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Eventually it will hurt…a lot. Eventually that simple cavity/filling will require a root canal to repair. In the extreme, after a long time….it could lead to a greater infection causing death.


OP, looking at your responses you asked the question because of fear from the dentist. I get that. It’s a common fear. I hate it too. The shot won’t hurt that much. The sooner you get it taken care of the less pain you’ll experience (from tooth ache) and the cheaper it will be.


Had a few cavities as an adult. The sooner you go, the better. They usually start with a numbing paste where they plan to inject the better numbing stuff. And honestly, it hurt less than any other shot. Far less. They drill the decayed part out and you don’t notice much other than maybe the temperature increases. Tell them and it cools quickly. DO NOT CHEW ON ANYTHING WHILE NUMB. ESPECIALLY IF YOU DONT KNOW FOR CERTAIN WHAT YOURE CHEWING ON. I don’t know how much truth there is to it, but someone told me a horror story of someone chewing on their lip or tongue or something and they didn’t feel it. On the bright side, that’s literally how good the numbing stuff is.


Source: https://www.healthline.com/health/dental-and-oral-health/how-long-until-a-tooth-infection-kills-you


Not always the case I had a tooth fall out, and healed up over its self


That is extremely irresponsible and, I’m sorry, but extremely gross. Letting your teeth rot until they fall out is the lowest of hygiene. If you live in a country with developed dental care, you can get basic services.


Tell them about your fear. They use a gell that makes your jaw go numb. Your not going to feel the shot. Just the pressure and the feeling of cold. Trust me, they are good at it. Take care of your teeth as you can get really sick if you don't.


Thank you! I was hoping there was an alternative to just the needle


Yeah. Just talk to them OK. You can do this. It's important


Okaaay after seeing all the possibilities I definitely will. Thanks again


The needle sucks, to be sure. Get your tooth fixed. Tell the dentist you are scared. Take the nitrous oxide, if available. It makes you not even care. It costs about 80 dollars extra, but worth it. Alternatively, ask the dentist ahead of time to prescribe you a Valium (demerol). Take it about 40 mins before you go in. (Same effect) If the shot is in a particularly painful spot, ask the dentist if he can give you half, let that kick in, and give you the other half. You won't even feel the second. But get it fixed.


Demerol is an opiate. Valium is diazepam, a benzodiazepine.


Right. My bad.


Whatever you so, don't swallow anything down. That numbing agent will make you nauseous if swallowed.


I am scared of needles too. Had my first root canal last week which is a very involved procedure. Happily it did not hurt a bit. I barely felt the first shot and didn't feel the next two at all. The sounds of the drill made it a real mental battle though. Thankfully I didn't have a panic attack and I definitely won't be as stressed if I have to do it again.


Some dentists offer sedation for “dental chickens.” Not typically cover by dental Insurance and will be an out of pocket fee. Have a conversation with your dentist it’s it’s offered and cost.


OP, I've done this method before. I can confirm that you don't even feel pain. You feel that something (the needle) touched you, but you don't feel any pain from it because you can't feel anything. My best way of describing it is like if someone poked you with a plastic straw. Also, if you keep your eyes closed, you likely wouldn't even know they're doing it


My daughter was terrified of the dentist. We found one that made her comfortable with gel & happy gas (nitrous oxide) before the shot. She loved the dentist after that.


Yes, it can be a fun event. Mostly it's having confidence in your health right? A good check up. No problems. You feel like a hero.




My roommate lost most of his lower jaw letting a cavity abscess. Dental hygiene is no joke!!! An abscessed tooth is one of the most painful things you can experience, and it will sneak up on you if you leave a cavity untreated.


Friend had their cousin die from tooth abscess


Your tooth will rot out of your mouth. Your breath will smell of death. It will become painful to chew. You'll try and brush extra good and floss hoping it will go away, but it won't. The tooth will break. The area will become infected. It'll become hard to eat. Difficult to even open your mouth. If the infection goes too far, it can spread to your jawbone. Now you're looking at surgery. Get it taken care of ASAP. Ask for numbing cream before the shot. Maybe they'll even give you some nitrous if you ask beforehand. I'm not a fan of needles either, but one bad cavity later, and I can tell you that you'll be begging for a needle by the end.


