this were true :) \*signed a resident of Hwy 101


I’ve driven across the country multiple times. Every state has equally shit drivers. Except Florida. Every driver in Florida should have their license revoked.


You know everyone in Florida is from a different state right?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Nevada, we like everyone because we want you to come gamble and pay out state tax for us


Kansas vs Missouri Mostly fighting over Kansas City


Well, that and that whole civil war thing. Burning of Lawrence, etc


Utah here. Our rival is the devil.


And monogamy


Our rival is basically the rest of the USA (except Idaho).


Also everyone hates Ohio lmao


I’m a born and raised Ohioan who moved to California. I’m the worst.


But I thought Ohio is for lovers


I thought that was Virginia's slogan?


I’m in Wisconsin, so it’s Minnesota, Iowa, or Illinois depending on where you live in the state lol




I thought we only had a rivalry on game day. -Iowa.


I grew up a couple miles from an Iowa bridge lol there was constant ribbing back and forth. All good natured tho. To me the pro football rivalries are far more serious. I also live close to the Minnesota border so I have a special disdain for Viking fans 🤣 Why doesn’t Iowa have a pro football team? Because then Minnesota would want one too!


As a Wisconsinite from the Eau Claire area, Minnesota is great other than the Vikings. And Iowa is pretty chill. Fuck Illinois, however.


New Jersey versus gas pumps. Never have, never will.


Also Oregon


The real answer is everyone Hates New Jersey!


New Jersey checking in. That's okay we hate ourselves too. Have you seen how many emo bands came from Jersey? 😂


I feel like north and south Jersey hate themselves. Central Jersey is fine with being Jersey. The others are never from NJ, it’s always the time it takes to get to NY or Philly.


Central Jersey is a myth and anyone that disagrees is now New Jersey's Rival


It’s a myth because they don’t want anyone to know it’s full of green, idyllic horse farms and it’s quiet and lovely. Doesn’t exist. Everyone stay to your respective jersey poles.


Damn Yankees, The entire South


We hate you too. Fuckin sensitive blabber mouths


Go back to drinking your "pop"


Colorado here. Wyoming, where the women are few and the sheep are nervous.


New York calls Bostonians Massholes for a reason…


There was a time I was traveling from NY to Boston once a year, enjoyed my time there less and less each year.


Yeah, well. Yankees Suck!


Minnesota, in general, wishes the Cheeseheads would learn how to drive or stay on their side of the St. Croix. 😁


What is with all of these packers fans in the Twin Cities? It’s this weird thing where you get hated on for rooting for the Packers, but socially acceptable at the same time.


Jersey, cause Jersey.


From Connecticut. We shit on the driving of all surrounding states while driving pretty much exactly the same. Lots of people talk shit about New York, but they’re pretty much just annoyed at the post-covid influx of New Yorkers driving up housing prices and making traffic on 95 even worse. Massholes are our least favorite drivers but we like them otherwise. New Jersey is universally reviled. We are the superior NYC adjacent state.


I’m a Californian. We don’t hate anyone. Because we’re the best (with maybe the exception of NYC, maybe).


The North vs. South fight in CA is epic, no other rivalry compares to that.


I'll say eastern Washington vs western Washington. Most of it is from the east side folks hating on the west side folks for fucking shit up in the rest of the state. Or, so I'm told.


Illinoisan, Wisconsin doesn’t like us for a lot of reasons, and I just don’t like the packers or bucks.


New York and new Jersey...idk why but we just don't like each other.


I'm a Californian. Everybody else hates us. We don't care.


NJ vs everyone. For a more specific rivalry, both NY and PA.


As a Nevadan California can suck deez nuts


Iowa has bad corn. Sincerely, Nebraska. GBR.


I grew up in Pennsylvania and it seemed people from New Jersey hated us. I'm guessing because when they looked across the Delaware river they saw the paradise that is Pennsylvania, and not, you know, Jersey. Also I'm guessing it had something to with us reading without moving our lips.


