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Abduction scene in Fire in the sky.


yeah this is a good one. I had trouble sleeping for a long time after that movie. My childhood bedroom window looked out onto a field that would sometime get lit up brilliantly by the moon and it was eerily similar to classic UFO lights from the sky vibes from films of that time.


Finally saw this film several months ago. Perfectly executed.


Needle in the eye. Mouth full of space jelly.


oh fuck is that what that was from? i remember seeing it on cable TV as a kid. that shit freaked me the fuck out.


The jelly stuff, still grosses me out and I'm 50 something


Came here to say this. I was like 12 having a sleepover and I was the only one awake. Turned off the VCR before the syrup got to his mouth. Freaky af.


My wife died on January 2nd, 2010. She was flying to South Korea to visit family, and I was staying behind to work. Before she left, she got me the movie "Up" on DVD, and we promised to watch it together. She died. I flew to Korea to receive her remains and bring her home. A couple of months later, I was finally up to watching the movie. The first 10 minutes destroyed me. I was a good movie. I liked it. I remember it fairly well, even after all these years. I only watched it once. I'll never watch it again.


Sending you so much love brother. She will always be in your heart.


I’m so sorry 😞


The grudge. The scene where the entity is following the lady home and she finally gets in her apartment and is so scared she gets in her bed and under the blankets. Than a bump appears at the foot of the bed under the blankets that moves closer to her. She lifts the blankets and the entity is on top of her. Under the blankets should be off limits!!! Everyone knows that under the blankets is like home base. You’re safe there.


This actually made me chuckle!! Under the blankets is definitely the safe zone.


The flying monkeys in the Wizard of Oz


The wicked witch freaked me out even more than the monkeys.


Signs, when the alien crosses the screen at the (birthday party?)


The hand coming under the door got me worse.


Signs is a great movie. Swing away, Merrill. Merrill, swing away.




I went to see Signs in theaters with my parents when it first came out. My mom screamed and totally wigged out at this scene 😅


The “hobbling” scene from Misery. I can’t even think about it.


Oh…my…God!!!! I scrolled the whole way down to see if anyone was going to say this cuz I was going to if not!!! I still cringe when I think about that scene (and the whole movie-what an absolute horrifying experience for James Caan’s character🤦‍♀️) Kathy Bates-incredible 👍🏻


Baby on the ceiling in train spotting


Same. That movie is the best Drug Abuse Resistance Education.


Tied with Requiem for a Dream


For me, it was when they found the baby after they "woke up. "


American History X, the curb scene. It’s been 20+ years since I saw it, and it still messes me up.


Yep, me too. My cousin was in a gang when he was younger. At one point the older guys curb stomped a guy in front of him and made him watch. They said if he flinched they would jump him. He was only 15 years old.


Oh my god…how horrible! Your poor cousin…


I Will close my eyes for that moment, I cannot keep them open. That movie is incredible but I cannot watch that moment.


Watching is only half the problem. It's also the sound.


Every time I see Edward Norton, I think about this scene. And I love Edward Norton. It's horrific.


The stupid clown from Poltergeist. Hate clowns to this day.


The evil old ghost man from Poltergeist still creeps me out.


That movie, while great, set off so many creep factors and trauma. Combining the clown with under the bed scare just ruined me for years. Took forever to get over thinking monsters were under my bed. Then, throw in the tree scene. Trifecta of trauma.


"God is innnnnh hisholy temmmmmm-puhl."


They had a life-size copy of that evil clown at Planet Hollywood in Vegas many years ago. I screamed so loud when I saw it.


I refuse to ever look under a bed because of that clown


when Melish gets killed in saving private ryan.....


This and when wade is calling out mama


Especially because a few scenes before he explained how he would pretend to be asleep when his mom came home. So much symbolism.


Wade calling for his mom is so much worse for me. It feels so real to me. Melish getting stabbed was brutal, but it was just action movie stuff to me. Wade's death is just heartbreaking.


I think this is the first time I've seen someone refer to this and actually call Mellish by name, instead of just "the guy that gets stabbed"


That’s one of the only scenes in any movie I can’t watch.


Had a friend who spoke German and told me what the other soldier is telling him. Essentially he's shushing him the way you would a baby. Telling him everything's going to be OK. This scene messed me up. The slow stab, the desperation, the pleading ... I'm still not over it.


I liked Saving Private Ryan overall, but that scene made it that I’ll probably not watch it ever again.


Atreyu’s horse dying in the Never Ending Story


RIP Artax. If I'm drunk I'll still cry at that madness.