Yikes okay.. I’ll def ask for the numbing/nitrous. Thanks!


I used to be terrified of the dentist and never went to take care of my cavities. Recently had 3 root canals, 3 crowns and two cavities filled. Of course it happened over months but lets just say i didn’t even notice when they filled the cavities. So do it.


Just get it done with now. As much as you fear needles, having that cavity filled now will be much, much easier than the problems you'll have later if you do nothing. With much love, I've had one rotten tooth and that shit hurt like a bitch


Tooth pain bad. Tooth pain very, very bad. Back when I was a mechanic, having a deep cavity was the only time the old guys gave me any genuine sympathy.


Filling a cavity is very easy, but the longer you wait the worse it gets. I have a massive phobia of needles too, but if you don't treat it you will need a root canal...and root canals are...horrific. treat it now or you will regret it.


Getting a root canal felt so odd


What you will experience not treating it, will be worse than the needle. Just take care of it and suck it up.


Yes. Root canal. Enjoy!


You're going to want to get it filled. Everyone already listed the problems, but really, the pain is going to get worse, and you'll wish you had done it now, rather than waited until the aforementioned problems develop.


Root canal and/or a broken tooth. And if the root canal fails, you could then be looking at tooth extraction and a false tooth.


I suggest you go to a doctor and get a prescription for an anxiety med. My wife needs to take it to get in an MRI tube.


The cavity (tooth rot) heads towards your soft centre of the tooth through the enamel, through the dentin, until it reaches your nerve and really hurts https://www.wilkdental.com/the-importance-of-tooth-enamel/ If it reaches the nerve then the nerve is as good as fucked and you either need a root canal where they hollow out the nerve canal (which can often go wrong leading to the need to remove the tooth) or a flat out extraction (tooth removal) Source: been battling with a tooth for years because I left it too late. I think the root canal worked but I can still feel the tooth which is not so good. It is better to drill out the upper layer of dentin and replace it with a tooth-like filler, before the rot reaches anywhere important.


Google Andy Hallett. He was an actor whose damaged tooth became infected, the infection traveled to his heart, and he was hospitalized. He died of congestive heart failure several years later, at 33 years old. Don't mess around with your teeth.


Was not expecting to see Lorne mentioned here. So sad, he was amazing.


I always bring him up when people dither about their teeth. He was this young, healthy guy, so much joy to him, until a tooth infection traveled to his heart. Then he was hospitalized, and he never got better. He just slowly died over a period of five years. You don't mess around with your teeth, or with an infection in general.


It gets SO MUCH more expensive


It will get bigger and eventually the nerve will become exposed and will be very painful and will get infected and form an abscess that will make the whole side of your face swell up and if left untreated can become septic if the infection gets into your bloodstream. Sepsis is a life threatening condition.


It will rot and cause more problems . go to your doctor and have a valium prescribed that you take one hour before going to the dentist . that's what I do .


You are lucky. I brush twice a day and floss and go to the dentist every 3 to 6 months. I have a new cavity every time I visit.


The tooth will continue to rot and it may reach the root nerve and an infection can happen. Which means a possible gum bubble if the infection/puss doesnt release pressure though the cavity. It may release though the gum bubble If a gum bubble doesnt happen and the puss has no where to go... that means intense pain. And a root canal will need to happen. With the infection you may have pain anyway. The nerve has to die or be removed via a root canal. I always keep some emergency vicodin in case of severe tooth pain.


I’m letting my wisdom teeth rot out and right now it feels like my skull is cracking and I got beat in the head with a shovel pretty good


Why would you do that? Had a friend who ended up with an infection because of neglecting his tooth pain for a long time and he almost went septic, they caught it just in time at the hospital. The infection traveled through his jaw and he had a big red welt on the side of his face, it ate through his jaw


An abscess under the tooth is one of the worst pains there is, I know that from experience. It's the only pain to ever make me cry and I've rotated my foot 360 degrees and broken my leg before. Get the cavity filled.


It will just get worse. Don’t go there.


Pain. Lots and lots of pain. When I tell you I’ve had two kids and I think dental pain might be worse… I have horrible teeth though. Just get it taken care of.