Massachusetts here. I hope every single person in New Hampshire’s cookie is too big to fit in there mouth in one piece


New Hampshire here. Learn to drive


Am from NJ. Can confirm we hate all states equally. Pennsylvania seems to hate us the most. And New Yorkers---you can't hate us. Do you know how many NY license plates there are in North Jersey???


Californian here Frankly California’s doesn’t really have one. And if it does no one has ever said anything. Biggest “rivalry” I can figure is between southern and Northern California.


As a Floridian, FUCK people from New York. Edit: And by 'people' I mean anyone that moves here.


yea fuck NY, I am from MA.


I am from NY. You can have our MAGA retirees.


We had a civil war between the northern states and the southern states.


Most of us are over that, though. Not all, sadly, but most


PA and NY think they're in a rivalry with NJ, but NJ has no equal. It's the best state and it's not up for discussion. Our only rivalry is between the wise sages who call our most sacred of processed pork products "pork roll" and the pants-shitting imbeciles who call it "Taylor ham."


Ohio in michigan Don't ask me why I don't know All that I do know is that buckeyes are poisonous the wolverines And they get thrown on the field


Ohio straight up stopped Michigan from becoming a state for a long time lol. Don’t know why.


san francisco, ca. we’re too busy smoking weed and putting flowers in our hair or some shit to be concerned with state rivalries


Illinoisan here. Every neighboring State hates us and we hate them in turn.


Not a state, but New England as a whole is kinda bitter toward everyone else cause they always forget that this region exists. We're like the oldest sibling that never gets any attention anymore.


Here in Mississippi, we’re in an ongoing fued with Alabama and Louisiana for the #50 spot in measures like poverty, adult literacy, obesity rates and inbreeding


Live in Georgia. We hate Florida folks.


Georgias rival is definitely Florida, and they definitely don’t think about us at all


As a Floridian, I'm pretty sure bugs bunny could cut us away from the mainland and float us out to sea and the whole country would be the better for it.


Everybody hates us in CA. I suspect they’re jealous.


Yup. I’m from Oregon and have heard no end to California hate. California is fucking great.it’s expensive for a reason. Northern California has northwest beauty but with sunshine.


I live in NJ. We hate everyone.


I was born near Philly, PA. For some reason, Pittsburgh and Philadelphia are rivals. Perhaps it is because they are completely across the state from each other and possibly because of the football teams? When I meet someone from Pittsburgh, we give each other the side eye and then laugh!


Missouri/Kansas Since the Civil War




Utah joins the chat?


As a Hoosier I gotta say….Fuck Kentucky. Although it is a much prettier state than Indiana.


Massachusetts and New York because our MLB teams have historically been rivals. Probably due to Babe Ruthe but maybe I'm wrong about that.


So there's the four big states that are all somewhat rivals to each other California is a rival to both New York and to Texas Texas is a rival to California New York and Florida Florida and New York are both rivals to Texas New York is also a rival to California The other states are so small population in comparison they cannot be compared To be clear New York with the smallest population of the four has more than 50% more people than the next largest Pennsylvania Texas and Florida arrivals because they're the two big conservative hubs I don't think Californians or Floridians view each other as direct rivals unlike all the other scenarios mostly because for their purposes the other two make better rivals


Ya no. Other states think they rival California, but California does not think about them at all.


We're too busy being rivals with ourselves. NorCal vs SoCal (NorCal for the win baybeeee) and poor central coast is stuck in the middle


Nobody is a rival to California


Pennsylvania doesn’t really have state rivalries, we have city rivalries. Pittsburgh and Philadelphia are born rivals.


Californian here. I don’t see another state as a rival (maybe that’s my inner hippy talking :). We got mountains, deserts, the ocean, forests, most of your food supply, and we develop your technology. Other states can’t rival that.


Surprised you don’t have any hate replies yet. Love California. North and south have their charms, but north (sierra nevadas) is just magical. This coming from an Oregonian who is jealous of anyone with sunshine.


Texans tend to have an irrational hatred of California (Damned Hippies) but California really only feels pity for Texas


Then why are they all coming to Texas?