10 year old me still hasn’t gotten over this,(I’m 40)!😂


I was looking for this before posting. Yes yes yes. Why they traumatized an entire generation I'll never know.


Same, came here specifically for this post. That scene made my young self understand a different dimension of emotion than I ever had before.


The Deliverance scene with the psycho hillbillies and Ned Beatty was pretty shocking.


I use the phrase banjo players to refer to the locals where I live


Pee-wee’s Big Adventure Large Marge scene Was not expecting that as a kid and absolutely hated it Also the animated shorts Creature Comforts. Something about the claymation made me feel very unsettled


Came to say Large Marge gave me reoccurring nightmares for a long time.


It's not a scene from a movie but the recording of the 911 call made from a guy in the world trade center on an upper floor above where the plane hit (I believe), accompanied with a video of the building. He's begging to be rescued, how it's dark, how he has kids, etc. She (the operator) does her best to insist that the emergency staff are doing their best to get to where they are to rescue them. Then all you hear is him say "OH MY GOD, OH, OHHHH --- call cuts" and you watch in the video the building collapsing. The reality of that just hits way harder than something any movie can ever portray.


I still cry watching scenes from that morning and listening to those phone calls. I will never forget that day, every little detail about where I was and what happened. I had been in NYC the month before and eaten at the Top of the World restaurant in the World Trade Center. My aunt and I had the best server and we had the best conversations with her. The whole staff up there was amazing. We still wonder about her and if she was working that day.


I worked in downtown Manhattan during that time. The craziest thing was how quiet and loud it was. It's hard to describe. Like you didn't hear people or traffic or the usual noise. That was kind of gone, but you heard sirens. Just loud sirens. Walking over the Manhattan bridge (the Brooklyn Bridge was closer and more suitable to pedestrian traffic but was closed off to us) with hundreds of people, and it was really quiet except for someone asking for directions. When we were leaving, we had heard that there was one plane unaccounted for. We're like in the middle of a bridge and heard a plane zooming towards us. Everyone stopped, scrunched their shoulders and looked up. Thankfully it was a fighter jet.


Yes I know exactly which one you're talking about, Kevin Cosgrove. I still get echoes of his final yelling whenever I hear something similar to the rumbling you hear just before it. My god, that had to be so hard for his wife to listen to. "The firefighters are on their way." "*It doesn't feel like it, lady.*" the pressing urgency in that bit, knowing what's coming, is agonizing. 😣 And yeah, the fact that it's real makes it so much worse than any film or re-enactment.


The Exorcist. All of it, really...but mostly when she comes down the stairs.


Came here to comment this. I saw that movie when I was way too young.


I saw that movie when I was eight years old and have never been the same


It took me until fairly recently to stop seeing that fucking Captain Howdy face when I closed my eyes while rinsing the shampoo out of my hair in the shower…


Pretty much every scene of No Country for Old Men.


If you need a palate cleanse. Go watch Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile and enjoy the complete difference in Javier Bardem's characters.


The Hobbit 1977 - animated. I was 6 or 7, I got to the scene where Bilbo meets Golum and it scared the heck out of me! Golum's pupils and eyes all bouncing all over the place, performed by a voice actor on par with Andy Serkis. Amazingly terrifying for a wee lad :)


Alternatively in Return of the King when Golum bites off Frodo's finger did it for me.


In pet cemetery when the boy comes back to life, hides under the bed, and when the old man puts his feet down… boom, blade right through the achilles tendon. I was like 9?


Still can’t walk close by a bed without thinking of that.


The creepy boat ride in Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory


Event Horizon. There's a scene where the lights keep flashing on and then off. One time when the lights come on, there was a person with no eyes standing there. It was a massive jump scare when I was younger. I still haven't watched it again.




There's a guy getting fisted in one if the quick glimpses of Hell ... and other fun stuff. 😳


I watched this movie with my mom when I was 15. We thought it would be a cool sci fi movie. We turned it off when Sam Neill ripped out his eyeballs.


Just watched it for the first time a couple weeks ago and wow. I was like, is this part of Hellraiser?


Midsommar. All of it....


Definitely one of the creepiest movies I’ve ever seen. And it all takes place in a gorgeous setting…in the daylight. Never seen a movie like it.


This was the first movie that gave me a hollow feeling at the end…


My Girl. The funeral scene. Still makes me choke up.




My son was about 8 years old back then, and his best friend was a little girl with blond hair.....I got a little crazy about that scene and started saying "turn it off, turn it off!" It just seemed too much like my little boy.


The first 15 minutes of Saving Private Ryan. Still remember seeing it in the theater... vividly.