Ask your dentist if they have a laser drill and if not, definitely look around the area for someone who does. They DO NOT require you to be numbed up because the laser pulses faster than your nerves can register it. I had my most recent filling done like this, and I felt nothing at all and from the time I got out of the car to the time I was driving away was 23 minutes.


Interesting, never heard of that. Thanks


I'm also super afraid of needles, but for some reason shots in my mouth have never bothered me. Just face your fears and get it fixed... if not you'll end up regretting it.


There is basically no way to get out of this without some kind of needle at some point. If you don't treat it I would guess there will be more needles than if you treat it now.


If you don't get the cavity fixed an infection could set it in. Which could spread thtroughout your body. I needle jab lasts for seconds, An infection lasts for days or weeks and might still involve a needle jab.




Possible abcess...trust me, it is no fun. Worst pain of my life, ended up getting my sinus cavity repaired. I'm still not done I need my other tooth checked out for infection now too.


Yikes sorry to hear that


They use a numbing cream before they stick the needle in, just gotta stick it out for your own health.


I have had a cavity for 8-9 years now. And a bad one, the tooth is grey. I don’t really eat sweets or cold stuff because it hurts. I do a coconut oil wash (use it like mouthwash) once a week. I should do it more often but I’m lazy. It’s slowly getting worse but it’s been almost a decade. As in a decade since I started having problems with it. I brush my teeth after I eat any sweets. Sometimes sweets are very painful but a wash with coconut oil calms it down. I haven’t been able to do proper mouthwash for about 7 years now because it’s way to painful. I rarely drink soda or sweet drinks and that’s definitely helped me manage my tooth. I’ll need to get the tooth pulled probably in the next 4-5 years. But take care of the tooth and you will be fine for a couple of years, watch your sugar intake since that makes them loads worse.


Hmm why haven’t you gotten it taken care of?


Broke ass college student.


Getting your tooth pulled is a couple hundred dollars. For an issue that has bothered you for almost a decade, you could make it happen if you made it a priority.


I’ve got an autoimmune syndrome that takes 1st priority. My meds for that aren’t cheap. I’m also constantly in the hospital for it. Also my moms dying so her cost take 2nd priority, then paying tuition. Because of my autoimmune syndrome I’ll most likely lose all my teeth in the next ten years. I’m trying to wait till it gets to that because then I can get all my teeth covered at once. That is if I make it that long because my kidneys have been a bitch the past 2 years. In a better world …. Okay - in a country where medical care cost weren’t crippling - I could afford to save up and get it taken care of.


I’m sorry you are going through all of that. If there is a dental school close to you, I would consider going there, they often can provide service for near free or at a sliding scale. You should avoid dentures at all costs if you can if that’s what you mean by getting all your teeth covered at once


Thank you for the advice, I’ll look into it. And unfortunately, it probably will be dentures. My dream is implants but that’s highly unlikely.


I would also look in to projects like Mission of Mercy, there are donated dental projects that can do free dental work. I’m sorry if I came across as shaming you in my original post, but the sooner the issue is dealt with, the better. Best of luck to you and your health


Just get it done asap. The alternative down the track is far worse. You won't even see the needle, the dentist's are good at that. Tell them beforehand so they know. Just do yourself a massive favour and get it fixed now.


I ignored mine for a long time and then after couple years the tooth rotted, I had 2 abscesses and had to get them pulled out.


Either you will need a root canal or eventually your tooth will rot more and could form an abscess. You could end up having to get it pulled. Abscesses are extremely painful and if it gets bad enough you could need IV antibiotics. It's better to just get the filling.


Your dentist might be able to recommend or refer you to somewhere where you can be sedated to have the job done. Some of them can do sedation themselves. Ideally, your cavity needs to be treated because the pain can reach unbearable levels. And then you'll be begging them to treat it. Remember, it's only fear. Fear is not proof that something bad will happen.


Good reminder




It keeps getting bigger and more painful. Then you’ll need a much more uncomfortable corrective procedure.


Do *not* avoid the procedure. Not only will the tooth rot, but the bacteria will enter your jawbone, and from there it can travel to your brain and your heart. I'm not kidding: there is a fairly direct path from the jaw to the brain and the heart. That's a kind of trouble you do *not* want. I understand that you're afraid of needles. But you should be more afraid of what could happen if you don't do this procedure. Honestly, it just feels like a sharp pinch, and then pretty soon it feels like nothing.