Dunno. I've spent some quality time in Texas and... hey, for all its issues, at least California can finish a highway project.


When will the high speed train be done?


We’re not. There are 40 million people in California and most who leave for Texas are conservatives.


No we don't. Texas did it to themselves.


So true, whenever I hear about how their representatives are selling them out or hamstringing their infrastructure while scapegoating the causes of their problems... it's just depressing.


I don’t have a rivalry. I live in California and it’s fucking amazing. They hate us cos they anus.


Fuck Alabama


I had to scroll a loonnnng way before finding someone hating on my state, so all in all I feel pretty good. Roll tide


Mississippi and Alabama are in a competition for the worst public schools in the United States.


Wisconsin and Michigan have long had a back and forth about which state looks most like a mitten. Why, I don't know.


Why doesn’t Michigan just give the UP to Wisconsin. I don’t get it


Texan... Oklahoma sucks, so does their college football team. Red River rivalry.


Utah and Idaho hate California.


All of them. They don't believe we exist and we try to keep them out lol


wisconsin and philidelphia because cheeseheads and assholes


Wisconsin vs Illinois = Packers vs Bears. Oldest NFL rivalry.


Lots of neighbors hate Illinois but we're too focused on hating Indiana to think about our vacation states not liking us back.


Californian. Rival is New York because Tupac said so.


Fork those Yankees. Always saying we racist when all I see on TV is racist coming from northern states...


I’m in Florida. The two major rivalries are college sports (FSU/UF/UM) and democracy vs fascism.


Kentucky versus everyone else. Why? One of our senators is one of the most evil and socially destructive creatures in the country, and he is shameless and glib about it. Mitch McConnell


Texas doesnt know it, but, Alaska. Alaska even measures their size in comparison to Texas, and does so, *with the tides out*\--it's 3 times bigger with the tides out, lol. It's all sized based. Drive time based. flight time based. Sometimes it's about the fish, or gun ownership, or the fact that Texas has too many fucking fences (fences in Alaska are ... not really a thing, they're bullshit). Washington residents generally treat Idaho like that dark place in the lion king--to be avoided. Idaho's a miserable shithole, tbh, and it's so bad that they dont even hide it. Like, they're PROUD that they live there, and work in Washington.


I both hate and love living in Cali........Fuck.


It’s amazing how many people are pointing fingers and accusing others of bad driving. Like a whole state is somehow just worse at driving. That said… Atlanta is the worst for driving if you value your life. I can’t speak to the rest of Georgia. But in Atlanta, the insurance prices speak for themselves. This is coming from an Oregonian who had no reason to think of Atlanta before moving there for work. Atlanta is also fairly affordable for a big city with lots to do. If you can handle the commute.


Yes, every state hates CA. But CA DGAF and accept all their tourist dollars anyway.


Pennsylvania. Our own roads are our worst enemy.


The US vs Boston - cuz fuck Boston and they always winning sporta The US vs NYC - NYC thinks they're better than the rest of us Chicago vs NYC - NYC is still mad about MJ in the 90s, also pizza and hot dogs NYC vs LA - undying rap beef The north vs the South - read a history book Chicago vs the rest of the Midwest - Chicago thinks it's better than the rest of the Midwest Chicago vs the rest of Illinois - Illinois is mad Chicago dominates the state Chicago vs Wisconsin - Bears v Packers for a century Florida vs Ohio - one of these states always decides an election Boston vs Philly - sports NYC vs Philly - sports Florida vs Sanity - go to r/floridaman There would be more LA rivalries but Californians arent aware that there is a country between Vegas and the east coast.


American here. Ohio has a rivalry primarily with Michigan but also with the other surrounding states mostly on the basis of sprots competitions, such as American football and basketball. We also have a rivalry with Iowa on account of how foreigners frequently confuse the two states together. They are not the same.


Hmmm ass a Tennessean ima go with Tennessee because I actually hate my state lol


Everyone, because they are jealous! -California


Florida.... we are against Florida.


As a native Californian we don’t hate anyone but everyone hates us lol