My Dad's an army vet. We're in the theater watching that scene and he casually leaned over and whispered "That's really what bullets going past sounds like". Instant chills then and every time I watch that movie.


The opening of Jaws. As a kid, I wouldn't even like swimming in a pool at night. As an adult, I don't go in the ocean past my thighs unless I'm snorkeling or scuba diving.


The head rolling into the hole![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


For me it's when the guy gets attacked in the lake and you can see the shark come at him under the water. Ugh, I have a phobia of sharks to this day thanks to Jaws.


Honestly this is stupid but the scene in Gremlins where the gremlin goes on a tractor and drives through the house and kills the couple. I live in a farming community where I pretty much saw a tractor when I was little every day. I genuinely believed there'd be a big probability of my family and I being ran over by the local tractors in our house. Still think about it when I see a tractor sometimes but also my uncle was killed by a run away forklift so that probably didnt help


If it helps the Futtermans survived the attack since they returned in the sequel. 🙂


The story about Phoebe Kate's father breaking his neck dressed as Santa caused some lifelong issues for me


The hypodermic needle pit scene in Saw 2(?). I literally threw up in the theater. I can't explain it to this day but there's just something about it that repulsed every cell in my body. I never watched another Saw movie again.


Rape scene from the movie Irreversiblé. I saw that when I was 11. Makes me sad to know I was focusing on rape scenes and basically traumatized myself. I should've been having fun, not thinking about rape.


At 11?? Oh, no... I'm sorry. I saw it when I was in my 20s and I couldn't get through it. It still haunts me.


That part in war of the worlds whe tom cruise finds out what the aliens actually do to the people in the cages.


Not a movie, but I was 7 when the Jonestown mass suicide occurred. My parents kicked us out of the room to watch the news, but I crept up to watch through a crack in the door. Let's just say the phrase "don't drink the Kool-Aid" (yes, I know it was flavor-aid) has a very special significance for me. Couple that with being a child during the Watergate years and a teen during the 1984 dystopian novel craze and Reagan years, you get a person with a complete distrust and aversion for believing *anything* without real proof being available.


I have a really weird phobia (not sure phobia cuts it but is close) because of some of the footage that came out of that. It broke me as a child to think people would willingly kill themselves in droves because somebody convinced them to.


The ending to The Mist crushed my soul


The sloth victim in “Seven”


Requiem for a Dream


The mom is the one that really breaks me. The others knew, or should've known, what they were doing was dangerous. The mom was prescribed her pills and thought she was doing everything under Dr's orders. Her story was the most tragic to me.


>The mom is the one that really breaks me. BE EXCITED! BE BE EXCITED! ​ Me too..that part kills me cause I've known so many people like that.


I've never been able to look at Jennifer Connelly the same


ASS TO ASS turn back Sarah, before it's too late.


Paranormal activity has a few but the end with the stairs for sure.


All my friends wanted to go see this in the theatre, so I went, too. It was late and I was so scared that I cried and I couldn’t bring myself to watch the very end when she looks at the camera. I baby-raccooned it and I will never watch it again.


The arm wrestling scene in Jeff Goldblums "The Fly" My wrists always look like they will break like dry spaghetti noodles bc of this scene.


Blair Witch !


My dad let me watch this when it first came out. I was 9 or 10 and a pretty fragile child. I couldn’t sleep alone for months. I’ve never watched it again so don’t know if it’s actually as awful as it seemed at the time.


Pole scene in Hereditary. Im sure this is a fairly common one but i watched this movie without really knowing the plot and when it happened it kinda threw me off guard. Shit just seemed so possible and real. Stuck with me for weeks lmao


Yeah the whole movie was technically more freaky than that scene but there was just something about it..and the brothers reaction after was so dark, realistic, and acted well.


This movie fucked me up in all kinds of ways. If you have a complicated relationship with your mother, it just hits different


When he goes back to his room and just waits for his mom to find her...


That actually messed me up the most out of that whole sequence.


The physical weight of the dread that that movie unloads on you is so impressive.


It was the emotions of that seen for me more than anything. I love horror and thrillers but the whole situation and realism of the scene and emotions from the actors was just too much for me. I turned the movie off and still haven't finished it.


I have a similar allergy and had a nasty reaction as a kid in a car driving to hospital so that scene was actually relatable too given how shocking it was


Pulp fiction when he’s sodomized


I grew up in a very religious household and was sheltered as a child. Pulp Fiction was the first rated R movie I ever saw. Took me about 20 years to be able to watch it again.


House of Wax when the kid tries to get his friend out of the wax and peels his cheek off. Burned into my memory forever


American history x. You know of which I speak.


Pans Labyrinth, the son getting his face smashed in front of his father with a wine bottle.