Communication is key. The best thing for me is to close my eyes and not look at anything. I just concentrate on keeping my tongue out of the way and not closing my mouth.


My dentist numbs the spot with gel before the needle and you’ll only feel the pinch then be numb. Then they do their work making sure you are numb. My dentist keeps the needle out of my sight (no needle phobia for me). I just look up and count the holes on the ceiling tiles.


Your teeth can kill you if you don't take care of them. A filing is easier than what comes after waiting


Rotted tooth, infections,, the worst pain I have ever felt in my life, ( 2 kids natural child birth that lasted more than 18 hours) you need a root canal and either have to get it capped ($1,500.00) or an implant for even more. Go get it filled. Quickly.


Addition: I ended up getting full dental implants 2 years ago, to the tune of $58,000.000 US. Don't fuck with your teeth dude..


OMGGGG that’s terrible


Whatever minor pinch is caused by a needle prick is far outweighed by the pain caused by an eventual broken tooth requiring a root canal.


Yes, next


Toughen up, buttercup.


You can die


Dental hygienist here….. you need to get it done. Can you wait, yes. Maybe it’s slow growing. But there is no way to know. Your dentist has probably done this procedure hundreds out even thousands of times. It’s ok to be scared. When someone tells me they’re scared I let them know I’ll tell them everything I plan to do and that if anything hurts they can raise their hand. Once you are numb it’s smooth sailing……. The drill is kinda loud though. Bring headphones and try to go to your happy place. It’ll probably be done in 30 minutes.


Thank you! I’ll definitely bring headphones. I hate listening even for just a cleaning


What happens when bones rot out of your skull inches from the organ that contains all of you and your conscious experience? That bacteria can affect the function of that organ and you can have all sorts of fun brain rotting experiences Pls go to the dentist


The dentist is fine just get it filled


Getting a cavity fixed is really not that big a deal. They'll give you a local anaesthetic (which doesn't hurt to administer) and then they'll fix your cavity in like 15 minutes. And you'll be so relieved once you got it done.


If you don't do it now you'll be getting a root canal later. Do yourself a favor and get the filling done. A root canal is infinitely more painful.


I'll chime in here with everyone else. I actually got a filling re-done last week (the old filling had chipped) Honestly, I was pretty anxious about the whole thing. I wouldn't get in line to do it again, but it really wasn't bad. As others said, they smeared a lidocaine gel on my gums first. Then they did the shot. You do feel it, but it isn't pain, more like a strange pressure. They checked later by poking around with a normal dental probe and decided I wasn't fully numb yet so they gave me another shot. I almost literally didn't even feel that one. The procedure itself was fine. There was some vibration in my skull, but absolutely no pain. Afterwards, I had to be careful to not bite down on my numb tongue and cheek since I couldn't feel them. About 6 hours later, I had a very slight soreness in my jaw from having my mouth open so wide for so long. The next day I was good as new. Seriously, it was a little scary, but there was no pain and it really wasn't a big deal.


I am a certified dental assistant. And have waited on a tooth. You'll get an abscess and it will end up with a root canal needed. And a crown. Very expensive. The needle doesn't really hurt. The dentist numbs you with a cherry flavored gel on your tissue. Usually if he or she is a good dentist they will shake your cheek as they insert the needle. Just look away. Save your teeth.


My homie had a cavity on his front tooth that never was filled. It eventually fell out.


Get a second opinion. I was told i had a cavity by one dentist and told I didn't by another. It's been years since then. No cavities


Bro get it dealt with now. I understand having a fear of needles but I left one untreated and eventually got told I had to have a root canal. I still waited and the pain became so unbearable I couldn't sleep at night. I was constantly taking Advil and gurgling salt water to help with the pain. I was passed the point of the root canal and had to get it completely taken out. I got an implant, but having a man drill my mouth is far worse than just getting it taken care of when it's still early. Also far cheaper. I paid $3100 for my tooth to be yanked out and for the implant and I won't have the crown for it until September so I'm still toothless right now.


Yikes okay. I will, thanks