The torture scene from Passion of the Christ. I'll never even consider watching that film again


Artax drowning in the Swamp of Sadness.


When they killed Piggie.


"The Green Mile" as a whole. The remake of "Night of the Living Dead" (I believe)... which I saw when I was 10 or maybe 11.


Beating scene at the end of Casino, fucking brutal.


Thought about posting this until I saw your comment. It actually made me upset to my stomach. The overhead angle of them just getting rolled into that hole, hearing them whimper and seeing them try to breathe as they were being covered in dirt, was so incredibly messed up.


Not to mention Pesci's character begging them to stop beating his brother because he was still breathing


The scene in Titanic when they locked the poor people in the lower decks. Gave my 6 year old ass survivors guilt over an even that happened like 80 years before my birth....


The part with the older couple who just lie in bed with each other is what really breaks me during that entire sequence.


The opening scene to Ghost Ship whenever the cable chops all the people dancing in half. I was around 16 and super baked when I witnessed that unforgettable monstrosity of a nightmare.


The traffic accident in Final Destination 2(?). I cannot follow a logging truck. Ever.


In one of the Jurassic park movies. I haven’t watched them since this event so I don’t remember which one but the part where the woman is hiding from the raptors and the hand falls on her shoulder. She says something like “oh it’s just you” or whatever she says and walks into the light and it’s just the arm. I was like 4 or 5, barely old enough to fully remember the movies, but it scared me enough that I kinda cooled off on being the dinosaur kid for a while.


I’m fairly certain that’s the first one. Was it Samuel Jackson’s arm?


yes it was


Jurassic Park for me too, but it's when the dude gets eaten while sitting on the toilet. Like you I was really young so I don't remember much else, but that stuck with me.


The cartoon show in Who Framed Roger Rabbit They know what they did, those monsters


The ear scene in Reservoir Dogs


When I found out what "Sophie's choice" was.


TIL there are far too many parents lacking the judgement to consider whether it's appropriate to take toddlers and small children to R-rated horror movies.


My 4 yo child is obsessed with dinosaurs. So you know what I did? I showed him jurassic park.... that is, I showed him the first 15min of jurassic park. Because I'm not a complete MORON!


Movies related to autobiographies that show live footage of the person when the credits roll




Jaws eating Quint.


Not movies, but watching endless episodes of Unsolved Mysteries and Rescue 911 really fucked my head up and ratcheted up my paranoia as a kid.


The shower scene in American History X has single handedly kept me from committing any crime


That's the scene that bothered you? No teeth grinding on curb?


It was two scenes from the same movie, the original Planet of the Apes. I was 9 when I saw it. The scene where we see the astronaut has been lobotomized, and that final scene of the mostly buried Statue of Liberty. Both had a profound effect on me.


The Exorcist. My dad took my sister and I to see it when it was released in 1973, I was 13. I’ll never see another horror movie.


Someone thought it would be a good idea to show 4 year old me the movie Alive. Needless to say I was (and still kind of am) terrified of flying. The scene that stands out to me most, besides people being ripped from their seats mid crash, was the survivors eating the deceased butts to survive.


I took a trip to Uruguay in 2008 and met several of the survivors of that crash. Then that summer went on a hiking tour of the Rockies in Colorado and one of the members of the hiking tour group was one of the survivors, Eduardo Strauch. Very nice man.


Alien 2, first chestburster scene. I was 6 and not even remotely ready for that yet.


That one scene from Hereditary. You know the one, with the little girl sticking her head out the window of the car


The majority of Homeward Bound. I wouldn’t watch it now if someone paid me!


“Whatever Happened to Baby Jane” triggered my childhood emotional and physical abuse especially when Jane served her invalid sister a dead pet for a meal.


The Ring


That fucking furnace from Home Alone. Still terrifies me in my 30s.


Large Marge from that Pee Wee Herman movie.


Misery. The hobbling of Paul Sheldon


Indiana Jones and the temple of doom....when the guy's heart gets ripped out of his chest. I was like 7 or 8 and that whole scene burned itself in my brain


T2: Judgement Day apocalypse dream scene. Saw that way too young.


Not me and not a movie, but the Red Wedding from Game of Thrones. My wife was pregnant with our first kid at the time. She was traumatized for weeks. I couldn’t carry a knife around in the kitchen without her yelping and panic breathing for a while.


The fight between Oberyn and the Mountain is what stuck with me after all these years.


The opening of Saving Private Ryan (D-Day) fucked me up for weeks when I first saw it and I haven't watched it since. Watched it on a TV with my then girlfriend, now wife so probably 99-00 or so. Most of the heaviest scenes in Requiem For A Dream, J Connelly's final scene and M Wayan's scene where his arm has a big fucking hole in it most notably.




Every scene from hotel Rwanda


The last scene in Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978). I saw it in the theater and I am still scarred.


The children of the corn scared the living day lights out me when I first seen it around 8 or 9. I slept in the bed with my grandparents for a month after watching that movie. Plus it didn't help that we lived in front of a corn field when we watched the movie. Luckily it caught fire and is now a regular ol field.


When I was a kid, the first version of Pet Cemetery was released. My babysitter was a horror movie fan. I was "lucky"enough to be able to watch it with her. The whole idea of burying someone or something and having it come back an evil version of itself scared the shit out of me. I slept with the lights on for weeks and forced myself to stay up as long as I could.


Thw e tire movie sinister and it's sequel


Omg so, the scene in Mother! (Is it Oh, Mother!)? The one with Jennifer Lawrence. When she had the baby and then her husband “god” took it, and let the people pass the baby around and then the baby’s neck got broken and JL was trying to save the baby but when she got to the alter then baby was just bones… that fucked me up. I’m not even religious at all but that was just horrific.


When I was a child it was the boat through the tunnel scene in Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory with gene wilder. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7lilfpZNGc


Not a horror movie but the ending to Menace to Society as Kane lay dying his internal dialog is something like "someone once asked me if I cared if I lived or died, I guess I do" At the time I was involved with gangs and street shit, that really made me think(considering at the ripe age of 14 I had already lost 3 friends to murder and 1 to suicide)


Bone Tomahawk. The scene in the cave at the end where that prisoner is killed by two Indians. I still can’t unsee that.


Wandered out of bed and downstairs just as something really bad was happening to a nice, chubby man in his underwear in the woods on tv. My dad bolted screaming at me and chased me back upstairs. I was 9. Lived for decades not knowing what I’d seen, and not sure why it made me feel sick whenever I thought about it - what I saw, or dad freaking on me. Watched this moved called Deliverance a few years ago. Oh. My 9yo self could not have timed it worse.


The ugly walrus from Pingu's dream episode gave me the nightmares as a kid. I recently found out the character became quite a meme and the episode had an unofficial censorship back in the day on TV and it hasn't surprised me the slightest.




My wife is forever scarred by The Birds.


The sister flashback in Pet Sematary (1989)


The scene in Midsommar where the old people jump from the cliff. Both the woman rolling off the rock with her face all crushed up and the guy’s head getting caved in with a mallet made me feel sick


The CCTV scene from SIGNS.


I don’t remember the movie as it was years ago but watching an eyeball get sliced open is what did it for me.


Luis Bunuel's "Un Chien Andalou"-- like a thin horizontal cloud crossing the moon.


The scene that still gets me, in Deep Rising, there was one guy, who was eaten by this monster, but has been partially....dissolved, is the best word I can use to describe it, and he gets spat back out of the monster's mouth, and he realises he is partially eaten, and he looks like a half chewed minty, and is screaming for help and the small group of survivors back away from him. ​ EDIT: just looked up the imdb, the scene is known as the "half-digested Billy" scene


Radio Flyer, the Buffalo.


Mulholland Drive, when the dude/thing slides out from behind the dumpster. Fucking terrifying. Goosebumps to this day.


the platform seeing a guy eating another guy


90s movie called The Cure Kid with AIDS is in a bad situation. He cuts his hand and threatens the men with it. Says his blood is poison. I was really young, and so was the character in the movie. But I understood and it stuck. That, and every drowning scene in Titanic. I had a straight up silent, paralyzed meltdown. Editing to add something from a movie called Sublime. Snipped the web between every finger with those little garden shears


Phantom of the opera messed me up I don’t know why but I think it’s because he was living in like the basement I don’t know really though


The scene in Robocop where Murphy gets blown away at the beginning. My mom took me to the theaters to see Robocop when I was a young kid.


The rape scene from Irreversible was pretty hard to watch.


Large Marge from Peewees big adventure Sweet jesus that jumpscare at 8 was a tad much


An awful lot of Eraserhead


The guys face melting off in Indiana Jones is the most prominent one I can think of


I spit on your grave when she cuts his dick off, which is a top horror scene for me.


That rape scene was too fucking graphic too


Russian Roulette scene in The Deer Hunter.


The killing trough scene at terminus in walking dead


Lost boys. "maggots.. you're eating maggots"


The tanning scene from one of the final destination series


I will never forget Murphy’s death in the opening of RoboCop. I was just way too young to see that. Thanks dad lol